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Fantasy [Casual] Starlight Academy <open>

((Well, I'll just assume I'm in the martial arts class))

After Ano, she went up to the mat. The robot proved to look menacing but she has been trained enough to know what to do. When the match started she waited for the robot to swing. She anticipated it just right and slowed down time at the right moment. She slowly moved her arm in the right position to grab and halt the robot's attempted strike. She would push against the robot's chin piece and put her leg behind the robot's, thus setting up an Osoto Otoshi throw (shown below). She slammed the robot down, got on top of it, and twisted it's head, snapping the wires.

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Nathan just stands in front of the machine, dodging almost all of its blows almost as if they were nothing. To a normal observer, it would be a mystery as to why the boy would be able to predict nearly all of the machines attacks. But to him, it was all just a matter of having Alexander lend a helping hand. Alexander manipulated as many attacks as possible to move the blows just enough for Nathan to be able to dodge them effectively without drawing much attention to him. The boy suddenly whispers to himself. "Great going. Well just keep this up until they finish up here. Sound alright?" He nods. "Good."

@Caffeine Freak @Camilton
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Elisa Darthwell

Elisa gave a short sigh before her smirk grew wider, a this small line of blood was on the ground and had seemed to crawl up the robot, before it threw it's punch, she had made her blood into that of titanium, stopping it's tracks. She gave a bored look over to the one known as 'Sensei', "Are we allowed to destroy them?" She said bored as her smirk grew wider, a flame in her eyes only known by as blood lust. Stop. Now. Elisas voice rang out through hr altar egos mind as she sighed, "Still, are we allowed to destroy them?" She said in a mildly ambitious tone as the robot tried to move again, she merely added more blood to it's wires and circuits, the thing was solid, but liquid could easily slip through if they had smaller molecules, nothing she couldn't handle.

 @Caffeine Freak @arcaneSentinel @JPawesome @11254man @Tidnas @RunicFollower @Nicholas Waldorth @Camilton @Rosehaven17 HOLY FUCKING SHIT! HOW MANY PEOPLE DO WE HAVE!?

Adrian Maxwell

Adrian gave a short sigh as he watched Elisa, he stepped up to the small mat as the robot took a swing, it was slower since it didn't know his speed... He could use this to his advantage, as the thing swung at him, he ducked and did a side kick, knocking the robot down the the ground, it should have damaged it sensors slightly. The robot took a kick at him, as Adrian grabbed the leg and flipped it over, sensors again, only slightly destroyed... One more time... He thought to himself as the robot stood, it was only slightly faster this time, still easy to change its attacks, as it threw another punch he ducked, the robot instantly looked at his legs before he stood quickly up, throwing his fist into its face. SHIT. He thought to himself a he felt bones crack, "Damn..." He hissed as the robot had sparks coming out of it's head, "Ma'a-" He cut himself short before sighing, "Sensei, would i be able to go to the infirmary... If we have one..." He said before sighing.


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Tenueto was having a fair time against his own robot.  It landed a few hits on him, but he landed far more.  He had slipped up and used his power earlier, but was not prepared to make the same mistake again.  He sustained a punch to the stomach, and clutched it reflexively with his left hand.  He shook his head, almost as if dismissing the idea that he was hurt, and moved back to a stance generally seen in street brawls.  He landed a few more punches on the chest and head, ending the fight with a well placed strike to the throat.  "Simple." He said to no one in particular, revealing a gleeful smile.

(Also sorry I've been relatively unresponsive lately)
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Aaron barely had time to think as the mechanical figure through a fist at his head. He swerved his body to his side, and the jab missed, but was followed up by another. After repeating this process a few times Aaron started to pant - he realized he wouldn't be able to keep this up forever.

Unwittingly he lunged forward and jumped into the air, kicking out and catching the animated dummy in the chest. It flew backward and Aaron landed hard on his back. Luckily, most of the impact was absorbed the mat. Immediately, he scrambled up to anticipate the robot's recovery - but it just hung limp on the floor.

Sensei gave the limp figure a critical look. "I think its off-switch flipped when it hit the floor, lucky hit."

Aaron heaved out the words between breaths. "There's- there's an off switch??"

Sensei laughed that tuneless laugh. "'Course, we don't want a malfunctioning one runnin' at maximum mode - it'd start killing students - until these things are outta testing, there's small off switches on 'em."

Aaron saved that detail at the back of his mind.

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"Well that was easy" Scythe said as she looked down at the robot head, almost detached from her prying the wires out of it, and the limp robot body that belongs to it. She looked over at a very tired Aaron, a bit disgusted from his struggle to fight the robot but at the same time feeling pity. She turned over the robot and took a good look at it.
She saw the off switch they were blabbing about so much and flipped it on and off to test it. A spark flew out of the neck of the robot, making her jump and she moved away from the robot quickly.

@Caffeine Freak @arcaneSentinel @11254man @VenomSlayer ((Whatever, pretty much everyone))
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Elisa & Adrian

Elisa heard what the person known now as "Sensei" said, the altar ego of hers heard as well, she used her powers to make a small blood line like creation, quickly hitting the switch, it fell limp straight to the ground with a smash, her altar ego quickly looked up, "Uh... Sorry?" She said slightly confused as she kicked the robot, the blood disappeared into smoke as she moved back to the wall, Adrian as well looking at the robot as it stumbled around, the sensors where gone as he quickly used his mana to heal his hand, "Bitch..." He said quietly referring to the teacher of the class.

"Sensei, would i be able to go to the infirmary... If we have one..."

The teacher scoffed. "The infirmary is for life threatening injuries only - and then some."

She returned to her surveying of the class' performance.

"Bitch..." The word was barely a whisper, but Sensei snapped her head toward Adrian as if he screamed it.

Her ice-cold stare matched the quiet, bladed words that rolled from her tongue. "You will learn to respect your superiors, boy. Or I will redefine your meaning of suffering."

Almost immediately after, her tone clicked right back into her usual flutter. "You've all managed to pass, but that was simply the warmup." Sensei clicked another button on her PDA, several bots materialized from thin air. They all whirred loudly before turning on the spot and cramming out the dojo door. "These robots have been set to 25% maximum power. To put that in perspective, the highest power rating issued in this class was 10%. The assault bots are currently roaming the academy and will begin targeting students - I want you to disable all of them before anyone gets hurt. Each student injured results in penalty points on your final grade." The teacher scanned the class. "Well what are you waiting for?"

"Hunt them down."







 @Nicholas Waldorth


"Sensei, would i be able to go to the infirmary... If we have one..."

The teacher scoffed. "The infirmary is for life threatening injuries only - and then some."

She returned to her surveying of the class' performance.

"Bitch..." The word was barely a whisper, but Sensei snapped her head toward Adrian as if he screamed it.

Her ice-cold stare matched the quiet, bladed words that rolled from her tongue. "You will learn to respect your superiors, boy. Or I will redefine your meaning of suffering."

Almost immediately after, her tone clicked right back into her usual flutter. "You've all managed to pass, but that was simply the warmup." Sensei clicked another button on her PDA, several bots materialized from thin air. They all whirred loudly before turning on the spot and cramming out the dojo door. "These robots have been set to 25% maximum power. To put that in perspective, the highest power rating issued in this class was 10%. The assault bots are currently roaming the academy and will begin targeting students - I want you to disable all of them before anyone gets hurt. Each student injured results in penalty points on your final grade." The teacher scanned the class. "Well what are you waiting for?"

"Hunt them down."







 @Nicholas Waldorth



Elisa Darthwell

Elisas smirk grew before she lightly laughed, "Oh, this is going to to be fun..." She said lowly as a murderous smirk grew on her face, she strode out of the dojo quickly, ignoring everything and everyone as she entered the hallway, "Elisa..." The altar ego sang before giving a small laugh, "Can't i just have a good hunt?" She said in a sad like tone, as she moved down the hallway. She saw one of them quickly run past as her eyes flashed red, "Mine..." She said lowly as she quickly chased after it, she lost it shortly after before she heard creaking from above, she quickly moved out of the way as it tried to body smash her, "Huh, smart..." She said quietly as the robot stood in a small pool of blood, "Not smart enough..." The robot seemed to notice what it was standing in and was about to move before she launched it up, the blood seeping into the machine, sparks flew as it started moving around in random directions, the thing eventually fell the the floor with sparks as she moved over to it, flipping the switch just in case, she gave a small happy smile as she looked at the broken robot, "I wish it was a living thing... Be much more fun to kill..." She said lowly in a murderous tone.


Adrian Maxwell

Adrian merely stared gobsmacked at this new Elisa, he didn't mind... Just the sudden amount of change, from calm and silent to... This... He gave a short sigh as he strode out of the Dojo into the hallway, "Room it is..." He said quietly bored of it already, he storde down the familiar hallway again, the TV giving off nothing but a black screen, "Shame to see it end..." He said to himself, "Could have learned more about the people here..." He said quietly to himself again as he took a left, he saw a guard and went up to him, "Hey, um, so i have all my stuff from my personal life yeah?" He asked as he cocked his head, the guard nodded and continued walking, "Not much of a talker then..." He said quietly as he rubbed the back of his head, he walked up to his rooms door, the whizzing noise slightly annoying. As he moved over to his bed, he looked around for the book he had from home, he saw it lying next to a guitar, "Hah... This old thing..." He said reminiscing about the past.

Ano watchd as the robots swarmed out, he was a bit unsetteled when the teacher said that people would get hurt if this was a test he would have to get to them before they got to others , he turned to Aaron and gestured for him to come with him. " We should stick together , since I'm still learning this place it would be better if we watched each others back no telling what these things would do to other people and I would hate to see people get hurt from this " learning". " Ano then turned to Miku and her friend. " Miku if you or your friend get hurt or you see anyone get hurt please come find me, I would hate to see people suffer from this sport." Ano said as we made his way to the classroom door

@Caffeine Freak



 Mikuru sighed as she saw the robots or things as she called them head out the door. She took off in a burr, looking at Elise, who was having her own fun, she kept on running and stopped in front of one. "Hiy-" She was cut off by a punch to the face, she felt her face, then felt blood running down from her nose. "Didn't your robot mother.. Teach you not to hit a lady!!" She screamed and started punching it, most of her attacks were blocked did nothing. "Fuck this!!" She screamed again and started running around the thing wailing on it, once it hit the floor she started stomping on it and screamed insults at it, which made her feel some what better, "Stupid thing." She mumbled and ran off, forgetting about the blood.

@Caffeine Freak




@ Anyone else I forgot
"Sensei, would i be able to go to the infirmary... If we have one..."

The teacher scoffed. "The infirmary is for life threatening injuries only - and then some."

She returned to her surveying of the class' performance.

"Bitch..." The word was barely a whisper, but Sensei snapped her head toward Adrian as if he screamed it.

Her ice-cold stare matched the quiet, bladed words that rolled from her tongue. "You will learn to respect your superiors, boy. Or I will redefine your meaning of suffering."

Almost immediately after, her tone clicked right back into her usual flutter. "You've all managed to pass, but that was simply the warmup." Sensei clicked another button on her PDA, several bots materialized from thin air. They all whirred loudly before turning on the spot and cramming out the dojo door. "These robots have been set to 25% maximum power. To put that in perspective, the highest power rating issued in this class was 10%. The assault bots are currently roaming the academy and will begin targeting students - I want you to disable all of them before anyone gets hurt. Each student injured results in penalty points on your final grade." The teacher scanned the class. "Well what are you waiting for?"

"Hunt them down."







 @Nicholas Waldorth



Scythe was gone before she could even say to go. She saw one robot strangling one of the students in the hall. She quickly ran behind the robot. It quickly turned around and punched her, knocking her halfway across the hall. The robot dropped the student and started to walk towards her. She got up a little dizzy from the blow and held her forehead. Blood was getting all over her hands and clothes from the gash in her forehead. She quickly started to sprint towards the robot again and was punched back again, getting cut by the metal the robot's hand is made of this time. Her eye was bleeding everywhere and she could only see out of her right eye. She decided to use her powers and started to sprint towards the robot again. The robot threw a fist again only she countered by grabbing the robot's wrist piece and flipping it over with a hip throw. As it get on all fours to get up, she performed a Daki Wakare (Shown Below). She let go of the mid-section and grabbed the head, twisting the head backwards. The robot twisted it's head back by itself and got up, forcing Scythe to get off of the robot. She went up to the student that was trembling in fear, took his bag, and grabbed a pencil. She quickly ran up to the robot, slowed down time, dodged the robot's jabs and stabbed the pencil in it's eyes so it couldn't target her. She stabbed the pencil in the neck piece of the robot, it started to spark struggling to move. She quickly shut the robot off with the off switch and raced to find one of her classmates to help them. The student who was trembling in the hall stood up out of the puddle of urine and ran to the bathroom.

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(( But why? It's a robot and it died, it's electrical, nothing to pee yourself over... ))

((He peed beforehand (When he was being strangled) that's why I didn't say "he immediately peed himself after the robot died"
Also, why are you trying to shoot me down all of a sudden? It's just a kid who peed himself from being strangled by a robot.))
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The robot made a strange sort of squeaking noise as it dropped to the ground, engulfed with roaring flames. Aaron had combined a few aluminum cans, a handful of rusty screws, a cheese grater from the canteen and a lighter he lifted off the bully from earlier to brew his own thermite grenades. Sure, it had taken him quite a few minutes to concoct, but he was confident that the others were holding the fort well enough-

Mikuru was stomping on the limp figure of a bot, another student stabbing one in the eye-sensor with a pencil, Elisa using her blood to throw one around and-

Ano just was standing aside and waiting patiently.

Aaron sighed. Well enough..

"We should get going," He nodded to her "I'm pretty sure that Sensei was rather serious about people getting hurt." Aaron idly lobbed a thermite can up and down in one hand, his gaze shifting towards the chaos that infected the depth of the corridor spread before them.







 @Nicholas Waldorth


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The robot made a strange sort of squeaking noise as it dropped to the ground, engulfed with roaring flames. Aaron had combined a few aluminum cans, a handful of rusty screws, a cheese grater from the canteen and a lighter he lifted off the bully from earlier to brew his own thermite grenades. Sure, it had taken him quite a few minutes to concoct, but he was confident that the others were holding the fort well enough-

Mikuru was stomping on the limp figure of a bot, another student stabbing one in the eye-sensor with a pencil, Elisa using her blood to throw one around and-

Ano just was standing aside and waiting patiently.

"We should get going," He nodded to her "I'm pretty sure that Sensei was rather serious about people getting hurt." Aaron idly lobbed a thermite can up and down in one hand, his gaze shifting towards the chaos that infected the depth of the corridor spread before them.







 @Nicholas Waldorth



Elisa Darthwell

Elisa kicked the limp metal body on the floor, "Wish you where a real person... I could really use the smell of fresh blood..." She said quietly to herself in a sad tone, "This sucks..." She said out loud to herself as she waked away, she walked back the way she came, turning left and right before her head started spinning, "Eliiiiiiisaaaaaaa," She cried in a sad tone to Elisa. What? "Where do i go?" She cried again as she continued walking. Straight ahead, then right, should get to the canteen shortly, or something like that... Elisa said to Evelyn inside her own head, Evelyn seemed to pique up and smile, "Yay, food..." She said in a dreamy tone as she continued walking.


JUST FYI, Naming the "Altar Ego" Evelyn, kk?
@arcaneSentinel @JPawesome @11254man @Tidnas @RunicFollower @Nicholas Waldorth @Camilton @Rosehaven17

 Mikuru turned to see Aaron and Ano, "Hey you guys!" She said and waved and got a few more stomps in before walking over to them, her nose was somewhat crooked and bleeding. "What took you so long?" She asked completely ignoring the blood. "What you got there Aaron, a bomb? Close quarters dude.." Mikuru didn't wait to long for a reply and grabbed them and started walking, then ran looking for the next bot to fuck up.

@Caffeine Freak







@Nicholas Waldorth
Ano saw Miku walk over to him and Aaron and said something about a bomb and saw Aaron's , homemade bomb he was about to say something when Miku grabbed both him and Aaron and started running with them, he already began to feel sick as moving at this high speed definitely made him want to throw up. " Miku can we slow down I think walking is just as effective as running ." 
Scythe trailed behind Aaron, Ano, and Miku, staying silent to make sure she doesn't get noticed. She's not really in the mood for mingling right now. Although she was trying to keep low profile, she left a trail of blood from her former eye and her gash in her forehead ever since she was punched. She even felt the red liquid pouring out of her eyelids. She can't be worried about that right now, however. She was a little woozy from the blood loss though and the pain was unbearable. Eventually she passed out and a very small pool of blood could be seen around the area her left eye.
Scythe trailed behind Aaron, Ano, and Miku, staying silent to make sure she doesn't get noticed. She's not really in the mood for mingling right now. Although she was trying to keep low profile, she left a trail of blood from her former eye and her gash in her forehead ever since she was punched. She even felt the red liquid pouring out of her eyelids. She can't be worried about that right now, however. She was a little woozy from the blood loss though and the pain was unbearable. Eventually she passed out and a very small pool of blood could be seen around the area her left eye.

Ano saw Miku walk over to him and Aaron and said something about a bomb and saw Aaron's , homemade bomb he was about to say something when Miku grabbed both him and Aaron and started running with them, he already began to feel sick as moving at this high speed definitely made him want to throw up. " Miku can we slow down I think walking is just as effective as running ." 

Mikuru stopped as she heard Ano, she held up the two so they wouldn't fall, "Hey.. Um.. Is my nose still bleeding..?" She asked and looked over at Ano, more blood rolling down her face, most of it on the floor, and some on her clothes. "I think the robot i was stomping on got me good, and.. You know." She trailed off and sighed. Then she heard a thud, she looked behind the two, "Um.. Someone is on the floor.. Out cold.. You can deal with that.. Sorry for just leaving you, but you know robots. I'm sorry!" She said and ran off with Aaron again, not hearing him reply, she felt horrible for leaving, so she shouted, "I"m sorry!!" as she ran. 
"Shit." Ani cursed within his mouth as he repeatedly dodged attacks from a robot in quick successions.

"I can't hurt them with my fists... Just what the hell happened to me?" Jumping back and forth, he could not fully comprehend his status as of now.

The robot smashed the ground with its bulky arm, to which Ani reacted by leaping backward. A successful dodge, but he could not keep evading forever.

Taking his slim chance, the dragon rushed toward the robot's arm before it could retract. By using the arm as a rocketing platform combined with the power to nullify gravity beneath him, he delivered an empowered kick right at its mechanical jaws and knocked it back.

As he landed, he noticed the robot had only taken a small dent on its surface. Clearly enough, considering that his physical prowess was pretty much fucked up.

He mumbled something and immediately turned around once he caught something within his hearing. Something big was charging his way like a rampaging bull.

Raising his arms, he formed a horizontal guard stance and blocked the incoming punch from another robot. Ani grunted at the force coming from that robot. He was supposed to be launched backward, but he was quick-witted enough to dig his tail into the floor and hold his place against the metal-head thingy. 

"Son of a bitch..." He said, after noticing the robot he just knocked had got into a running stance, preparing to throw itself at him. 

A burst of speed coming from the robot left behind a shockwave, ripping through the air while it moved as Ani himself frowned.

Suddenly, an imaginary light bulb popped out of nowhere above his head. Grinning, he quickly removed his tail from its fixed position on the ground, spinning his way to the left side of the robot that was pushing him a few moments ago and vaulted over its arm. He calculated the time and place for the collision between two robots to occur once he removed his hold on the robot. As a result, the robot attacked its friend when it was released, crushing the other's head and oil splattered out of it in a similar manner to blood.

@tagging anyone that cares to notice meh ;-;
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"Shit." Ani cursed within his mouth as he repeatedly dodged attacks from a robot in quick successions.

"I can't hurt them with my fists... Just what the hell happened to me?" Jumping back and forth, he could not fully comprehend his status as of now.

The robot smashed the ground with its bulky arm, to which Ani reacted by leaping backward. A successful dodge, but he could not keep evading forever.

Taking his slim chance, the dragon rushed toward the robot's arm before it could retract. By using the arm as a rocketing platform combined with the power to nullify gravity beneath him, he delivered an empowered kick right at its mechanical jaws and knocked it back.

As he landed, he noticed the robot had only taken a small dent on its surface. Clearly enough, considering that his physical prowess was pretty much fucked up.

He mumbled something and immediately turned around once he caught something within his hearing. Something big was charging his way like a rampaging bull.

Raising his arms, he formed a horizontal guard stance and blocked the incoming punch from another robot. Ani grunted at the force coming from that robot. He was supposed to be launched backward, but he was quick-witted enough to dig his tail into the floor and hold his place against the metal-head thingy. 

"Son of a bitch..." He said, after noticing the robot he just knocked had got into a running stance, preparing to throw itself at him. 

A burst of speed coming from the robot left behind a shockwave, ripping through the air while it moved as Ani himself frowned.

Suddenly, an imaginary light bulb popped out of nowhere above his head. Grinning, he quickly removed his tail from its fixed position on the ground, spinning his way to the left side of the robot that was pushing him a few moments ago and vaulted over its arm. He calculated the time and place for the collision between two robots to occur once he removed his hold on the robot. As a result, the robot attacked its friend when it was released, crushing the other's head and oil splattered out of it in a similar manner to blood.

@tagging anyone that cares to notice meh ;-;

(I is sorry ;-;)

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