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Fantasy [Casual] Starlight Academy <open>

Micky "zombie" Rodrieguiz

as Micky stepped out of solitary confinement after his latest stretch in lockdown he grins. "See ya next week spence." He says to the guard who just shakes his head chuckling. 

He runs his fingers through his bright red hair to move it out of his eyes. Rounding the corner he notices another student knocking on the ladies restroom. 

"Be careful man...the guards will toss you in lock down." He jokes. He figured the guy didn't mean any harm but hopefully he had a good sense of humor. 

"I know a way in there that isn't very obvious if that's what yer into...but I find the locker rooms have the best view." He would say cackling a bit. 

Mikuru sighed as she heard a knock on the door, she walked over and opened it. "Hey.. The boys bathroom is a little more down that way.. Did you need anything?" She asked looking at Ethan, she looked like a mess despite trying to clean herself, her uniform had little splashes of blood, her nose was crooked and her eyes were red from crying. "I'm sorry.. I was being rude, I'm Mikuru." She smiled, "Were you talking to anyone.,? Because I only see you.." 

Nathan rolls his eyes at the random Guy's comment. "Funny." The single word was filled with as much sarcasm as the boy could muster up. He quickly turns back to the door to see a girl peek out. "Hm? Oh um... " Nathan looks over the girl with a bit of an awkward look. "Nobody. Just myself. Are um..." His finger gestures up and down at her. "Are you okay?" Muttering over his shoulder. "Shut up will you?"

@Camilton @Jefferson
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"Me..? Oh yeah. I'm fine." Mikuru smiled, and stepped outside of the bathroom. "Seriously who are you talking to..?" Mikuru was honestly confused, "Just the the robot thing, pissed me off was all, and this." She pointed to her nose. "Anyway, I"m Mikuru.. Um.. Who are you..?" She tilted her head, and started spinning, she was returning back to her normal self, she started humming, "And don't  be afraid to tell me, we're all a little crazy here!" She waved to the other guy, behind Ethan.


Micky "Zombie" Rodrieguiz. 

"chill mood killer I was giving you a hard time." Micky says to Nathan stuffing his hands in his pocket when Mikuru pokes out he snorts out a single laugh "You might wanna get that looked at." He says pointing at her nose ."Geez calling someone else no body? And people say I'm rude." He chuckles responding to Nathan saying no one  "names Micky, most people call me zombie." He would put his hands up and walk forward with a dull look as if he were Frankenstein before stopping and holding out his hand with a cocky half smile. 

@arcaneSentinel @Camilton 
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Ano looked at the dragon child and smiled " It's ok we all need help sometimes don't be afraid to ask for it , it's a sign of strength not weakness ." Ano said robots surrounding him he put up his guard but before they began there assualt they all started to collapse " That's strange it must be over but why so soon so many , what could have caused this so many questions but let's get to the easy ones ." Ano said walking back to the classroom he waved his hands to the dragon child to follow him saying just in case this was only a brief moment of peace, he made his way to the classroom entranc only to see the teacher throttling Aaron and a few people leaving one of them the woman who he had saved he walked closer to understand the situation.


@Caffeine Freak

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[I'm going to add a minor, mute character in this post (you'll know which one I'm talking about), I plan to use them as a plot device in the future. Encounters like the one I'm about to describe are going to be a re-occurring theme, so you can have your character experience similar shenanigans with them if you wish.]

Aaron was about to continue down the corridor when he heard the conversation behind him. "names Micky, most people call me zombie."

After adding the name to the mental list in his head, Aaron considered what he heard. "..Zombie, huh? ..Damn, I need a nickname like that.." He muttered quietly as he slid down the smooth hallway, hands stuffed in his pockets. -Alchemist? ..No.. how about, Chemistry Dude? ..ugh, No... He was still considering what kind of nickname he'd assign himself before he spotted a.. familiar figure - standing statue-still in the middle of the hall. 

Aaron stopped walking.

The figure was an assault bot, one of the humanoid robots he'd met in Martial Arts class just minutes before. But something was.. different about this one. It just kinda started emptily down the other end of the corridor. The lamp that hung above it flickered, as if light itself was hesitant to touch it.

It made his skin crawl.

Slowly, he began to back up.

In response, its head snapped back 180 degrees.

Those eerie metal eyes fixed on him - through him - as if they could see the very soul within his being.

Aaron made to react, to attack, to run - but his muscles refused to do anything beyond shiver.

And then-

It vanished.

As soon as Aaron blinked the figure was gone, the hallway light above where it had stood was now functioning fine. Even the murky glow of the ocean around him seemed to shine a little brighter through the glass.

Aaron blinked a few more times before simply remarking. "Well that's the last time I'm drinking from this place's laced water supply." And walked in the exact opposite direction he was going beforehand.

@Jefferson @RunicFollower @arcaneSentinel @Camilton @VenomSlayer @JPawesome @anyonelol
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Nathan smirks and can't help but chuckle at the zombie boy's antics. "Alright Micky. I didn't mean you when I said no one." He hesitates for a bit, not sure about what to say about Alexander. "It's um... Alexander. You can't hear or see him. But he can hear and see you." He snickers a bit. "And he has feelings too. So don't say anything mean about him. Happy?" The boy sighs. "So... You sure you don't need any help? You kinda look like you could use a doctor. Do they have anything like that? An infirmary maybe?"

@Camilton @Jefferson
Mikuru waved, "Hi Alexander~ I don't even know if we have one.." Mikuru admitted and screamed, "AAROOON!!" Hoping that he would hear her, "Sorry if I made your ears bleed." She giggled and spun again. "Just in case you forgot, I'm Mikuru, and I know your friends name, but not yours.. So what is it?" She stopped and looked over at Nathan.

@Caffeine Freak


@Anyoen lel
Ano decided to trail Aaron after the teacher walked away he was slowly following behind him when he saw him stop. Ano hid behind a corner and watched him, something was terrifying him he had no idea what was happening he saw him shiver and then he walked towards where he was watching him walk the other direction he approached Aaron to see if he was ok only to flinch when someone screamed his name and saw Miku with person new people he has never seen . He walked up to Aaron. " Hey Aaron you ok , you seem shaken up ." 

@Caffeine Freak


"Ow..." Nathan covers his ears and waits for them to stop ringing a bit. "Huh, me?" The boy points to himself awkwardly, not used to being asked about himself. "Oh well I'm Nathan." He extends his hand. "It's nice to meet you Mikuru. Uh... Could I just call you Miku for short? Oh right. Thanks." He looks to his side, supposedly acknowledging Alexander. "So you don't think they have any kind of infirmary here? At all?"

Mikuru shook his hand, "Yeah you can call me that, What did Alexander say?" Mikuru asked and tilted her head, still not used to him talking to Alexander, she shivered snapping back to reality when she heard his question. "Infirmary..? Yea.. If there is I don't know where it is, you wanna come with me, I can probably find it pretty quick." Mikuru smiled, and grabbed his arm, "I just want to make sure you're ready, because I don't want you getting sick on the way there." She giggled, and readied, just waiting for the "Go". I'm gonna scare him, but oh well!! 


Elisa Darthwell

Elisa continued walking down the hallway to the Canteen before she noticed lights flickering, the guard she just saw had disappeared as well... She continued walking her breathe becoming slow, almost inaudible in the silence, her heart was beating fast as the lights flickered more, then, a metalic figure dropped from the roof, her body freezed at this. Evelyn! MOVE! Run! Elisa kept yelling within Evelyns head as she backed up a step, she was breathing fast and short breathes. The metalic figure stood up straight, it went backwards slightly only adding to the creepiness, then, gone. Evelyn stood there, panting and sweat dripping down her forehead, she heard a noise and instantly turned around, the guard was back as her fear only grew, the lights where working as well before her eyes flashed red, her breathing and heart rate instantly returning to normal as a sinister smirk grew on her face, "Nice moves, but now we are going to play a little game, hunter vs hunter, let's see which one of us kills the other first..." She said lowly to herself as the smirk only grew before she heard voices, she instantly walked towards them and saw a girl grabbing onto a guys arm, she instantly had a gag reflex and sighed, "Hey love birds, i'd you know, get a room..." She said shrugging as she walked towards them, "So, you two together?" She asked looking between the two with a blank face, her eyes flashing red again.

 @Camilton @arcaneSentinel (( FYI, last 4 lines. ))
Mikuru turned and saw Elisa, "Oh hey Elisa!" She said and smiled, not knowing that it was Evelyn. Then she realized what she said, "Love birds..? Together?" Mikuru started laughing, and slapped her leg. She let go of Nathan, "No I was just gonna make him sick with super speed, you know. The normal stuff.. Um.. What's with the eye..?" She asked and walked closer to look at her eyes. "Man they flashed, new trick?" Mikuru asked, and walked around Evelyn, studying her, she shivered and looked around, What the hell.. Is something watching us..? Mikuru shook her head, No.. You just cold.. Yea.. Sure.. "Oh Nathan, this is Elisa, say Hi." She said and elbowed Nathan, "And mention Alexander." 


Mikuru turned and saw Elisa, "Oh hey Elisa!" She said and smiled, not knowing that it was Evelyn. Then she realized what she said, "Love birds..? Together?" Mikuru started laughing, and slapped her leg. She let go of Nathan, "No I was just gonna make him sick with super speed, you know. The normal stuff.. Um.. What's with the eye..?" She asked and walked closer to look at her eyes. "Man they flashed, new trick?" Mikuru asked, and walked around Evelyn, studying her, she shivered and looked around, What the hell.. Is something watching us..? Mikuru shook her head, No.. You just cold.. Yea.. Sure.. "Oh Nathan, this is Elisa, say Hi." She said and elbowed Nathan, "And mention Alexander." 



Elisa/Evelyn Darthwell

Evelyn shivered again, the cold feeling, the lights flickered as her mouth turned to a smirk, "You got me confused with Elisa, i'm Evelyn, her, well, altar ego if i may say, but i control her dangerous powers so she doesn't kill anyone, though as a back fire i have a ragin blood lust," She said with a small laugh before the lights flickered again, "Oh... One last thing... When you see it, stay out of my way..." She said lowly as a cool breeze seemed to settle on the air, the area became slightly darker as well. @arcaneSentinel

(( @Caffeine Freak THANKS FOR THE AMAZING ADDED FEATURE! :DD Best Creativity since the Mona Lisa. ))

Elisa/Evelyn Darthwell

Evelyn shivered again, the cold feeling, the lights flickered as her mouth turned to a smirk, "You got me confused with Elisa, i'm Evelyn, her, well, altar ego if i may say, but i control her dangerous powers so she doesn't kill anyone, though as a back fire i have a ragin blood lust," She said with a small laugh before the lights flickered again, "Oh... One last thing... When you see it, stay out of my way..." She said lowly as a cool breeze seemed to settle on the air, the area became slightly darker as well. @arcaneSentinel

(( @Caffeine Freak THANKS FOR THE AMAZING ADDED FEATURE! :DD Best Creativity since the Mona Lisa. ))

"Evelyn.. Got it.. Wait.. What thing?" She asked confused then, she looked up seeing the lights flickering, she looked down the hall, its metal eyes looking at her as if he was taking all of her sins for itself, it looked like something from one of the classes, "W-What the.." Mikuru shivered and tried running, she couldn't, she was frozen in shock, "I.. I can't move.. Ev-Evelyn, what the hell is that..?" It looked as if that things head rotated 360 degrees, but she wasn't sure if that was really what she saw. It looked as if it it wanted to move closer, but didn't, just studying the three. 
"Evelyn.. Got it.. Wait.. What thing?" She asked confused then, she looked up seeing the lights flickering, she looked down the hall, its metal eyes looking at her as if he was taking all of her sins for itself, it looked like something from one of the classes, "W-What the.." Mikuru shivered and tried running, she couldn't, she was frozen in shock, "I.. I can't move.. Ev-Evelyn, what the hell is that..?" It looked as if that things head rotated 360 degrees, but she wasn't sure if that was really what she saw. It looked as if it it wanted to move closer, but didn't, just studying the three. 

Elisa/Evelyn Darthwell

Elisa turned to see the metallic creature again, she froze for a mere second before her smirk grew immensely, she gave a low laugh before letting her arms droop to her sides, "It's a possible failed attempt at human emotions in a robot, or a rogue ai, on or the other..." SHe said lowly before blood ran down her arms, becoming huge blades on her arms as she ran with immense speed at it, "Die you son of a Bi-" She was cut off as she coughed, blood spraying into the air, the blades on her arms disappeared as she looked down at her chest, the metallic arm was shoved through her stomach and she could feel it going out the other side, she gave a small smirk before coughing again, "That's... What i... Get for being... Cocky..." She said in a whisper as the robot figure dropped her, disappearing the next second, the lights returned to normal as Evelyn used her powers to close the wound, not doing anything but enough to stop the blood loss.
AkI a bit to cheerful about not doing that class wonders around. Hearing a big commotion and a scream. Aki starts runnin, picking two SWAT-mimi-k's that guards had as she ran. Noticing that the lights where out she went to see if everyone was ok. "Ok I need a head count, is everyone here and ok?! Who did this" Aki yelled



Nathan just stands there, staring with his mouth agape. "Okay, what the fuck!? How do you expect me to know?! I know nothing about this!" The boy's breathing quickens as he stumbles back for a moment, almost tripping, but pushed back up by an invisible force. He takes a deep breath. "Thanks..." Nathan turns to Miku. "Not to sound rash, but what the fuck was that? You seem to know her. What the hell did she just do and what the hell was that?"

@VenomSlayer @Camilton
Aki slowly relaxed her stance as she now equipped her new weapons. "Hello, I don't believe that we have met." Aki raise a hand wiping part of her hair to the side, "I'm Aki." Aki then looked over to Mikuru "Yo whats up with the dude and situation?" Then Aki pouts and mumbles loud enough for people to hear if you where looking for it. "You always seem to be in trouble if I leave you alone for 5 second, guest that I can't leave you alone huh?"



Mikuru ignored the two and ran over to Evelyn, seeing that the wound was closing, she sighed, and looked back at the two. "Aki.. Nathan.. Nathan.. Aki.." She introduced the two. "Then that thing..? I have no clue.. It was fucking creepy.." Mikuru shivered and looked back at Evelyn, "Hey.. Are you gonna be okay..?" and then frowned when she heard Aki, "You always seem to be in troube if I leave you alone for 5 second, guess that I can't leave you alone huh?" Mikuru stood up, "I do not always run into trouble!! I just.. See it happen.. And its usally when I'm around.." Mikuru protested and then trailed off not knowing how to defend herself.




Elisa/Evelyn Darthwell

Evelyn gave a small laugh to the commotion happening around her, "No, i'll most likely..." She cut herself off and coughed, a small amount of blood now on the floor, "Die... I've lost too much blood, and i have internal bleeding... There's nothing i can do..." She said lowly as she coughed again, "Find... A... Guard..." She said through gritted teeth as she hissed in pain again, she tried to use her powers to stop the broken organs and veins, succeding in doing so, but the pain and blood loss getting to her, "I think... I am going to have a sleep now..." She said lowly in a sad and tired voice as her eyes drooped slightly.


"Hi Nathan, hit man for hire at your service. Just kidding, I just can't miss." Aki laughs at this and then looks at Mikuru "You still attract trouble Mikuru..." Aki hears a thud as some one falls to the ground; as she turns around her eyes widen. Running to the the girl she starts to panic and shakes her till Aki's hand glows a mint green and some of the blood retreats back into the girl's body.

@Camilton @arcaneSentinel @VenomSlayer
"Hi Nathan, hit man for hire at your service. Just kidding, I just can't miss." Aki laughs at this and then looks at Mikuru "You still attract trouble Mikuru..." Aki hears a thud as some one falls to the ground; as she turns around her eyes widen. Running to the the girl she starts to panic and shakes her till Aki's hand glows a mint green and some of the blood retreats back into the girl's body.

@Camilton @arcaneSentinel @VenomSlayer

(( Uh, she was alreaydy on the ground... And like, dying, mad/insane/whatever the fuck @Caffeine Freak made, attacked her. ))

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