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Fantasy [Casual] Starlight Academy <open>

Ano looked at Miku and responded giving a soft smile " Of course I'll help you get under her left arm and I'll get her right ." Ano said squatting ,wrapping Elisa's arm around his neck and his put his arm around her back. " Alright Miku we have to be very gentle about this when you have her tell me and we will both slowly pick her up and start moving ." Ano said with a steady voice 





Elisa/Evelyn Darthwell

Elisa gave a tired sigh before letting her head roll down, "No, i don't, i just need an hour to myself to heal, this guy over here," She said referring to Ano, "Won't help in the slightest, just going to stop the healing process," She finished her sentence shooting a glare over at him before sighing, she moved herself to where her arm was grabbing a metal bar, she slowly pulled herself up hissing the entire time while doing so, as Ano pulled her arm over his shoulder she gave a hiss of pain when she was moved.
@Whoever the fuck,

Mikuru moved under Elisa/Evelyn, and put her right arm around her neck, "I'm here too now~" she said trying to lighten up the mood, she thought back of that thing and what happened, and just stood there, she was pale, What the hell.. What that.. She shook her head and looked at the two, "On three..? We can move again.. 1.. 2.. 3.." She mumbled, and took a step out waiting for Ano to do the same. 
Mikuru moved under Elisa/Evelyn, and put her right arm around her neck, "I'm here too now~" she said trying to lighten up the mood, she thought back of that thing and what happened, and just stood there, she was pale, What the hell.. What that.. She shook her head and looked at the two, "On three..? We can move again.. 1.. 2.. 3.." She mumbled, and took a step out waiting for Ano to do the same. 

Elisa/Evelyn Darthwell

(( Just FYI @Camilton just refer to her as Elisa, easier, ))

Evelyn hissed in pain when she took a step forward waiting for Ano, "What?! Your legs don't work!?" She siad yelling as she hissed in pain and coughed, a small amount of blood spurting from her mouth into the air, she gave a small smirk before laughing lightly, "Hey guys, i think i have cancer," She said laughing darkly before she hissed in pain, closing her eyes as tears jumped to her eyes again.
 @Camilton @RunicFollower @arcaneSentinel (( Just FYI, i am heading off to sleep now, i have been awake for a total of 17 hours, nighty night... ))
Ano took a step forward focusing on his position liftig Elisa up with Miku supporting " It's ok Elisa we have you have you now. " Ano said in a calm voice focusing on his hand slowly channling his Qi to help heal Elisa as he and Miku supported Elisa back to her room . " It'll be ok Elisa, me and Miku have you now we'll make sure you get back safe and feeling better ,right Miku?" Ano said putting a smile on his face to comfort everyone's unsettled feelings. 


@VenomSlayer ( I feel you almost done with my 24 hour shift )


Ano took a step forward focusing on his position liftig Elisa up with Miku supporting " It's ok Elisa we have you have you now. " Ano said in a calm voice focusing on his hand slowly channling his Qi to help heal Elisa as he and Miku supported Elisa back to her room . " It'll be ok Elisa, me and Miku have you now we'll make sure you get back safe and feeling better ,right Miku?" Ano said putting a smile on his face to comfort everyone's unsettled feelings. 


@VenomSlayer ( I feel you almost done with my 24 hour shift )



Elisa/Evelyn Darthwell

(( Just FYI @Camilton just refer to her as Elisa, easier, ))

Evelyn hissed in pain when she took a step forward waiting for Ano, "What?! Your legs don't work!?" She siad yelling as she hissed in pain and coughed, a small amount of blood spurting from her mouth into the air, she gave a small smirk before laughing lightly, "Hey guys, i think i have cancer," She said laughing darkly before she hissed in pain, closing her eyes as tears jumped to her eyes again.
 @Camilton @RunicFollower @arcaneSentinel (( Just FYI, i am heading off to sleep now, i have been awake for a total of 17 hours, nighty night... ))

"Right." she mumbled, worried that she pass out right there. Mikuru shook her head again, "I'm okay.. I'm okay.. I'm okay.." She whispered to herself, despite her saying that, it didn't help her that much. She looked over at the two and saw Ano smile, she smiled back. Maybe I shouldn'- "Oh crap.. I have to go to the headmasters later.." Mikuru mumbled hoping no one heard her. She was still confused in the first place why she had to go.
Sampson saw nothing but darkness and could barely move. He growled in frustration but the noise was muffled from something covering his mouth. He squirmed slightly, unable to break his bonds. Sampson thought about what it was exactly he did that made him end up here. Did he beat someone up? Did he get jumped? Either way he was unhappy being restricted and was simply furious that his strength wasn't letting him break free. He made sudden jerking motions with all parts of his body but to no avail. "Five minutes.... Or two hours..." He thought to himself not knowing exactly he was in this predicament. Sampson knew though that he was in a room. That was usually how things went after he caused a mess with his volatile habits. At least that's what his parents did to him as a kid.

@Caffeine Freak
As Ano was keeping his pace steady with Miku her movements were erratic at sometimes he felt something bothering her based on her movements and the constant whispering he heard which sounded like a conversation between ones self " Is something the matter Miku, you seem worried , if it's about Elisa she will be fine you have my word on her safety when she gets to her room which shouldn't be much farther she will just need rest I've already begun healing her , but if something is troubling you , you can confide it with me, I only wish to help you make peace to whatever is troubling." Ano said hoping to cheer Miku up in the slighest.
Tenueto awoke surrounded by three or four dismantled robots, a small pool of blood warming his head.  His vision was a bit blurry, only able to make out the vague shapes of his would be assailants.  

He felt dizzy, too dizzy to stand up.  He sat up, the bottoms of his feet touching each other.  He closed his eyes a bit, slowly swaying back and forth to an inaudible beat.  His flute laid next to him, still perfectly intact.  He tried to place his hands against the back of his head, but winced immediately upon contacting it.  It was split a little, no doubt from his hitting the ground.  He wrapped his bandanna around his head as best he could.  His calls for help were rather weak, and he had found himself in a rather remote part of the compound.
As Ano was keeping his pace steady with Miku her movements were erratic at sometimes he felt something bothering her based on her movements and the constant whispering he heard which sounded like a conversation between ones self " Is something the matter Miku, you seem worried , if it's about Elisa she will be fine you have my word on her safety when she gets to her room which shouldn't be much farther she will just need rest I've already begun healing her , but if something is troubling you , you can confide it with me, I only wish to help you make peace to whatever is troubling." Ano said hoping to cheer Miku up in the slighest.

"Huh..?" she looked at Ano, and tilted her head, and then shook it. "No.. I'm fine. I just.. Was kinda thinking you know.. Just about the headmaster, he wanted to see me and Aaron, I can't wrap my head around it.. And then.. That thing." She shivered. "The thing that attacked Elisa.. It.." Mikuru trailed off, "I don't want to talk about it anymore." and kept walking. Step. Pause, Pause. Step, shake, usally in that pattern, she kept on shaking her head, trying to calm herself down. "So.. Um.. How are you?" She asked, trying to change the subject. 
"Huh..?" she looked at Ano, and tilted her head, and then shook it. "No.. I'm fine. I just.. Was kinda thinking you know.. Just about the headmaster, he wanted to see me and Aaron, I can't wrap my head around it.. And then.. That thing." She shivered. "The thing that attacked Elisa.. It.." Mikuru trailed off, "I don't want to talk about it anymore." and kept walking. Step. Pause, Pause. Step, shake, usally in that pattern, she kept on shaking her head, trying to calm herself down. "So.. Um.. How are you?" She asked, trying to change the subject. 

Elisa/Evelyn Darthwell

Evelyn hissed in pain every time that "Qi" kept flowing into her, "Did you not hear what i said earlier?! It... Hurts..." She said in a pained voice before she coughed again, "Best stop it.... Before i make you..." She said lowly as she shot a murderous glare at Ano. When Mikuru spoke up she gave her a confused look, "Which of us? Mister "I HAVE THE POWER!" or me? The one confided to two peoples arms to get to my own room?" She said in a bored tone the entire time before coughing again, she hissed in pain while doing so as tears lept to her eyes, again.

Elisa/Evelyn Darthwell

Evelyn hissed in pain every time that "Qi" kept flowing into her, "Did you not hear what i said earlier?! It... Hurts..." She said in a pained voice before she coughed again, "Best stop it.... Before i make you..." She said lowly as she shot a murderous glare at Ano. When Mikuru spoke up she gave her a confused look, "Which of us? Mister "I HAVE THE POWER!" or me? The one confided to two peoples arms to get to my own room?" She said in a bored tone the entire time before coughing again, she hissed in pain while doing so as tears lept to her eyes, again.

"Both if you mean how are you doing, none of you if you mean headmaster creepy ass.." She mumbled. Mikuru was close to breaking down, she was stressing out, not even sure if she needed to stress out. Her nose was most likely broken, there was the.. "Thing" and Elise's comments really didn't help, even if they were in a bored tone, again the pattern continued. Step, pause, pause, step, shake.
[@Tetro Beautiful intro, but there's not much to go on in terms of character interaction, you might want to have your character bump into someone in your next post!]

Aaron hovered in a crouch next to a floor air vent. Trying to keep the creepy encounter from earlier buried in his mind, he quickly glanced both ways before generously pouring what little thermite he had left along the edges and lighting it. He prayed that no guards turned the corner as the orange flame consumed the steel.

After what felt like an eternity, the smoldering duct dropped from its hinges and collapsed to the floor - little more than useless scrap metal.

"Alright." Aaron breathed, satisfied, and climbed in.

The cold steel crawl space was cramped, to say the least, he barely managed to wriggle along. Still, if his sense of direction was right, then...

Light shone through the grate that was laid out before him.

The Chemistry Lab.

Aaron wriggled into position, managing to slam his foot down repeatedly until the grate came loose and clanged to the floor. Aaron breathed a sigh of relief and swung himself through the gap, landing silently on the white-tiled floor.

He didn't waste any time, Aaron zipped around the various storage cabinets and snagged what he needed. Shoving his stolen supplies into a nearby work bag, he tossed it through the air vent and clambered after it.

Minutes later, he emerged from the airvent to a thankfully empty corridor. 

Partway hurrying back to his dorm, he stumbled across three rather familiar individuals engaged in a conversation.

"Uh.. hi guys." He scratched the back of his head anxiously.



Ano was wondering what Elisa meant when she said I have the power , he was reminded of He-man and though of Elisa as Prince Adams and gave out a small laugh before apologizing see as how it was a wrong time to laugh. " Sorry about that I was thinking about something else... we should be here I think it's around this corner if I'm following the map right it's good that guard gave me a schedule with a map. " Ano said before picking up Elisa on his own and hoisting her on his back. " I got her Miku you can take a brake we have been moving for a while." Ano said before Aaron bumped into everyone. " Oh hello Aaron."



@Caffeine Freak
Mikuru sighed and nodded as she was told to take a break, she was lost in her own thoughts, then snapped back to reality, she looked up at Aaron. "Hey.." she mumbled quietly, "What are you doing..?" She asked and tilted her head. If there was a time to slap herself, it was there, she really shouldn't of asked that. "Um.. Are you going to the creepy masters office..?" She guessed, trying to just stop being awkward.

@Caffeine Freak


Ano was wondering what Elisa meant when she said I have the power , he was reminded of He-man and though of Elisa as Prince Adams and gave out a small laugh before apologizing see as how it was a wrong time to laugh. " Sorry about that I was thinking about something else... we should be here I think it's around this corner if I'm following the map right it's good that guard gave me a schedule with a map. " Ano said before picking up Elisa on his own and hoisting her on his back. " I got her Miku you can take a brake we have been moving for a while." Ano said before Aaron bumped into everyone. " Oh hello Aaron."



@Caffeine Freak

Mikuru sighed and nodded as she was told to take a break, she was lost in her own thoughts, then snapped back to reality, she looked up at Aaron. "Hey.." she mumbled quietly, "What are you doing..?" She asked and tilted her head. If there was a time to slap herself, it was there, she really shouldn't of asked that. "Um.. Are you going to the creepy masters office..?" She guessed, trying to just stop being awkward.

@Caffeine Freak



[@Tetro Beautiful intro, but there's not much to go on in terms of character interaction, you might want to have your character bump into someone in your next post!]

Aaron hovered in a crouch next to a floor air vent. Trying to keep the creepy encounter from earlier buried in his mind, he quickly glanced both ways before generously pouring what little thermite he had left along the edges and lighting it. He prayed that no guards turned the corner as the orange flame consumed the steel.

After what felt like an eternity, the smoldering duct dropped from its hinges and collapsed to the floor - little more than useless scrap metal.

"Alright." Aaron breathed, satisfied, and climbed in.

The cold steel crawl space was cramped, to say the least, he barely managed to wriggle along. Still, if his sense of direction was right, then...

Light shone through the grate that was laid out before him.

The Chemistry Lab.

Aaron wriggled into position, managing to slam his foot down repeatedly until the grate came loose and clanged to the floor. Aaron breathed a sigh of relief and swung himself through the gap, landing silently on the white-tiled floor.

He didn't waste any time, Aaron zipped around the various storage cabinets and snagged what he needed. Shoving his stolen supplies into a nearby work bag, he tossed it through the air vent and clambered after it.

Minutes later, he emerged from the airvent to a thankfully empty corridor. 

Partway hurrying back to his dorm, he stumbled across three rather familiar individuals engaged in a conversation.

"Uh.. hi guys." He scratched the back of his head anxiously.




@RunicFollower (( Eyyyy, Best buds 4lyfe now, :DD You got the reference, ))
Elisa/Evelyn Darthwell

Evelyn quickly recoiled and hissed, "H-Hey! I-i have a say in this..." She said before being hoisted onto Anos back, her cheeks where on fire as her hands wrapped around his neck, "If i promise to stop the cute remarks... Can i be put down? This is embarrassing..." She said quietly as she lowered her head, when she heard Aaron, "Aaron! My saviour, help me out here?" She said quickly as her blush deepened slightly noticing her position again.

@RunicFollower (( Eyyyy, Best buds 4lyfe now, :DD You got the reference, ))
Elisa/Evelyn Darthwell

Evelyn quickly recoiled and hissed, "H-Hey! I-i have a say in this..." She said before being hoisted onto Anos back, her cheeks where on fire as her hands wrapped around his neck, "If i promise to stop the cute remarks... Can i be put down? This is embarrassing..." She said quietly as she lowered her head, when she heard Aaron, "Aaron! My saviour, help me out here?" She said quickly as her blush deepened slightly noticing her position again.

Mikuru giggled when she heard Elise, "Elise and Ano, sitting in a tree. Doing something that isn't kissing. First comes carrying, second comes love, third comes me getting killed!" She said and spun, singing her version of "sitting in a tree" Though she was scared Elise hit her, so she skipped over to Aaron and hid behind him, "If your going to hit me, please don't!" She begged and peeked her head out from behind Aaron.
Ano smiled and laughed a little. " I love the version of the song it's quite original, you'll have to teach it to me later after I drop off our friend here and Elisa if I let you down you have to be able to walk on your own, I don't want you to strain yourself it's very important we all make sure we are all ok like Miku for instance hold still this will hurt, a lot." Ano said letting down Elisa slowly and then calmly approaching Miku grabbing her nose and popping it back into place using his Qi to try and lessen the pain. " Sorry I should have done something sooner about your broken nose please forgive me. " Ano said with a sincere tone in his voice 



@Caffeine Freak
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Ano smiled and laughed a little. " I love the version of the song it's quite original, you'll have to teach it to me later after I drop off our friend here and Elisa if I let you down you have to be able to walk on your own, I don't want you to strain yourself it's very important we all make sure we are all ok like Miku for instance hold still this will hurt, a lot." Ano said letting down Elisa slowly and then calmly approaching Miku grabbing her nose and popping it back into place using his Qi to try and lessen the pain. " Sorry I should have done something sooner about your broken nose please forgive me. " Ano said with a sincere tone in his voice 



@Caffeine Freak

Elisa/Evelyn Darthwell

As Evelyn was placed down she slowly placed her feet on the ground instantly hissing in pain as she quickly moved to a wall, instantly collapsing at it, "G... Geez... C... Can't take a joke...?" She said lowly as she let her head loll, "Can't take a... Joke..." She said tiredly as she looked up. @Camilton @Caffeine Freak

Elisa/Evelyn Darthwell

As Evelyn was placed down she slowly placed her feet on the ground instantly hissing in pain as she quickly moved to a wall, instantly collapsing at it, "G... Geez... C... Can't take a joke...?" She said lowly as she let her head loll, "Can't take a... Joke..." She said tiredly as she looked up. @Camilton @Caffeine Freak

Ano smiled and laughed a little. " I love the version of the song it's quite original, you'll have to teach it to me later after I drop off our friend here and Elisa if I let you down you have to be able to walk on your own, I don't want you to strain yourself it's very important we all make sure we are all ok like Miku for instance hold still this will hurt, a lot." Ano said letting down Elisa slowly and then calmly approaching Miku grabbing her nose and popping it back into place using his Qi to try and lessen the pain. " Sorry I should have done something sooner about your broken nose please forgive me. " Ano said with a sincere tone in his voice 



@Caffeine Freak

Mikuru screamed as Ano popped her nose into place, she put her hands around it, "YOU COULD OF COUNTED DOWN DAMN IT HE MAN!" Mikuru screamed in tears, and took a few deep breaths before moving her hands, "Im sorry Ano.. You just scared me that's all.." she mumbled, "I didn't mean to yell.. I'll help you with Elise of you need it." She turned back to Elise, "You were and still are blushing by the way~~" she sung and giggled.
Mikuru screamed as Ano popped her nose into place, she put her hands around it, "YOU COULD OF COUNTED DOWN DAMN IT HE MAN!" Mikuru screamed in tears, and took a few deep breaths before moving her hands, "Im sorry Ano.. You just scared me that's all.." she mumbled, "I didn't mean to yell.. I'll help you with Elise of you need it." She turned back to Elise, "You were and still are blushing by the way~~" she sung and giggled.

Elisa/Evelyn Darthwell

Evelyn looked over at Mikuru and smiled lightly, "Y... Yes please..." She said lowly to Mikuru, as she moved a hand to her stomach, her face lit up more as she lowered her head, "Meanie..." She said lowly as her face seemed to light up even more. Evelyn, i think we should switch... Me too... They talked inside her head, as they turned back, a flash of dark gold lit up her eyes as she raised her head, a confused look on her face, "Hey... Um, Evelyn decided to switch..." She said quietly as she moved her hand, instantly recoiling it, hissing in pain as tears lept to her eyes, "C-can... You guys help me... Get to  my room..." She said quietly as she lowered her head more.

Elisa/Evelyn Darthwell

Evelyn looked over at Mikuru and smiled lightly, "Y... Yes please..." She said lowly to Mikuru, as she moved a hand to her stomach, her face lit up more as she lowered her head, "Meanie..." She said lowly as her face seemed to light up even more. Evelyn, i think we should switch... Me too... They talked inside her head, as they turned back, a flash of dark gold lit up her eyes as she raised her head, a confused look on her face, "Hey... Um, Evelyn decided to switch..." She said quietly as she moved her hand, instantly recoiling it, hissing in pain as tears lept to her eyes, "C-can... You guys help me... Get to  my room..." She said quietly as she lowered her head more.

Mikuru smiled softly, and giggled, "But you did!! I meann it~~" She said and spun for awhile, then hearing. "Hey.. Um, Evelyn decided to switch..." Mikuru walked over and sat down and hugged Elisa, "Hi Elisa~~ Welcome back~~" She sung and put her left arm around Elisa once she was finished hugging her. She started swaying her head left and right, as if she was hearing a melody, which she wasn't but it was just for something to pass the time. "We can help you, and not snap someone's nose back into place without warning.. Rrrright Ano?" Mikuru said jokingly. 
Mikuru smiled softly, and giggled, "But you did!! I meann it~~" She said and spun for awhile, then hearing. "Hey.. Um, Evelyn decided to switch..." Mikuru walked over and sat down and hugged Elisa, "Hi Elisa~~ Welcome back~~" She sung and put her left arm around Elisa once she was finished hugging her. She started swaying her head left and right, as if she was hearing a melody, which she wasn't but it was just for something to pass the time. "We can help you, and not snap someone's nose back into place without warning.. Rrrright Ano?" Mikuru said jokingly. 

Elisa Darthwell

Elisa hissed in pain when Mikuru hugged her but smiled, "Ow... I was stabbed by a robot remember?" She said in a joking manner before she lightly laughed before recoiling in pain and hissing, she looked back up at Ano and her blush deepened again, quickly lowering her head as her blush became a deep crimson.

Elisa Darthwell

Elisa hissed in pain when Mikuru hugged her but smiled, "Ow... I was stabbed by a robot remember?" She said in a joking manner before she lightly laughed before recoiling in pain and hissing, she looked back up at Ano and her blush deepened again, quickly lowering her head as her blush became a deep crimson.

(Eep! I forgot I'm sorry ;-;)
Mikuru laughed at Elisa's comment, it was nice to see her laugh, it gave her hope. Then she noticed who she was looking at, and that she was blushing again, "Your blushing!! Your blushing!!" She pointed out happily, and had a giant smile on her face. She started singing her version of sitting in a tree. she started laughing once the song ended, "Sorry.. I had to, it was just so tempting!~~"   
(Eep! I forgot I'm sorry ;-;)
Mikuru laughed at Elisa's comment, it was nice to see her laugh, it gave her hope. Then she noticed who she was looking at, and that she was blushing again, "Your blushing!! Your blushing!!" She pointed out happily, and had a giant smile on her face. She started singing her version of sitting in a tree. she started laughing once the song ended, "Sorry.. I had to, it was just so tempting!~~"   

Elisa Darthwell

Elisa lowered her head further as her face lit on fire, "Your... Pure evil..." She said lowly as she lifted her head, she put up two fingers above her head making them look like devil horns, her blush was still very apparent, "And... You would do the same... Only boys i've been around where my brothers..." She said the last part in a whisper before she hissed in pain again, tears leaping to her eyes, "Shit..." She cursed out in a low breath.

Elisa Darthwell

Elisa lowered her head further as her face lit on fire, "Your... Pure evil..." She said lowly as she lifted her head, she put up two fingers above her head making them look like devil horns, her blush was still very apparent, "And... You would do the same... Only boys i've been around where my brothers..." She said the last part in a whisper before she hissed in pain again, tears leaping to her eyes, "Shit..." She cursed out in a low breath.

Mikuru laughed again, "I'm sorry.. Really.. It's just, I think it's cute.. So you know.." Mikuru trailed off, trying not to dig a deeper hole for herself, she looked off at Ano and Aaron, who were still watching them, and wondering what the fuck they were doing. "W-Wait you had brothers?! What was it like?!?" Mikuru asked excitingly, "S-Sorry again.. I was.. Well I technically still am an only child." she noticed the tears and wiped them off. She decided not to comment the "You would do the same" part, the question was would she? Mikuru started having a conversation with her mind, thinking if there was anybody she would even do the "same". 

@RunicFollower @Caffeine Freak @arcaneSentinel @Rosehaven17

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