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Fantasy [Casual] Starlight Academy <open>

Ano laid Elisa down gentle on the bed next to Aaron. " No need to apologize , just rest and conserve your strength , hopefully you will recover by the time Miku returns." Ano sat down on the floor in the middle of the room and closed his eyes." You know Aaron it's been such a short time since I've know most of you but it's been quite a adventurous one, even though we are faced with this evil I am glad to see people looking for ways to fight back, since we have some time if I may ask , can you tell me about yourself, I would like to know more about you and everyone else I've meet as I figured we are all going to be good friends before this is all over." Ano had said with sincerity in his voice smiling 

Rue's headphones stopped she pulled the phone out and saw the recording was turned off and could no longer listen to it. "Damnit, I can't even hear the phone something is stopping my electronic pulse, I don't know what this place is but I have to do something , I have to find him , I have to find a way out for us." Rue collected her thoughts on what to do. " I have to wait no matter the danger , this is the best lead I have." Rue put a phone near the door doing her best to conceal then sat down in the hallway not to far from the door. 



@Caffeine Freak

Elisa Darthwell

Elisa groaned in pain slightly when a shot of pain laced through her system, a couple tears falling from her eyes before it stopped. She opened her eyes slightly while Ano was talking, "O... Ok..." She said replying to his statement about Miku returning, as Ano kept talking she kept listening, she noticed Aaron in the room and turned her head to look around the room, hissing in pain as she turned, she saw the stuff laid out on the floor as she gave a confused look before closing her half open eyes, "W... What's... That..." She asked tiredly before giving another short yawn.
Ano thought hard about what Aaron was asking. " Well from my teachings and learning what I can, confusion is something that would disrupt and make the guards focus on a single area , we can't go toe to toe with them , there armor is what puts them on another level , we would need a force equal to them when this starts they will pull back to the doors and will stop people from reaching any kind of armory we need, also we would need to be more covert , the larger our force gets the more we run the risk of getting discovered , when Christians were being hunted the fish was a symbol like a password one would do one half of the fish and the other person would finish it, we need something to help us remain in secret. Meeting times , extra training all of this is crucial to making sure we have a better chance of success, but most importantly we need to show the other students of this place that they will know freedom again. " Ano preached his voice carried a tone of confidence.

@Caffeine Freak

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Ano thought hard about his want Aaron was asking, the guards were a difficult part of the plan. " Well from my teachings and learning what I can, confusion is something that would disrupt and make the guards focus on a single area , we can't go toe to toe with them , there armor is what puts them on another level , we would need a force equal to them when this starts they will pull back to the doors and will stop people from reaching any kind of armory we need, also we would need to be more covert , the larger our force gets the more we run the risk of getting discovered , when Christians were being hunted the fish was a symbol like a password one would do one half of the fish and the other person would finish it, we need something to help us remain in secret. Meeting times , extra training all of this is crucial to making sure we have a better chance of success, but most importantly we need to show the other students of this place that they will know freedom again. " Ano preached his voice carried a tone of confidence.

@Caffeine Freak


Elisa Darthwell

Elisa opened her eyes again slightly when he finished his sentence, "The etching symbols into stone thing may work, but, we all have different powers, i can easily etch them into metal, but others may find it difficult," She said before giving a small sigh, she opened her eye and looked over at Ano, another small blush creeping onto her cheeks. @Caffeine Freak @RunicFollower
[@Vampiress Bumping into a free student might be difficult right now, if you just have your character wake up from cryo sleep then I can have a guard introduce your character to their dorms and give them a little nudge into the current event. Up to you, though!]

"I have one thing.. You kill any.. And I mean ANY of my friends, I'm out. Even if I'm working against them.. I have my reasons.."

The Headmaster's stare turned cold for a moment. "Miss Kelly - your role in this plan is to avoid harm coming to my students. If a suitable subject such as yourself was not chosen as arbiter, we would result to much more severe methods of apprehension - and will proceed do so if you are unable to fulfill your duties."

"It's a lot harder than I thought.. "I want.. Every student to have one call to someone.. Family, friend, if.. They so choose, and if not, still get something. Is that possible?" 

A wider smile plastered itself on the Headmaster's lips. "Naturally. I will have single-use communication devices issued to all students, they will be able to contact whoever they choose. Those who wish otherwise will be compensated with a single physical object that they desire."

The Headmaster braced his elbows on the table, resting his chin on interlaced fingers. 


[Aaron, Ano and Elisa are in Aaron and Miku's dorm, yo.]

Aaron began unpacking the stolen chemistry equipment from the bag, then took the Mountain Dew bottles he'd been hoarding from earlier.

"You know Aaron it's been such a short time since I've know most of you but it's been quite a adventurous one, even though we are faced with this evil I am glad to see people looking for ways to fight back, since we have some time if I may ask , can you tell me about yourself, I would like to know more about you and everyone else I've meet as I figured we are all going to be good friends before this is all over."

"Maybe, but the adventure ain't over yet. It's just begun." He began pouring a bottle of the fizzy green liquid into a conical flask. "This stuff contains phosphoric acid, if I can extract it into its purest form - I can use it as a tool to get past the vault doors around this place. If we can find an armory, then we can bust into it and start a riot - then we can use the distraction to get past that giant steel door next to the cryo-place." He paused for a moment. "That's the plan, anyway. If so much of one of those guards catches us then it's game over - and they're already crawling all over those vault doors."

Aaron shook the last bottle over the flask before tossing it aside and lounging back into the chair.

"With those guards in the way, the plan's over before it started." Aaron scratched his head anxiously "I'm open to suggestions."




Mikuru nodded, "Sorry for snapping at you.." She mumbled and sighed. "I'll do my job." She said and reached out her arm. She wanted to cry, she was betraying her friends, but she had to.. Right? Even if they could escape, where could they go. She waited for a response, her arm still out. She wanted to say something to show her irritation, but nothing came to mind.

Ano laid Elisa down gentle on the bed next to Aaron. " No need to apologize , just rest and conserve your strength , hopefully you will recover by the time Miku returns." Ano sat down on the floor in the middle of the room and closed his eyes." You know Aaron it's been such a short time since I've know most of you but it's been quite a adventurous one, even though we are faced with this evil I am glad to see people looking for ways to fight back, since we have some time if I may ask , can you tell me about yourself, I would like to know more about you and everyone else I've meet as I figured we are all going to be good friends before this is all over." Ano had said with sincerity in his voice smiling 

Rue's headphones stopped she pulled the phone out and saw the recording was turned off and could no longer listen to it. "Damnit, I can't even hear the phone something is stopping my electronic pulse, I don't know what this place is but I have to do something , I have to find him , I have to find a way out for us." Rue collected her thoughts on what to do. " I have to wait no matter the danger , this is the best lead I have." Rue put a phone near the door doing her best to conceal then sat down in the hallway not to far from the door. 



@Caffeine Freak
"I'll do my job."

The Headmaster's smile stretched into the cosmos. "Excellent. I have convinced my head of security to give you a chance, but should a single student be made aware of our discussion, he will not hesitate to revert back to his prior initiative - he is very good at what he does, but has requested that his actions are left to his own discretion, as such I can not order him otherwise. Make what you do count."

With a wave of the hand, the door flung open again, but the Headmaster still had another question lingering. "One more thing." His voice turned dark.

"Have you seen a.. peculiar robot around the Academy?"


"Look who's awake." Aaron grinned, shifting his chair to face Elisa.

"We need something to help us remain in secret. Meeting times , extra training all of this is crucial to making sure we have a better chance of success, but most importantly we need to show the other students of this place that they will know freedom again. "

"You got a point there, we can hardly just attack the guards, we need to circumvent them somehow.." Gears turned in Aarons head, but they turned out no ideas.

"The etching symbols into stone thing may work, but, we all have different powers, i can easily etch them into metal, but others may find it difficult,"

Aaron considered this. "That could work.. but we'd need something to practice on. No doubt those doors are made of that weird black metal.."

Then it hit him.

"I got it! If we could just get our hands on a block of that strange metal, we could bring it back here - If I can find out its composition and hopefully weaken it, then you guys can mark that weird fish rune on it. Once we manage to get it just right, we'll know exactly how to tackle those vault doors." Aaron's flow dropped a little as he realized, "Course... I'm not exactly sure were we can get a whole block of that weird metal.."

"Attention Students." That all too familiar voice blasted through the PA on the wall. "My security team is handing out single use communication devices, using it, you will be able to contact a single phone on the service for up to five minutes. If this idea does not appeal to you, please come by my office tomorrow and I will reimburse you with a single physical item of your choosing."

A single physical item of your choosing..

"Looks like our plan might just work after all.."
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Ano nodded at the idea. " Yes if we get a a slab of that metal it will be perfect all we need now is just a opportunity." Ano said before the PA blasted in the room

"Attention Students." That all too familiar voice blasted through the PA on the wall. "My security team is handing out single use communication devices, using it, you will be able to contact a single phone on the service for up to five minutes. If this idea does not appeal to you, please come by my office tomorrow and I will reimburse you with a single physical item of your choosing."

Ano turned to Aaron and saw that opportunity was already presenting itself.

Rue had fallen asleep near the hallway, the PA system blared up and gave her a rude awakening. " OH OK I'M UP." Rue looked around but still saw no one she had no idea what had happened in the time she had fallen asleep she decided to retrace her steps back to the room but as she started retracing her steps she notice something looking at her, she walking towards it. " Hello you there do you think you could help me." Rue watched as it ran away, she tailed it following. " Hey wait up I just need your help. " Rue said. She felt a sharp pain in her head as the words, follow, run and death echoed in her head the more she was following it. 

@Caffeine Freak

"I'll do my job."

The Headmaster's smile stretched into the cosmos. "Excellent. I have convinced my head of security to give you a chance, but should a single student be made aware of our discussion, he will not hesitate to revert back to his prior initiative - he is very good at what he does, but has requested that his actions are left to his own discretion, as such I can not order him otherwise. Make what you do count."

With a wave of the hand, the door flung open again, but the Headmaster still had another question lingering. "One more thing." His voice turned dark.

"Have you seen a.. peculiar robot around the Academy?"


"Look who's awake." Aaron grinned, shifting his chair to face Elisa.

"We need something to help us remain in secret. Meeting times , extra training all of this is crucial to making sure we have a better chance of success, but most importantly we need to show the other students of this place that they will know freedom again. "

"You got a point there, we can hardly just attack the guards, we need to circumvent them somehow.." Gears turned in Aarons head, but they turned out no ideas.

"The etching symbols into stone thing may work, but, we all have different powers, i can easily etch them into metal, but others may find it difficult,"

Aaron considered this. "That could work.. but we'd need something to practice on. No doubt those doors are made of that weird black metal.."

Then it hit him.

"I got it! If we could just get our hands on a block of that strange metal, we could bring it back here - If I can find out its composition and hopefully weaken it, then you guys can mark that weird fish rune on it. Once we manage to get it just right, we'll know exactly how to tackle those vault doors." Aaron's flow dropped a little as he realized, "Course... I'm not exactly sure were we can get a whole block of that weird metal.."

"Attention Students." That all too familiar voice blasted through the PA on the wall. "My security team is handing out single use communication devices, using it, you will be able to contact a single phone on the service for up to five minutes. If this idea does not appeal to you, please come by my office tomorrow and I will reimburse you with a single physical item of your choosing."

A single physical item of your choosing..

"Looks like our plan might just work after all.."

Mikuru tensed up, "I-It looks like one of those combat robots..? Blank eyes..? That one..?" She asked, and thought what happened to Elise, she had to fight tears, she shook her head, "Yea.. We have seen it.. But.. Not to change the subject." She said, clearly trying to change the subject.  "But if.. They want to escape, don't give them too much freedom.." Mikuru suggested, she turned to leave, "That robot.. What is it..?" She asked, stopping dead in her tracks. She ruffled some of her hair, just to calm herself down, though it didn't help much. She turned so the headmaster could see her, and waited for his response.
"That robot.. What is it..?"

The Headmaster's gaze hardened a little. "My security team denies the possibility of a breach, and has chalked up my descriptions of the android to side effects of my medicine. Until I can convince them to investigate it, I can honestly say that I know about as much as you do." He waved a hand. "Nevertheless, you have work to do. I look forward to your progress."


"Well, we got an actual plan. That's better than what we had five minutes ago." Aaron cast a sideways glance to the bubbling solution on the table. "If this stuff gets so much as an extra dust particle in it while it's brewing, the whole batch is worthless. As long as no one touches it, it should be ready by tomorrow - by then we can get a good chunk of that weird metal, too." Aaron went over the plan again in his head. "We also need to spread this information to as many students as we can, but only the ones we trust not to tip off the guards."

Despite their smooth plan, something gnawed at him - in the deepest reaches of his heart.

What was left for him on the surface?

Aaron shook off the thought, right now he needed to focus, he couldn't afford to start dragging his friends down.

If I do it for any reason, I'll do it for them. For once, I have people to root for.

@Camilton @RunicFollower @VenomSlayer
"That robot.. What is it..?"

The Headmaster's gaze hardened a little. "My security team denies the possibility of a breach, and has chalked up my descriptions of the android to side effects of my medicine. Until I can convince them to investigate it, I can honestly say that I know about as much as you do." He waved a hand. "Nevertheless, you have work to do. I look forward to your progress."


"Well, we got an actual plan. That's better than what we had five minutes ago." Aaron cast a sideways glance to the bubbling solution on the table. "If this stuff gets so much as an extra dust particle in it while it's brewing, the whole batch is worthless. As long as no one touches it, it should be ready by tomorrow - by then we can get a good chunk of that weird metal, too." Aaron went over the plan again in his head. "We also need to spread this information to as many students as we can, but only the ones we trust not to tip off the guards."

Despite their smooth plan, something gnawed at him - in the deepest reaches of his heart.

What was left for him on the surface?

Aaron shook off the thought, right now he needed to focus, he couldn't afford to start dragging his friends down.

If I do it for any reason, I'll do it for them. For once, I have people to root for.

@Camilton @RunicFollower @VenomSlayer

"Got it.. Goodbye.." She said, and walked out, once she was out of the office, she took off to her dorm, then knocked on the door once she was there, she was tired, she was swaying side to side, "Hellooo..?" She asked, trying to get inside there now. Mikuru kept on looking around, not trying to run into that thing again, considering what happened, she wasn't sure what she could do, Mikuru shivered, and waited for someone to answer. 
Rue desperately was trying to catch up to whatever she was chasing. " STOP PLEASE I JUST HAVE SOME QUESTIONS I MEAN YOU NO HARM." Rue shouted turning the corner only seeing a girl at a door and hearing a few words ring in her head " Help , friend , pain , don't trust , death " whatever she was chasing was gone and it lead her to here. " Um hello, my name is Rue can you help me and explain to me what this place is and where we are." Rue said slowly walking up to the girl

" I agree we need to know who we can trust everyone is a friend but this place can make someone crazy and desprete I only wish that we could trust everyone but that dream is not yet lived ." Ano said sighing he rose his head as he heard a knocking on the door. " Miku is that you?" Ano asked 


@Caffeine Freak

Rue desperately was trying to catch up to whatever she was chasing. " STOP PLEASE I JUST HAVE SOME QUESTIONS I MEAN YOU NO HARM." Rue shouted turning the corner only seeing a girl at a door and hearing a few words ring in her head " Help , friend , pain , don't trust , death " whatever she was chasing was gone and it lead her to here. " Um hello, my name is Rue can you help me and explain to me what this place is and where we are." Rue said slowly walking up to the girl

" I agree we need to know who we can trust everyone is a friend but this place can make someone crazy and desprete I only wish that we could trust everyone but that dream is not yet lived ." Ano said sighing he rose his head as he heard a knocking on the door. " Miku is that you?" Ano asked 


@Caffeine Freak


Mikuru yawned again, "Yes.. It's me.. Please open up.. I'm tired.." She complained and rubbed her eyes. She was drifting off, at one point her head hitting the door with her head, and jolting awake. She rubbed her head, "Owwww..." Mikuru whined. 
Rue walked closer to the girl and watching her bang her head against the door. " And I thought I was tired , you must be exhausted, but please can you help me and I want to know where I am and what this place is , can you please help." Rue said to the girl hoping she could be of some help 

Ano looked up at the door from his seated position he felt something famliar. " Oh Miku please come in we have much to discuss, was the phone of use to you?" Ano asked getting up and reaching to open the door. 


@Caffeine Freak

Aaron dashed forward, getting to the door first and flinging it open. "Jeez, I was worried about you y'know? I was half convinced that freak was torturing you!" He scolded, throwing his arms around the tired figure. After a brief moment, what he was doing sunk into his mind, and he casually peeled himself off her. "-I mean. yeah, get here earlier next time and stuff." He craned his neck, suddenly noticing the other girl who was outside. "Oh.. uh, hey." He said shortly, giving the girl a quizzical look. But then an idea popped into his head "Why don't you come in? No point hanging around outside." Aaron retreated inside himself and tossed Mikuru a spare bottle of Mountain Dew. "Caffeine. Drink up. Not too much though, or you'll be unconscious tomorrow morning."

People who obsessed over caffeine annoyed Aaron, but he admitted that it had its uses.

@VenomSlayer @RunicFollower @Caffeine Freak
Rue walked closer to the girl and watching her bang her head against the door. " And I thought I was tired , you must be exhausted, but please can you help me and I want to know where I am and what this place is , can you please help." Rue said to the girl hoping she could be of some help 

Ano looked up at the door from his seated position he felt something famliar. " Oh Miku please come in we have much to discuss, was the phone of use to you?" Ano asked getting up and reaching to open the door. 


@Caffeine Freak


Elisa Darthwell

Elisa opened her eyes again, her left one being a dark crimson, while the other a slight gold, she groaned in pain as she wrapped her arms around her stomach, "S... Shit..." She said lowly before she moved herself to sit up. She looked up and around as Aaron opened the door revealing Mikuru, Elisa gave a quizical look over at her, "Where did you go...?" She asked slightly confused, tilting her head to the side a little before sighing, hissing in pain shortly after. Her hand shot to her side as she felt the pain dim down to nothing, she stood up and stretched her red eye flashing a little, "So, what next?" She asked anyone really before she yawned, "If you don't need me, i'll be hunting that machine... I have a score to settle with that thing," She said as she took a step forward heading towards the door.
 @RunicFollower @Caffeine Freak @Camilton
Ano smiled as Miku and Aaron hugged he laughed a little. " How did that song go again Miku , I think it would go great with moment." Ano said with a smile, he turned to the door to see who Miku had brought with her , he said the more friends we can make the better this will be as she walked in Ano's heart skipped a beat. " Rue " 

" Thanks I guess." Rue said walking in before walking passing another girl mumbling about a score to settle looking around and seeing Ano sitting on the floor, a wave of emotions hit her. Rue ran towards Ano and punched him straight across the face sending him back into the wall. " ANO I'VE BEEN WORRIED SICK , YOU HAVE BEEN GONE FOR SO LONG AND I FIND YOU SITTING IN A ROOM MAKING BUDDY, BUDDY WITH ALL THESE PEOPLE YOU COULD HAVE AT LEAST CALLED, ACTUALLY THERE IS NO SIGNAL , BUT THAT IS NOT THE POINT , I WAS SO FUCKING WORRIED ABOUT YOU , I THOUGHT I LOST MY BEST FRIEND." Rue shouted running to Ano and hugging him against the wall. 


@Caffeine Freak

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Mikuru was overwhelmed by everything, then Aaron hugged her, her face went crimson. She hugged him back, she couldn't say anything. Then, she snapped back to reality once he let go. "T-The phone..? He caught me using it.," She stumbled over to Aaron's bed and sat down. "Hi Elise.." She yawned and took the Mountain Dew. She laid down and turned over, "The train.. Is going to sleepy time junction.." she trailed off, "All.. Aboarddd.." she yawned and fell asleep.

@Caffeine Freak


Mikuru was overwhelmed by everything, then Aaron hugged her, her face went crimson. She hugged him back, she couldn't say anything. Then, she snapped back to reality once he let go. "T-The phone..? He caught me using it.," She stumbled over to Aaron's bed and sat down. "Hi Elise.." She yawned and took the Mountain Dew. She laid down and turned over, "The train.. Is going to sleepy time junction.." she trailed off, "All.. Aboarddd.." she yawned and fell asleep.

@Caffeine Freak



Elisa Darthwell

Elisa gave a small sigh before the person launched Ano into the wall, she gave a confused look, but anger fumed form her for some reason, she walked over to Ano and sighed lightly, "Want some help?" She asked in a slightly bored tone but a light blush settled on her cheeks, she outstretched her hand for him to take as she turned her head away looking over at Mikuru. @RunicFollower @Caffeine Freak @Camilton
Ano let go of Rue and got up helping her get up as well . " No thank you Elisa I probably deserved that ,oh sorry for all the commotion this my friend Rue." Ano said rubbing his face.

" Oh yeah sorry for all the noise , anyways as Ano mentioned I'm Rue , Ano's best friend , titles and all , and I , wait did you loan one of the cellphones I gave you and lost it , that was the 17th one Ano you are honestly the best at losing things, I should give you another thrashing but that's no way to catch up , but anyways who are all you and I would still love to know the answer to the question of the day , where am I." Rue asked to everyone.

@Camilton ( did you make an Eminem reference )


@Caffeine Freak
Ano let go of Rue and got up helping her get up as well . " No thank you Elisa I probably deserved that ,oh sorry for all the commotion this my friend Rue." Ano said rubbing his face.

" Oh yeah sorry for all the noise , anyways as Ano mentioned I'm Rue , Ano's best friend , titles and all , and I , wait did you loan one of the cellphones I gave you and lost it , that was the 17th one Ano you are honestly the best at losing things, I should give you another thrashing but that's no way to catch up , but anyways who are all you and I would still love to know the answer to the question of the day , where am I." Rue asked to everyone.

@Camilton ( did you make an Eminem reference )


@Caffeine Freak

(Game Grumps with sleepy time junction~)

Ano let go of Rue and got up helping her get up as well . " No thank you Elisa I probably deserved that ,oh sorry for all the commotion this my friend Rue." Ano said rubbing his face.

" Oh yeah sorry for all the noise , anyways as Ano mentioned I'm Rue , Ano's best friend , titles and all , and I , wait did you loan one of the cellphones I gave you and lost it , that was the 17th one Ano you are honestly the best at losing things, I should give you another thrashing but that's no way to catch up , but anyways who are all you and I would still love to know the answer to the question of the day , where am I." Rue asked to everyone.

@Camilton ( did you make an Eminem reference )


@Caffeine Freak

Elisa Darthwell

Elisa recoiled her hand before sighing lightly, "Sure..." She said sighing a little before she turned around, "If you need me, which i doubt you will, i'll be hunting the robot, got a score to settle," She said referring to Aaron and Ano, she gave over to everyone in the room before leaving. Is this burning hatred i feel? Ooo, please continue... Evelyn sang the words inside her mind as Elisa ignored them. Do i have more control over my abilities now? Yes, far more than i could have imagined. Evelyn answered quite sarcastically, the lights dimmed and flashed before returning to normal, Elisa gave a small smirk to this as the robot seemed to drop from the roof again, giving an almost confused look over to Elisa. In an instant, Elisa had turned her blod into floating shards, "Your strong suite is close range, so i shall stay far away from you, but," She said as a pool of blood turned to a metalic compound at the Robots feet, "You'll stay right there." She said with a smirk before the shards launched forward, the robot instantly disappeared before Elisa quickly looked around, just as she turned her head, the arm: covered in her blood still somehow, launched into her stomach again, going straight through once again in the same position, before disappearing, blood spilling out as she forced herself to stand, "Curse... And gift..." She said lowly as she walked forward, blood kept pouring form the wound as she tried to close it, she walked the way back to the dorm, "Couple... More... Fe... et..." She said as she kept walking, coughing.

(( And, the 50th biggest post i have written, also, Elisa is a fucking dumb ass : ) so yay, @Caffeine Freak @RunicFollower @Camilton ))
"Rue huh? I'd ask how you know Ano, but perhaps its something we should save for tomorrow." He said the last part quietly, casting a sideways glance to the unconscious Mikuru.

"Ano will fill you in on what the hell is going on, and we'll be able to fill in the blanks later. Right now though I think what we all need is to rest. It's been a long, screwed up day."

And it had. Aaron had woken up from an oversized fridge, been in a deathmatch arena, got his ass kicked by robots and began brewing a regulated substance in the space of 24 hours. His muscles ached, to say the least. "Take care of her eachother. I don't need my allies dying before the first day is over." His tone was sarcastic, but there was genuine fret in his eyes.

@RunicFollower @Camilton @VenomSlayer

[Time skip's comin' up, people. Might wanna be in your dorms by the next few posts.]
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"Rue huh? I'd ask how you know Ano, but perhaps its something we should save for tomorrow." He said the last part quietly, casting a sideways glance to the unconscious Mikuru.

"Ano will fill you in on what the hell is going on, and we'll be able to fill in the blanks later. Right now though I think what we all need is to rest. It's been a long, screwed up day."

And it had. Aaron had woken up from an oversized fridge, been in a deathmatch arena, got his ass kicked by robots and began brewing a regulated substance in the space of 24 hours. His muscles ached, to say the least. "Take care of her eachother. I don't need my allies dying before the first day is over." His tone was sarcastic, but there was genuine fret in his eyes.

@RunicFollower @Camilton @VenomSlayer

[Time skip's comin' up, people. Might wanna be in your dorms by the next few posts.]

(( Gonna make Elisa move towards the dorms your in, ._. ))
Elisa Darthwell

Elisa groaned in pain as blood kept dropping to the ground, both her eyes where red with both anger and pain, she saw the dorm room from before and approached it, "Fi... nally..." She breathed out as she brought her bloody hand up, her knees where weakening by the second as she knocked on the door, "G... Guys...?" She said trying to sound loud enough, but coming out as a normal tone, her knees buckled underneath her as she fell to the floor. She held in a scream of pain as she hit the floor, her body almost shutting down from the pain. @RunicFollower @Camilton @Caffeine Freak
Ano nodded ." Agreed it's been rough day for everyone I'll make sure Rue know is happening and show her back to her room." Ano opened the door and saw Elisa unconscious. Ano felt Elisa's pulse and picked her up. " Rue can you help me she's sustained heavy bleeding and is unconscious, she's going back too her room I'll heal her on the way ." Ano had said as him and Rue made there way to drop Elisa off her room .

Rue helped Ano take the girl back to room wondering why she was unconscious. Rue noticed a lot of blood on the floor but the wound had seal rather quickly and she hadn't shown any signs of heavy blood loss. Rue and Ano made it Elisas room and opened her dorm room laying her on the bed, Rue watched Ano waved his hand around her making sure she was alive . "She'll be ok right? " Rue asked out of fright for Elisas safety 

" Yes the bleeding has stopped and she just needs rest, now let's give her some rest." Ano replied as him and Rue made there way out of the room 



@Caffeine Freak
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[If you've just joined up or haven't posted for a while, it'd probably be a good idea to save it for the timeskip hopefully within the next 1-2 posts

This will be my last pre-timeskip post]

Aaron heard the knock at the door. "I don't remember ordering room service-"

Of course it wasn't room service, it was Elisa's unconscious body instead. Luckily, Ano and Rue volunteered to take her - and Aaron eased up slightly that she'd be in good hands. "I'll see you guys tomorrow, hopefully with an alive Elisa!" He called after them, sliding the steel door back into place. Afterwards, his gaze turned onto the chemistry setup.

Sleep had to wait, he had work to do.

"Sleep has to wait, I have work to do." He muttered reluctantly, shambling over to the desk, pulling up the chair and spending the next painstakingly slow hour reducing the emulsifier, testing the acid's purity, more reduction, more testing-

Eventually his grey-bagged eyelids began to overpower him. "Just.. one.. more.." He watched groggily as the last drop from the titration burette dipped into the beaker. 

"100 percent.. purity." He yawned, his triumph utterly decimated by his fatigue. It took considerable effort to not pass out as he stumbled towards his bed - on top of which, he passed out anyway - blissfully unaware that Mikuru was curled up on the other side of it.



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( I'll make this my last post until you move us forward time wizard )

Ano walked with Rue filling her in on the events that transcribed, Ano looked up at his room " Well that was weird I was walking you to your room and we ended up at mine , well I can still take you to your room first , wait why are you smiling ? " Ano asked as he turned his head towards Rue

Rue started jumping with glee " CAUSE WE ARE ROOMMATES , BESTFRIEND SLUMBER PARTIES WE ARE GONNA BE ABLE TO CATCH UP ON EVERYTHING, COME ON LETS." Rue said with joy and glee , she grabbed Ano's hand and pulled him into there room Rue crashed down on her bed and laid her backpack next to her. " Ano it's good to have you back it was dreadful without you, sweet dreams best friend roomie. " Rue had said half asleep already 

Ano smilied as he sat down on his bed and read the book he had been eagered to read " I missed you too Rue , it's nice to see you to I missed home and it's good have you , sweet dreams my best friend." Ano said still reading his book


@Caffeine Freak


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