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Fantasy [Casual] Starlight Academy <open>

{Six hours later}


Aaron made a noise of sorts as the end of the world arrived.

"Good morning students!"

Oh, it wasn't the end of the world.

It was much worse.

"I hope you've all slept well, your beds will be removed from your dorms in five minutes."

"Ha, that's five minutes more sleep then." Aaron lazily remarked, closing his eyes and ignoring his heart hammering in his chest from the prior jumpscare.






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"Good morning students!"

That's all Mikuru heard as she jolted up, she looked at the wall in front of her. Where am I..? My dorm.. Yea.. What was I doing..? I was.. tired.. and I fell asl- her thoughts cut off as she saw Aaron next to her. Mikuru's cheeks were a deep red, and she laid back down, she would look over her shoulder, still seeing him, and immediately looked away, she shivered as she was lying there, still in shock. 

@Caffeine Freak @VenomSlayer @RunicFollower @arcaneSentinel @Rosehaven17
Aaron felt a slight movement next to him.

His blood ran cold.

Mikuru wasn't across the room in her own bed.. which meant..

Aaron found himself crawling out of bed and slipping into the bathroom, the extra five minutes of sleep somehow not as appealing as it was beforehand.

He was finished a minute later, prepared to make some kind of sarcastic comment to turn the situation into a harmless shenanigan, but as he emerged all he managed to get out was,

"...bathroom's free." while struggling to keep the redness from his face.


@Anyone who's awake
"Good morning students!"

Ano got up from his bed and looked over at Rue who was still passed out sprawled out on her bed, he smiled at his sleeping best friend. Ano laughed as Rue jettisoned out of her bed as all the cellphones in backpack went off at once.   " Haha , you always did have a hard time staying awake I always wondered how you got out of bed in the morning." Ano said laughing as Rue rose up a mess

Rue looked at Ano with dagger filled eyes as she slowly made her way to completing one of her most challenging goals, getting out of bed. " If you keep laughing Ano I'll make sure you sleep permanently." Rue said shaking her fist as she walked to the bathroom to shower. " Ano do you have a schedule, I don't know what I'll be doing today? " Rue asked 

" Yes I'll just put the details on your phone here since you'll look at that more than any piece of paper." Ano replied, grabbing her phone and smiled as he saw a photo of them as her wallpaper, he quickly put the schedule in the phone and put it on her bed as she walked out the bathroom drying herself off , Ano quickly covered his eyes.

" NO PEEKING, I'm still a delicate flower , somewhat." Rue said as she finished drying herself off and getting dressed. 


@Caffeine Freak

Aaron felt a slight movement next to him.

His blood ran cold.

Mikuru wasn't across the room in her own bed.. which meant..

Aaron found himself crawling out of bed and slipping into the bathroom, the extra five minutes of sleep somehow not as appealing as it was beforehand.

He was finished a minute later, prepared to make some kind of sarcastic comment to turn the situation into a harmless shenanigan, but as he emerged all he managed to get out was,

"...bathroom's free." while struggling to keep the redness from his face.


@Anyone who's awake

Mikuru heard Aaron's comment, and got out of bed, looking down and walked into the bathroom, and closed the door. She took a quick shower, and went back into the dorm to grab her uniform, she held her towel tightly. "D-Don't look.." She mumbled, and grabbed her uniform and walked back into the bathroom. Then, came out a minute later and folded her towel. She was trying to think of some comment, something to lighten the mood, "So.. How'd you sleep..?" R-Really Mikuru..?! That's all you can say!? 
[RP Nation is black now. Huh.]

Aaron scratched the back of his head anxiously. All he had needed to do was one thing before he went to sleep and he wouldn't be in this situation in the first place.

No! There *is* no situation. Aaron shook his head. It was just a little mistake. Any 'situation' is just in your head.

Mikuru soon emerged from the bathroom herself.

"D-Don't look.."

Aaron's face burned as he fixed his gaze on the wall, willing his heart to slow down as Miku slid back into the bathroom, uniform in hand.

Yeah, real smooth. He cringed. It actually took some conscious effort to not grab the phosphoric acid on the desk and chug it down as a means to escape his embarrassing existence.

Mikuru appeared again a minute later. "So.. How'd you sleep..?"

"..Pretty good"

Years passed, then decades. Or was it just seconds?

Aaron decided to say something else.

Pulling out his schedule from the drawer, he hastily scanned for his next lesson. "Heist Studies." He read aloud, then furrowed his brow and muttered, "There's really no limit to the ridicule of what they teach in this school." Pocketing the schedule, he willed himself to meet Mikuru's eyes. "We should meet the others in the canteen, I intend to waste as much time before class as possible." His remark was somewhat tarnished by his efforts to keep the shaking out of his voice, but it was a start.

@Camilton @VenomSlayer @RunicFollower

[And now RP Nation is normal again. Huh.]
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"..Pretty good" 

Mikuru smiled, "T-That's good.." She said, looking down at the ground, she was about to say something, but Aaron beat her to the punch. 

"Heist Studies. There's really no limit to the ridicule of what they teach in this school. We should meet the others in the canteen, I intend to waste as much time before class as possible."

She looked back up and saw that he was looking at her, she blushed and immediately looked away, "Y-Yea.. We should.. Wh-What happened while I was asleep..? Is everyone okay..?" Her voice was still shaky, she wasn't sure how to regain her composure considering th- Then it hit her, and her face went pale. The cameras. even if they weren't doing anything bad..It was still creepy to think, and well the headmaster wouldn- shouldn't mind, you know it was for the good of the cause. "C-Can we just go.."

@Caffeine Freak


"GOOD MORNI-" "Bang, Bang Bang"

As Aki jumped and fell of the bed, Aki fired 3 times as she fell at the intercoms in the room she was in. She changed and headed to the cafe, as she called it because it actually works like one, and sat down. She sharpened and polished her knives with care then put them away, then disassembled, fixed and polished her guns as she ate.

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Elisa Darthwell & Adrian Maxwell (( He is a dorm buddy! :DD Fuck me right? ))

Elisa groaned as a sharp lance of pain went through her systems, but instead of hissing in pain, she just fumed with anger, "Thanks Ano, or should i say, ANAL..." She said in a dark tone as a small chuckle come from across the room, "Hi there Elisa," Adrian said cooly before he yawned, Elisa gave a tired sigh before giving a laugh herself, "Roomies... yay..." She said with fake enthusiasm before she sighed again, she swung her legs over the bed and moved to stand before hissing in pain, her arms going to her side instantly, Adrian merely sighed before he did the same as Elisa, instead he actually stood up, he moved towards the door of the room and exited into the hallway, he took that same path towards the cafeteria, as he entered, he saw a person sitting down at a table, he sighed to himself and walked over to her, "This seat taken?" He asked her referring to the seat across from her. @Rosehaven17 @ Anyone (( Who is the dumb ass that named them self this? ))
Aki looks up and blushes slightly as she finishes polishing the gun in her hand "No" she said simply as she put it in a newly acquired and maded gun holster. She ate her food trying to think of something to talk about.

Tyson opened his eyes for the first time in just over a year. His pupils gaze at a ceiling that he is unfamiliar with. Assuming this is not what Heaven nor Hell would look like, Ty takes this as a sign that he has somehow survived the crash. As he sits up, he realizes that he's in some sort of cryogenic chamber in a seemingly empty room. He then looks at himself while speaking softly, almost as if he's thinking out loud.

"Ten Fingers. Ten Toes."

He places his left hand on his neck and takes a deep breath.

"I can breathe, and I have a pulse."

He climbs out of the chamber and drops to the ground. His white shoes meet the surface as he stands upright for the first time in what seems like forever. A stagger is the result as Tyson's body takes a moment to adjust. To prevent falling, he places his hand on the chamber for a balance assist while he tries to recollect what happened. Unfortunately, all that plays in his mind is him being in his car and then a bright light. The fact that he can't remember anything after that frustrated him, so he took a deep breath once more. This time, it was to clear his mind. Figuring that just standing in one place wouldn't help him figure out where he is, Tyson slowly walked toward the door that separated him from whatever was on the other side.

@Caffeine Freak (Hopefully I did my intro post properly)
Aki looks up and blushes slightly as she finishes polishing the gun in her hand "No" she said simply as she put it in a newly acquired and maded gun holster. She ate her food trying to think of something to talk about.


[SIZE= 26px]Adrian Maxwell[/SIZE]

Adrian smiled lightly before he took a seat, he gave another small sigh as he looked at the gun, "45. Calibur hand gun?" He asked before he closed his eyes and let his head loll back to look at the ceiling. @Rosehaven17
Aki smiled brightly, feeling giddy "Yes, Yes it is, thought I made some modifications to it." Aki happy that some one knew the guns she had. "How you know?" She asked as she ate a green apple.

Aki smiled brightly, feeling giddy "Yes, Yes it is, thought I made some modifications to it." Aki happy that some one knew the guns she had. "How you know?" She asked as she ate a green apple.


[SIZE= 26px]Adrian Maxwell[/SIZE]

Adrian gave a shrug before he brought his head back down, "It's the gun that killed my parents," He said in a normal tone like it didn't faze him before he smiled a little, "Adrian, Adrian Maxwell, you?" He said as he held his hand out to Aki. @Rosehaven17
"Sorry to hear, Aki Lily Rose" Aki said with a simple smile. Shaking Adrian's hand Aki felted a small shock as a warm feeling comes over her and nestles in her stomach. Feeling confused with her reaction, Aki pushed it aside for looking at later. "Anything interesting happen to you?" Aki asked not really realizingthat she was still holding Adrian's hand

"Sorry to hear, Aki Lily Rose" Aki said with a simple smile. Shaking Adrian's hand Aki felted a small shock as a warm feeling comes over her and nestles in her stomach. Feeling confused with her reaction, Aki pushed it aside for looking at later. "Anything interesting happen to you?" Aki asked not really realizingthat she was still holding Adrian's hand


Adrian Maxwell & Elisa Darthwell

Adrian smiled lightly before laughing lightly, he took his hand back before giving a small laugh, "Well, nice to meet you Aki," He said happily before she asked her next question, "Other than my room mate being carried in covered in blood with a wound the size of a miniature nuke, nothing much," He said the smile still on his face before he laughed, he saw Elisa enter the cafeteria and waved over at her, Elisa waved back shyly as she moved over to them, "Hey Adrian, and who's this...?" She asked looking over at Aki with a smile, "Aki, meet Elisa, Elisa, Aki," Adrian said using hand actions as well, Elisa held out her hand with a large smile, before she hissed in pain, her hand going to her side, "Still not healed?" Adrian asked before sighing, "I am going to kill that bucket of bolts..." Elisa said with pure rage in her voice, "Riiiiiiight, like you did before, and before that. Oh, and this time you may end with with the wound a bit to the left," Adrian said tiredly as Elisa shot him a look, she looked back over at Aki and sighed, "Sorry, nice to meet you," She said holding out her hand again, the same smile on her face. @Rosehaven17
"Nice to meet you, officially that is" As Aki's hand shook Elisa's Aki's hand glowed green again. Noticing this Aki gasped and took her hand back. "*Gasp* sorry! I don't know what that means yet." Aki then mumbles "it usually happens to me when I hurt or people I touch is..." 

"Nice to meet you, officially that is" As Aki's hand shook Elisa's Aki's hand glowed green again. Noticing this Aki gasped and took her hand back. "*Gasp* sorry! I don't know what that means yet." Aki then mumbles "it usually happens to me when I hurt or people I touch is..." 


Elisa Darthwell & Adrian Maxwell

Elisa gave a short nod before laughing lightly, "No worries," She said happily before she sighed, "Well, i'm heading back, if you don't see me in class and they ask where i am, tell them that i was stabbed by a robot," She said sarcastically before she turned and walked away, "Chou," She said as she walked down the hall, a loud yet muffled, "Shit!" Can be heard as she walked away, Adrian merely gave a small sigh, "Sorry about that," He said before laughing, he turned his attention back to Aki and smiled, "So, if i may ask, what's your power? Or ability should i say...?" He said the last part to himself in a low whisper before giving a small laugh. @Rosehaven17 
"Nice to meet you, officially that is" As Aki's hand shook Elisa's Aki's hand glowed green again. Noticing this Aki gasped and took her hand back. "*Gasp* sorry! I don't know what that means yet." Aki then mumbles "it usually happens to me when I hurt or people I touch is..." 


Adrian Maxwell

Adrian sighed before he rubbed the back of his head, "Well, it's hard to explain... I control the flow of something called "Mana" it's something that flows throughout the universe or something... Anyway... I can manipulate and control it, like so," He said before he raised his hand, after a few seconds a flame appeared in his hand, "As such," He said happily before it seemed to have eyes and a mouth, he put his hand down flat as the flame moved to the table, just hovering above it as the flame danced, "Pretty cool... Right?" He said shyly before a light red spread across his cheeks. @Rosehaven17 
Ano walked out the room and looked back at Rue. " Are you coming , if you don't hurry you'll miss breakfast." Ano started walking before Rue jumped on his back with her backpack and scared him half to death. " Rue what are you doing?" Ano asked. 


Ano looked around and saw Adrian with someone and decided to walk to them. " Hello Adrian , how are you doing this morning, have you seen Aaron or Miku, oh and how is Elisa is she doing well?" Ano asked 


@Caffeine Freak


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Ano walked out the room and looked back at Rue. " Are you coming , if you don't hurry you'll miss breakfast." Ano started walking before Rue jumped on his back with her backpack and scared him half to death. " Rue what are you doing?" Ano asked. 


Ano looked around and saw Adrian with someone and decided to walk to them. " Hello Adrian , how are you doing this morning, have you seen Aaron or Miku, oh and how is Elisa is she doing well?" Ano asked 


@Caffeine Freak



Adrian Maxwell

Adrian sighed as he saw the two enter the cafeteria, "The hell..." He said in a low whisper as he saw the girl on his back, as they approached he merely shook his head, "Well, pretty well... Aaron and Miku... Think they are still in their dorm, making out or something..." He said with a sly smikr before he laughed, "I'm joking," He said as he held his hands up, as he asked about Elisa he gave a sigh, his happy expression disappearing, "Well, after you guys dumped her in out dorm, i had to stop her from whining about the pain... She had a forty-five centimetre piece of metal lodged inside he lung," He sighed once he finished speaking, "Other than that, she's inside our dorm, maybe laying down on the floor trying to stop the pain," He said with a short sigh at the end again, "So, who's the girl on your back? Gonna take a wild guess and say lover," He said with another sly smirk, his face serious, he breathed a short laugh before he sat up right. @RunicFollower (( Sorry late reply )) @Rosehaven17
"Y-Yea.. We should.. Wh-What happened while I was asleep..? Is everyone okay..?"

Aaron forced his mind to recall the prior events. "Yeah.. I'm pretty sure they're okay."

"C-Can we just go.."

Aaron immediately nodded. "Yep! Wouldn't want to be late, ha.." His hand seized the door and flung it open - only to reveal an all too familiar figure.

"Hello, Mr Wright." The Headmaster smiled.

Aaron's heart dropped into his intestines.

"My office. Now." He commanded, still smiling. "Miss Kelly, please enjoy your breakfast." He regarded her warmly before fixing his soul-piercing stare back on Aaron.

Aaron reluctantly followed him. "I'll.. see you later." He murmured before disappearing along with the Headmaster.

"I thought I made it relatively clear at the start of our union that your dorms were under surveillance." The Headmaster interlaced his fingers on his desk. Aaron shriveled up in the small chair on the other side. "You do remember the misconduct rule, do you not?"

"It's not what it looked like!" Aaron immediately defended himself, flustering. "I was tired and I didn't notice and it was by complete accident and-"

The Headmaster held up a hand, silencing him. "I am referring to your little set-up you have on your study desk. Made up of my stolen lab equipment."

Despite himself, Aaron felt relieved. Being tortured for thievery somehow seemed better than eternal humility.

"Oh.. that's.. um.."

The Headmaster chuckled just a little, shaking his head. "I am impressed how you managed to slip my security, but had you asked me instead, I would have happily provided you with the equipment."


"As for the incident with Miss Kelly,"

Aaron froze up.

"..I'll let it slide, this time. Though you should be aware that the night's surveillance tape is on the Academy's security archive."

Did.. he just blackmail me?

"That is all, Mr Wright."

Aaron didn't hesitate before barraging out the door and flinging himself down the corridor.

"Hey guys." Aaron muttered, pulling up a seat after spotting Aki, Adrian, Ano and Rue.

@Camilton @VenomSlayer @Rosehaven17 @RunicFollower
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"Y-Yea.. We should.. Wh-What happened while I was asleep..? Is everyone okay..?"

Aaron forced his mind to recall the prior events. "Yeah.. I'm pretty sure they're okay."

"C-Can we just go.."

Aaron immediately nodded. "Yep! Wouldn't want to be late, ha.." His hand seized the door and flung it open - only to reveal an all too familiar figure.

"Hello, Mr Wright." The Headmaster smiled.

Aaron's heart dropped into his intestines.

"My office. Now." He commanded, still smiling. "Miss Kelly, please enjoy your breakfast." He regarded her warmly before fixing his soul-piercing stare back on Aaron.

Aaron reluctantly followed him. "I'll.. see you later." He murmured before disappearing along with the Headmaster.

"I thought I made it relatively clear at the start of our union that your dorms were under surveillance." The Headmaster interlaced his fingers on his desk. Aaron shriveled up in the small chair on the other side. "You do remember the misconduct rule, do you not?"

"It's not what it looked like!" Aaron immediately defended himself, flustering. "I was tired and I didn't notice and it was by complete accident and-"

The Headmaster held up a hand, silencing him. "I am referring to your little set-up you have on your study desk. Made up of my stolen lab equipment."

Despite himself, Aaron felt relieved. Being tortured for thievery somehow seemed better than eternal humility.

"Oh.. that's.. um.."

The Headmaster chuckled just a little, shaking his head. "I am impressed how you managed to slip my security, but had you asked me instead, I would have happily provided you with the equipment."


"As for the incident with Miss Kelly,"

Aaron froze up.

"..I'll let it slide, this time. Though you should be aware that the night's surveillance tape is on the Academy's security archive."

Did.. he just blackmail me?

"That is all, Mr Wright."

Aaron didn't hesitate before barraging out the door and flinging himself down the corridor.

"Hey guys." Aaron muttered, pulling up a seat after spotting Aki, Adrian, Ano, Elisa and Rue.

@Camilton @VenomSlayer @Rosehaven17 @RunicFollower

(( Elisa is back in the dorm! ))
[Namin' this guard 'Sanders' so I don't have to keep referring to him as 'guard']

Sanders silently trudged down the corridor, as instructed. Once he reached the far end, he hit the switch on the wall - the blast doors in front of him rumbling to life.

As they rattled open, the figure of the student he was expecting was revealed.

"Tyson Kaiser." Sanders exclaimed, his American accent brushing the words. "We've been expecting you. Please follow me."

Sanders gestured for Tyson to follow, his Starlight armor glinting. "I've been ordered to take you to the dormitory hub, supply you with a schedule and answer any questions you may have." The coldness in Sanders' voice warmed a little as he added, "Welcome to Starlight Academy."


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