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Fantasy [Casual] Starlight Academy <open>

Aaron suppressed a flinch as Mikuru threw her arms around him. "Good luck.."

"You too." He managed to reply with.

At that moment, the cold air hanging over the amphitheater seemed to go still.

"S i m u l a t i o n   c o m m e n c i n g ."

Aaron watched silently as the floor-hexagons rippled from the center of the room. Their steel tone shifted into concrete, other hexagons around the arena began to sprout from the ground - seemingly in a nonsensical pattern at first - but slowly forming an image.

What Aaron was soon stood upon was... a road, flanked by parallel concrete sidewalks. Much larger shapes where being formed adjacent to the sidewalk, becoming.. buildings. Yes, buildings - shops, apartments, offices and...

Aaron spun around. The hologram bank he was assessing before was now a very real bank. Marble pillars, cream colored brickwork, carved aesthetics.. the whole scene looked.. real. Very real. Too real.

The construction stopped. The newborn city stood silently. Then-

"Get out the road, asshole!"

Aaron did flinch this time. Before him sat a taxi, honking at him, with a very angry looking man inside of it. As he stepped onto the pavement, the taxi driver screeched past and gave him a rather vulgar gesture. Aaron normally would've be obliged to returned it, had he not suddenly felt nauseous. Something was very different about this simulation than the one before..

Another man wearing a two piece suit was hurrying down the pavement while chatting on his phone. Curious, Aaron gave him a little push as he walked past. In response, the man gave Aaron a look as if he were solving a very complex math problem before hurrying down the pavement a little faster than before.

"This sure is some very detailed AI." Aaron remarked quietly, still staring after the man on his phone.





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Rue was on the side walk and looked around she saw people on there phones, talking , looking at her. " There is so much detail in these AI they even programmed conversations, now that's dedication but I can't hear anything, must be a feedback or something." Rue said looking around and then at Aaron and the rest. 

Ano turned around as he saw the people moving around it was strange like a home bound feeling , he felt a slight bit of happiness and then remember it was all a simulation and had to focus he moved to the group.

@Caffeine Freak


Tyson was a bit flummoxed already by the suit, but he cautiously put it on. As he grabs his recently acuired bandanna, the sight of his environment changing grabs his attention. What started as a simple amphitheater quickly became what appeared to be a replica of a city. Ty's eyes widened in amazement as a "Wooowwww" escapes his lips in the form of a whisper. His head titled upward slightly to look at the buildings. However, his wandering mind got intecepted by an angry voice.

"Get out the road, asshole!"

"The hell?" Tyson asked himself as he turned to see Aaron in front of an agitated taxi driver. This caused him to look down and notice that he was also in the road.

"Uh oh. Lemme get outta the road before I become a vehicle's souvenir."

Tyson sprints across the road until he reaches the sidewalk, staring at traffic along the way. Once he gets there, he turns his head and has to instinctively leap in  the air to avoid crashing into a baby carrage that was being pushed by a woman on the phone. The jump caught her off guard and she jumped back, jerking the stroller back as well. She gives Ty a puzzled look before shaking her head and talking on her phone once more. Tyson is about to put his hands in his pockets when he remembers that he still has the black and gold bandanna with the white rose on it. He ties it around his head and glances at Aaron, wondering if he should talk to him or any of the other people that may be here in case he needs to work with someone in the future.

@Caffeine Freak




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Elisa Darthwell

Evelyn breathed in as the area around her turned into the city scape, she blinked once or twice before she adjusted to the light and smirked, she was on the pavement as she watched Ano fumbble around with the AI. She gave a small sigh as she walked towards him, "Your names Ano... Correct?" Evelyn said as she cocked an eyebrow, she gave a quick glance around, it was day time, people where walking around as guards stood at the front, she sighed as she turned her head back to Ano, "One thing, i say we wait for night fall, too many people and i can tell the security is more beefud up in the day," She said calmly as if she had done this before. She gave a glance over to a person whom she has never seen before, she knew it was an actual peron for the pure fact they did somethign out of the ordinary... They put on a bandana... 
 @Caffeine Freak
Aaron noticed the commotion a fair distance down the sidewalk, the source of which appeared to be a kid who cleared a stroller and was now fastening on a bandanna.

Is he a student as well? He thought, slightly puzzled. Whoever it was wasn't wearing a suit, they were wearing...

Confused, Aaron looked down. Instead of the sapphire blue gleam of the jumpsuit he put on just a few minutes ago, he was greeted with a pair of jeans and a dark hoodie - along with some kind of tactical belt. "Couldn't they give us something more.. I don't know, trendy?" Aaron muttered quietly, his attention focusing back on the bank. "Whatever. Maybe we should just walk through the front door and try and pin down where that security room is. They won't know we're actually robbing the place until we break into something." He suggested, right before he decided to give the bandanna kid a wave over.





Rue came behind Aaron and nodded her head. " That's a good idea, just a couple of random people why would the suspect us all we have to now is get near that security room once that happens I'll need one of there radios, I'll make them go silent and then I'll control the cameras use those phones and I'll take to you all through them letting you know the movement of the guards, Ano will keep me safe after that, the big part of the plan is all up to you Aaron make momma bear proud, also like the style not my cup of tea but it looks nice better than this DRESS WHY AM I IN A DRESS." Rue proclaimed pulling the bottom of the dress.

Ano laughed a little at Rue. " You look good in a dress, I like it, oh Elisa I don't know I don't think the simulation was meant to make it easy on us I think it was meant to put us in the daylight for a reason." Ano said 

Rue looked at Ano slightly ticked off. " How come you got your "normal" clothes , how can you stand being in the heat in a coat and scarf, sometimes you scare." Rue said

@Caffeine Freak




After successfully tying on his bandanna, Tyson takes a moment to look around and see if anyone is looking at him. He catches a glance from a lady who appears to be conversing with the guy in front of her. Immediately, he looks somewhere else to avoid looking suspicious. When he does, he spots a guy waving in his direction.

Is...is he waving at me?

Ty turns to see if someone else is reacting, but they all seem to be preoccupied. He cautiously begins walking over.

Maybe this guy knows what's going on. Not sure if I can trust him, though. At least not yet. I'll just play it cool and see what he knows.

He hesitates when he sees that the guy the aforementioned woman was conversing with, along with another female, have begun interacting with this guy as well. Could the four of them be working together? Most likely, but Tyson isn't sure if they're on the same side as him. Not wanting to provoke an attack, he reluctantly continues until he reaches the man that waved him over.

"What's up?" He says in a calm tone.

@Caffeine Freak




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Mikuru was to busy shouting at the man who yelled at them earlier, "Fatass! Watch where your driving! We had the right away!!!" She flipped the man off, which he returned and walked over to the group. She looked at everyone around her, "Fucking AI asshole.." she mumbled, then..


Mikuru smiled, "Hey it's not that bad.. I mean., I got.. something..?" She asked and looked at her outfit. She had a black t-shirt, black athletic pants, some decent tennis shoes, so she didn't mind. "So.. Were looking around the place..? Because if we are, letss goo!!" 

@Caffeine Freak





Elisa Darthwell

Evelyn gave a light sigh as the group talked and caused a commotion, some of the AI looking there way before she walked across the street, she stood in front of the bank as the guards eyed her, she merely glared at them before walking inside, turning around to look at the group... Instead seeing the metallic robot directly behind her, she raised her eyebrow before she sighed. She gave a quick glance down at her clothes, black T-Shirt, blue skinny jeans and some white shoes, she groaned slightly before she continued walking, the robot behind her still. She glanced around the room before moving to a wall, waiting for the others.
 @Caffeine Freak
Biting down his amusement at Rue's predicament with her assigned outfit, Aaron managed to refocus his concentration on the task at hand as the boy he waved over reached them.

"What's up?"

Aaron assessed him for a moment, as if he contemplating whether the extension of his trust was well placed. Still, after the moment had passed, Aaron appeared satisfied. "Yo, you were placed in this simulation too, right?"

The word 'simulation' dragged on his tongue a little, something about its taste among the rest of his words felt alien, as if the word itself didn't quite fit

"..Yeah.. I got a pretty good feeling you're from the academy. Name's Aaron, I'll let the others introduce themselves, but I think we can save pleasantries for the task at hand." He nodded towards the massive building before turning slightly, addressing everyone. "Right now, all we got down is waltz through the front door and find some kind of security room." He inclined his head and lowered his voice - aware of the street buzz around them. "As long as no one sees us in restricted areas, we should be good. If things go south well.. uh, we'll cross that bridge when we get to that one."

Aaron shifted, leaning back his head to take in the sheer size of the bank. His confidence deterred slightly as he took a slight step back and gave Mikuru an encouraging pat on the back. "Ladies first." He muttered quickly, eyeing the beady-eyed security that stood motionless atop the steps.




Mikuru looked over at the person, "Hey new person, I'm Mikuru or Miku or whatever you want to call me." She said and smiled. Mikuru turned around, only to feel a hand on her back. She turned her head, "Ladies first? So why aren't you going?~" She teased and hugged him before walking up the steps. "Hey..?" She said, and waved to the someone of security, they didn't reply. Jeez.. I thought real people could be jerks sometimes.. She rolled her eyes and walked inside the bank, only to see Elisa she walked over to her. "So how are youuuu?" She asked, and waited for the rest of the group.

@Caffeine Freak



Mikuru looked over at the person, "Hey new person, I'm Mikuru or Miku or whatever you want to call me." She said and smiled. Mikuru turned around, only to feel a hand on her back. She turned her head, "Ladies first? So why aren't you going?~" She teased and hugged him before walking up the steps. "Hey..?" She said, and waved to the someone of security, they didn't reply. Jeez.. I thought real people could be jerks sometimes.. She rolled her eyes and walked inside the bank, only to see Elisa she walked over to her. "So how are youuuu?" She asked, and waited for the rest of the group.

@Caffeine Freak




Elisa Darthwell

Evelyn gave a small sigh to Mikuru when she asked how she was doing, "I am doing fine, but the robot that the AI can't see if being annoying," She said as she lazily threw her thumb up in a pointing gesture towards the robot, she knew she could see it, otherwise Elisa wouldn't have, "Apparently it wants to make up for killing me, a great tool if you guys want to escape,She gave a sly smirk, her voice was in a normal tone as the AI walked past, one of them getting angry and yelling at the desk before guards took him out the front door, Evelyn merey sighed, "Give AI human emotions and you might as well make another species," She said with a small laugh at the end, smirking lightly, "Oh, Elisa has taken a nap, Evelyn, nice to meet you Mikuru" She said nonchalantly like this had happened before.
 @Caffeine Freak

Elisa Darthwell

Evelyn gave a small sigh to Mikuru when she asked how she was doing, "I am doing fine, but the robot that the AI can't see if being annoying," She said as she lazily threw her thumb up in a pointing gesture towards the robot, she knew she could see it, otherwise Elisa wouldn't have, "Apparently it wants to make up for killing me, a great tool if you guys want to escape,She gave a sly smirk, her voice was in a normal tone as the AI walked past, one of them getting angry and yelling at the desk before guards took him out the front door, Evelyn merey sighed, "Give AI human emotions and you might as well make another species," She said with a small laugh at the end, smirking lightly, "Oh, Elisa has taken a nap, Evelyn, nice to meet you Mikuru" She said nonchalantly like this had happened before.
 @Caffeine Freak

"What AI-" She cut herself off as she turned, "That's not creeepy at allll.." She said, and watched whoever get thrown out of the bank, she smiled, and laughed with Elisa, "Yea.. See thats the weird thing isn't it.. I get it's a simulation.. but.. They just act like people to the point it's creepy.." Mikuru shook her head, then turned back to her. "Oh.. Um.. Nice to meet you too Evelyn..." She replied, "Um.. So.. Are you like another personality.. or a whole entire new person..?" 
"What AI-" She cut herself off as she turned, "That's not creeepy at allll.." She said, and watched whoever get thrown out of the bank, she smiled, and laughed with Elisa, "Yea.. See thats the weird thing isn't it.. I get it's a simulation.. but.. They just act like people to the point it's creepy.." Mikuru shook her head, then turned back to her. "Oh.. Um.. Nice to meet you too Evelyn..." She replied, "Um.. So.. Are you like another personality.. or a whole entire new person..?" 

Elisa Darthwell

Evelyn sighed slightly before she crossed her arms, "Well... I guess you could say I was both, i was the person who held the leash on her powers, specifically created so that i can only use them to their maximum abiity, but since a couple days ago, i have diverted all control to Elisa, a deal shall we say? And for the person, my personality is far more different than Elisas. The fact that i love to kill and and have an insaciable lust for blood makes me, well, a physcopath? But wouldn't that make Elisa the link to make sure i don't kill everyone?" She licked her lips as she finished the sentance before smirking lightly, "But. I've made a deal with Elisa, if i am allowed to take control, for the maximum of 5 times whenever, i can't harm you guys, nor any students. Kinda sucks but i'll ask the president to allow me to do some killing... Maybe if i sell some info about escape plans?" She said with a smirk before she laughed, a tear falling from her eye, "You should see your face!" She said before calming down slightly.
 @Caffeine Freak
Rue grabbed Ano's hand ran into the bank passing Aaron." Come on let's go in I never expected this to be our first "date" ha, we'll see you inside Aaron, I'll give you a call soon, hang out with the ladies until then." Rue said to Aaron finally getting Ano in the bank slightly embarrassed and fumbling his words trying to talk to Aaron .

" We goh goh got th thi this good luck Aa Aaron." Ano said forcing the words out of his mouth 

@Caffeine Freak



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Aaron tried not to stiffen so much as Mikuru embraced him and skipped off towards the bank. Once he'd recovered, however, he managed to give Ano and Rue an amused wave before shifting his focus back to the bank, of which Elisa and Mikuru had strode right into. It quickly became apparent that the out-of-place tactical belt around his waist was home to several tools that he'd seen in the classroom earlier. Hastily, he pulled the margin of his hoodie over it - concealing it from view.

"I suppose we better get to work, then." He offered the other boy a confident nod, before casually snaking toward the bank.

As he cleared the front door, his ears caught the embers of a conversation from Mikuru and Elisa.

"If i am allowed to take control, for the maximum of 5 times whenever, i can't harm you guys, nor any students. Kinda sucks but i'll ask the president to allow me to do some killing... Maybe if i sell some info about escape plans?"

Aaron paused. What was she talking about?

"You should see your face!"

His confusion melted into a roll of the eyes - he just got pranked.

"Maybe you should try talking conspicuously a bit louder." He hissed at Elisa. "maybe then we can get arrested faster." His sarcastic tone diminished slightly, however, as he looked into Elisa's eyes and Elisa wasn't the one looking back at him. 




Aaron tried not to stiffen so much as Mikuru embraced him and skipped off towards the bank. Once he'd recovered, however, he managed to give Ano and Rue an amused wave before shifting his focus back to the bank, of which Elisa and Mikuru had strode right into. It quickly became apparent that the out-of-place tactical belt around his waist was home to several tools that he'd seen in the classroom earlier. Hastily, he pulled the margin of his hoodie over it - concealing it from view.

"I suppose we better get to work, then." He offered the other boy a confident nod, before casually snaking toward the bank.

As he cleared the front door, his ears caught the embers of a conversation from Mikuru and Elisa.

"If i am allowed to take control, for the maximum of 5 times whenever, i can't harm you guys, nor any students. Kinda sucks but i'll ask the president to allow me to do some killing... Maybe if i sell some info about escape plans?"

Aaron paused. What was she talking about?

"You should see your face!"

His confusion melted into a roll of the eyes - he just got pranked.

"Maybe you should try talking conspicuously a bit louder." He hissed at Elisa. "maybe then we can get arrested faster." His sarcastic tone diminished slightly, however, as he looked into Elisa's eyes and Elisa wasn't the one looking back at him. 





Elisa/Evelyn Darthwell

Evelyn smirked lowly again before licking her lips, seeing his reaction she breathed out a laugh before moving towards Aaron, "Seems you can tell the difference between me and Elisa, handy trick," She said in a pain tone before she breathed out a laugh again, she saw Ano and Rue moving around, scouting out the place as far as she knew, she gave a quick glance over to Mikuru as well before turning her attention back to Ano, the smirk still plastered on her face, "Look, i don't want to be in this simulation for long, i have some business to deal with, I.E, the robot over there," She said throwing a quick glance over to the robot who stood in front of Mikuru. Raising it's hand slightly in a waving gesture over to her, she gave a small sigh before she looked again back at Ano, "Where allowed to use our powers, and we where told nothing else other than to break the safe, so, why don't we "use our powers" aye? It means i get to have some fun and this will be over in an instant," She said with a happy smile, something that seemed very out of place, her eye flashed a deep glow before the robot approached them, standing to the left of Evelyn with it's head cocked slightly. @Camilton @Caffeine Freak @RunicFollower @LumaThePhoenix @VenomSlayer
Mikuru rollled her eyes, she didn't care to much for her comment. So she didn't really hear anything else anybody said, "Heyyy.. Can we.. Wait or you know talk about this somewhere else..?" She asked. Mikuru sat on the floor, then a security guard glared at her, "Im Sore..." she told the AI. "I just need to rest.." She focused her attention back on the group, "I mean.. Wait.. What were you guys talking about earlier..? I um.. Kinda forgot.." 

@Caffeine Freak



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Aaron shook his head, trying not think about the robot in the corner staring at him. "Let's just get this over with." He sighed at last, scanning the room. Conveniently enough, the massive, gleaming bank vault door was displayed rather proudly on the far wall - though how getting that thing open, filling up bags with cash and strolling out with quite near a hundred pairs of eyes admiring it remained something that Aaron didn't want to think about too much at the present moment.

Another moment more, and he spotted a rather somewhat daunting looking door carved into the wall on the mezzanine above them. "There." He whispered, nodding towards the ominous door. His hopes drifted from him a little more as his gaze shifted towards the guard positioned in front of it. "Any ideas on how to get rid of that guard?"





Aaron shook his head, trying not think about the robot in the corner staring at him. "Let's just get this over with." He sighed at last, scanning the room. Conveniently enough, the massive, gleaming bank vault door was displayed rather proudly on the far wall - though how getting that thing open, filling up bags with cash and strolling out with quite near a hundred pairs of eyes admiring it remained something that Aaron didn't want to think about too much at the present moment.

Another moment more, and he spotted a rather somewhat daunting looking door carved into the wall on the mezzanine above them. "There." He whispered, nodding towards the ominous door. His hopes drifted from him a little more as his gaze shifted towards the guard positioned in front of it. "Any ideas on how to get rid of that guard?"





thought for a second, "I can say I'm hurt.. Or cut the power~ Either way I'm game." Mikuru said with an evil smile. "It's the matter of how long you want them gone." She stood up and stretched, " So yeaaaah. What's the plan, Momma Bear? Aaron? Damn it me.. I said it.."

Rue looked at the robot and at that moment her head began to pound " FREEDOM, SAVE ME, KILL ALL" Rue closed her eyes and the robot ran, Rue trying to decipher what it wanted telling it to hide as many of them had past pregidice against the machine, Rue heard Miku ask her if she had any ideas calling her momma bear. " Don't worry I have my idea sketched out this place is loud the technology is talking to me and I love it I already found the security room Ano is gonna help me make it mine after that my personal AI and me will control the room and guide you from then just look casual and I will give the signal through the phones the will vibrate when I send out a code, alright then lets get this show on the rode momma bear is leading the charge ." Rue said grabbing Ano's hand and walking next to the security room one of the guards left the room putting a keycard in his pocket, Rue tripped Ano and he fell on the guard in the midst of confusion Rue swooped the keycard and the guard walked away she opened the door and both of the guards on the monitors looked at Rue. " Hey boys, momma bear is here to take over so I'll be needing those monitors if you have any questions my best friend is happy to answer them." Rue said Ano walked in as he threw his fist forward a yellow hand extended out punching the first guard knocking his out clean, the second guard pulled out his pistol and second yellow hand came from Ano's back and disarmed the guard and knocked him out Rue shut the down behind them as they walked in, Rue pulled out her phone and hit a button sending the signal to the others and laying the phone down, she turned to Ano and smiled "You did the arm thing."

"Yeah I did the arm thing." Ano replied

@Caffeine Freak



Aaron followed Rue and Ano up the stairs, making sure nobody was paying too much attention to the security door as they slipped inside.

"..I'm not sure 'Momma bear' is an effective callsign." He quietly voiced his concern to Mikuru before casually slipping inside himself.

"Nice arm thing." Aaron noted, stepping over an unconscious guard and beginning to play around with the terminal.

"Good news." he exclaimed after a moment, eyes still fixed on the monitor. "This terminal can unlock the vault door." Still tapping away at the keyboard, he added,

"Bad news; it's by remotely activating the fire alarm."

Aaron wasn't too hot on the idea of sneaking into a vault while the bank's alarm was blaring.

"We could... cut the power, like Mikuru suggested, then quickly activate the fire alarm - then there wouldn't be any alarms, and sneaking in would be a whole lot easier."

Prying himself away from the terminal, Aaron turned to face them.




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Mikuru smiled as she followed Aaron. Once they were in the room she watched Aaron, Ano, and Rue. "Cut the power?! I can do that if you can't do it here.. Wait.. But why not use the alarm.. If we set it off, then open the fault, because people will leave, and I can run in and out with the money while you all wait." Mikuru smiled, proud her plan.

@Caffeine Freak




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