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Fantasy [Casual] Starlight Academy <open>

Aki got happier when she saw others using something other than their fist. Smiling in pure joy to the point of just jumping up and down, but she reminded herself that there was working to be done. Then she noticed that she wasn't alone,still a little hyper from joy she introduced herself. "Hi, My name is Aki. Do you kniw where I can get a rifle or something similar....? Oh I forgot to ask who you are...?"

Ano came to sudden halt and Miku held him in place otherwise he would have fallen and heard her ask if her nose was bleeding , he hadn't even noticed it before he was about to say something when he heard a thud, he ran to collapsed student only to hear Miku saying she was sorry, grabbing Aaron and ran with him. " Both of you stay safe." Ano yelled. He wished he had tended to her broken nose before she ran away but he had much more pressing issue, Ano put his fingers on the random womans throat and felt a faint pulse and saw that her forehead had was where the gash was and her left eye was bleeding heavly, he raised his hand and began channeling his Qi to heal her wounds , he stopped the bleeding and began sealing the wound. " This sick game has to stop before more people get hurt." Ano said . He has sealed the wounds and then picked up the fallen woman and began to carry her on his back hoping to find someone and not one of those mechanical terrors.



@Caffeine Freak 
Ano came to sudden halt and Miku held him in place otherwise he would have fallen and heard her ask if her nose was bleeding , he hadn't even noticed it before he was about to say something when he heard a thud, he ran to collapsed student only to hear Miku saying she was sorry, grabbing Aaron and ran with him. " Both of you stay safe." Ano yelled. He wished he had tended to her broken nose before she ran away but he had much more pressing issue, Ano put his fingers on the random womans throat and felt a faint pulse and saw that her forehead had was where the gash was and her left eye was bleeding heavly, he raised his hand and began channeling his Qi to heal her wounds , he stopped the bleeding and began sealing the wound. " This sick game has to stop before more people get hurt." Ano said . He has sealed the wounds and then picked up the fallen woman and began to carry her on his back hoping to find someone and not one of those mechanical terrors.



@Caffeine Freak 

In the darkness a faint light shined on Scythe. It started to get brighter and brighter until it was almost blinding. She was in a helicopter with a bag over her head. She could barely breathe with the stench of the sack covering her face. She overheard two people talking. The first person she heard said "With the abilities she has, she could rival you someday. It gives her the possibility of inhuman reflexes.". She heard a second person scoff and then say "Buddy, you're talking to the person who knocked her out. Although, that is true, someday she might make a damn fine soldier, no idea why they made her a student. A little brain washing and she could be the best out of all of us.". She tried to.move and heard people scrambling in the helicopter. She felt something jab in her neck and before she knew it she was out cold. She felt someone running and she felt a swaying motion in rhythm with it. No, she can't be being carried, it makes no sense. Who would even care enough to try to save her and why? The pain her eye had possessed is gone now, so is the pain in her forehead. It must have been a bad dream, there's no other explanation. She didn't even try to get up, she was going to need the rest.
The remaining robot swung its arm down on him. The dragon boy quickly dodged the attack with a simple side-step. The robot attempted to lift the arm for a consecutive strike, but Ani raised one of his arm and leg up just in time to successfully defend himself before vaulting over it again. He continued to dodge, flipping around while seeking for a weak point to finish off the robot.

Someone then suddenly called him, which left him distracted as the robot rammed its hand at him and pinned him against the wall.

"Can't you see that I'm a little bit busy here?!" He yelled in response while trying to get out of the robot's grasp.

Ano walking down the hallway turned at corner to what he believed to be a scene from a movie a dragon child fighting a robot , then he saw someone away from the fight he couldn't make out who they were before he saw the robot pin the dragon child against the wall , he gentlely set the woman off his back on a wall sitting up right to open her airway and then passed his hands over each other to channel his Qi into his right hand and then threw his hand forward blasting the Qi into a concentrated strike that blasted the robot away .



Landing slowly on the ground, Ani's chest was sore as he tried to breathe properly. Probably the most intense battle he had ever been through.

Glancing at the man that just barely saved him, Ani nodded while trying to make his word audible through his rough breath.


Ano hoisted the collapsed woman on his back and walked over to the fallen dragon child who was still collecting himself , he bent his knees and extend his hand outward "No need for thanks , I was just doing what was right helping a friend in need , do you need healing, oh and I'm Ano by the way , and you are ." Ano said he heard a voice above and noticed another woman standing smiling at the area. 



"Tsk. Why didn't we expect anything like this." Nathan heads out of the classroom dojo and walks down the hallway. "Help me keep eye out okay? I'm not sure if we can take these things out by ourselves." The boy wanders down one of the vast hallways, hearing various metallic clanking and crashing sounds echoing through the hallways. "Maybe we should just play it safe and stay away from all the fights." He raises an eyebrow at seemingly nothing. "Because that hardass teacher is still there. She'd probably just kick us out and make us find these robots again."

(( Anyone free? ))

"Aurelion Huang Ani. Star dragon." Ani got himself up on his own and cracked his arm a bit.

"Ah, and, no need to heal me. I'll be find on my own." He refused the offer kindly, as his ego was already damaged enough to have someone helping him.

Scythe decided it was time to muster her eyes open and try to move. She started to squirm around on the unknown woman's back. Once she was completely awake she threw herself off and sprinted to where she heard the mechanical clanks and screams. She saw a robot trying to break a student's leg. She knew she had little to no time, she could hear the bones starting to break apart already. She ran up behind the robot and put it in a half nelson, forcing the robot to let go of the student. Afterwards, she forced the robot on hand and knees and started to pull the robot's head. At first nothing was happening, but then she started to hear wires snapping and sparks crackling. The head broke off, the only thing keeping it attached to the body was the wires that weren't snapped. The robot swung his fists in random directions, moving towards the wall. It ran in to the wall, punching a hole in it and finally falling against the wall he punched, sparks still flying out of it and electricity pulsing through the chassis of the mechanical terror.
(( Yeah soz, rpn is being a fucking bitch right now, but i still got nothing... : / ))

((Whenever I have a tab with rpnation up, it always notifies me of a new reply, not sure what's going on with you.))

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@tagging anyone that cares to notice meh ;-;

[! - Senpai has noticed you.]

[Deus Ex Machina commence]

Aaron grabbed Mikuru's wrist, skidding to a halt. "Wait- wait up a second." He panted, "Rem- huh- Remember when the game in the uh-Arena stopped because I cheated?" He held up a finger for a second and then braced his hands on his knees - catching his breath. After he felt like he could form a sentence, he added, "Maybe that's a way to stop this, by breaking the rules!" He didn't wait for an answer before doing the stupidest thing he could think of, lighting one of his thermite grenades and lobbing it at one of the terrified students.

Time slowed to a cold stop as the child's eyes widened in horror at the flaming projectile hurtling towards their face and-

Was plucked out of the air by a robot.

Aaron threw another one.

The robot swerved and caught it with another mechanical limb.

Aaron threw another one.

The robot careened into the trajectory and burst into flames, bubbling to the ground.



Aaron just smiled.

Sensei wasn't smiling as she approached.

"I thought I made it very clear that you were to save the students, not kill the students." She fumed, hitting a button on her PDA that made the surrounding robots collapse to the floor.

Aaron retorted, "Save them from what? None of the robots made to kill any students, they didn't even touch anyone outside our class. It didn't take much piecing together to realize that it's because the robots can't kill students."

Sensei's answering glare made Aaron's pride shrink a little. "A failsafe, incase an assault bot malfunctions." She yielded quitely, before adding coldly, "Class dismissed!"

Aaron was about to make something along the lines of a sarcastic remark before Sensei snatched forward and grabbed him by the shirt collar. "Don't think you'll be getting away so lightly with this behavior. I don't give a damn what the Headmaster preaches about 'thinking outside the box', I'll have you as the practice dummy for next lesson."

Aaron's pride shrank a little bit more. Sensei released him and trudged off down the hallway.
[! - Senpai has noticed you.]

[Deus Ex Machina commence]

Aaron grabbed Mikuru's wrist, skidding to a halt. "Wait- wait up a second." He panted, "Rem- huh- Remember when the game in the uh-Arena stopped because I cheated?" He held up a finger for a second and then braced his hands on his knees - catching his breath. After he felt like he could form a sentence, he added, "Maybe that's a way to stop this, by breaking the rules!" He didn't wait for an answer before doing the stupidest thing he could think of, lighting one of his thermite grenades and lobbing it at one of the terrified students.

Time slowed to a cold stop as the child's eyes widened in horror at the flaming projectile hurtling towards their face and-

Was plucked out of the air by a robot.

Aaron threw another one.

The robot swerved and caught it with another mechanical limb.

Aaron threw another one.

The robot careened into the trajectory and burst into flames, bubbling to the ground.



Aaron just smiled.

Sensei wasn't smiling as she approached.

"I thought I made it very clear that you were to save the students, not kill the students." She fumed, hitting a button on her PDA that made the surrounding robots collapse to the floor.

Aaron retorted, "Save them from what? None of the robots made to kill any students, they didn't even touch anyone outside our class. It didn't take much piecing together to realize that it's because the robots can't kill students."

Sensei's answering glare made Aaron's pride shrink a little. "A failsafe, incase an assault bot malfunctions." She yielded quitely, before adding coldly, "Class dismissed!"

Aaron was about to make something along the lines of a sarcastic remark before Sensei snatched forward and grabbed him by the shirt collar. "Don't think you'll be getting away so lightly with this behavior. I don't give a damn what the Headmaster preaches about 'thinking outside the box', I'll have you as the practice dummy for next lesson."

Aaron's pride shrank a little bit more. Sensei released him and trudged off down the hallway.

[SIZE= 26px]Elisa/Evelyn Darthwell[/SIZE]

Evelyn alked down the hallway with a smirk as she saw the person known as Sensei fume with anger, "So, Sensei, congrats on allowing a student to stop class real impressive..." Evelyn said smugly in a mocking tone as she walked towards the person known now as Aaron, "So, congrats on beating class... Though i loathe you right now... I don't get to kill anything..." She said pouting slightly before she sighed, she outstretched her hand with a large smirk as her eyes flashed red, "Names Evelyn, altar ego of Elisa and i enjoy murder and blood, got any of those two things and i'm your best friend," She said smugly in a happy tone.
After class ended, she saw Sensei holding Aaron by the collar. "Must have been because he performs so badly in combat." she said to herself. She heard Sensei scream about him trying to kill one of the students, which shocked her a little. She walked up to the two students, Aaron and Evelyn. "Are you trying to kill someone, pinhead?" she asked Aaron, "this isn't a war yet and I'd prefer to keep it that way". The realization then hit her that she's not talking to some rookie straight out of boot camp but a person just trying to survive. She walked away and put her hood back up, realizing it fell down. She went to the robot limp on the floor and studied it. She took the pencil out from before and stabbed the eyes of it, just in case. She left the pencil lodged in the robot and walked away.
Mikuru just watched Aaron pretty much destory the robot, she didn't say anything when she was stopped or when Sensi, came up, or Elise/Evelyn and the other student walked up to him, she was just staring at the floor. She knew he wasn't trying to do anything, but it scared her, she thought for once she die. "I'm gonna.. Go see if anyone can just.. help me.. I'll see you at the headmasters.." She mumbled and walked off, not looking up, not smiling, just the complete opposite of herself.  She whipped the little blood going down her face and found a bathroom, cleaning herself up, and then trying to snap her nose back into place, she screamed and muffled it, not expecting the pain.

@Caffeine Freak





Nathan quickly jerks his head to the side as he walks the halls and nods slowly. "Yeah I heard it. It sounded like a girl. Can you help me find her? Alright, good." The boy turns in the other direction from where he was walking with a slomewhat faster pace than before. Eventually he comes upon a sign for a restroom with a woman's sign on it. "You sure it came from here? Well of course I kinda doubt you. You led me to the women's room." He lets out a sigh. "Alright, alright. Geez." Nathan hesitates for a moment before knocking on the restroom's door. "Hello? Anybody in there?"


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