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Fantasy [Casual] Starlight Academy <open>

Ano watched as Elisa left the blood turning into smoke and saw the small blood droplets left on the ground , he looked at his fingers and saw a little smear of blood was left behind on it he looked up and saw that she had disappeared around the corner he sighed. " Well now that is two new people I have met that are gone but she at least left a trace. " Maybe we should follow her , she seems to be hurt still but our Miku is still no where to be found , this place doesn't put my heart at ease but no the less we should see if she is doing ok and then find out missing friend." Ano said following the trail of blood droplets around the corner


@Caffeine Freak

Elisa Darthwell

Elisa was in her own thoughts, disagreeing and agreeing over what to do with the altar ego, someone who enjoys murder and loves blood as much as her own insanity, "Were not killing anyone, agree to that and i'll let you take over, avoid everyone if possible or the deal is off," She said in a slightly angrier and irritated tone. Fine, i agree. The voice agreed before Elisa gave a curt not she used her powers to make a small sharp blood knife, she cut her finger shortly after as her eyes became complete red. The drop that had fallen from her finger stopped mid-air before turning to smoke, the now altar ego took a deep breathe and smirked before laughing slightly, she noticed the person behind her as the one from before and smirked again before continuing to walk down the hall.
[Lesson's starting in this post!]

"Maybe we should follow her , she seems to be hurt still but our Miku is still no where to be found , this place doesn't put my heart at ease but no the less we should see if she is doing ok and then find out missing friend."

Aarron's eyes swept up the faint stream of blood on the floor that followed where the girl had run off to.

"No doubt something's bothering her, to say the least. Go on ahead and trail her, I've got to- well, run some errands." He gave a slight nod before following his memory down the hallway. He swore that on the way here he saw-

'Chemistry Storage'

-the sign above the steel door displayed. The door in question was flanked by two guards.

Aaron's spirits lifted a little, even with two guards standing between him and his potential plan. "I'll come back later." He murmured, slipping off before the guards became suspicious.

Just as he was about to reach the canteen; an annoying, familiar voice was blasted through the megaphones lining the Academy.

"Attention students. Lunch time has now concluded, head to your final lesson."

Aaron groaned. After he'd walked all this way, he'd have to turn right back around. Reluctantly, he pulled out his crumpled schedule.

"Martial Arts. Seriously?" He supposed all of his friends appeared at the last class, so maybe this one wouldn't be so insufferable. 

Eventually, after much navigation through numerous steel corridors, Aaron reached the room he was looking for.

Edging inside the steel doorway, he was greeted with a spacious wooden room that resembled a oriental dojo - a headspin inducing contrast to the dull steel corridor outside. In the middle of the room was a small-framed young woman who couldn't be much taller than Aaron himself.

"Welcome to Martial Arts class, greenie!" Her accent reeked of Australian. "My name's Miss."

Aaron tilted his head a little. "Miss...?"

"As in, if you miss classes, I'll kick your ass!" The teacher burst out laughing.

Aaron's expression didn't change. It's as if a job requirement for becoming a teacher here is 'being a sociopath'.

She eventually stopped laughing. "I'm just kiddin', you can call me Sensei." Her tone hardened a little. "Don't refer to me as anything else."

Then it returned to the usually flutter. "Just get lined up against the wall with the rest of 'em and we'll get started soon!"

Aaron's eyes shifted to the line of chatting students lined up against the far wall and back to the teacher. "Alright.. uh, Sensei."

He sauntered over the the line of students, hoping someone he'd recognize would be here too.





@Nicholas Waldorth



[Hope that's everyone!]
As Ano was walking towards Elisa he heard the loudspeakers go off breathing to life a loud voice. "Attention students. Lunch time has now concluded, head to your final lesson." He though to himself , well class is happening everyone must be there I can hopefully find everyone and see if they are doing well but I need to find out where class even is. Ano looked around before running into a guard and asking for help , the guard pointed down a hallway and told him that I was all the way down there and handed him a schedule that showed him it was about Martial Arts. Ano grasped the schedule and felt bittersweet about the topic he had always yearned for more practiced but here he felt they would use this as a test to see who was the strongest instead but he shook the feeling and began walking towards the class seeing a line of people.

@Caffeine Freak

(I'm just gonna place my post after the arm snapping back)

Mikuru let go, scared if she even did it right, she just stared at Aki's arm, it looked normal, then again, she wasn't feeling right, just the cracking of the arm was just enough to scare her. "I-I'll let you do what you need to do." She mumbled and walked out of the classroom. I need to go out- Wait.. We're underwater.. DAMN IT! Mikuru sat agaisnt the wall, and sighed. 

"Attention students. Lunch time has now concluded, head to your final lesson." 

Mikuru covered her ears hearing the loud speakers, it didn't block out most of the noise as she hoped, but the message was clear, she had to go. She opened the door, "Aki.. We have to go.." She mumbled and closed the door. Mikuru got up and checked her pockets for her schedule, Where is it.. It's not here! Mikuru groaned, and started running, seeing a bunch of kids enter one room she followed after them and saw the teacher, she looked like some who could fuck you up. "U-U-Um.. Hi.. Miss..?" The teacher turned to her. "Sensei. Don't be late again, or you'll be the dummy next class." She said with a laugh. "I'm kiddin'.. For now, just line up with the rest of them." Mikuru's eyes widened, she speed walked over to the wall and stood next to Aaron. "Hey." She mumbled, "Is everyone here insane..?" 


@Caffeine Freak



@Nicholas Waldorth


As Ano walked to where the everyone was lined up and saw Aaron and Miku he ran over to them and saw the teacher and thought of how much he didn't want to make her angry so he quietly snuck in line and whispered to his friends. " It's good to see you two again , have you seen the others, I couldn't find them and lost Elisa after a while also is it me or is the teacher in this "school" a bit on the I'm scared for my life kind of way cause I'm getting that vibe." Ano whispered to them

@Caffeine Freak

During the time of Nathan wandering around the halls, he began to follow the directions of a random guard he had ran into. Apparently there was a class about to start for them that he'd have to be present for. After a bit of walking around and being turned around a couple times in the unfamiliar place, he made it to the room where he had been directed to. Once the room had come into view ow the boy he rolled his eyes for no apparent reason and began to speak to himself. "No of course not. How would I know what they're having us do. Look, I know just about as much as you do okay?" His conversation had ceased by the time he turned into the doorway of the room to see exactly what was going on. 

@Caffeine Freak

Tenueto had been standing in the line for a while now.  His mind still fixated on the lesson he had so gloriously failed prior.  He had at this point made up his mind to not fail whatever this class may bring.  He wore his aviation goggles down, and his flute was, at this point, slung across his back once more.  

He was too deep in thought to notice his two acquaintances line up near him

@Caffeine Freak

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(Sorry for not RPing, my Internet is iffy right now) Aki walked right behind Mikuru not saying a world because of the pain she felt, but was happy that it was done and the pain would soon go away. Smiling as she see that people she knows will be in the class.


Elisa Darthwell

Elisas alternate self was walking peacefully walking down the hallway before that thundering voice hit her, she sighed before she continued walking. Before long, she was being led by two guards to something like a dojo, she sighed inwardly again as she was pushed inside, the guards leaving shortly after, Elisas alter ego merely smirked, her eyes lighting up a deep crimson, she walked towards the small group of people now and sighed again the same smirk on her face.

Adrian Maxwell

Adrian watched as the games finished up, someone smacking the other one in the face with their gun, winning as far as he knew. The guard that was posted outside the door had made him move when the voice came over the intercom. Adrian had sighed once he reached the dojo room, he saw Elisa and instantly knew she was different, the way her smirk worked with her eyes is something that shouldn't have, murder and glee where evident as he approached the small group.


@Caffeine Freak



@Nicholas Waldorth

Mikuru watched the people entering the class, waving to them first there was Ano who stood next to her and Aaron, then a kid she didn't know entered, she still waved, following behind him was Tenueto, "Hey Tenueto!!" She said, not even sure if he heard her, he looked to deep in his own thoughts. Elisa and Adrian were after, and she stoped waving when she saw Elisa, she looked different, like she was going to murder someone creep, and Adrian noticed it to, she shivered. 

"It's good to see you two again, have you seen the others, I couldn't find them and lost Elisa after awhile-" She let a little scream escape her when she heard Ano. She almost slapped him, "S-Sorry.. You just scared me.." she frowned and looked towards Aki, "How's your arm..? Your not going to fight right..?" 

@Caffeine Freak


@Nicholas Waldorth




Mikuru watched the people entering the class, waving to them first there was Ano who stood next to her and Aaron, then a kid she didn't know entered, she still waved, following behind him was Tenueto, "Hey Tenueto!!" She said, not even sure if he heard her, he looked to deep in his own thoughts. Elisa and Adrian were after, and she stoped waving when she saw Elisa, she looked different, like she was going to murder someone creep, and Adrian noticed it to, she shivered. 

"It's good to see you two again, have you seen the others, I couldn't find them and lost Elisa after awhile-" She let a little scream escape her when she heard Ano. She almost slapped him, "S-Sorry.. You just scared me.." she frowned and looked towards Aki, "How's your arm..? Your not going to fight right..?" 

@Caffeine Freak


@Nicholas Waldorth





Elisa & Adrian

Elisa shot a look over at Mikuru and sighed before looking at Adrian, he seemed to have ajusted to her altar ego, she smirked like a murderer about to finish a victim and gave a creepy giggle, "So, we going to see you use your powers?" She said with a sly smirk before moving herself again the wall, sighing inwardly again.
 @Caffeine Freak
 @Nicholas Waldorth


@Tidnas Yeah, currently in a Dojo room atm, just get your character to be forced there by guards or told where to go by guards.
Aki smiles "Don't worry about me, itwill go away by my match" 'I hope' Aki thinks in her head knowingthat she was athe a disadvantaged. But still being optimistic about it puts up a thumb up as the pain dulled down.


Ano was startled by the scream but apologized for scaring her and watched as everyone seem to be in a less than cheerful mood , except on girl who gave a Miku a thumbs up and smiled with it , it was nice to see optimism in a place that felt like a personal hell to some but then noticed Elisa and Adrien they felt different even looked the part , he was worried but dismissed the idea as he thought they were depressed about being here and would try his best to cheer them up later ,so Ano walked into the classroom and smiled trying to think of only the positives he was facing 



In the hallways, audible footsteps could be heard from 3 people, two of them at a steady pace and the other one stepping a bit frantically. Two guards were dragging a student wearing a black hood. She was forced in to a desk, her hood concealing her face. She was a little on edge with a million thoughts going through her head. "Where am I? Who are these people? Where are my weapons? Who was the person who put me to sleep?". She tilted her head down so nobody could see her face. One final thought went through her head "How do I get out of here?" as she started to recoup her thoughts and posture. She sat up straight and looked at her surroundings a bit confused. "Is this a school?" she said under her breath as she sat back and let things unfold until she could see an opportunity to do something. 
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[If you're not currently in the 'martial arts class', feel free to have your character walk in or have them there as if they were from the beginning. There's no limit to how many players can be in this class!]

(Holy crap I'm late for school?!)

[Idk if you're talking about real life or the IC classes lol. If it's the latter, just play it as if your character was in there the whole time]

Aaron drifted off, staring at a rather interesting wooden plank in the upholstery before a familiar voice snapped him out of it. "Hey." Mikuru greeted him. "Is everyone here insane..?"

"By this point, I'm pretty sure it's the school motto." Aaron rolled his eyes.

Ano slipped in beside them "It's good to see you two again , have you seen the others, I couldn't find them and lost Elisa after a while"

"Can't say I have, yo. Maybe she'll show up in this class."

Ano continued, "Also is it me or is the teacher in this "school" a bit on the I'm scared for my life kind of way cause I'm getting that vibe."

"Oh no, that one I can agree on." Aaron whispered back, nodding silently.

His eyes wandered, and he managed to spot Tenueto not far down the line, and Aki entering the class. He overheard Aki mention a broken arm to Mikuru, but afterwards reassure her that nothing was wrong - so Aaron decided not to pry.

"Alright, listen up!" Miss- no wait, Sensei announced. "I'm aware that martial arts is second nature to some of you people, while others in this room couldn't land a hook kick if their life depended on it. You'll notice none of the guards carry guns in this school, that's because I train them to use their fists instead."

Aaron couldn't suppress his awe. "You.. train the security guards?"

Sensei stared at him for a moment, then burst out laughing.

"Ha! As if! If just one of those death machines were willing to teach anything, I would have been sacked before I was hired!"

Aaron's surprised expression melted, his cheeks heating.

Sensei eventually stopped laughing, her face exasperated with spent humour that no one else seemed to share. "Anyway, some of you kids probably don't see the point in usin' some good ol' HTH instead of just pointing a gun at someone. It's good to get a healthy balance of gunmanship and martial discipline. Maybe what you learn here might make you think twice about taking someone's life."

Aaron considered that.

It was probably the most reasonable she'd said since he met her like two minutes ago.

"Normally I'd do this the old fashioned way, but the headmaster seems keen on trying these new assault bots" Sensei pulled a PDA and clicked a button. Several mechanical humanoids materialized out of thin air in front of everyone, forming their own parallel line. "One for each student, all of them are currently scanning your reaction time, BMI, muscle torque and will adjust their fighting styles accordingly. It should mildly challenging for all of you, perhaps a breeze for the prior trained students."

Sensei hit another button, the assaultrons raised their mechanical fists in fluid unison.


 @Nicholas Waldorth

@anyone else lol
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Shaking her arm to try to reduce the pain faster, Aki steped next to a mat. Slightly shielding Mikuru Aki wonder how the matches would be ordered. Still nervous not wanting anyone know one of her weaknesses, Aki looked around to see if anyone would volunteer to be first.


Mikuru just in awe hearing what sensi was talking about, she was in her element, somewhat, if she used her speed right then she be fine, it was the matter of hitting the thing back. She looked at Aki and sighed, stepping up to her bot. Then it just punched her, she stood a few steps back and held her cheek. "Oh hell no!" She grew annoyed, it started throwing more kicks and punches, which she all dodged, one of the kicks she grabbed the bots leg and twisted it, knocking it over. "Hey look I did it!!" She smiled, and immediately got kicked in the gut after, as the thing got back up. She groaned and readied herself, again doing the same, the problem was the thing adjusted its speed, which caught her off guard, she waited for an opening and attacked, hitting it with a shift hook, and then pounding on it, and once it hit the ground she stomped on it, just for good measure. She smiled and watched everyone else.

@Caffeine Freak


Judeau was still wandering around when he finally found what he was looking for "FINALLY!!" he screamed so loudly that it echoed throughout the school "FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!" his eyes and mouth watered as he darted toward the buffet table to grab something to eat, when he was finally done, he had two plates full of all different kinds of food


Tommy-Lee sighed, walking into the class. He had given up. He was stuck in a Julie that was school? Wasn't weird. He'd seen weirder. He slipped into the class, taking a seat in the back. He had nothing to use, no pencils, rulers, erasers, pens, markers. How was he to make it? This was going to be a long day, just thinking of sleeping made him happy. He sighed, looking up to the teacher, his eyes slanted with tiredness.
Ano closed his eyes he knew that battle would ensue and brought up his guard the robot then swung it was to get a read on him so he leaned to the left of the punch as that happened he grabbed the robots arm with his left hand and its chest with his right flipping the machine over after he moved back a few feet before it got up and took its stance he moved his arms back to a guard as the robot took its position.The robot assumed a guard, covering the bottom of its face and neck it then quickly let a fury of jabs fly out as he took a few flows he caught the robot changing trying to give him a right hook as a follow up , Ano caught the blow with his left arm and gave an elbow across its face and then bashed its face again with the same elbow as it came back around he then grabbed the robots arm it had control over and then grabbed its chest and slammed the robot into the ground creating a small impact crater. Ano turned around and bowed " Thank you for the match Sensei ." 

@Caffeine Freak


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