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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: Rise of the Titans

Kitsune: awww... I liked that thing...

Max: *unconscious*

Owen: *playing with piano wire*

Bishop: Kai! You do know you can use the Allie backstory still.

Allie: huh?

Bishop: Wasn't talking to you

Allie: ok *disappears*

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Tania: *zaps the ever loving God out of Violet.* Cut that out it's not cool

Anthony: *starts falling towards the floor.*
Max: *rolls Alec off self* Tania! What did I tell you about electrocuting people!!

Owen: *still playing with the wire*

Bishop: dude... You are giving off a serial killer vibe.

Owen: why do I care...

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Tania: it was for the good of everybody else max. Gods you need to chill before I hit you with a pan.
Max: that's already hap- *gets hit again*

Kitsune: I made a copy!! Yay me!!!

Owen: ... I'm gonna take a walk... *starts walking away*

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Anthony: *hits the floor painfully.*

Thomas: *taps helena's shoulder.* You totally ignored that unconscious kid that fell on you. He will definitely feel that fall when he wakes up.
Thomas: Good thing he loves you right. I mean if he hated you he'd totally expect you to catch him. Wait is he breathing? *Checks.* nope.

Anthony: *Dying due to blood loss.*
Valencia: *Storms over to violet* Give me three good reasons not to kick your ass

Jason: Id rather not talk about her Max thanks for dredging it up though

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