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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Ryan sat up then looked at Ace and Cupid. He heard ice forming somewhere and saw Jason near an icy door. "Jason?" Ryan stood and up and walked over to the son of Poseidon, "Um are you okay?" He quickly glanced back at Cupid and Ace who hindered Ryan from making up his sleep. His focus then shifted back to Jason and the ice.
Jason turned to Ryan looking him in the eye, anger written all over it. "Back. Off." He brushed part the boot not very happy with anyone of Zeus' brood which really wasn't fair. Ice continued to form but more in Jason's general area as he returned to the seat next to Jerika popping his headphones in and blaring his music.

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Ryan looked away as Jason returned to his seat. Did he do something wrong? He looked at the iced door and sat back down. Maybe it was something he heard behind the door. He folded his hands and looked around. What was taking them so long to fly the plane? It felt like Ryan had to occupy himself with something so he decided to talk to Jerika. Ryan looked at Jerika, "So...how's it going?"
Jerika looked at Jason who had just abruptly plopped down beside her, then heard Ryan's voice as he addressed her. "Huh? Oh..yeah I'm fine I just just needed to calm down a bit." She made eye contact but Looked away pretty quickly. " Thanks for asking. Uhm... how are you?"

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"I'm okay" Ryan furrowed his brows a bit when Jerika hastily looked away. He looked down and felt like he was annoying the others. The conclusion to stay silent unless someone asked him a question formed in his head. Ryan rubbed the back of his neck at the thought of staying silent for a while while doing nothing. Was there a book somewhere in the plane? It was either he read or forced Cupid and Ace to quiet down while he slept.
"Alright this is taking too long!" Gade shouted. "I'm gonna pop in the mansion and sleep, good bye!." Gade teleported to the mansion and immediatly fell asllep on the living room floor.
Max paused to catch his breath. the story was bringing up painful memories.

"When we landed in Cairo My mom go really sick, and I couldn't do anything to help her. That's when she found me. Sam came up to me and said she would help my mother… for a price. Sam gave me missions everyday; Steall this, steal that, Burn this, Destroy that,… Kill him, Kill her. I-I Ended up robbing many different museums stealing priceless artifacts. It made Sam rich and after each successful mission she helped heal my mother. One day she was healed completely and she let us go… well she let my mother go. She grabbed my shoulder and told me i have one more mission to complete. She told me to…to preform a hit and run. I had to steal what i could and kill as many people as possible… From the Hagia Sofia. But…. I was caught before i could complete this mission. I was sentenced to 6 months in jail due to me saying i was climbing it as a dare, but Sam… she had other plans. She took me out of my cell and took me to an abandoned house and placed me in a room. it was big enough for me to sit… and that was it. I couldn't walk around, i could only spin… It drove me crazy… She kept me in there for 2 weeks… I thought then and there. She never checked me over, I- could've be freed yesterday if i only had a way to get an alert out. I made up my mind then and there. If i got out of this I would carry a phone on me at all times. No matter what kind of monsters came after me, I wouldn't let my mother suffer knowing that i might never come back to her. I realize it sounds stupid, but its what believed to be my only option…. Im getting off track. Anyways… after the 2 weeks had passed my life became hell."

Max Stood up and turned around. He pulled up the back of his shirt to reveal large gashes all across his back.

"Everyday for 4 weeks she tortured me. She used multiple different methods . Sharp blades, Cat O Nine tails, Water-boarding, Thumbscrews, Nails pounded through my arms an legs." Max rolled up his sleeves to reveal hole shaped wounds running along his arms, the same wounds were along on his legs. "This God D*** Pain continued for an entire month." Maxs voice became harsh and filled with anger, but not towards Julia. Towards his memory of Sam. "She fed me poisoned food and healed me of the poisons, just so she could do it again. I stopped eating, i couldn't sleep, I went nuts. Th-The only reason i was even let go was because I "had become boring to torture." I was left in an alleyway in Turkey , it was a miracle i was even found. It took me 5 weeks to recover, and I still was paranoid when i was released. Im not sure if I'm even sane now, but if I'm not then i do a D*** good job of hiding it… I thought after that i would never see her again after that, but i was wrong. She visited me… while we were at the mansion… told me to complete another job for her… I told her i would… but That was a lie. I couldn't bare to see any of my friends get hurt."

He sat down putting covering up his wounds. "Now you know my story… and… you know what… here." Max tossed Adelina his phone. "If it bothers you that much, then take it. Im sorry for bringing so many monsters to us."
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(Radisson Hotel) (?)

Joakim stared at the bloodied, serrated edge of his dagger, a myriad of thoughts running through his mind. How could he have been so stupid, giving control to the pesky Shade; letting his guard down; letting this happen. His gaze flitted to the cleaning lady; spreadeagled on the carpeted floor and dead.

"Dispose of… that." He jerked his head in the general direction, forcing as much emotion as possible from his voice. The Shade snickered, and in nearly an instant, the cleaning lady was gone, a tortured shriek fading along with her consumed soul. Joakim didn't let himself wince.

The other demigods… He couldn't let himself be near them. It would be a fair hassle, but he wasn't running the risk of harming them; Shade or no Shade. Especially at a hotel.

The memory of fire; an apartment complex in flames, and the firefighters, and screaming, and it hurts.

Weak, the Shade commented lazily. Faint, smoky tendrils crawled in the air around him, forming a misty haze in the hotel room.

"No." He wasn't—
Cupid kept coughing, "Is there *cough* any *cough* WATER?! I FEEL LIKE I'M DYING! My throat hurts! *cough*" Ace responded, "Relax it's probably just a sore throat". Cupid looked at Ace, "No it feels like *cough* something's in my *cough* thro- *cough* *cough* *cough* THROAT!" Ace said, "You always exaggerate! Just calm down Cupid". Cupid kept coughing and started holding his neck.
Walks out of the Apollo cabin, rubbing at my eyes and yawning- m-morning 
Walks over to ace and tugs on his sleeve- umm did I miss something? -tilts head slightly-
"Um, hello? Can anyone tell me why this trident is hovering above my head?" Redden asks, observing the scales growing around his legs and the trident that appeared in his hand.
As Max informed Adelina of the horrors that had befallen him, she merely gaped at him for the entire time, almost forgetting her fury towards him for carrying the device that had brought all of those perilous monsters to assault the group. Compassion began to replace her rage, but she knew that she had nothing to be sympathetic for. Max possessed a strong mind. Although he may be foolish, he would be able to handle such treachery, and it was apparent that he had - at least, almost. At the mention of this girl, Sam, actually of the identity of a Siren, her mind flashed to the dream that had overwhelmed her only two nights ago. She imagined the image of her parents, her dad and Athena, happily in the arms of one another, Athena laughing hysterically at one of her dad's cheesy jokes. Then the glint of a scientist's menacing dissecting utensil a mere centimeter away from penetrating her arm . . . Abruptly, she shook the thought from her head as her focus returned to Max's memoir, a chill vibrating in her spine.

He described the torment he was forced through by the tyrannical Siren, and Adelina felt resentment and indignation rush through her, recognizing the sensation as the precise one she had felt nearly exactly a day before. The same fury she had felt towards the man that had abused and violated Helena returned, this time directed at the vicious Siren that had mercilessly tortured the son of Zeus. All animosity towards him dissolved. The hardly healed scars across his back nauseated her, and it astounded her that this kind of barbarity was even possible among the beings of the world. She felt a bitter fire surge through her, wishing that malevolent individuals such as she never were introduced to existence. She thought of Jerika, the Siren who had supposedly been willing to aid the group. How did the demigods trust her so easily? Of all people, she realized, Max should be against having her around. Would he let himself be betrayed once again?

The reason that the boy said for which he continually kept a cell phone with him, despite the vulnerability it brought, was more irrational than Adelina had expected. She had figured that, if there was an entire narrative to explain it, it would be a defensible excuse, but if he did not desire for his mother to worry, he selected a cell phone to ease her concern? He was incredibly lucky that he had not perished by now. How was it possible for his mother to be reassured by his possession of a device that nearly guaranteed death? As he concluded his memoir, Adelina gawked at the gadget that had been thrown onto her lap, warm against her indigo jeans. It felt almost as though it were attracting many monsters at the moment, as though her demigod voice were already being detected. She was uncertain of how to respond, but after a long interval of time, her voice found itself. "Camp Half-Blood provides golden drachmas. For Iris-messages," she informed him. She had assumed, due to his description of the way he had revealed his abilities to Sam, that he had already been educated about his heritage before he had taken the Siren to the cinema. How in the world had he lasted so long? It was especially effortless for monsters to identify half-bloods when they began to realize who they were. How long before arriving at Camp Half-Blood did Max know this? "I have a lot," she offered. "A lot of golden drachmas. And a spray bottle. Um . . . You know what an Iris-message is, right?" It occurred to her that perhaps he was completely unaware of the technique, but it was common knowledge in the camp - at least, that was what she had presumed. "Wait," she added, not waiting for him to reply. "You said, 'if Sam had figured out that he'd survived her attack, then she might hunt him down.'"
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A teenaged girl stumbled past people on a sidewalk, receiving backwards glances and occasional annoyed mutters. But the girl couldn't care less, her goal being to keep moving. She held her head in a hand, whispering under her breath over and over again between grunts of frustration: "Where was it? What was the name?" But she couldn't think straight due to the surplus of thoughts clouding her judgement.

She took a turn into the nearest alleyway, swaying this way and that until she was far enough in the someone would need to squint in order to make her out. The girl suddenly slapped her forehead, clenching her teeth and squinting her eyes tightly, her breath labored. "Shut up, shut up, shut up,"she whimpered, turning to the wall. She placed her hands onto the wall, putting her weight forward. She just needed to calm down and relax. She was safe so far. Everything was going to be fine.

After a moment, the girl, Adriana, took several deep breaths before pushing herself off the wall. Her body was shaking in fear, but she felt relief. She was sane - as sane as she could possibly be, at least. The voices were still buzzing but she could deal with those. Now, where did she have to go? Oh, right. "Radisson Hotel,"she breathed.

- -

Adriana entered the Radisson Hotel, the place where those she had escaped with decided to be. Unsure whether they made it, she flopped down into one of the couches in the lobby with a sigh. She didn't know what name they put themselves under and she was not going to turn into a maid and break into a room even for a minute. She was just exhausted and sitting down wasn't going to hurt anyone.
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"Actually i have plenty." he said pulleding out a handful of the golden coins. " Its mainly because of my mother i carry that… See it was her idea. I thought to myself at the time that i should get one, but as soon as i got out of the place i realized how stupid i sounded." He stood up "She gave me that, and told me to keep it on me at all time." Max grabbed the phone and put in into Adelina's pocket. "Sorry to rush you… but I'm pretty sure we've wasted enough time here. Do what you want with the phone." Max pushed Adelina out of the cockpit, and a second later his mother came in. Max smiled at her and she smiled back. They both sat down. Max turned on the intercom. "Sorry for the… small delay, but we will now be taking off. We will arrive in Curibita in about 3-ish hours, so buckle up and enjoy the ride… *smack noise comes from intercom* Ow! And uh… there will be no stunts for the rest of the ride… sorry about that earlier." Max turned of the intercom and took the plane into the air.
Cupid yelled, "Finally!" Ace finished eating a bar and threw the wrapper away, "Woo Curitiba.." Cupid grabbed a water bottle and drank from it. He felt like there was a small robot in his throat. "Guys why does it feel like something is latched onto my throat? It hurts too" Cupid gave a worried look at them as the plane started to fly. He held his neck and swallowed again, "Ow".
Jack got up off of his bed seeing that the hell hound and Helena were asleep. He snuck the door open hoping not to wake anyone, he needed some time alone. Marmore woke up, nonetheless and his animatron hopped up on his shoulder gleefully. Jack sighed but let his pet tag along.

Jack headed down the hall feeling in a dream, he was so tiered he could just collapse. He kept on and and walked out of the Radisson and walked to the pool and layed down on a pool chair. He looked up at the stars, the same stars his forefathers looked up at and saw the gods, saw his dad. In a jumble of thoughts all he could think of was Gordy. He missed him and he missed his mom. At least might be able to see his mom again.

John slowly shut his eyes , cuddled against his pet griffen.

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Adriana didn't know when she fell asleep but she did. She must have been really tired to have passed out when she was supposed to be on the run; the voices didn't even taint her dreams. She pushed herself up on the couch, stretching and popping her bones. Did know one see her and bother to kick her out? Perhaps the hotel was run by creatures. The thought calmed her but frightened her at the same time. The question to ask was what types of creatures?

Adri glanced around, finding the lobby to be nearly empty except for a employee lazily working the front desk. Then someone entered her line of vision, and she would have dismissed the person if it wasn't for what was on his shoulder. It was some sort of bird - no, birds don't have tails like that nor are they made of metal; the similarity to a tiny griffin was uncanny. Its owner was this messy looking guy. Curiosity made Adriana get up and follow the guy - at a respectable distance.

She followed him out to the pool area, but stopped at the doorway. What if he was sent by the scientists? It kinda made sense for them to make these robotic mythical creatures to capture them. She gulped nervously, moving forward a bit so that she was beside - but not touching - a table and chair, the only things that wouldn't be useless if she needed to protect herself. "Hey!"she called, her voice breaking so she tried again,"Excuse me!"

She was getting nervous and the voices were suggesting things like jump the guy while she had the chance.
Jack woke up the second he got to sleep, with a start. He reached into his pocket and grabbed on of his rocks, stepped towards the figure that had appeared, willed his rock to elongate into a nasty dagger, and pulled it to the figures face with a fierce fire in his eyes. He looked up and saw a girl, she looked about his age and she had the same tiredness in her eyes but he didn't recognize her .Jack lowered his knife while changing it to the shape of a karambit as soon as he saw this. He couldn't be to careful so he kept his knife in his his hand clutched tightly.

Jack sighed, he had just been woken from a sleep he had been longing for since he woke up. As his eyes adjusted to the dark Jack realized that it was Adriana. "Jesus! you just scared the shit out of me Adriana! Im so glad you made it out, we were worried about you" said Jack. He loosened the grip of his dagger but kept it out.
Helena woke up and stretched, bits of rubble all around her. The fire hydrant Fred had been gnawing on now reduced to dust. "Ooo! Food!" She cried, the smell of food in the air, and tracked it down, grabbing a burger and biting into it like a starved animal. Then another goes into her mouth. And another. Annnd another. By the time she made it to the fries that came with the burgers, she had eaten about five burgers, and had ketchup smeared on her face. "Ahhh, food~" She swooned, eating like a beast.
Cupid knocked on the door that was in between the cockpit and the rest of the group, "Are we there yet? *cough* How much longer?...I don't feel too well". He started turning pale and feeling weak as if some sort of sickness was attacking him. "My immune system feels so weak that it feels like I'm going to die" Cupid added. Ace said, "Relax Cupid maybe you just need some sleep? It will be better by tomorrow. You might just be exaggerating a regular sore throat". Cupid looked at Ace, "No I mean it really hurts though..." Cupid's voice lost it's higher pitch than it usually had and grew more quiet as he spoke.
Adriana yelped at how quick the person jumped up, her hand automatically raising and slapping her palm onto the table. It began to shake a bit and she began to stick her other hand into her pocket for her wimpy switchblade, but then there was a sharp knife pointing right at her face, an inch from piercing her skin. Adri looked with wide eyes at the tip of the blade, her gaze trailing down its length to her attacker's face. Her mind told her to whip out her own blade and stab him, which sounded appealing in this situation. But she doubted stabbing him in the side was a better win then getting stabbed in the face. But wait - he looked familiar...

The knife lowered from her face, but she didn't relax. Then a low growl sounded below them. The table had finally become alive, its body low as if to pounce and drool pouring from the crack that formed to make a mouth. She was about to squeak out for it to attack him but the guy suddenly spoke. He knew her, calling her by her name. Now it came to her. "Jack,"she breathed, taking a small step back,"I scared you? You nearly stabbed me in the face." She gave a small smile, flattered that her absence was accounted for,"I'm glad you got out, too. Where's everybody else? No one got caught right?"

The table continued to growl and she looked down at it. It was still hostile towards Jack, aimed towards his hand. Adri looked to find the knife still in his hand. Her smile faltered a bit and she said uncertainly,"Mind putting that away?" Her body was on edge and the voices were slowly returning; they absolutely adored conflict. She raised her hand a bit and the table calmed down some. She then rubbed her temple as if that would drown them out.
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"Aphrodite cabin! Are you ready to give makeovers to the other kids?" Venellie stands up and motions to the rest of the camp. The Aphrodite children squeal with delight as Venellie walks over to a boy about her age. "Ryan?" she smiles
Jack looked deep into Adrianas eyes , how could he know if this really was her? What if the scientists had obtained her power and we're disguised as her? What if they came to kill those who had escaped. In this jumble of thoughts Jack's grip on his dagger tightened and his pet woke and started to fly up after jack barked an order at it in greek.

Jack's karambit in his right hand shifted diagonal across his body to his left side as tightened his grip. "How can I be so sure that this is really you and not some scientists disguised?" Jack said firmly at her brow curved.

He really hoped it was really her. He wasn't in the mood to harm anyone.

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Jack had done the opposite of what she had asked him too, becoming more suspicious and hostile. "Um..."she began, quickly trying to think up something that would prove she was actually herself; avoiding conversation wouldn't look good. "I'm Eris' kid and you're Hephasteus'. Uh, there was capture the flag every Friday back when the camp wasn't in shambles? Ask me something and I'll answer."
Raylene looked at Cupid with furrowed eyebrows. She wasn't one to show compassion towards manipulative jerks like Cupid, but by the looks of it something was seriously wrong with him. "Ace, I don't think your buddy Romeo is over reacting. He seriously looks ill." She said quietly scanning his face.

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