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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

"Jack get over here look at this" A scientist pointed at a radar screen. The scientists looked at the other, "The next arrival is supposed to be in 14 minutes from Hong Kong...." Jack turned to an intercom and spoke, "Uh check unidentified flight landing in Curitiba, Brazil". A few scientists walked around in the HQ and heard Jack's voice over the intercom. An assistant scientist heard the news and nodded at the others as they went to their stations and he went to tell the head of the Curitiba HQ. "Sir an unidentified flight has landed here in Curitiba, Brazil" the assistant said. "How do you know?" the leader kept is chair faced away from the assistant. "The new radar update was completed two days ago and we were able to expand our radar surveillance field over from Santa Rosa, Brazil to Juiz de Fora, Brazil" the assistant responded. "And you said it is landing in Curitiba?" The leader questioned and the assistant nodded. The leader took a deep breath, "Then WHY did they only detect it now?!" The assistant stayed silent. "Look just keep all eyes on everyone and everything that exits that aircraft. Send the agents, but only spy...unless you see a certain one or two of them" the leader said. Raising an eyebrow the assistant opened his mouth to find out more, but the leader continued, "I'll send photos of each of them through the computers. If you see any of these two people, then bring them to me alive. Now go...the photos will be in the system once you reach your station". The assistant left and the leader turned around in his seat as he faced his computer and sent out two pictures throughout the whole Curitiba HQ.

"I don't understand. How does he expect us to find out if this kid is with them? I mean look at the photo...dated a good seven years ago. The kid looks twelve here so he's probably nineteen in real time! We can't possibly tell how he looks today" one of the scientists mumbled. The other looked at him as he pointed to the other photo, "Yeah but we could tell how this one looks. It was taken just two months ago when he took a short break away from the camp". "How did you know and where was it taken?" the first one asked as the second one shifted in his seat, "The description says it. It also says that it was taken at his house...and HIS house?!" Shifting their gazes to one another they simultaneously asked, "They're brothers?" 
Cupid slowly opened his eyes and felt very weak, "Ace..." He moved his fingers and Ace nodded. Ace stood up and threw Cupid over his shoulder, "Let's go! Let's go! Let's gooo! I can't wait to get out of here!" Ryan looked and Max and stood up, "Hotel first correct?" Cupid mumbled, "Rrr..rroom assignments". "Ah and we need to take care of that too" Ryan said.
Jason paused his music when he heard Max's voice over the intercom, he had zoned out listening to a very long playlist that had helped him to calm down and think a bit more logically. He put his seatbelt on quickly and was ready for anything as they landed. When the jet came to a complete stop and onjly then, did Jason unbuckle his seatbelt and stand up. Having been sitting for the past few hours Jason was highly inclined to stretch and did so putting his arms up and standing on his tiptoes. As he came down he went towards the exit smacking Max hard upside the head as he reached him. “Next time, say goodbye.” Jason looked at Max sternly expecting an explanation and not one he had to overhear through a damn door.

Jerika woke with a start not realizing she had dozed off. She popped up as Jason stretched and practically flew out of the plane. Of course her muscles were aching but she would stretch soon. She just had to get off of that plane A.S.A.P, she only stopped at the end of the tunnel thing figuring she should wait for the others, she stretched now feeling a bit more comfortable now that she was off the plane. Jerika decided to wait for the rest of the group putting her hands in her pockets and leaning against the wall she glanced at random spots in the room taking in her new surroundings as she waited.
Max rubbed the back of his head. "Sorry... We'll talk at the hotel." He whispered moving away from Jason. "Ok everyone let's get to the hotel. I'm ready to snack on something that isn't plane food!"

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Ace, Cupid, and Ryan walked out of the plane. Cupid fell back asleep once more as Ace said, "So....what are we going to eat next and are we taking a cab?" Cupid started to drool and Ace yelled, "HEY!" He shook Cupid and Cupid's eyes shot open, "WHAT?!" Ace narrowed his eyes, "No making puddles on me" Cupid nodded a bit then quickly fell back asleep.
Jason huffed but turned and followed Max arms crossed and face plastered with a stern expression. “Where will we be staying, and what defenses could we set up when we get there?” Jason looked between Max, Ryan, and Ace since Ace could fight and Ryan and Max had kinda made themselves into leaders of some sort. He noticed Jerika waiting and he wondered when she got out, but let it alone since it wasn’t much of an issue since she was waiting. If she had run off, totally different story.

Jerika watched the boys approach and giggled at Ace’s manhandling of Cupid it was entertaining to see the boy in some sort of uncomfortable circumstance given his pride in putting others in such situations. She redirected her gaze towards the jet but didn’t see anyone else exiting, yet.
Ashlynn groaned as she dragged her stuff, her sisters stuff, and Raylene out of the jet. "Ray, get off that freaking tablet, and help me you fat arse!" She growled dropping the bags and crossing her arms. Raylene waved Ashlynn away impatiently and went back to typing on her tablet. "Oh shush! I'm trying to figure stuff out!" "I don't give a damn! Help me carry this stuff or for the love of the gods...." Ash said something Ina hushed voice so only her sister could hear, and they bickered for a few minutes before Raylene got stuck handling mostly the bags. She stared at her tablet and smiled happily at her most recent message. "Quick! Someone tell me what hotel we're staying at!"
"Tap into their cameras. I want all eyes on them. Agents walk! You have no uniforms on. Remember you are civilians!" The guy spoke to both the HQ control center and the agents in the field. The Agents dispersed only a short distance from one another and was able to perfectly blend in with the other civilians.
"We got eyes! Agents read? Do you have eyes?" the head of the HQ's control center asked and an agent looked in the direction of a surveillance camera and nodded. "Alright stay low and watch. We need to remember two things...1. Check if we see one of the two people in the photos our leader sent us. 2. Don't lose sight of these guys".
Alec woke up slowly and trudged out of the plane, skirting past Max with his head down, and down to the ground. He looked around, slipping his bag on his shoulder and his knife into it's usual place. "I see no chihuahuas this time...

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"All out! Target found! Agents target from more recent photo is wearing a grey shirt. Lock on!" The guy at the control center commanded as each surveillance camera centered on the group and formed a target logo around one of the demigods.
"Hey Alec, what hotel are we staying at?" Raylene asked in a sweet voice smiling kindly. Which was super ultra rare. Ashlynn stared weirded out at her sister and backed away from where she stood at the entrance of the plane.
Alec looked around, shifted his pack then looked up, "We're all clear, guys... Really..." He said, glancing up at the others, then rubbed his face with a sigh. Everything was going to get a lot more complicated now everyone knew he was homosexual. Oh god, what is Romeo likely to do to me?

"The um... The Raddison. Helena should be there waiting for us. There should be a bus waiting to take us there."

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"Ok." Max said walking out of the tunnel. "I think the exit is this way. Come on." Max started walking with his head turned so he could make sure everyone was following. "Le Go!"

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Jason turned around looking for Alec and seeing the twins bickering he chuckled and walked over only his duffel bag in his hand. “Need some help?” He offered his free hand to Raylene who seemed to be carrying most of the bags. “Figure I owe you one for the frigid cleavage case. But you gotta admit that was hilarious.” He smiled remembering the utter frustration that was on the girl’s face after his childish prank.

Jerika felt odd, she couldn’t quite place it but felt familiar. She shook it off and went to the others, “What took you all so long? I’ve been waiting forever.”
Raylene nodding grabbing her own bag and jumping down form the plane. "It was a well executed prank. I can't hold that against you." She grinned slinging her book bag over her shoulder before she resumed typing furiously on her tablet as Ashlynn pulled her over to where the rest of the group was heading towards the exit. She slowed down and let go of Ray's arm as they finally caught up with them.
Gade slowl yawned awake. "...That was a nice long nap! Felt like I slept for days!" He said to himself. "...Wonder where the guys be at he said as he plopped into the couch and turned on the tv. He then ported out into Italy, stole a pizza and ported back. "Next time...I think I'll go somewhere safer."
Ryan looked at Jerika and smiled a little, "You seem excited". Ace interrupted, "Because yall didn't eat...that's why". Ryan looked around, "So how does the bus even look?" He started to feel Alec awkward vibe from the incident three hours ago, but decided to focus on the main events instead.
"Hey!" Max called a little ways away "You guys coming or what!" He waved them towards the escalator that led down towards the exit

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"Alright, I have everybody's name in a hat here, I'll call out names, these are who you are rooming with." Alec said, walking backwards and looking at the others, with a baseball cap in his hand, and he started digging through the cap. "Uhhh, Jason, is rooming with... Oh. Sucks man, you got Romeo." The blonde boy held up the two slips of paper with the names, then handed them off to the people they belonged to, to get them out of the pile in the hat. It proceeded as shows;

Ryan and Ace

Raylene and Ashlynn

Jason and Cupid

Adelina and Helena

"Huh. Somehow I haven't- .... Oh boy..."

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Ryan jogged over to the escalator along with Ace and Cupid.

"Split! Alpha take stares at the back! Beta get to the car fast!" the control center guy ordered as the agents did as they were told. "Use your watches! Don't forget to click the button to switch skins so that they do not get suspicious!...I love technology" The guy continued.
Jason groaned, “Yaay sick kid that can cause love at first sight. Funnn” He followed the group heading up to Max, “I have a feeling this doesn’t bode well for you.” He snickered playfully punching Max in his arm.

Jerika smiled, “Me? I’m just happy to be out of that plane and that two hour nap didn’t hurt either. Though food would be nice about now.” Jerika listened to the room assignments waiting for her name. “I have a feeling this next one will be an unfortunate match.”
"Gade can teleport back to the mansion. Jerika needs to stay with girls and not alone" Ryan said as he glanced at the floor.

"Room assignments. Alright we need to cause something..." One agent said. "Or we could just bait him out" another agent suggested.

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