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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Ace responded, "Well what do you want me to do? There's nothing I can do. Besides I'm not the smartest one at this stuff in this plane anyway". He folded his arms, "Cupid go and shoot yourself". Cupid glared at Ace as he coughed.
Ashlynn bit her lip to hold back her laughter, but Ray didn't hold back as she burst out laughing. "Well that's just wonderful a wonderful idea Ace! Why don't you go shoot yourself Cupid?" "I mean, of that's what you want to do." She added on giggling.
"IT'S NO-*COUGH COUGH*" Cupid tried to speak but he could not manage to use his regular voice when he attempted to. "Cover your mouth Cupid!" Ace said as he scooted a way a bit, "Ash do you know when we will arrive?"
Raylene waved Cupid away indifferently. "Oh lighten up Romeo, with that attitude you'll be lucky to live to your late 20's before someone slits your throat." Ashlynn smacked her twin sister upside the head hard. "Don't say things like that Raylene! And in most places he'd live to his mid 30's if he's lucky..." Raylene raised an eyebrow in disbelief before mouthing with a smirk 'You little liar' Ashlynn ignored her turning to face the son of Ares."And to answer you question Ace, I think Max said about 2-3 hours?"
Max heard the ruckus going on in the passenger area. He turned on the intercom. "Attention passengers. It appears that you guys are either killing each other for food or Cupid is dying. If your Hungry please feel free to take anything out if the fridge in the back of the plane. If Cupid is dying please open the door to the plane and push him out. I'd rather not have him infect the rest of the plane with whatever he has... I'm kidding. Just lock him in a restroom if he gets to crazy." Max turned off the intercom and put his attention back to flying the plane.

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Cupid started to slowly close his eyes, "I'm just gonna..." He leaned sideways and fell asleep. "Well would you look at that! It's a Cupid in its natural habitat" Ace said as he got some food from the fridge. He continued, "Are we there yet? Why would we arrive there in three hours if there's no traffic in the sky?!" Ace gestured out the window and added, "I wonder how it would be if I drove this plane..."
Ashlynn shot up in her seat shooting daggers at Ace. "Don't ever say something as horrific as that! Next thing we know someone how your psychotic arse will somehow be flying this plane and we'll all die!" Raylene sighed tiredly pulling out a capsule from her pocket and took out to pills, handing them to her sister who swallowed them greedily with a giant gulp of water. "Tell me how I just knew that you forgot to take them before we left?"
Ace said, "Woah what was that for?" Was Ash sick? Did Ash have some kind of problem? Ace just looked at Ash, "Are you okay? You're not feeling the same way Cupid is are you?"
Ashlynn sighed leaning back in her seat tapping her hand in a flurry against her arm rest. "I'm fine. I just- with all the excitement recently..." She trailed off groaning. "I'm an idiot." "Ashlynn has an anxiety disorder. She was diagnosed with it when we were kids, but recently this doofus forgot to take her pills." Ashlynn groaned in irritation punching her sister in the arm. "Shut up talking about me like I'm an idiot before I punch you in the face." "Try it and see what happens sis."
Alec groaned from the back, groggy from Cupid's frantic squeals, and said, "Can we like, NOT start fighting on the airplane?" He said, his eyes glossy and tired. He looked like he'd been dragged behind a chariot- that had happened to him before, and it had left him bedridden for a few days.
Jacks eyes danced around his situation. He didn't know if he was being crazy or smart. He looked up at her eyes and could tell , or so he thought , that this was indeed her. Adriana had always had a distinct look in her eyes, although he wasn't sure what it meant he could tell that the person in front of him had the same eyes as the girl he remembered. Jack relaxed and turned the Karambit back to stone and pocked it. " I just .... I cant..... I'm sorry" , Jack frowned and looked at the ground and Marmore swooped down and gently landed on his shoulder nudging jacks face with his nose.
Max got up and entered the passenger area, after his mother said she'd be okay by herself. He walked out and over to the fridge and pulled out a soda. "I told you to throw him overboard." He said pointing towards Cupids. "Also it may be hard to hear anything from in the cockpit, but i could hear you through the door. Whats going on?"
"Cupid is having a panic attack... It woke me up, and now I have a headache... not that you should care, Max...." Alec muttered back, his face suddenly a picture of calm, despite his churning stomach and his head's screaming. He simply laid back down and held his head, trying to stop the pulsing in his head. It was overwhelming, the lights, the loud shouting, it all hurt so much...
Slowly, he stood; moving unsteadily, as if he was just learning to walk. Reaching for the doorknob, he twisted it shakily, stepping awkwardly into the hallway and shutting the door behind him, beginning to head for the elevators.

Rounding a corner, he focused on the matter at hand, fingers closing loosely around the small switchblade that sat in the pocket of his hoodie.

He staggered, tripping over his own feet. Like he'd been shoved; knocked from a trance.

Sighing in annoyance, Joakim jabbed clumsily at the 'down' button, waiting impatiently for the elevator. The brief thought of using the stairs crossed his mind, going ignored.

He moved, sluggish, pushing through a spectrum of white, grey, and black. It shifted, a blot of darkness, overshadowing everything around it.

"Joakim..." He struggled, and
It pressed him back; pushing.

Light danced across his vision, seeming alive. "

He was pulled, the colors swirling around him, urging him on. The faintest hint of escape; seeming so far; seeming so far, but close, almost.
It persisted, forcing him away with suffocating force, and--

He gasped, struggling as if he had just emerged from a long period of time underwater. The lobby was spread out before him, people chattering, and laughing, and how had he left his room?
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No one moved for a while, and Adriana began to grow apprehensive. Her hand twitched a bit, beginning to consider attacking him. Finally, Jack made his next move, putting his weapon away rather than question her validity. Adriana released a breath in the form of a sigh of relief, her shoulders slumping slightly.

But she seemed to have upset him, in what way she wasn't sure. "You can't what?"she asked. She hesitated but ended up gently touching his shoulder,"Are you okay? Did I say something?"
Ashlynn shrugged punching Raylene in the thigh before shielding herself with her bookbag. "Mercy! Mercy!" "I haven't tried, and am not going to punch you idiot." Ash sighed relaxing. "Yet..." Ray smirked as her sister glared at her before setting the bookbag down on the floor. "You know, some days I just can't stand you." "That's everyday for me." "Oh screw you... And I meant to push Cupid out the plane- "Either that, or kill him." "But, he looks like he's in enough pain for the day without adding breaking his bones on impact with either water or land." Ashlynn finished looking at Max.
Jason sighed evn with his music full blast he could still hear the others chattering, he considered freezing their mouths shut but really couldn't see himself doing it to anyone but Raylene. Though he increased the frost mostly around Max, he was pissed and intended to let him know it. He walked over to the fridge to grab a soda reaching to the back for an IBC root beer. He popped the top and took a couple gulps before getting back to his chair. He stopped the chill becoming tied of Cupid's complaining and didn't want to give him another reason.

Meanwhile Jerika was sitting puzzled by Ryan's abrupt ending of their conversation, she shrugged it off listening to the others. She scabned everyone no ticking how they had become a bit more comfortable with each other after spending this much time together. A smile tugged at the edges of her lips and she went with it.

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Adelina narrowed her eyes at Max as he completely ignored her comment. Perhaps he had accidentally mentioned another person whom he had not meant to acknowledge. Her mouth was ajar as she was about to repeat her query, but before she could seize the opportunity, she was crudely shoved from the cockpit, much to her dismay. It reminded her of yesterday, during which Alec and Helena had yanked her into Helena's bedroom at the mansion. What have I done to give everyone the impression that I am incapable of walking? she wondered indignantly as she rose from where she had been thrust to the ground, brushing herself off contemptuously, Max's voice resonating from the intercom. She strode down the aisle, but before she was able to select a seat in a row inhabited by no one else, she felt herself collide with the ground once more, the floor rapidly catching up to her own height. It was tilted diagonally as she slid down the aisle, her eyes wide as they fell upon the entrance to the lavatory that grew closer with each fraction of a second as her arms, outstretched, hunted for something to clasp onto. The airplane elevated swiftly, not at all helping Adelina's immensely uncomfortable situation. Her left hand finally found the back of a seat, and it grasped it desperately, her body swinging to the right side of the aisle and smashing against the seats. Her teeth gritted, she clung to it as firmly as she possibly could, but the aircraft continued to escalate, and in her effort to pull herself up into an unoccupied seat, the tips of her fingers slipped and she continued to hurtle to the rear of the jet, this time in the reverse direction. Her T-shirt was tight, fortunately, but the friction of the ground ruffled and wrinkled it. Her arms stretched out in an attempt to clamp onto an armrest or the back of a chair, with the frantic assistance of her feet, but to no avail as she harshly collided with seats, which bruised every part of her. Only two rows from the airplane's lavatory, her hands finally grasped the back of two luxurious leather chairs on either side of the aisle. This time, she maintained a more tenacious grip, and hauled herself into the nearest seat to her left, yanking the two straps of the seatbelt from each corner and hastily fastening it while not daring to raise her gaze to ensure that the row was vacant. She felt miserable and sore and utterly humiliated - but above all, she was furious.

Max was the son of Zeus and an experienced pilot, yet he apparently was not even cognizant of the basics of flying an aircraft containing numerous passengers. Adelina had already known that he was foolish, but shoving her out of the cockpit and ascending immediately after, providing not at all sufficient enough time for her to secure herself in a seat, brought him to another level of stupidity and ignorance. He had not even driven the jet down the runway; it was as if he had simply departed from the ground with zero momentum. She presumed that he had used his abilities with wind. Her hands remained fixed on the armrests of her seat as the aircraft climbed into the air. As Ace rejoiced in the group's departure and Cupid moaned about a painful sensation in his throat, Adelina remained silent, all of her energy concentrated on composing herself. It was a few minutes before the airplane stabilized and the orange glow of the icon depicting a seatbelt above her extinguished. She had not peered from the window as she often loved to do. As she collected herself, she observed her environment. Cupid seemed to be experiencing irritation within his throat, which was to Adelina's delight. She still detested him far more than any other demigod in the group, but was it possible that he possessed an abhorrent history as well? She had already been the recipient of narratives from two of the half-bloods here, and it had been less than two days since she had arrived. Her thoughts were interrupted by Max's voice over the intercom, reminding her of the aches and bruises in her limbs. She could have easily broken a bone. As the conversation between Ace, Ashlynn, Raylene, and Alec proceeded, Max exited from the cockpit, his appearance invoking further rage. Though her legs were bruised, she immediately unbound her seatbelt and marched towards the fridge, where he currently stood. Her pace quickening, she approached him and repeated the action she had operated yesterday upon Alec; a blow to his cheek. Satisfaction came when the dorsum of her hand, blistered and bruised, and still grimy with monster dust, made contact with his flesh, creating the sound of a whack from the impact. Energy that she had been holding back released from the slap - the resentment from being shoved from the cockpit, the takeoff before she could find a seat, combined with his irrational ownership of a cell phone, bringing multiple of the half-bloods here nearly to their deaths.

Promptly after striking his face, she whipped around and strode back down the aisle. Instantaneously, guilt swelled in her as she recalled what had been done to him. But was that an excuse for his foolishness?
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Jack turned up to face Adriana, still wearing a frown. He reached up and pet his Griffen, "I'm sorry for jumping on you like that Adriana I just can't be too careful at times like this" he said dismissing her questions. He paused for a second and put his smile back on and continued "you must be starving! We have some food up in the room if you want some". He hoped she wouldn't make him accompany her , he needed sleep.

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Adriana let her hand fall from his shoulder, feeling awkward. "I can't blame you, honestly. If I hadn't known it was you, I would do the same,"she gestured towards the table, which seemed to grow weak as if reverted to its normal state - she didn't need it any longer. But as if she could live with blood on her hands, anyway.

When he asked if she was hungry, her stomach answered for her, growling. Adri's cheeks became a light pink but she gave a low laugh,"Guess so. But I'll take up on you're offer later; I need to clear my head. Just tell me you're room number." She then pointed at him and joked,"But don't try to stab me in the face when I knock on the door, got it?"
Ryan got surprised when he saw Adelina whack Max in the face. He was about to ask Adelina why she hit Max, but he knew it was none of his business anyway and figured that she probably still might not talk to him "normally". Ace said, "Woah what did you do that for? Did I miss something?"
Max took the slap and just shook his head. "Nothing Ace, You didn't miss anything." Max walked towards the cockpit and opened the door. He turned and reached into the medicine cabinet and dug far into the back of the compartment. He pulled out two bottles of medicine one for headaches and one for throat pain. He wrote Alec and Cupids names on their respective medicine bottles and set them on a table in the passenger area. He closed the door and went back to the copilots seat.
Ace hit Cupid, "Up Cupid!" Cupid slowly opened his eyes and moved his hand through his blond hair. Ace grabbed Cupid's medicine and threw it at him. Cupid consumed the medicine, "Thank you person sent from..." He quickly fell back asleep as he spoke. "This child just keeps getting weirder and weirder" Ace said looking away from Cupid and shifting his gaze to the window.
Ryan gets some food and eats it. Cupid dreams to himself "If this were an rp, then we would have probably been in this plane ride for four days...thank gods it is not an rp".
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Max looked at the clock in the cockpit. He yawned and sat up. "Wow two hours of flying goes by pretty fast." He put one his headset and signaled the flight tower telling them that a private jet was landing. After they were given the all clear Max turned on the intercom "Attention all passengers. We are now preparing to land in Beautiful Curitiba, Brazil. Population I has no idea, demigod hunting scientist base pop. One. Please be seating as we are now landing at the Curitiba Airport. Thanks for flying Air-Demigod." He turned of the intercom and began the decent onto the runway. The landing went smoothly and when the plane came to a full stop Max hugged his mother, told her they would be back soon, and he stepped into the passenger area.

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