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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

As they walked towards the road, she pulled out an umbrella and opened it, holding it above them to keep the steady rainfall off of them. The walk was not much longer, but the relative silence seemed to drag it out. Mason seemed somewhat distracted so she left him to his thoughts while she busied herself with hers. The back of her neck was warming to an uncomfortable level and she hoped it would leave her be at least until they got to the mansion. The ideas of what could possibly be wrong with her ran through her mind since it first happened. She yet to come up with a reasonable explanation.

Upon reaching the road, she thrust the umbrella into Mason's idle hands and then stepped within her armory, leaving Mason by himself on the edge of the small road. She was gone for a slightly longer time than usual, picking up a dry pair of clothes along the way before driving back out of her armory and into the real world. Rolling down the window, she said, "Hop on in! Sunglasses in the seat." She waited silently for him to be seated so they could resume their travel.
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Mason scooted the sunglasses away and smiled as he pilfered his bag he managed to snatch off the destroyed pine tables. He pulled out his goggles and placed them over his head. "Don't think we need sunglasses at night, wierdo." He said smiling. He closed the door to the corvette. He sat there looking through his bag and found the parts for his bracers, his hammer someone managed to stuff in there, and his bag of waffles he had saved. He looked at Evelynn and smiled widely again. "So, think you can drive all night and make it there by morning? If not I'll take turns with you."
With a nod, Evelynn started the car. The rev of the engine sounded like music to her and soothed her anxiety. "I'll be fine. I actually enjoy driving. But thanks for the offer. I'll let you know if I get drowsy or whatever and we can swap up." She was actually somewhat surprised the Hephaestus kid knew how to drive in the first place, but decided not to add that in. The beat that came in when she clicked on the radio immediately registered with her. She picked up a pair of sunglasses and slowly put them on, singing along. "And I wear my sunglasses at night, so I can, so I can, see the light that's right before my eyes . . ." With a grin, she continued to hum along and shifted into first before starting off down the road to the mansion.
Immediately Mason began feeling the onset of his weariness and fatigue. It overtook him and he shut his heavy eyes. He leaned the seat a bit before slowly losing consciousness with the melody. He didn't dream this time in his sleep. Only black screens and violet dots. Sometimes even a lightning bolt surged across the view. But nothing woke Mason from his slumber. Slightly drooling on the seatbelt holding his head up, Mason softly began to snore. Barely audible sounds of breaths escaping his lungs only to be captured again within seconds. He would dtay immobile until Evelynn called on him or the dawn's light touched his face.
"Tall. Superman. Yeah, son of Zeus, Ryan. Him." She fell back on the nearest bed with a yawn, soon joined by Fred the hellhound with a fire hydrant in his maw, happily using it as a chew toy. "Where'd you get that...? Nevermind, it's probably from San Francisco, you love the fire hydrants there ..." She muttered, curling up.

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As jack thumbed through the phone book he got a couple of options, "What sounds good to you Helena, We can get Chinese, Pizza, or A Burgers and Chicken type place?" he said personally preferring sleep over all 3. He was wondering where jess had gone, Probably for a walk or something.
"I probably won't be awake long enough to eat it, so surprise me." She muttered plainly, her eyes closed and a slight smile on her face, content with the comfy bed she had nestled herself into. Fred looked up from his fire hydrant and barked, a deep, bone chilling barking. "I think he'd want chicken and burgers... Just get a lot. He eats as much as a bear does when preparing for hibernation... Same with me, so..." Another yawn.

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Jack picked up the hotel room phone and dialed the number for the Chicken and Burger place and said. "Hey can I get 5 burgers and a basket of like 14 chicken fingers and a small frie? .... yes.... thanks just charge it on the room" . Jack hung the phone up and turned to Helena and said "So Where are you from Helena?". At this he stood up and opened the balcony door to let Marmore back inside, and jack pet him affectionately.
"Illinois, Louisiana, Washington, Oregon and Texas. I been all over. Sucks when wherever you go, you're not really wanted, and when accidents involving things mortals don't understand happen. But I was lucky enough to be adopted by a son of Apollo, so." She glanced at him, then rolled over on her stomach. "How about you."

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"I come from A town near chicago" Jack said feeling a little guilty for having a normal life"That must have been cool being raised by a demigod" He paused for a second and continued "I bet youve been through alot these past few days Helena" As he said this he pulled his two rocks out of his pocket and started to turn them into different machines and weapons .
"... It only mattered after I was six... The first five years of my life were torturous, buuuut I'm not gonna go into THAT with some guy I just met." She sighed, and rolled over on her back, then scratched her neck and chin, yawned again, and grabbed the nearest pillow, rested it on Fred's stomach then laid her head down there too.

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Adelina rolled her eyes at Max's denial, slightly lowering the blade from his throat but not at all relaxing her firm grip on the hilt. The son of Zeus was composed and impassive, which she found rather frustrating, as her purpose was to intimidate him. However, he had gestured for his mother to leave the cockpit, which indicated that he was genuinely concerned that conflict might occur - or perhaps she had been planning to exit regardless. For a moment, she pondered over whether she would actually be inclined to harm another of the demigods - she had certainly thought she would at first, when she had initially discovered that a cellphone was in the boy's possession. She recalled his mother's advice for Max to keep his phone near him. The boy was evidently bluffing right now, though he was an adept liar, and Adelina would have easily believed him if she had not overheard his and his mother's conversation on the intercom. "Oh, please," she sighed exasperatedly, Max's collar still pulled back by her fingers. "I seem to have forgotten to mention that I have the ability to tell if you're lying. Do not try," she warned, fastening him with a menacing glare. She was a proficient liar as well, not at all hesitant to deceive. It did not require any thought, only the conscious belief that the lie was indeed the truth, even if her subconscious disagreed. "So now that you've cleared up that you're nothing but a filthy liar, I'd like your phone now. Unless, that is, our lives mean nothing to you." Adelina wondered if Max had even been informed of the danger that cellphones brought demigods - clearly not, if he was to be so insistent about keeping one. Did he even know what an Iris-message was? Some minds are senseless, she reminded herself. She was not familiar with stupidity after the nine months she had spent in a cabin with people whose brains were approximately as competent as hers. She remembered her years before she had arrived in the camp, surrounded by students whose minds were insufficient when compared to hers. Max was similar to them, she concluded, if not more uneducated.
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Jack was not about to tell Helena that she had to leave his room, because he knew for a fact that Jess would not be happy when she came back to a pool of hell slobber, a massive hellhound, and a stranger in her bed but he would let her sort that out. Jack leaned back in his bed looking up at the roof for a bit he turned to Helena and said " Helena, do you ever wonder if being a demigod is a blessing or a curse? " smiling and letting out a stale laugh.

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"OWCH your words hurt, Adelina, but.." Max said to the girl. Max's expression turned to stone "if you'd lived a day. No a second in my life you'd understand why I carry one." Max removed her hand from his collar with ease "you might want to sit down. I'm gonna share with you something I've never told anyone else." He gestured towards the seat. "And in case you feel like trying to attack me I could have you through the wall before you could lift a finger." Max spun the Pilots chair towards Adelina and sat down "Two years ago I would've let my guard down, but now I study the body movements of everyone present in a room. I'll know if you feel like striking me down, so remember who's got the advantage here." He used his powers to move the phone out from under the chair Adelina was standing by and into his hands "So sit and maybe you'll get why I carry this." He tossed the phone in the air and held it there with his powers "And if you hear me out I might get rid of it." Max stared at the Child of Athena. He studied her. Took in everything he could. He would not be tricked again. Not again. Sam would be the last one. He focused his attention back at Adelina's face and memories it. "Who'd a thought you would be the first person I tell." He thought to himself waiting for the girl to sit down.

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"Oh, pfft. Curse, definitely. One parent who most of the time can't explain the strange things that happen or happen around you. The other parent isn't allowed to see you or even remotely show you any affection, so basically you got a life of mystery in front of you. And danger. I was attacked by a Laistrygonian cannibal once. It was dressed like a cheerleader."

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"Wow , that sounds hilarious and terrifying at the same time!" Said jack with a chuckle. There was an alarming *knock knock knock* on the door and Jack got up to open the door. " I'm definitely going to need to train a lot more for fighting monsters often"

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The young girl offered no reply; she has fallen asleep quite soundly. Her hellhound meanwhile looked up from his fire hydrant at the sound of the knocking, and barked, his tongue looking out of his mouth. He barked some more.

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Jack opened up the door to find the delivery guy with their food. Jack reached into his pocket for a drachma to tip the man but he realized that wouldn't work. So he reached into his other pocket and gave the man 3 bucks, a not so good tip, but oh well. He turned to the slobbering hellhound and unwrapped 3 burgers and the chicken and threw it at him to eat. Jack took himself a burger and some fries to eat Content with the small talk he sat on the bed and ate. Even though his stomach protested.

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Ryan went into the plane and sat down. He rested his head on a head rest. Ryan's eyes slowly started to close as he began to grow tires. Maybe he grew tired because of the fact that he had a difficult time sleeping the previous night due to his hearing ability.

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Remy dashed down the hallway of a hotel. She was being chased an hunted down by some scientists who were interested in her 'gifts'. Remy opened a door to a hotel room and hid inside the room hoping she would get the scientists off her trail for awhile at least. Remy leaned against the wall and began catching her breath. ((I think the room Remy ran into is supposed to be Jack's room I guess. Sorry, I'm obviously new))
"Uhhh yeah I got here. Barely though. Ive had Russian scientists hunting me down non stop." Astrid said regaining her energy.
Cupid looked around and shifted in his seat. He glanced at the tired Ryan then looked out the window, "So...anyone know when we are going to go?" Ace responded, "Hey that rhymes!" Ace started to beatbox, "Boom ch boboom ch Anyone KNOW When we gonna GO?! Cause this gettin' pretty SLOW and I ain't droppin' to the FLO!" Cupid quickly yelled, "AYE SHUT UUUPPPP!" Ace continued, "Unless I get my BURRITO! Obviously Cupester, I am getting hungry. So unless you have a ba-" Cupid through a granola bar at Ace, "Picked it up earlier when you guys were against that monster th-" Cupid started to cough and he held his neck, "Ow my throat hurts".
A harsh, scornful laugh escaped Adelina's lips, bitingly cold, and she let herself feel relaxed and composed, not unnerved by the boy's intimidation. Deception was not about appearing the way one desired to on the outside, but feeling that way as well. "What a nice way to ruin your mom's plane," she retorted. "And if you knew what I could do to you, you'd be begging on your knees. Just because I'm only a daughter of Athena doesn't mean that I'm so much less powerful than a son of Zeus," she challenged, leaving the thought hanging with the impression that she possessed unknown powers that were far more intense than his own, although she was thoroughly aware that the boy was capable of vanquishing her with ease, due to his proficiency in manipulating air. There was an advantage to the obscurity of her abilities. Max knew naught of her minimal powers apart from her adequate intellect. She would not let her limited capabilities give her the sensation of uselessness, however. The Chimera may have slaughtered the entire group without her assistance, and it reminded her of her irritation at their lack of recognition of her idea's effectiveness. But it was a frivolous reason to be bothered, and she shoved the thought aside.

She was rather irked that Max had been at all convinced that she would ever be inclined to harm him, though she had indeed threatened him. Perhaps she would condemn him to constant telepathic thoughts, or something preferably more evil and more aggravating, but the idea of mutilating another demigod appalled her. Combat was entertaining and enjoyable, but she had never deliberately maimed another individual, excluding monsters. Although she felt this way, the prospect of a story from another member of the group brought her instantaneous curiosity. Brimming with interest, she pivoted to the copilot's opulent seat and sank into it before the boy could form a response, remembering Helena's memoir as well, which filled her with disgust though it had intrigued her immensely. It was bizarre that she would be the first to attend an anecdote from this near stranger, but she ignored the abnormality and swiveled the chair to face his, staring at him with inquisitive eyes. "Okay, so what happened?" It was difficult to imagine a reason why he would be compelled to continually carry the device that brought demigods the most peril. Half of her hoped that whatever he was about to tell her would be lengthy, for she enjoyed stories, yet the other half desired for it to be brief, for numerous monsters were certain to be currently on their trail. The struggle between the group's safety and her own personal contentment.
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Max let the phone fall back into his hands. "First off it all started two years ago."

"I was at the time dating a girl named Sam. She was at the time the love of my life, but things were never as they seemed. One day we went to see a movie, and we were attacked by two cyclops during the film. I… I had to reveal my demigod powers to her and i hoped that after i had saved her she would understand me. I was wrong. I got her outside and away from the two attacking cyclops and kept her behind me. I told her to stay behind me and that I would protect her, but things weren't as they had seemed. As i was focused on the cyclops she… she pulled out a celestial bronze dagger and shoved it into my back. I was shocked and heartbroken, and I felt betrayed. She said to me that she was only using me that she… she only cared about removing demigods from this world. She told me she was a siren and that the entire time i was under her spell. She laughed as i was dying in front of her and she left with the two cyclops in tow. I woke up later that day in the Hospital with my mother sitting beside me. I told her we needed to leave, because if Sam had figured out the I'd survived her attack then she might hunt me down…. So the next day we set off in our plane and we left our home, our lives, and our friends behind.From that day on we traveled around the world, making sure we never stopped in one place for too long. I thought we could finally enjoy life and happiness… but i was wrong. And it took me til our trip to Egypt to realize this…"
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Jason, becoming a bit annoyed that they weren't flying yet, got up from his seat next to Jerika and proceeded to stroll over to the cockpit, turning off his music and pulling out his earbuds. He was greeted by a closed door and was a little bit curious, he knew Max liked his privacy but also knew things weren't always what they seemed with him. He put his ear to the door and at first heard muffled voices a feminine one and a male one who he figured was Max. Focusing on listening he heard Max's story about Sam, Jason felt bad for his friend butwas also pissed off with a bit of betrayal. How? He didn't know his emotions are something he never tries to understand. But it took effect on the world around him, the temperature dropped and a layer of frost formed on everything. He paused, staring at the door the rage building in his chest and ice spreading over everything.

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