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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Raylene watched Helena for a moment smiling impressed. "That girl can run..." Ashlynn rolled her eyes applying the burn medicine to her twin's wound and wrapping it in gauze before pulling her back inside the plane. "You are impossible Ray." She sighed collapsing into her seat.

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Max got into the plane and went straight for the cockpit. He couldn't believe what he'd just witnessed. "How could Alec like me? How long has he liked me? Why is this happening now? Why is this happening at all?!" He though as he walking into the cockpit and closed the door. He dumped into the Copilots seat and sighed. His Mother noticed this " You alright dear? You can talk to me if you need too, and it won't play over the intercom. We had a little glitch in the system when we landed, but no worries now." She said with a smile. "Great now they probably know about my phone" Max though to himself before responding to her. "Umm… The child of Aphrodite… The one who's friends with Helena… Just… umm…" "he's in to you isn't he?" She said as Max tried to get the words out. "Um…. *sigh* yeah." "Well good for him!" she said smiling "WHAT DO YOU MEAN GOOD FOR HIM!?" Max yelled. He was glad that it was impossible to hear them unless someone had their ear to the door. "Im kinda scared because one of my friends who is gay likes me, and I'm not gay!" "Max calm down. You don't need to feel scared, you just need to tell him that you're not into him, or you can just go with it." She said to him "ugh!" Max said leaning backwards "Fine ill talk to him when we land again, but not now." His mother smiled at him "You'll be fine Max." Then she noticed his arm "MAX! Your bleeding all over the place!" Max remembered his arm and the teeth that were still in it. "Oh, right…. umm we kinda had a Chimera attack." She pulled out the remaining teeth and bandaged up his arm. "There now since your hurt ill fly us the rest of the way. Now we just need everyone back on the plane."
"Yeah..." He said as he struggled to stand. "...I guess I can..." He popped into the plane. Unfortunately, due to his concussion his aim was terrible and he landed on Ashlynn's lap. "Sorry." He mumbled as he plopped off and crawled to his seat like a little worm.
Ryan started running with normal human speed to Helena, "She can't just run all the time.." He said silently as he saw her sprinting down the terminal. Cupid went into the plane and put his hand over his own mouth. He looked outside the window as an attempt not to laugh at the romantic situation. Maybe he could shoot Max and make him fall in love with his brother.
Helena was sprinting full force, not even feeling fatigue yet. "I WAS ON THE CROSS COUNTRY TEAM IN HIGH SCHOOL! IT LASTED A WHOLE WEEK, before a Laistrygonian Cannibal attacked me dressed like a cheerleader... BUT I AIN'T RUNNING OUT OF STEAM ANYTIME SOON!" She shouted, laughing maniacally, turning a sharp corner, and disappearing.

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Ryan kept running, "It's like you forgot what I can do". He mantained a human speed and kept running. Ryan hit the wall as he turned the corner, but kept running.

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Jack walked into the hotel he was told to go to, His pet mechanical griffin Marmore perched on his shoulder. He was still having trouble with the fact that he may not see his mother again for a while. He walked up to the front desk and got the card for his room. He was told he may have to share a room with someone, He really hoped he didn't though because he needed some time to just sort out exactly what was happening in his life now.

He walked upstairs and knocked on the door just incase someone was inside
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Ryan stopped running when he noticed that he lost his target. He moved both of his hands through his hair and sighed as he turned around to walk back to the plane. "I don't understand anything anymore..you can't just walk to a location 3 hours away by plane" He said quietly turning the sharp corner. Ryan noticed Ace stepping into the plane at a distance. The clock he passed caught his eye and he thought "Well better make sure Ace is fed on time before he gets all Hulky again".
Helena looked out of a doorway in the long hallway. "Hahahaha..." She laughed then disappeared into the room again.

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Ryan with his abilities was able to hear Helena laugh from a distance. He turned back a around and used his super speed to run through every room and search for her. Ryan entered the room Helena was in, "How else can you get the location if you don't want to fly there? Did you want to walk there?"
"I can shadow travel. It's only a few hours away, it'll just leave me tired. What was it the... Raddison? BYE GUYS, I'll met ya there. HAHA, SEE YA!" Helena then disappeared into the shadows. And soon she tumbled into a dark room. She slipped on what felt like tiles, and she whacked into something- A bathtub. "Oh... I ended up in the bathroom... Hahaha..." She looked around, then slowly got up and found the light switch. Her head was reeling, and when she stumbled out of the bathroom, she couldn't see anyone, but she did hear someone knocking at the door. So off she stumbled to the door, and opened it. "Hello..."
Ryan just went back to the plane and sat in a seat, "Alright guys can we please go now?" He leaned back as he folded his arms. How did Max handle the whole Alec thing? Did Alec really like him, or was it just the blood loss getting effecting his mind?
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Jack felt the rush of wind from the door opening. He was a little startled from the door opening as he was expecting Noone to answer so he took a step back. "Uh, hi I'm Jack... " he said Not sure weather to talk in code or not . "This is the right room right" he continued as he scratched the back of his head. Marmore jumped down from his shoulder greeting the new person he saw, Marmore seemed to already like her.

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"Yes, can we please go? I'm sick and tired of this plane." Raylene said in agreement as Ashlynn pulled out a Snickers bar handing it to her sister to shut her up.

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Slowly Alec woke up. When he woke up there was dried blood under his nails, he was light headed, and he had a serious headache. He sat up and rubbed his head, looking around. Cupid was there, most everybody except Helena and a few others weren't there. Not surprised by Helena not being there, he decided not to worry and ventured to find aspirin. The son of Aphrodite got up and walked off. When he just so happened to pass by Max, he stopped and looked at him groggily, "Hey, you have any aspirin? I got a serious headache..."

Helena stared at the guy standing outside the door, her eyes narrowed tiredly. "...Is that an automaton gryphon." She said simply, staring at the little mecanical bird lion, then reaching out with her finger to scratch it under the chin. "Oh, yeah thats definitely Hephaestus, get in here.." She reached out and grabbed this new guy by the shoulder and dragged him into the room, closing the door behind her. "Good god, I am glad I didn't have to take that f***ing plane."
Max heard a voice from behind. He sat up and turned around to see Alec at the slightly open door to the cockpit. "Oh ummm… In the compartment over there." He pointed to the set of compartments in the cockpit area. "It should be in a blue bottle in a white box with a lightning bolt of it."
Jack took comfort in the fact that she could see Marmore. This meant that she was another demigod. Finnaly he had someone else he could talk to, at least for the moment. "Do you have bad blood with Zeus, or are you just scared of planes?" He asked , Jack hoped he wouldn't have to play 20 questions to figure out who's blood she was.

Marmore cooed as he was pet, brushing up his body against hers seeking more attention.

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" 'Kay." Alec moved over to the compartment and retrieved the bottle of aspirin, then turned back to Max and looked at him, "What? Your looking at me funny." He turned the cap off and retrieved a single pill, an eyebrow raised.

Helena looked at him, then yawned and flopped on the nearest bed. "Oh, don't know me from camp? The only H-"

Right at this moment, a huge beast lumbered out of the darkness towards the mechanical gryphon, fur raised and growling, until Helena sat up and shouted, "FREDDY!" At which point, the huge hellhound launched itself onto the bed and licked her face like any friendly hugenormous mastiff hellhound would to his mistress. "Freddy! I missed you too buddy! Awwww, hellhound love! Awww, come here you!" The girl wrapped her arms around the beast's neck and hugged him, the Hephaestus son completely forgotten.
"umm…" Max said then looked at his mother with a look that asked her to leave. She got up and walked into the passenger space. "Im just thinking about what you said back in the airport…" He said and then looked down towards the floor.

Max's mother shut the door and walked and sat in the closest seat to the cockpit. "We'll leave when we have everyone on board… I think we're missing that Athena girl."
"What are you talking about? Man, I can't remember anything after being eaten by a goat." Alec said, downing the pill and leaning back on the wall, crossing his arms. "By the way, where is your mother going...?"
As this massive best entered the room Marmore leapt up on to Jacks shoulder hissing at the massive hellhoud that was being treated like a teddy bear. Jack calmed down his pet smiling at the strange situation only a demigod would be able to experience. He was not about to interupt this precious moment between the two so he decide to claim the other bed putting his stuff down as slobber got all over the other one.

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"So you don't remember Drawing the heart and putting My name along with yours in it." Max aid leaning back "You called me a Sexy piece of Sh*t Alec. Were you hallucinating from blood lose, or do you have a thing for me." Max reclined back in the seat. "You've literally scared the crap out of me. Don't Lie Alec. I can tell when some one lies to me."
The bottle of aspirin fell out of Alec's hand. The son of Aphrodite stared at Max for a minute, then another, then a few more. He stood there staring, then the biggest, fakest smile spread across his face, and he muttered, "I am not having his conversation... I have no idea what you're talking about! HA! HAHAHA! HAAAAA!" Alec laughed, then slapped his hands on his face, "okay, yes. I'm gay. But, that was probably just me being crazy from blood loss or something." He personally put in an ounce of charmspeak into it, just to force Max to believe his lie. Only Helena has ever seen past his Charmspeak, and apparently Raylene. "Anyway, thanks for making me feel like an idiot. Bye." With that, Alec picked up the aspirin and walked away. The minute he was out of Max's sight, his face lit up red like a Christmas tree and he slunk back to his seat.

"Okay, get off, off the bed, come on." Helena shoved the hellhound off, then looked at Jack again. "Sorry about hat, uhhh... He's friendly. Helena Imuuno. Daughter of Hades."

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Max tried to stop Alec before he left, but he was too slow. "Bloods loss my a**" Max muttered to himself spinning back around in his seat. Max was thankful that his old girlfriend was a Siren, since now things like charmspeak have little effect on him. "*sigh* whatever" He said slumping in his seat. He hated being lied to and was good at figuring out when people lie to him. "now to add another person to my liar list. Alec goes right behind Ryan." He mumbled as his mother walked back into the cockpit. "We're waiting for The Athena girl" His mother said to him sitting down. Max sat up and turned on the intercom "Hey Ry can you go grab Adelina from the Airport, we just need her on the plane and we're good." He turned off the intercom and pulled out his phone and started playing the iOS port of The World Ends With You.
Alec sank into his seat, with a huge sigh. Gods, if this day couldn't get any worse. Max knew he had a thing for him, and now he'd just blatantly lied to him, he'd never have a shot, even if Max WASN'T straight. Gods, where was Helena when he needed her!

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