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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Max smiled as Alec severed the goat head from the rest of the Chimera. They were making progress in killing the beast. Max then saw his chance Jason's failed neck slash. The beast was focused on Jason. Max condensed the air around the tip of his staff and made it as sharp as a spear. He aimed a threw the staff at the beasts chest hoping to have it pierce th fought it's heart. But Jason's attack to the creatures leg made the beast fall forward, making his staff lodge itself above the heart and in the spine with a loud thunk. Still a vital hit, but not what he wanted. Max cursed under his breath. He was weapon less again.

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Adelina's lips parted to thank Ryan as she promptly seized the smooth gray sphere, her shoulders and arms instantaneously straining from the weight as it nestled in her hands, before pivoting to respond to Helena. "I used to carry one!" she hollered in return, then abruptly froze as she gawked at Alec being devoured by the goat head and slicing its neck from the interior of the throat. Curious, she thought, considering the incident. I was certain that a Chimera's skin is much stronger than Alec made it look. Grateful that there was only one head remaining, this one unquestionably far more difficult to conquer, she observed the scene, her eyes widening as an enraged fire ignited in the Chimera's surviving eyes, glowering hungrily at the boy who had severed another of the heads from the rest of the body. It quite clearly had acquired a new target, though it was fortunate that it was currently busy attempting to free itself from Ace's muscular grip, fracturing the once smooth floor of the airport terminal with its stomping and swaying its head continuously. Though it belched flames in every direction, it was at least not launching its fire at a particular target - which, most likely, once it had disentangled itself from Ace's grasp, would be Alec.

Her gaze diverting back to Ryan, clasping the lead in her hands, cautious not to let it plummet to her toes. "Thanks," she said hurriedly, acknowledging how foolish it was to expect a single individual in the terminal to possess what she had requested, but it had been worth a try, and her efforts had been effective. It was probable that Gade's pocket could be compared to her own backpack - capable of containing far more than it appeared to. That was a feature that would surely be beneficial to a son of Hermes - a thief, a pickpocket. However, it was bizarre to view him supine on the floor, unconscious. He displayed his ability often, which labeled him as a show-off in Adelina's perspective, and energy never seemed to drain from him. Despite this, immortal beings were different. It was likely that the teleportation of a monster such as the Chimera, though a mere two feet away from its original position, had induced his instability.

Not bothering to ponder over how Ryan had so rapidly obtained the lead ball, Adelina swiftly ducked as fire hurtled toward her, scorching the wall behind her. Her reflexes were precise. Realizing that she would have to somehow secure this dense, poisonous sphere between the jaws of the lion, she rushed towards it, determined to kill this beast once and for all. Letting her left arm fall to the side and poising her right arm, with the hefty sphere, in the air, she launched the ball upwards as she bolted towards the Chimera, which wildly thrashed its head back and forth, roaring in exasperation. Once it lodged itself in the lion's firebreathing throat, the flames would melt it, converting it into a lethal fluid. The liquid would choke the monster and contaminate it with deadly lead poisoning. The large globe soared through the air, towards the Chimera's gaping muzzle . . .

She knew before it had left her grasp that it bore no chance of victory. It sailed across the terminal and glanced off of the lion's impenetrable neck. From the ground, Adelina was helpless. Barely rolling quickly enough to evade another burst of fire that demolished yet another section of wall, she dragged herself across the tiles, most of them fortunately still intact, and snatched the ball of lead as it collided with the ground and rolled away from the Chimera. She caught sight of Max in front of the beast, attempting to pierce the Chimera with his staff, now a spear. How did he manage to penetrate the monster's practically impervious flesh? As she shoved the thought aside, an image of the son of Zeus entered her mind - the boy manipulating the air to lift him off of the ground. She herself was powerless on the floor of the airport terminal, but it would be much more effortless to drop the lead ball from above. Her mind racing, Adelina sprinted towards Max, now supplied with hope of defeating the dreadful creature. "Fly up and drop this thing in that thing's mouth!" she demanded, thrusting the heavy sphere to him and pointing awkwardly with her left hand's index finger over her right arm at the Chimera. Her scheme would have to succeed in conquering the almost invincible monster.
Max didn't question Adelina when he was handed the lead ball. He took it, nodded, and kicked off the ground. He flew by the beast slicing at his face to get its attention. It worked. It worked too well. Max immediately spun and dodged the blast of fire that had been fired at him. Max saw his chance. The beast roared at him, and Max dived towards it. He stuffed the arm holding the ball into its mouth and let go, but the chimera was faster. The monster clamped it's jaws downwards and bit into Max's arm. Max winced as it happened and quickly put his foot and other hand on its jaws so it wouldn't take his arm off. "Hey Fluffy I Need That!" He shouted trying to pry open the jaws. Then he heard the beast heave. It was trying to spit up the lead ball. Max felt the ball touch his hand inside the beasts mouth and Max pushed it back down. Max smiled "hey furball I dare you to try breathing your little cinders at me!" The beast glared at Max in anger. Max felt heat coming from inside the beast. "Please work." Max thought as he kept the ball from being spit up. Max felt his hand burning, and with what force he could muster pushed the ball back down towards the heat as the fire came up. The beast opened his mouth and Max kicked himself away fast, so if the plan failed he could get away. He landed on his butt next to Adelina. He held his arm in pain, a tooth had come out of the Chimeras Maw and was still stuck in Max's arm. He didn't dare move it, yet. He looked up and saw the Chimera roar in pain. The Lead ball worked. He watched as the Chimera howled in pain until it finally died and turned to dust. "Thank gods that worked." Max said out loud. He pulled the tooth out of his arm "souvenir I guess." He said to himself with a reassuring smile.

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Helena rushed out of the terminal, her hands blood soaked, and she rushed to Max and Adelina. "Did ya'll kill it? Good work... Alec is kind of bleeding out, I need nectar, or ambrosia, or something! HELP!" Helena was obviously panicking. Her best friend was slowly bleeding to death.

Alec was laying in the terminal, leaned up against a turnstile, plucking teeth from his body, looking them over, then placing it in a pile. "And all I had to do was get eaten by a goat.." He muttered.
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Max got up and made his way over to Alec. "Hey stop plucking those out so fast." Max said squatting down and putting his hand on his wrist. "Here." Max said pulling out some gauze from his backpack. He started wrapping Alec's body up, pulling out teeth only when necessary. "If you would've kept pulling them out you would've bled to death." Max finished wrapping him up. "and here eat this." Max said handing him some Ambrosia. "Ill be right back, Ryan should have some more." Max stood up and ran towards Ryan. "Hey you have any extra Ambrosia or Nectar? Alec needs some." Then Max remembered his arm. "And uh i think i might need some too."
Ryan went to Noah's medicine bag and searched for Ambrosia, "At least this bag seems to never run out of any nectar and ambrosia". He picked up a small bottle and handed it to Max, "There you go". As he handed it to Max, Ryan looked around and found a map of Brazil posted on a wall. He walked toward the map then looked for the city they were headed to, "Which one are we going to again?" Ryan turned back to Max as he asked the question.
Alec was in his own little world. He was light headed, and blood loss made him loopy. "Oh heeeey Maaaax, you sexy piece of sh*t, yoooouuu." Alec said, rolling over onto his back, and making snow angel motions, "look- blood angels.." He laughed, not really aware of what was going on. Or what he was saying. "Awwwww, hearts..." He was drawing hearts in blood on the cold floor, then pressed his face against the floor. "The ground is so cold.... Like Ace's soul..." More laughing.

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Cupid heard Alec and his words, "I never thought I'd see this side of Alec come out...." He bursted out laughing, "HAHAHA Oh man! WOOO! HAHA! Alec! Bhahaha! Hilarious! He should get swallowed by goat heads more often!"

Ryan looked at Helena, "Did he just call Max what I think he just called him? Did I hear that correctly?"
"Um.. Ummm... He's just loopy from blood loss?"

Alec was now drawing hearts with arrows through them, and guess what in the middle? A + M.

Helena bit her lip, then dragged her foot through the pictures, smiling nervously.

"Nooooo..." Alec moaned, trying to recover the pictures. Helena stared at him, then at Ryan, smiling bigger.

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"Ill get back to you on that Ryan." Max said and kicked towards Cupid Punching him through the window of the terminal. "Grrr Cupid He's loopy! DONT YOU DARE USE THIS AGAINST ME!." Max said trying to calm himself down. "Its probably the blood loss." he mumbled as he went back to Alec "umm. Please stop that Alec." Max said sitting Alec back up. "here drink this…. wait your probably still loopy… umm crap." Max tilted Alec's head back and poured the nectar down his throat. "There. Can some one take him back to the plane?" Max asked trying to keep Alec from falling over again.
Ryan smiled at Helena, "You knew about this?"

Cupid yelled, "Take him into the plane yourself Max! He obviously loves you! Alec even used my signature symbols and marked your initials with his in them." Cupid kept laughing. This was a great experience for him. He didn't care at the moment that he was punched through the window.
Alec looked at Max dreamily, "oh my gah," he started, leaning heavily on Max, "I-"

"Alec, HEY! Uhhhh, lets go find that car that's waiting for us!" Helena cut him off, then snatched Alec from Max and dragged him away by his arms.

"Oooo, car ride! Wheeeee!" Alec exclaimed, then added, "bye maaaaaxxxx!"

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Ryan smiled and looked at his brother, "Aw Max, Alec has a crush on you". He laughed but was only teasing his brother. Ryan knew that it was possible that the blood loss could have made Alec say all that stuff about Max. "Anyway..so which city was that again? We might also need a hotel and reserve two rooms or so so that the guys and girls will be separate from each other" Ryan added.
"Did I f*** up again, Helena.."

"Only a little, if you count your biggest secrets just drawn out in blood for the entire world, including Max, to see."

"D'aww... Damnit..." Alec said, laying on his back in the women's bathroom as Helena took several wads of paper towel and was cleaning him up.

"I always f*** up..." He murmured.

"No you don't, Alec. That's my line."

"Awwww no... Cause your amazing... Just the way you arrrrreee... Hahaha..."

"Shut up and eat your pomegranate..."


"Nothing, just hold still."

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Raylene smiled before wincing again. "Um, does anyone have some burn medicine? My arm feels like it's still on f****** fire."

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Ryan went to Noah's bag again and took out burn medicine. He made his way to Ray, "Here" Ryan said as he handed the medicine to her. Then shifting his gaze to Adelina, "So did you by any chance search up a nice hotel for us to stay in?" He put one hand in his pocket as he held the medicine bag with the other.
Max was embarrassed beyond all belief. He was freaking out in his mind. "I'm not gay. Why me? Why not someone else? Why now? I can't believe I punched Cupid. What am I gonna do!?" Max though to himself looking at the smeared heart with M+A written in it. He heard Ryan and made a little wind whip and hit in in the back. "Not funny." Max said frightened over what had just happened

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Stepping onto the balcony of her small hotel room with her bow in hand, she sat down on a chair and began sharpening arrows while gazing at the horizon. I really hope I'm not alone for much longer Jess thought serenely, the lamest she's been since arriving in the city.

The usually bubbly girl got in a fight with a few skellies on the way here, making it difficult to hit the bony creatures with her arrows, but like everything else it was done and they was now reduced to monster ash somewhere in the wind. She checked into the hotel using the debit card with a safe 15.8 billion in the account.

Finally satisfied with her arrows, she dropped off her bow and arrows in the closet with the fake back, pulling on a pair of jeans and a hoodie as well as tying her damp hair in a ponytail. Food seems nice right about now. This place should have a nice restaurant. I paid enough for the room. She thought taking the elevator downstairs and stepping out.
Jason retracted his weapons and went to Max's side patting him on his back. "Hey man it's not the worst thing to happen just talk it over with him later see what happens. Though right now we have other problems, like where the hell did the Chimera come from and how did it know we were here?" He turned to the others then seeing the shape everyone was in he rethought his approach. "Scratch that before we do any investigating/brainstorming, let's get everyone cleaned up and fed we won't get anywhere with everyone being a mess as we are now. Max how much time to we have left here before we head out again?"

Jerika's heart was beating a mile a minute during the whole fight seeing the Chimera in a situation she had had to face multiple times before was painful, she had noticed it hadn't attacked her and went for pretty much everyone else even after she took it's eye. She just stood over the sandy remains of the beast remembering how it felt when she had been reduced to a pile. She looked at the others as they collected themselves acting just the same as they had before. "And I'm the monster." She muttered under her breath before leaving, going straight back to her seat in the jet and sitting legs and arms crossed, a scowl on her face.
Helena dragged Alec out of the bathroom, and across the floor. He was all cleaned up now, but he was barely conscious. Nectar made him sleepy. Helena dragged him straight past Jason and Max, then stopped suddenly. "Tell me we're not getting back on that plane." She said, not looking at the two.

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Max shook himself out if his daze, and secretly checked the phone he had hidden in his pocket. "Sorry Helena we have to get back on the plane. Anyways..." He paused feeling his phone vibrate in his pocket quickly. "My mom should be done refueling it right now, so we should head back soon." Max turned away trying not to look at Alec. "I'll be waiting in the plane." Max said in a monotone and started towards where the plane was landed.
Helena didn't even hesitate. She dropped Alex and ran in the opposite direction. "NOPE! NEVER AGAIN, NOOOO! NOPENOPENOPENOPE!" She was running full speed in the wrong direction.
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Gade slowly and groggily woke up. He blinked a few times but his vision was still a bit blurry. "Hello?!" He shouted as he waved his arms. "Can anyone tell me what's going on?" He said as he tired to stand but couldn't because he felt too tired. "That and I might have a concussion."
Jason followed Max shrugging at Helena's refusal to ride the jet figuring she really didn't have much of a choice, He picked Alec up and proceeded to carry him onto the jet slipping in behind Max and seeing a very angry Jerika in her seat. Jason set Alec down in the seat he was in and sat next to Jerika. He figured she wouldn't say anything to him until she was ready so he busied himself with his iPod playing fruit ninja.

Jerika glanced over at Jason as he sat down but since he didn't seem to be there to pry she decided to tolerate his presence. She looked out the window images of the Chimera fighting for it's life flashing through her mind making her more and more upset, she pulled out a bottle of water and took a long drink from it. She tossed the other one to Jason and went back to her thoughts.
Ryan looked at Gade, "The chimera's dead and we're boarding the plane again...you think you can teleport yourself in there while I get Helena?" He looked at the girl running in the opposite direction, "Or you can stay here and wait for me to get her then come back and help you inside".

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