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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Before Ryan left the plane he overheard Max and Alec's discussion in the cockpit with his ability. He thought to himself "Woah Max needs to be a little gentle with that topic and not just fire words at Alec like he intentionally chose to be gay and like him". Ryan got out of the plane and looked around, "Adelina?" He saw her figure and walked to the child of Athena, "Ready to go? Everyone else is already inside the plane...well except for Helena who already shadow traveled if that is what you call it".
"Good to meet you, if you haven't noticed yet I'm a son of Hephaestus". Not quite believing that part about him being friendly . " it's getting late what do you think about going to the restraunt downstairs and filling me in on what's going down?". He said , although he new he wouldn't eat much after the seasickness he got from the long ride here.

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"Sure, why not-" Fred the hellhound then pounced on he son of Hephaestus and licked his face, thoroughly drenching his face with slobber. "Awwww, he likes you." Helena got up and pulled her hellhound away from the boy, "I know, I know, all these new people, new trees to piss on, yeah, yeah. Why don't you go do that." The girl pulled a bone whistle out of her pocket and blew it, then he hellhound bounded into the shadows and disappeared. Then he black haired girl replaced the bone into her pocket.

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Jack wiped the spit off of his face and let out a good chuckle. He walked over to the balcony "go stretch your wings mare". As Maremore gracefully flew away jack closed the balcony door. He walked to the door and opened it turned the lights off in the room, and started walking down the hall.

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Evelynn's eyes followed the movements Mason made, watching him work with a curious expression. She could see, and even understand, what he was doing, but not get. It made about as much sense as Trigonometry did, which her mother had insisted she learn along with her other maths. 'Triangles are important!' she would always insist. So far the only triangle that interested her much was the one in Bermuda. As he held out the suit she looked it over with skepticism. "This will keep me from going . . . Ahhhh ahhh fire . . . And all of that stuff?" Being well aware of the protective capacity of a hazmat suit, she still had something of a hard time believing it would protect her from the unmitigated heat of the inside of a volcano. She was worried the substance would simply melt or incinerate all together. Tossing another glance at Mason, she accepted the proffered item and started pulling it on. Hazmats weren't designed to be comfortable, but the coolness of the nitrogen expedited her equipping of the suit. Once she was properly encased within, she gave a nod to Mason, and said. "All righty. Let's see what exactly is so cool it's worth nearly baking for." She continued to follow him down the spiral noodle of death.
Helena followed new son of Hephaestus, down the hall, stumbling and such. "Ugh, great, I can feel the nosebleed coming on." Slowly she pulled a travel pack of tissue out of her jacket pocket and opens it up, dabs at her nose, then threw the tissue into the nearest trash can before catching up with Jack. "So, never caught your name, don't think."

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"Oh , sorry about that it's Jack Petrae.... um, are you ok? If you can't make it to the restraunt I can order a pizza or something" he said stopping for a second. Dis-liking the idea of not stretching his legs after his long voyage here.

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"That sounds nice.... Shadow travel just takes it out of you...but hey, I'm fine either way, just, tired." Helena added, with a yawn. She personally would love nothing more then to lay down and take the rest of the day to nap.
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Jack thought that the restraunt might even be closed by now. "Yeah I'm pretty tired as well so let's just head back, so what's the plan of action against the scientists? " He said as he turned and started heading back to the room. As jack said this he stuck his hand in his pockets and started messing with his rocks that he uses as weapons, changing their shape .

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"I am not the person to ask that question, Jack." Helena said with another yawn, then ran a hand through her hair, "You can Iris message Ryan. I got a bunch of Drachmas." She said, taking out her coin purse out, and spinning it around on her finger.

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A smile creased wide across his face and he was happy that she approved of his device. Mason smiled and his eyes were slightly closed, "Come come. THIS WAY!!!" He yelled out as he ran down the descending ramp. The pings stopped as he yelled out and ran down the ramp like a child frolicking around. The basin was open and clear for them to see when they reached the bottom. He looked at it and could sense the immense heat it radiated from within. He looked over the barrier holding the magma. It was solid rock and it seemed to just dance. He was excited to try something out and show Evelynn how cool his power was... Granted if it worked.

Righty came out of the hole where the forge was and watched without a word. He noticed the son of Hephaestus had been patched up but still injured. He kept his eye on him and watched carefully not sure what the little master was going to do.

Mason hopped on the wall separating the basin of magma from the stone path. He looked back at Evelynn and smiled, "You like roses? How about I make one." He said as he turned to face the magma. His hands began moving back and forth trying to feel the energy within the living beast before him. He closed his eyes and sensed the heat as if part of his own self. In his mind, he pictured a rose and began exerting some force towards his work. His hands lifted and curved, creating a long slender neck out of a plume of lava flowing within an invisible casing. He spread his fingers out as he thought of leafs, the plume branched out and folded upon itself and red leaves emerged. He wasn't quite sure how a rose was supposed to look so he just guessed at it and lifted his hands in a cup. The magma shot out of the neck and splashed out back into the basin. He gained control over it again and he twisted his open hands in a revolving spiral and layers had began forming when the lava overlapped itself. He opened his eyes and bit his lip in excitement. "Woooooow. That loooks sooo awesome. It's like a living rose of fire." He softly said as he began to look back to see Evelynn's response to the art in front of them.
Jason sat by Jerika noticing her calm down as time passed. He continued just sitting there ignoring the actions of the others he just listened to his music and sipped the water, zoning out in a way that only he could manage.

Jerika on the other hand was unable to relax. Even with the Chimera's death fading from her mind she felt anxious thinking of what would happen when they reached their destination, would there be another monster or would something go right for once. Who knows, with demi-gods it's always a toss up.
"Ryan.. Isnt he the Zeus kid from camp? He must be leading things then?" Jack asked as he reached their hotel room, stuck the key in, opened the door, and started thumbing through the pages of the phone book looking for a place order some food.

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Evelynn's descent was much more contained as the thoughts of being incinerated niggled at the back of her mind. It wasn't that she didn't trust Mason's work, but she believed everything had it's limit; she preferred not to end up like the usual mixture of maidens and volcanoes. Mason's energy was enough for the both of them, she felt, but she couldn't deny she was excited to see what on earth he planned to show off. As the slant leveled out into a much more agreeable angle, she glanced off towards a large opening when movement caught her attention. One of the cyclops stood there, watching them. While she was less concerned about them from this range, and the fact they seemed to regard Mason with a lot of respect, she couldn't help but wonder if it was all a facade so they could just eat them later.

Turning her attention back to Mason, she very nearly yanked him backwards as he jumped onto the half wall that was the only thing between them and the basin filled with the deadly (to her at least) substance. She resisted the urge, but couldn't help but silently pray his childish antics didn't see him drowning in lava. A shiver ran down her spine at the thought. It proved to be an odd sensation to have in the middle of a volcano.

"Oh, uhh, yeah. Of course." Her response was distracted, not expecting such an uncharacteristic question from him. No flower would ever be quite as lovely as the ones she held within her armory, but she always loved the imagery behind a rose and its thorns. She paused as the other half of his words hit her. "Make me one? But ho-" She stopped mid sentence as she considered exactly why they were here. "You're really going to . . ." She whispered the words in slight disbelief as he focused and what she thought to be a stem molded itself from the lava. The form of the leaves came next, springing from the stem itself as if the rose was actually growing. All she could managed to do was watch on in silent awe, mouth slightly agape. The slight loss of control, and even the fact it was not a perfect representation of a rose, both evaded her recognition as the sheer magnificent at what she just beheld overwhelmed her. Her hand clenched and loosened. The desire to reach out and take the rose, keep it forever within her armory, alarmed her. She noticed Mason's gaze upon her and felt she should respond. Words swam through her head, and she discarded each one. None matched the wondrous sight before her. Eventually, she came to the one word that best expressed the mixture of wonder and astonishment. "Wow."
"HEHEHEHE! You like it?! YES!" Mason jumped for joy and he landed awkwardly and began waving his arms around for balance. "Whoaaaaaa---" he was interrupted abrubtly with a splash as the words were snatched from his breath. The magma encompassed his body and he began to freak out underneath the surface. But the magma did not affect him. No burns. No searing pain. Not even the slightest increase in temperature. He opened his eyes and had trouble seeing past the thick voluminous magma around him. It was as if he was swimming in a pool. The strain in his lungs reminded him that he also had to breathe. He raced to the surface after his quick descent into the volcano. He broke the surface and gasped as the air hit his lips. He coughed out the magma in his body and was surprised that even his organs were not affected by it. "Hey... uh.... you know... those uh... clothes... I might need more..." He softly said to Evelynn. He was aware that his clothing wasn't lava-proof. So he was naked, yet again. Though he now was getting an idea why he was naked the first time.
Adelina watched in panicked anticipation as the obnoxious son of Zeus earned the Chimera's attention and shoved the sphere into the Chimera's jaws. She half hoped that he would die from the Chimera's fiery breath, still enraged by her recent discovery of his treacherous possession of a cellphone. Her eyes wide, she gawked at the beast as it coughed and sputtered, the ball of lead liquefied instantly by the monster's sweltering breath. The creature released a roar of anguish that sent chills through Adelina's spine as the molten lead obstructed its windpipe and delivered poison throughout its entire body. She was pleased with herself for being responsible for the death of the Chimera but concurrently rather disappointed that the monster had not been one that could be effectively fought with her Stygian iron dagger in combat as she watched the Chimera disintegrate into a heap of golden dust, Max alighting next to her with a yelp of agony. The monster had bitten his forearm. Before she could exploit the opportunity to strangle the boy and sabotage his cellphone, he rose from the floor of the terminal and crouched beside Alec, who was evidently in an unpleasant condition. Peering in their direction, she overheard the son of Aphrodite express affectionate feelings for Max as he was being tended to. Adelina's eyes narrowed, uncertain of whether or not she had heard Alec's words accurately, but her suspicions were confirmed when Max's fist slammed into Cupid's face. She concealed a smirk, relishing the discomfort between the two of them, at the moment detesting them both - but her fury was presently centered on the son of Zeus.

While Helena dragged her friend into the nearest restroom in the terminal, Adelina's fingers wrapped around the devoid sheath that dangled at her hip, then swiveled to face Ryan as he addressed her with a query. She expanded her mouth to respond that Alec had announced during the group's meeting the preceding night that his dad had arranged for several rooms in the Radisson Hotel in Curitiba with two double beds each - perhaps Ryan had been distracted at the time - but he promptly directed another question towards Gade, referring to Helena as if she were a contumacious toddler, before she could reply. Her eyes followed the girl with the ebony black hair as she sprinted away and vanished behind a corner. Zeus would not blast an airplane to pieces that contained two of his sons as well as one of the females whom he had once fallen in love with, but Helena was undoubtedly claustrophobic, which Adelina found bizarre for a daughter of Hades, ruler of the underground.

As each of the demigods retreated into the aircraft in which they had arrived, Adelina shuffled towards the pile of sandy powder and knelt beside it, isolated in the massive terminal. Ryan, who had been pursuing Helena, strode back in a much slower pace and returned to the jet, but not yet did Adelina follow. Now the only person in the spacious area, she glanced both at her fingers and the yellow dust in mild aversion, the tip of an arrow jutting out of the heap of monster residue, before plunging her hands into the Chimera's remains, gingerly sifting through the powder and finally, with a sigh of alleviation, detecting the unmistakable shape of the hilt of her dagger. Clumps of powder clinging to her hands, she rose from the ground to find Ryan walking toward her, clarifying why Helena had not returned from her desperate escape from the wrath of the airplane. Timidly, she held her weapon in her filthy right hand as her eyes darted around the vacant airport terminal, burnt craters and gashes in the walls everywhere to be seen, as well as a vast chasm in the ceiling. Rubble and debris scattered the once-polished floor. We bring devastation to everything.

"I was just getting my dagger," she explained. Without waiting for a response, she sprinted past him and through the boarding walkway, under the sign that read "WELCOME TO MANAUS, BRAZIL" in both Portuguese and English, and into the airplane. She immediately barged into the cockpit, where she discovered Max and his mother occupying the two luxurious seats. Before they could react, she promptly seized the back of Max's collar with her grimy fingers and held her Stygian iron blade to his throat. She was aware that the son of Zeus could probably effortlessly defeat her in combat, but she wished to convey the seriousness of the situation - urgency. "Yield your phone," she adjured. "Now."
Max heard the door suddenly slam open and he dropped his phone. He was hoisted to his feet by the back of his collar and in one motion shut the door tight and pushed his phone under his chair using his powers. Then he heard Adelina speak. "Phone? I have no idea what your talking about." Max said calmly feeling the cold touch of the Stygian Iron blade. He motioned with his hand for his mother to leave, He didn't want her in the crossfire if it got crazy. She got up and left the Cockpit before Adelina could stop her and shut the door. "Can you please let me go now? You look like a maniac and your kinda scaring me" He said keeping a calm face.
As Mason lifted into the air, Evelynn's gaze immediately alerted her to the imminent disaster that was about to befall the son of Hephaestus. "Mason, don't!" She shouted, swinging her arms for a grasp on the boy. His foot landed awkwardly at the same time she managed to secure a grip on the leg of his pants. Her other hand lashed out in an attempt to find his hand, but all it managed to find was empty air as the momentum of his tumble easily pulled his pants leg from her grip due to the current fashion disaster she was wearing. Meeting the gaze of the still watching cyclops, she hoped he didn't think she just pushed Mason into the scorching liquid. The magma cruelly showed no signs of the childish boy, and the feeling of panic rose in her chest. A relieved, if some what frustrated, sigh passed between her lips as she noted with her ability that Mason was still very much intact.

As he surfaced on the lava, Evelynn felt the urge to assault him with curses, but managed to keep her mouth in check. At least he did . . . not . . . "Damn it, Mason . . . My stitches. You've incinerated them." Reaching into her armory, she withdrew more clothes. This time, she knew precisely what she was looking for. She held up two hangers. The first held a lacy, hot pink belly shirt and the other a black short skirt, again, with plenty of lace. "These will be your clothes if you rip, tear, incinerate, remove, break, crush, cut, sever, liquefy, or otherwise annihilate the next set of stitches and clothing I put in and on you." Giving him a quite serious look, she put them back in her armory and withdrew a pair of thick carpenter's jeans a bit larger than the last pair, a pair of steel-toed boots, and a loose green t-shirt. Her armory contained a countless number of the latter. After setting them on the floor, a bit away from the lava so they would not suffer any damage, she moved over and turned one hundred eighty degrees and waited for him to make himself decent. "Stitches after you're done."
As he took the wicked tongue lashing from Evelynn, Mason kept his arms over the rocky ledge. He kept his eyes downcast and refused to look up until she had finished. "Sorrry... You know... I don't mean to..." Mason had softly spoken it out. Righty had watched the whole ordeal and simply smiled. He sorta chuckled and began to walk away as if knowing nothing was to fear here. "Mashta friend funnies. Haf funs." He said in a deep voice as he went back into the hole where the forge was.

Mason lifted himself out of the basin and pooled the remaining lava from his into his palms and diverted back into the pool of magma. He hurried and dropped down and gathered his new clothing. He hurried and threw on the pants, feeling a slight discomfort of not having any underpants. Being kinda over the legal age to be around.. uh minors... It brought a shameful predicament as he was half naked near a young lady. He grabbed the shirt and pulled it over his head and everything sagged more than he was used to. The boots had socks already in them. He made a face as he thought of whose feet might have been in them but he didn't have a choice. He struggled with the socks as he did with the boots. They were tough to slip his feet into, as was everything with high tops. He grunted as he put one on and rolled onto his back trying to force the other in. After struggling with the boots, he strapped the laces inside. "Done... I can get stitched, Doc." He said with a pouting face. He didn't really enjoy getting stabbed with a needle.

He sat up and immediately remembered his bracers. He cursed loudly and looked down at his bracers. They were intact and unharmed. The leather was cool and in the same condition he had received it in. He accessed his database and let it revolve above with the photo lens he acquired from Alec's garage. It displayed many screens and information from the Encyclopedia Mythica to Atlas' Burden. He brought up the status of both energy levels and after looking through the diagnostics of each part through his ability and making sure the functions were up to date on maintenance, he let out a sigh of relief.
At his notification, she turned to face him and the basin that he previously took a splash in. He remained unharmed, which, despite what she knew of him, still slightly amazed her. Moving over to him, she placed a heavy duty stapler next to them pointedly. "You know I don't mean anything by all my shouting . . . I've just been irritable since the manticore at the mansion and would prefer not to find you collapsed in a pool of your own blood." Having gotten the stitches down to a pattern now, she was done in a relatively small amount of time. "And I know it's not comfortable for you either." She added, snipping and tying off the last stitch before storing her supplies away. "There. Done." She straightened again and rubbed her back before giving a stretch. "Just don't look so upset when I scold you. Someone has to, and I doubt the cyclops will." With a ruffle of his hair she looked off back at the basin thoughtfully for a moment before returning her gaze to him. "Thank you for the treat, Mason." She said sincerely. "It was quite something." Leaning forward, she pecked his cheek and smiled to let him know she truly appreciated the gesture and there were no hard feelings. "We should figure out what we're going to do. I know your still hurt right now, but I sure would hate to miss getting my face torn off by a manticore or something." Her voice was humorous, but she knew the longer they were away from the group the more chances something that required the aid of them, or the others, would happen. Hopefully, things would not go poorly for any of them.
After enduring with the pain, Mason was feeling as if his mother had just lectured him again. It was a comfort of sorts but there was no doubt Evelynn would not enjoy being compared to his mother. He made a face when she messed with his hair. He absolutely loved it. She complimented his work and he immediately went flushed when her lips hit his cheek. He had never felt it before. Never in his life had he been anywhere near the affections of another girl. His mother wasn't included obviously. He had a loss for words. Mason looked at her with incredulous eyes and just nodded.

He gathered himself and looked around for anything missing. He agreed with her. They should get going before the rest of the group finds something tragic. "Alright. Let me tell Righty and Lefty." Mason said. He walked over to the Forge and announced his departure with Evelynn. They simply nodded and entrusted Evelynn with Mason's safety. Mason walked back to her and smiled widely. "Sooooo. How do we get home?"
"In style!" Evelynn answered with flare. She paused and looked at him, a bit of a awkward smile on her face. "Uhh, as soon as we get out of Wakulla anyways. Mind leading the way?" She said, gesturing towards the spiral slope that led back up towards the entrance of the volcano. With her hands lodged in her pockets, she fell in pace with him when he started to move. "I got my Corvette back before we all traipsed over here after you. We can simply ride in it. I figured we could stop by the mansion first, grab anything we need, maybe crash for the a bit, and then head out again. Sound good?" She wouldn't admit it, and tried not to show it, but her poor sleep, mixed with the symptoms of the mark, and topped off with worrying about Mason, started to take a toll on her. She felt beat. Her stomach cut in with its two cents, grumbling hungrily. "Something to eat sounds good right about now too . . . Not sure what a volcano has available, but I've got some stuff in my armory if need be, or the mansion should still have some stuff left over. If the kitchen hasn't imploded anyways." Given how rambunctious and finicky the group of demigods were at times, she figured the odds were about fifty-fifty. "Any complaints or suggestions? I'm all ears. Metaphorically speaking." Fatigue made her state the obvious.
"That sounds great. I'm sure you aren't the only one that's starving." He replied, with his own stomach feeling empty. He made a small bow and said, "Follow me, and we will be on our way, milady." He smirked as he said that. It was corny but it flowed. He laughed aloud and hurried up the ramp. "Hurry, maybe we might make it as they leave!" He said, unsure whether that was possible at all. The drive would take them about half a day to get back to the mansion. He kept on though, hoping not to break anymore stitches in the process.

He exited the volcano's face and entered the garden in front of the entrance. He smiled and felt every statue as he walked by. He stopped by Aphrodite's statue and bit his lip slighty like a moron. He had seen her truly as she was. He kinda blushed and looked back hoping Evelynn was behind him. "Hey, by the way, you could save that suit for another time. Since... you know.. it's your's after all." He said as the willows arched over him to display the entrance to the real world. A world he dreaded beyond belief but was comfortable with it. He walked towards the dimensional portal and looked back, "Ready?"
"Stitches!" She called out a warning after him, hastening to keep up with him. As they made their ascent, Evelynn slightly behind the ever energetic Mason, she could feel the temperature outside her suit dropping at a a fairly rapid pace. A bit past the point he had crafted the suit for her, she took a moment to enter and exit her armory, storing the suit within. Being a bit of a kleptomaniac, coupled with the probability she could one day use it again, made it seem like the obvious place for it to go. Little left alone with her didn't end up in her armory.

Catching up to him in the garden, she slowed down as he spoke. "Oh, uh, yeah . . . Sorry for assuming, but I already kinda stuck it in my stuff." She admitted, though it was the logical conclusion as well since she no longer wore it. Tossing a sideways glance at the stone statue he had briefly paused before, she couldn't help but smirk. "Maybe you're not such a kid after all." She teased him, walking under the willows to stand next to him. "Whenever you are." A nod followed after her words. She followed him through the portal into the world shared by the rest of her group and took a deep breath of the cool, fresh air. "No offense, but maybe some air conditioners and Febreeze in your next volcano, huh?" Her shoulder found his side as she nudged him gently, remaining aware of how much force she put behind it. She certainly wasn't about to be the cause of his torn stitches. "Once we get out to a road I'll bring out the car and it should be pretty smooth sailing from there." She took up a quick pace as she headed back towards the less wild area of the park where pavement would provide proper traction, wanting to get back as quickly as Mason did for a variety of reasons.
Mason nodded and walked over the obsidian bridge over the the dirt road. "I think this is a good spot as any." He pointed to the narrow stretch of road. He thought of some things he had cross his mind. She saved his life once, then he saved hers, then she saved his again. 'So... are we indebted to each other...' He thought about this as he looked over the springs. He just smiled and hoped the darkness overhead and the rain wouldn't cease. He played with the blue flames that escaped his fingertips. He made another visage of the rose he had gifted to Evelynn. He was sure he couldn't have given her it but if he... could... The thoughts roamed through his head. 'Calculations of a device that could flash freeze a fire it held.. or even capture and replenish the oxygen to the flame without distorting its form... or....' Mason's mind roamed and his face was blank. He wasn't under the shelter by the tables yet, so he was beginning to get soaked without any notice.

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