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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Max nodded at Helena understanding the plan. He watched as Gade was knocked unconscious, and his confidence fell. Gade was a really strong Demigod, and he was just knocked out of the fight. Max shook himself back into reality, and focused. He moved away from Helena and shot two air waves at the Chimera "Hey Ugly!" Max shouted trying to get its attention. Max ran so he was opposite Ray. "Piss It Off! Make It Chose A Target Ray!" Max shouted at her and then continued to fire harmless air waves at the creature.
Raylene smirked twirling her sai. "You know I think momma anteater needs to step up her game and make some REAL ugly and terrifying monsters if all her kids are weak pansies that the mist disguises as one of the prissiest animals ever. I mean seriously, a chihuahua? That's just pathetic...." Ray crooned to the Chimera as she threw a dagger at it playfully.

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"Come on Chimmey. That Chihuahua you were disguised as was scarier than you normally are." Max made the air around the Chimeras ears pops. "I mean look at you. I bet Your mommy regretted making you. A kitten with flaming eyes would be scarier than you!" He made the air pop more as he talked.

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The visage of Mason, syrup smeared across his face like an unattended child who got a hold of a full bottle of chocolate drizzle, smiling at her, too much for her. In an attempt to suppress her laughter, she brought her hand to cover her mouth and looked away, instead looking at the intrinsic dancing of the blue flames that lined the walls. Her inevitable failure came first with only a few giggles, but quickly elevated to raucous laughter as she abandoned all attempts to restrain it. As her laughter abated to a few chuckles and eventually silence, she shook her head amusedly. "You really are a kid, Mason. Trapped in a man's body." The mirthful expression on her face faded into a frown. "Wait a min- Mason! You tore your damn stitches again, didn't you?!" She flinched slightly at the echo of her voice and sighed, putting her anger aside. After such a nice bath, she was easily pacified.

"Come on, let's get you patched up again . . ." There was little reason to yell or shout at him about it in her mind. That's what you get for leaving him unattended with waffles. She thought to herself. "Judging from the blood, it doesn't look like you broke that many, so it should be a quick fix." With a sideways glance, she added, "And some different clothes perhaps. Please just be more careful from now on. At least until we're out of Wakulla" From her armory, she withdrew her necessary items and readied them while she waited for him. The memory of her very brief mental conversation with Adelina sprung to mind, and she decided to inform Mason of the current situation as she understood it. Perhaps she would contact Adelina again after Mason had healed more. "It seems the others have gone ahead without us to Brazil. So, uh, not really sure what we should do." She spoke as she worked on his wound, delicately working to cause as little pain as she could this time, rather than the slightly stitches she put in previously to save him from bleeding out. "Obviously, you're not going anywhere until we can at least get these stitches out." Her look told him there was no arguing this, though she wasn't sure he would try to. He seemed pretty upset recently and, as she saw it, some time alone might do him good. In honesty, recently she felt less than a hundred percent so maybe it would do the same for her. The last stitch done, once again, she corrected her stance and gave him a nod to signify she completed her work. The objects she held in her hands went back to their places within her armory and in their place she held out some clothes so he could change out of the blood-stained ones.
Jason went to the side of the chimera between Ray and Max and took the water from the frozen snake and slapped the chimera with it multiple times trying to keep the water together so he could reuse it as many times as needed.

Jerika fired her arrows taking shots that would hopefully slow it down. “This is a very dangerous game we’re playing.”
With the laughing and the comment, Mason almost choked and snorted milk out of his nose. The burning sensation he felt was too much and the combination of coughing, laughing and groaning, he dropped the remaining waffles. He cleaned up his face after the fit and looked at Evelynn, "Only sometimes when I feel. . . at home." He smiled. The scolding started and a giant frown dragged his mood down, "I hoped you didn't see the stain... Ughh... But it wasn't my fault." He groaned in protest. He enjoyed the company of someone else and he rather did enjoy the treatment she was giving him. He didn't like being her guinea pig for her medical skills. But he had no choice. He walked over with his head down and sat down on the slab. She recounted the discussion and he didn't really mind their decision to abandon them. He rather enjoyed his solitude in the volcano after everything. If they wouldn't had followed him, none of this would've happened. Righty and Lefty wouldn't have punished the kids of the Greater Gods by exiling them from the lands and havens under Dad. He Felt a small pity but was still enraged that they didn't even hear him out before rushing in and attacking like buffons. 'If only they weren't so stupid. If they would've just left me to my own devices like back in the camp. No one talked to me. No one helped me. I was just 'Mason the Weirdo', 'Dorky Mason the Magnificent Loser', 'Mechanical Disaster Mason'.' He reminisced on all the names his siblings had given him in the short time he was in their "presence". He didn't care. He lived alone and he had his mother. Though... He was kinda happy he had some friends..

With Evelynn's offering of clothing, he grabbed it and changed out his shirt carefully. Not wanting to stretch out his wounds and end up with her stapling him together with a giant stapler. Mason looked around after he had changed and liked the dark blue on his new shirt. He looked at Evelynn and thought of something. "Hey, follow me." He said passing her and slightly limping. His left leg was kinda wonky and he was struggling to keep his stature. He led her down the blue lit hallway and into the red halls where the marble floor looked like a wave of fire. As he descended down the sloped path spiraling downward towards the basin that held the magma of the volcano, he heard the pings and dings getting louder. He looked back and forgot about the heat emanating from the volcano. He was unsure if he could help alleviate some of the stress her body would feel. "Um, you wouldn't happen to have like... something like a thermostat, a nitrogen canister, and a hazmat suit would you? I'll fix you something up since... you know... fire equals heat... which equals--" He paused and mimed a person screaming and shook his hands around as if on fire,"Ahhh ahhh fire, oh my god, it burns... kill me now---" He stopped the pantomime and looked blankly at her. "You know... that."
The Chimera's multiple heads all turned in several directions, the heads focusing on a different demigod then the other. The lion roared and spit flames at Max and Ray, while the goat head bleated and chomped at others. The two heads were getting very confused. Alec stood up, slowly, sighed with relief, then picked up something left behind from the snake head; a fang. A giant, foot-long fang. He looked it over, then did the only reasonable thing he could think of. He attacked with knife and fang, digging both into the flesh of the back legs of the Chimera.
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Raylene dodged the flame but she moved a tad too slow and got a nice sized burn on her arm. S***! Agh that hurt!" Ray hissed cupping her hand over her injured arm backing up as Ash instantly replaced her slashing at the lion head with her scythe while taunting it.

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The Chimera's goat head looked under it at Alec, who was rapidly stabbing the leg of the monster. Alec looked up at it, and remarked, "you know, I don't know why a goat head is terrifying. I mean, it's a goat, it's not like it has-" at this time, the goat opened it mouth, revealing rows and rows of sharp teeth, like a shark, and it bleated the loudest and most monstrous bleat Alec could even imagine. "- rows and rows and rOWS OF VERY SHARP TEETH!" He finished his sentence and fled from the head.

Helena looked up at Alec, who was running from the goat head and looked terrified. "I don't know why he'd be scared of a goat..." She muttered.
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Please don't rip anymore stitches!" She called after him, quickly catching up to him in case he decided to trip over his own leg or something. Given how he was walking currently, she wouldn't be surprised if he did just that. The flooring had her attention only for a moment as it shifted into a different style. What was more worrying to her was the declining angle of the path they were taking. She walked next to him, eyeing his stride. She was quite adamant about ensuring the current stitches stayed in place for at least the rest of the day. Briefly she realized she had little idea of exactly how much time passed since she came within the halls of Wakulla. She hoped they were safely on their way to Brazil and the news of their plane being tragically struck down would find its way to her some time later. The smorgasbord of personalities in the group always kept things interesting, and she had grown to even like a few of them, despite their sometimes frustrating antics. Lifting her arm to her forehead she moved it horizontally, wiping away a sheen of sweat. The increase of heat had been gradual enough that it hadn't immediately come to her attention, but it was undeniable now. And it only proceeded to get hotter as they continued their descent.

Mason's questions came as she was wiping her face on her now drenches sleeve once again. She stumbled slightly, looking at him through the haze of heat. "Uhh, yeah. I think so at least." The thermostat was easy and as she stuck her hand within her armory she shivered slightly. The difference in temperature between the places was jarring enough she nearly withdrew her hand. A moment or two passed and she extracted a thermostat, handing it over to him, not feeling particularly in the mood to toss it at him as she would have normally done. Silently cursing volcanoes for being so volcano-y, she searched for the hazmat suit next and finally the tank of nitrogen. "Phew. There you go." She said, leaving her arm in her armory for a few extra moments to try and cool off. Her body was soaked with perspiration, but at the same time she felt like the heat was baking her into waffles, delicious Evelynn waffles with chocolate drizzle and melted butter over top- Blinking several times she looked around and gave a small relieved sigh. There were no cascading honey-falls. Her gaze went back to Mason, and she hoped he wouldn't inquire as to why exactly she had a hazmat suit, much less a nitrogen tank, within the confines of her armory. "Can you really do something with just those three things?" She wasn't one to question other gods abilities, and Hephaestus was sort of the god of making things, so it would make since, but she couldn't help but ask, "What are you, MacGyver?"
Max dodged sideways to avoid the fire, but he didn't get out of the way fast enough. The fire caught his sleeve and started burning away. Max saw this and took a deep breath. He focused his abilities at the fire. "Vacuum" He said as he pulled all the oxygen away from the burning sleeve. The fire on his sleeve extinguished and he quickly let the air back around his arm. He started breathing deeply, that move had exhausted Max more than he'd thought. He leaned on his staff and exploded the air around the goats ears to try and get its attention away from Alec.
He gathered the items he needed, along with some other parts he kept in his bracers that weren't really necessary for their functions. Mason had gotten about a foot of tubing and looked in the inlay of the hazmat suit. Seeing the specifications of the hazmat suit, he saw it contained it's mandated respiratory system and containment sealant. He placed the tubing into the nitrogen canister's valve and adjusted the thermostats programming to release bursts of cold nitrogen within the suit's inlay. The respiratory system would make sure Evelynn didn't suck in the liquid or vapors that it released if there were any leaks. He fabricated them inside the inlay and made sure to look at the components he could see in his head in a three dimensional field. He inspected them to make sure they would function properly, he then handed it over to her. It activated without his knowledge of ever pushing a button. 'Um....' he thought to himself... Must've hit it... "Well here ya go. Wear it and you know... you won't go... Ahhh ahh fire... and all that."
Adelina forced herself to hold her breath as she felt her stomach threatening to erupt, swallowing the bile that rose in her throat as it left a vile taste in her mouth. She lurched forward with every stunt that Max was audacious enough to pull, her knuckles whitening on the armrests as the thrill proceeded. Is he freaking insane? Desperately, she attempted to imagine herself on a looped roller coaster rather than thousands of feet above the earth, hoping that it would somewhat assuage her terror, but the ride that she was trying to visualize felt absolutely horrific and did not ease her panic. Clutching the armrests of the seat, her eyes squeezed tightly together, she could only assure herself that Max would not endanger the lives of the rest of the group. Not a word was able to escape her lips, and she was afraid that if she breathed, vomit would pour from her mouth.

She could resist breathing no longer by the time Max regained control of the aircraft, and panted heavily, gulping down yet more bile. She did not dare to lift an eyelid. Her heart remained pounding, ceaselessly thumping against her chest as she tried to recompose herself. As she was beginning to relax, strings of curses and insults at Max still shooting through her mind, horror struck her once more as a sharp thud bolted through her, and she could only envision what predicament that Max had drawn them into. Tentatively, she released the muscles of her eyelids as she perceived the sensation of wheels rotating on a hard surface under her. The plane had landed. An exaggerated exhalation departed from her lips, and she elevated a hand and pressed the dorsum of it against her forehead, wiping away beads of sweat.

As the speed of the airplane decreased, Max's voice could be detected over the intercom. No preparation for landing announcement - courteous. Following the words "Have a nice day" was a question indicating "they," and Adelina inferred that he was referring to the rest of the demigods while speaking to his mother, no longer aware that the intercom was still activated. A female voice ensued his inquiry. His phone?! Rage coursed through her as she recalled each monster attack, one after another, everything abruptly making sense. The impulse to strangle the boy overwhelmed her, and she fumbled with the buckle of her seatbelt, though once she had risen from her seat and hauled her backpack over her shoulder, Max had vanished, and, shrugging, Adelina followed the demigods out of the jet. She tried to stride around the individuals in front of her, but the aisle was narrow, and she Max's assassination would have to be delayed.

The aircraft exited into a passage that led to the terminal. Her hand drifted to her currently sheathed dagger, though she doubted that it would remain sheathed for much longer. Her fury towards the boy could not escape her mind - the trauma the group had experienced that the possession of a cellphone would have been the primary cause of, the possibility that a monster might even be currently pursuing the half-bloods. Hovering over the entrance to the terminal was a white sign, bearing Portuguese words as well as English words below it: "WELCOME TO MANAUS, BRAZIL." They were apparently not yet at Curitiba, and Adelina presumed that that would be their next destination. She continued after the remainder of the demigods into the vast terminal, and startled, she observed, along with the other half-bloods, that it was vacant aside from a menacing chihuahua that glowered at each of them.

Before she could warn the group, the appearance of the chihuahua evoking a faint memory within her, the canine was no longer a chihuahua. It swelled, becoming a colossal figure, its head distorting into that of a lion and a goat head sprouting from its back. The shaggy tan tail expanded into something scaly and with a patterned brown back - a diamondback rattlesnake. A Chimera. Adelina shook her head as the demigods surrounding her erupted into commotion. She had studied this creature as intently as she possibly could. The Chimera possessed no less intelligence than that of a human, though it could not exceed her own. It was blessed with the ability to breathe fire from the mouth of the lion, and was incredibly strong. As the group of demigods charged into combat with the monster in attempts to stab it and pierce its skin, she acknowledged the fact that their attempts would merely annoy the beast. Its skin was much too durable - no, attempts to penetrate its flesh would not be sufficient. The son of Poseidon had been successful in immobilizing the rattlesnake tail, which was remarkably helpful, but the Chimera was inflicting wounds upon much of the group, emitting flames left and right . . .


As fire blasted in her direction from the lion's mouth, she quickly rolled out of the way and sprinted to flank the Chimera, trying to view the interior of the creature's jaws without risking the possibility of withering to ashes. The floor where she had just been standing was no more than a steaming, shriveling crater, dark smoke climbing into the air from it. Muttering curses in Greek, quickly running a hand through her loose hair and feeling a large portion of it singed from the fire, she gripped her dagger, though she knew that it would barely harm the creature and only bring its attention to her. It was then that a thought struck her as she thought of the intense fire within its jaws, and she bellowed, "Does anyone have a ball of lead?!"

21 hours ago

A thought clouded Adelina's mind - a familiar voice. She paused as she entered the colossal park, absentmindedly folding her map and stowing it away in the pocket of her hoodie as she concentrated on Evelynn's message. Gone ahead without them to Brazil? No, that could not have been what happened. The group was either here, accompanying her in Disney World, or back at the mansion. How did Evelynn know this? Cautiously, she formed a response in her mind. "No, I don't think anyone left yet. . . At least, I didn't. Do you plan on returning any time soon?"
Jason shook his head at Adelina, “I don’t but if you want to stuff up it’s mouth I could freeze it’s jaw shut.” He turned his kopis into a spear and jabbed at the Chimera’s side glad he wasn’t in front of it’s fire spewing face.

Jerika continuously fired her arrows at the chimera she aimed for the goat head getting some arrows stuck in it’s horns she kept trying eventually nailing it in the eye after having more arrows stick in or glance of it’s neck.
Ace looked around, "Do you guys think I can just break it's neck?" He eyed the chimera as he took note of every strike that landed on it.

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Raylene snorted at the question. "I don't think so War Boy. The only thing you'd accomplish is dieing." She winced as a pain shot up her arm.

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"Unless you could get like a War Blessing from your dad or something it'd be a lost cause Ace." Ash added shooting a glance towards her sister.

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Ace raised an eye brow, "What do you mean war blessing? What for? So I can slice it up or something?" Cupid ran away and took cover from the monster. He peeked behind a wall and started hyperventilating.

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Ashlynn shrugged. "That'd probably be the easiest way to defeat this thing. With a war blessing or something."

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Ace looked up, "Bless us in this war....um..please give us a war blessing?" He looked back at the chimera and held his breath. His muscle mass and height started increasing until he reached the size of the Hulk. "I might get burned but Ryan brought along Noah's bag so eh who cares" Ace said as he started thumping his way to the chimera. Ace was not really the strategic type of fighter. He just attacked and didn't care what the consequences were. All the Ares child wanted was to inflict pain upon his opponent.
Ace mumbled as he ran, "Blessing...psh I don't even think I asked for it correctly". He looked at the chimera, "Maybe I SHOULD go for the neck..." His eyes shifted around the chimera's structure, "Or the gut? Gah whatever". Ace jumped and wrapped his arms as much as he could around one of the chimera's thick necks, "Woah! Got a lot of muscle there buddy!"
Adelina glanced warily at the ceiling of the airport as the prodigious monster lifted its feline head and broke through the roof with a thundering roar. She was rather dissatisfied that Jason had been the only one to heed her query, and she considered bellowing louder, as the rest of the demigods perhaps were incapable of hearing her bellow. Keeping the Chimera in her peripheral vision, she swiveled slightly to peer at the son of Poseidon beside her. The beast was strong, and its hooves were quick and possessed incredible reflexes; it was quite risky to be in such close vicinity to the creature, and it was sure to be bothered by the pecking of the spear against its matted fur that clearly needed to be cleansed, taken from the repulsive stench that the Chimera emanated from its nauseating goat pelt.

"Thanks," Adelina said to Jason as she quickly fingered through her hair once again, flinching slightly at the touch of withered strands. "But that lion head will probably melt it anyway. It's okay." Hastily, she cast a gaze across the terminal before the head of a goat whipped around to face her, its razor-sharp teeth bared, and she recoiled, grimacing, as revolting odor blasted in her face. One of its eyes was no more than a bleeding socket. Wrapped around the goat's neck was an abnormally large humanoid figure, muscles ripping as the creature clung to the goat's neck, bearing familiar facial features, his eyes fiery and reckless - Ace? Promptly, she raised her dagger and flung it at the Chimera's goat head's remaining eye, calculating the head's location once it retreated from the Stygian iron blade. To her pleasure, she viewed blood trickling down its neck as it bawled in agony, swinging its goat head back and forth. At least one of the heads was now blind, but that would not prevent the beast from defeating the demigods. As soon as the goat head recovered, its pain would convert to ferocity. Its senses of scent and hearing, she knew, were extraordinary.

It was fortunate that she possessed alternative weapons in her backpack for this battle, though she did desire for her jet-black dagger to return. It was peculiar that she seemed to be the one with a conveniently supplied backpack, yet it did not possess something that might come to great use - a ball of lead. As she retreated to a safe distance to scrutinize the abilities of the monster, she examined the intensity of the fire the Chimera spewed from the lion's muzzle in every which direction. Yes, she determined, it was sweltering enough to melt a dense ball of lead. However, she was quite confident that her bag did not contain one. She had never regarded the idea that it might be of benefit to her. "Does anyone at all have a ball of lead?!" she repeated, this time at the top of her lungs. She doubled over in coughs shortly afterwards. The combination of smoke and the strained use of her voice was not a pleasant one.
Ryan blinked a couple of times and heard Adelina's question. Without anyone looking, used his super speed and ran around to find a ball of lead. Digging into random bags, he found a ball of lead and ran back to Adelina, "It was...in Gade's pocket". Ryan handed the ball to her and watched Ace swing around as he held onto one of the chimera's necks.
"Who the f*** would be carrying around a ball of lead!?" Helena shouted, running around underneath the beast and stabbing it in several places on it's stomach, while avoiding the heads and flames spitting out of the lion's mouth. Alec meanwhile was in a bad situation. The goat head he had called "not scary" was chasing him, around and around it's half of the body, making some sort of weird mixture of coughing and bleating. The son of Aphrodite had long lost his knife to the goat's head, so he was purely weaponless. He was backed into a corner and there was no way for him to escape; so he accepted his fate. And when the goat came down for Alec, he just stood there. And Helena watched in horror the entire time. "Alec! ALEC!" She was screaming, her only friend had just been eaten by a goat! A F***ING GOAT! She was charging that way, when the next sound the goat made made her stop.

It was a pained sound. Like a mix between a bleat and "OH GOD NO". Right at that moment, a horn protruded from it's neck- no, not a horn, a blade, Celestial bronze blade began to work it's around the neck, till it met it's point of origin and the neck- and everything above it, fell off with a flop. Out jumped a figure from the stump of the goat head, bleeding and covered in tiny shark teeth, except for one big one in his shoulder.

"Oh, thank the gods!" Helena sighed.

"Oh honey, that had nothing to do with the gods." Alec muttered, then promptly fell forward and landed flat on his face. Then he looked up again, and cried,"Alec poweeeer! WOOOOOO!" He laughed some, then his face fell on the floor yet again.

Without another word, Helena ran over to him and started dragging him as far away from the monster as possible.

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Jason was moving around and stabbing at the Chimera's open spots. When he saw the goat head fall off he went for the lions head, turning his spear into the Kopis and swinging down hard near it's neck. The blade stuck into the monsters flesh and as the Chimera moved Jason was thrown off. He landed hard on his shoulder and winced, he rolled over and got to his feet drawing his second sword. He charged forward and slide under it's neck to avoid being snapped up at the last second getting a weak slash at the beasts front legs.

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