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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Ryan heard Helena's whimper, "Hey Helena what things are you not afraid of? Maybe you can just think of those things that make you happy instead..."

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"Probably not, Helena- Just, take a melatonin, and just- sleep the rest of the ride off." Alec said, tossing the girl a bottle of pills, and watching her take one. Then he took the bottle back. Pretty soon the quiet breathing of the daughter of Hades could be heard as she fell asleep. Alec meanwhile sighed and sank into a seat near the front.

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Ryan looked at Austin and noticed him shaking, "Are you okay? Do you need a pill too?" He eyed Austin's color changing knuckles then looked back up at his sweaty face.

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Raylene groaned at Cupid's station choice. "Hey Love Maestro, can you pick some music that's at least halfway decent?"

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Cupid furrowed his brows and switched the station, "I'm leaving it here! If you want to switch it then you can! I don't want to be the dj on this plane". Swagger Jagger by Cher Lloyd started to sound throughout the jet. Ace and Ryan heard the song and started laughing. Ace mimicked the song, "You can't stop looking at me! Starin at me! Blah blah at Me!....GET ON THE FLOOR! Haha This song is hilarious! Keep it!"

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"What the Hades is Swagger Jagger?" Ray asked in confusion as the boys started laughing. "And who is this?" Ashlynn yanked off her earphones and grinned. "You really wanna know?" Ash quickly switched to a song on her MP3 -want you back- and put the earphones on her sister. "I'll tell you who it is after you finish."

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Despite being a Demigod, Gade had never felt more weirded out. 'Some people...' He thought. '...Are just too weird.' He chuckled. "That's a comforting thought." He mumbled. He took out his PSP and continued playing God of War 3.
The song ends and another Cher Lloyd song comes up. Ace looked at Ryan, "Oh another Cher Lloyd song. I carry the weight of you in my heavy heart.." Cupid yelled, "Ace shut up! I want to hear Cher's voice! I never heard this song before.." Ryan looked away from them then turned back and started lip singing at Cupid, "And the wind is so icy, I am numb".

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Gade was tempted to teleport both of them out of the plane, but decided against it. Instead he teleported some headphones amd blocked off the sound. "Anyone else annoyed, I got a couple of MP3 players with some songs."
As soon as the song started Ray tried to yank the earphones off, but Ash put an illusion on her so she thought she couldn't remove them until the song was over. Raylene cursed at Ash in ancient Greek the whole song and was quick to take the earphones off when it ended. "I f****** hate you right now, and isn't that that Cher Lloyd chick you're always listening to?" "Yeppers." "Didn't she make that irritating song that goes 'Hey I just met you, and this is crazy. But here's my number, so blah blah..." Ash smirked shaking her head. "No, that's Carly Rae Jepsen." And as if listening to their conversation the next song that played on the radio was Call Me Maybe. "Ugh, kill me now."

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Gade teleported an MP3 player and some earphones to Ray. "I hope you like rock!" He shouted as he returned to his game. He suddenly got bored and took out a laptop he stole and started playing Minecraft. First he collected some wood before a Creeper blew him up. "What in the name of a Gorgon's nipple!" He shouted in surprise as he died in the game.
Max flipped on the intercom interrupting the music. "Attention all passengers fighting over music. Yes that's right I can hear your bickering. Anyways I'd like to let you know that we'll be landing in about ten minutes." Max said as his mother sat down in the Copilots seat. Max smiled at his mother and she smiled right back at him. "Everyone buckle up. We're going in for a... Stylish landing." Max flicked off the autopilot and pulled into a spiral dive.

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Raylene cursed strapping herself in as Ash bit back a blood curdling scream shoving her earphones back in her ears to try and calm herself. "WHAT THE HADES MAX! THIS ISN'T F******* FUN YOU DUMBARSE!!!" Raylene screamed red faced holding her armrests in a relentless death grip.

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Adelina, her backpack hoisted on her shoulders, followed behind the group of demigods as they entered the aircraft and selected a vacant row of seats near the front of the plane. She had traveled by air with her father on about four or five occasions during her life, and had learned from experience that it was unwise to settle near the rear. Airplanes that transported a larger number of passengers exhibited a putrid odor that emanated from the lavatory, and Adelina enjoyed the view from the fore area of the jet - the wing behind her, as if she were actually part of the airplane rather than abaft it. Settling into the seat adjacent to the window, a small ovular gap sealed with thick glass, she fastened her seatbelt across her lap, as the glowing orange symbol overhead signaled for her to do, and gazed, lost in thought, through the window beside her, as she recounted in her mind the events from the previous day.

  • Eat a kiwi
  • Meeting with the group
  • Find out Jerika is a Siren and is/was working for the scientists
  • Rescue Helena
  • Talk to Evelynn in her Corvette and learn more about her as it begins to rain very hard
  • Attempt to rescue Mason but leave Evelynn behind instead
  • Helena goes into a half-hour-long death trance even though there's plenty of oxygen
  • Return to the mansion and eat fabulous lunch, leaving my backpack in the SUV
  • Encounter Gade, Jin, and Raylene
  • Finish lunch to find that the group had killed a Hydra without me
  • Attend Helena's torturous back story
  • Encounter Austin on my way to retrieve my backpack
  • The conversation lasts a very short time before I try to get my backpack, but it's locked
  • Someone unlocks it for me
  • Retrieve backpack
  • Give printed screenshots of the website to Ryan
  • Go to Disney World
  • Ride awesome roller coasters in which I scream
  • Find someone who may or may not be my mom selling cotton candy
  • Receive an odd owl bracelet from this lady who disappears shortly afterwards
  • Embark on the Kilimanjaro Safari
  • Eat dinner
  • Have more fun before returning to the mansion
  • Research more on the scientists
  • Have a meeting involving the scientists, Evelynn, and Mason
  • Get into a heated argument with Jerika
  • Contact Evelynn telepathically to tell her that the group is selfishly abandoning them, but am reassured because they are able to catch up later anyway
  • Have a long conversation with Nutmeg telepathically
  • Read while we prepare for sleep, then go swimming in the mansion pool once I am sure everyone is asleep
  • Something strange happens to the pool water
  • Exit the pool and go upstairs
  • Shower, change, and sleep

As the account she had created formed in her head, she found her fingers fiddling absentmindedly with the ornament linked around the wrist of her left hand. She rarely ever wore jewelry. It was a silver chain wrapped around her wrist, a small flat stone connected to it, depicting the symbol of Athena - an intricately carved colorless figure of an owl, its body facing towards the right while its head had rotated to face forward, its abnormally vast eyes as if they were boring into Adelina's soul. The bird was leaning forward at a peculiar angle, and its talons were oddly proportioned compared to the rest of its body - almost the size if its head. The branch of an olive tree, weighted with two leaves and an olive, protruded from the top right corner of the stone image. Three Greek letters were portrayed sideways on the right of the owl - ΑΘΕ. After acquiring the trinket, her mind had instantly interpreted their meaning - of the Athenians.

The stone felt cool and icy as it pressed against her skin, as if it were a burden that she was to carry wherever she progressed. She directed her gaze to the window as the aircraft rose from the earth. The people and vehicles shrunk to ants as Florida's forests entered her view as well. The airplane surged into the skies above, and Adelina, mesmerized, stared at the ground below her as the scenery became little more than various shades of emerald green and sapphire blue, and miniscule specks representing cars and buildings. It was several minutes before the airliner penetrated the pure white clouds, lower in the atmosphere than usual, and she admired the beauty of the flossy clouds, lost in reverie as she envisaged the fantasy that she had had as a young girl - a glorious, magnificent castle that only existed in the sky. It had been her dream to visit it someday. She and her dad had conjured adventures about themselves, leaving the earth and escaping to the clouds, where they would forever be shielded from harm. She did not notice as her body surrendered to sleep.


Adelina's forest green eyes fluttered open and, with a glimpse at her watch, it seemed that about five and a half hours had passed. Her dream had been a relaxing one, though remorseful in the memory of her father; an expedition into the clouds, where she and her dad had explored the enchanted palace above. Gulping down her sorrow of how much she yearned to be with her father once more, she quickly viewed the contents of the jet, absorbing the unfamiliar romantic music resonating from the aircraft's speakers. It was just as she moved her hand to unfasten her seatbelt to retrieve a drink from the refrigerator - her throat felt utterly parched - that Max announced to perform the opposite.

She felt the jet abruptly plunge, and instantly, she gasped, her stomach feeling as though it had been left behind her. With clenched teeth, her hands gripped the armrests of her seat as she desperately attempted to gain control over her racing mind. Her torso was parallel to the ground, and she felt blood leave her face. Darn, Max. Holding her breath, she squeezed her eyes shut as the airplane plummeted from the sky. Silently, she cursed him for being entirely insane, as well as depriving her of the experience of a pleasant plane landing. It had been something that excited her in her childhood - gazing through the window as an airplane descended. This boy clearly had not been educated of the reason that planes landed gently rather than with the method that he had now chosen - especially in the presence of individuals that were far more comfortable when not endangered by the peril of being tens of thousands of feet from the ground. Foolish.
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Austin flashed a rather shy and nervous smile to Ryan in a part reply to being asked if he wanted pills. His eyes flickered from demigod to demigod, and shook his head. "I thought we didn't take mundane medicine. We always used nectar and ambrosia... but I didn't bring any with me..." He trailed off, looking out the window and then snapped his head back to Ryan's face. If one looked hard enough, they might have seen Austin's face turn a bright yellow-green shade at the sight of outside the aircraft.

When Ryan became distracted by the others and their music, Austin's body began to quickly revert to its panic. The shaking ensued once more, as did the sweating. In his mind he flipped through battle plans when facing certain monsters. Giants, Cyclopes, Hell Hounds, Wraiths, other demigods, and many other monsters to take his mind off of the plane ride.

It didn't help much, but it was at least a sort of mental practice.

That was when Max turned the craft into a downward dive, and it was all Austin could do to keep his insides inside of his body. He slammed his eyes shut, forcing them to stay closed with so much force he thought maybe they would overlap. His heart began to race, and along with it his breath. His head began to hurt, like it does when you've been under water too long, or you've gone too long without drinking any water.

To say in the least, Austin was scared out of his wits. However, it didn't scare the hell out of him.

He began praying to his father, wondering all the while if his father would even be able to do anything, what with him not being near his father's domain. It was very disconcerting, but it didn't hurt to pray anyway. Perhaps some sort of miracle could take place.

Or not.

LøL Î'm õñ mý phöñē!
Alec grabbed onto the seat and opened his mouth to say something, then snapped his jaws shut, fearing he would bite his tongue clean off. Then he thought of Helena, just in time for the young girl to wake up and realize what was going on. She promptly began to squeal.


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Gade was startled and teleported outside the plane out of instinct. He blinked twice before he started falling. "I haaaateeee myyyyy liiifeeee!" He shouted. He then remembered that he could teleport and teleported back to the plane. "*huff* I *pant* Hate *gasp* You." He then checked his property and seeing it was fine, slumped on his seat.
The music wasn't helping much and Ash screamed utterly pissed off. "WHEN WE LAND YOU BETTER RUN FOR THE F***ING HILLS ZEUS BOY OR I'M GONNA F***ING KILL YOU!!!"

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"NOT IF I DON'T KILL HIM FIRST!" Helena shouted, pure murderous intent gleamed in her eyes as she screamed like a little girl at a horror movie. "WHERE ARE THE F***ING PARACHUTES?!"

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Max pulled the plane out of the dive and proceeded to do a loop. Max flipped a switch on the controls and the windows in the passenger area got bigger. "Hope everyones enjoying the ride" Max said through the intercom quickly before completing the loop and proceeding into a series of Barrel rolls. "WOOOOHHOOOOO!!" Max said as he did the last roll
Jason rolled his eyes at this music madness but perked up when Max’s voice cut it off. “Wai-whaaa?” the plane became a mess as he found himself floating neglecting to put on his seatbelt. There was screaming and shouts all directed at Max He even saw Gade teleport somewhere before returning. He had hit his head three times before seeing this and remembering his powers. The condensed water around him and half floated half fell, whiel within the boundaries of the plane. He kept himself in the same spot but was almost flying within by using the water to keep him up. “whew, that was eas-ugh!!” he grunted as Jerika slammed into him apparently not having enough time to prepare herself. He grabbed her wrist and froze them together until this who ordeal would be over. “Thanks, but does it have to be so cold??” Jerika looked at him smiling. “Whatever, just try not to die or get in the way of the others.” Jason kept them in the air before feeling light-headed. He landed right side up in the spinning plane and froze himself in place, doing the same for Jerika. “Sorry, flying on water is difficult and draining. To say the least.”
"STOP THIS QUADDAMN DEATHTRAP YOU ******. I'LL RIP YOUR **** OFF AND **** IT UP YOUR ***. THEN I'LL REACH DOWN YOUR THROAT AND PULL YOUR **** OUT ALONG WITH YOUR ******* THEN SHAVE YOUR ***** OFF AND MAKE YOU A WIG OUT OF IT YOU-(For reasons I will not divulge I will stop the curse-fest here because you get the idea, if you want the uncensored version, kindly tell me in the OOC)" Gade shouted as he gripped his chair for dear life.
"Jeez I can hear them in here!" Max said pulling out of his last twist and fighting the plane. "Attention passengers we will now be landing and yes I mean normally." Max said to everyone "Can't you all enjoy a little fun?!" Max turned off the intercom and guided the plane onto the runway. He sighed as he felt the landing gear touch the ground and let his body go through the motions. When they were finally stopped at the private gate he turned the intercom on "attention all passengers we have arrived at our destination. Hope you enjoyed the ride and please fly with us again sometime. Have a nice day." Max smiled as he got out of the pilots seat. "They're gonna kill me aren't they?" He said to his mother. "Well of course they are, but I'm glad to see you've kept your daredevil skills! No go on I'll handle the plane til you guys get back. Keep your phone near you, I'll let you know when I'm ready. " she said to him. Max opened the door and walked into the passenger area.

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Ashlynn unlocked her seatbelt with shaky fingers and stood up glaring murderously. "I would kill you, but I'll leave that to Helena and just be the evidence disposer." Ash hissed running her hand through her hair from nerves.

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