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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Max had led the group to the Gate at the airport that his mother had texted him the number of. He hated the fact that he was endangering everyone by using a phone but it was their only option. They had gotten to the plane as his mother had finished fueling up. She was happy to help them get to Brazil, and also happy to see Max again. She had led them onto the Dysek Family jet, which had a big seating area and a giant fridge stocked for long flights. Getting everyone seated and buckled up, Max sat down in the Copilots seat. "Attention all passengers. Thank You for flying Air-Dysek. Please stay seated until I say and pray to Zeus we aren't stuck down... Just kidding. We'll be safe" Max said over the intercom. And they took off.

A few minutes later Max got up "I'm gonna go check on everyone. You good flying without me for awhile?" Max asked his mother. "You taking me for a sissy Max? I'll be fine go keep everyone company" she said to him. Max smiled as he turned and walked out of the Cockpit.

"So you like the jet?" Max asked walking in "it'll be a four hour ride, so we've got time to rest if you want. Also don't empty the fridge. We only restock it every few weeks, I don't wanna do it every trip."

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Raylene shrugged. "Well, I'm convinced anything that flys in Zeus' realm carrying demigods is always a potential death trap and this is no exception, but it is pretty nice." Ray said slapping Ash's hands away from her pockets. "No, bad Ashy. We don't touch Ray's pocket while we're behaving like chipmunks on crack." Ray scolded Ashlynn as if she were a dog.

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"NO! I DON'T as a matter of fact!" Helena was squealing in the corner, shaking and clutching the armrests, teeth clenched, squeaking at every single bit of turbulence, and often times starting to pound on the side of the plane with her fist, and muttering about closets and darkness. "It feels. Like Zeus is going to shoot us out of the sky! We're all gonna diiiiie!" The daughter of Hades squeaked, her voice trembling. "This is worse then a car! It's a FLYING tiny tin can of death!"

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Ashlynn yelped at a hard jerk of turbulence. "Everyone knows that Zeus hates having other big three kids in his realm! Helena's fears are perfectly rational." Ash replied to Max holding onto her armrests in a death grip. She was not enjoying her first plane ride.

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"F-f-f*** you, Max... You don't know me.. You know nothing.... About me..." She stared at him, then glanced at Adelina and Alec, then squealed as more turbulence made her stiffen in her seat, and curl up into a ball, holding her head.

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"Here this might help." Max said as he closed his eyes to focus. He pushed Helena and Ash's freak outs out of his mind. He created a perfectly aerodynamic field in front of the plane. He'd always done this went passengers complained about turbulence and Nausea. The field would remove all turbulence that the plane would hit. He opened his eyes and took in a few deep breaths. This always took a lot of energy from him. "Any better? And sorry. You don't know how many first flyers we used to get. It gets annoying fast." Max relaxed in his chair.

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While they were at the airport, Ryan experienced another encounter with another god. Athena visited him and cut him across his abdomen. Ryan was glad that he had Noah's medicine to help him fix up his cut a bit. He sat down on a seat in the jet and nodded his head as he answered Max's question. Folding his arms, Ryan looked outside the window thinking about how much he started to hate the gods. Why would they destroy the camp in the first place? He gripped the armrest and thought of the things Athena was yelling at him a few minutes ago. "You can't do anything about it! No one will believe you! You think you would even be able to beat the gods? What about me? NEVER!" Ryan felt the cut on his abdomen and furrowed his brows. He started to hate Athena. Why did the gods start torturing him if no one would believe him in the scenario where he would "speak the truth"? Ryan's goal was not to beat the gods or destroy them since it was impossible and illogical. His goal was just to...what was his goal? He only knew that he wanted to destroy the scientists head quarters. Maybe that mission was his goal. Athena was the one god that made him feel stupid, useless, and tortured for no reason. They said there is a reason for everything. What the heck is the reason for him even being alive still if all that crap was just going to happen to him and he could not do anything about it? Ryan clenched his teeth "Athena you....aaaahhh!"
Ashlynn relaxed a little, but kept her hands wrapped around the armrests. "I hate planes more than I can't stand.... You know what, nevermind, I don't want to be struck down from the sky." Ash muttered leaning her head back against the seat.

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Helena however did not relax. She remained just as tense, and the shaking had not died at all. "Is it just me or is this place getting smaller?" She whimpered, hugging herself and shrinking in her seat. "Goooodz, I wish Freddy was heeereeee!" The poor girl whimpered, wishing her dear furry friend could be there to cuddle with her. Instead, she clung to Alec's arm, who sat there like it was completely normal.

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Mason stared at the mirror that rolled into view almost smacking him in the face. He reached and grabbed it and looked around at where the portal was. He sighed and began looking at his appearance hoping everything was kinda looking like they fit. There was a small stain on his hip where the stitch had undone itself, again... He sighed again and didn't notice the sand dollar as it bounced off his head onto the floor and Mason gave out a small yelp. He rubbed his head and noticed the blue hair had reached the left ear as well. He cursed as he was just starting to enjoy his red hair. It wasn't the dark indigo he had instead it was the lighter cerulean that began to bleed into the crimson sea. He was staring at the mirror and saw a flicker above the frame and saw a golden brown object flying towards him. He tried backing away but his legs clashed with the bed and as he tried to maintain his balance the soft, slightly hot waffle smacked him in the face. It stayed on his face as he smelled the delicious aroma of buttermilk and small hints of cinammon.

He munched on the waffle and and saw more. "WAFFLES!" Mason shouted excitedly. He rushed and swooped them up and began shoving the giant pieces into his mouth as he sat on the bed. He closed his eyes with a full mouth and grinned as he chewed on the scrumptious delectable he grew so found of when he was a child. He inhaled the first pile within a couple minutes and looked around for something to drink and saw that there was milk in a large vase on the floor as well. He grabbed it and began to drink before he choked on the rapidly expanding loafs of undigested waffles in his body. He held the other pile in his hand and the other held the vase of milk. He sat on the stone slab with his back turned towards where Evelynn had reappeared through. He turned as he heard footsteps on the marble floor. His face was covered in butter and syrup with a mustache made of milk. He held onto the remaining waffles as if he was hoarding the treasure in his arms, guarding it like a dragon in its cave of gold. He smiled wide and attempted a gesture of gratitude but the amount of waffles occupying his mouth was... overwhelming. He washed away the ravaged pieces of waffles with milk and grinned after he swallowed the mess. Satisfied and slightly messy after his gluttonous behavior, he just sat there as if he had too much wine. "Tha.*hiccup*.nks. II think I ate th..*hiccup*..em to fast....*hiccup*" He said as the attack of hiccups occured.
Cupid pressed a button and music started to play. He kept changing the station in search for something...romantic, or just catchy. The idea of shooting some people in the group popped up in his head again as he clicked to a station that seemed okay. Cupid looked at the newest member of the group then looked around the jet. Austin seemed to be a good victim. It would certainly be entertaining to see a child of Hades fall in love with someone in the jet. Cupid did not want to shoot Helena because he knew that she would kill him. Austin on the other hand was new to the group so it did not seem like he would kill a group member right away.
For a child of Hades, the jet ride wasn't all that bad. At least, not as bad as he had thought it would be. In truth, he had envisioned the aircraft to burst into flames from some sort of electrical storm that appeared out of nowhere. He expected a death so severe and slow that Hades would have had to take notes. In short, he had expected to die.

However, a couple hours into the ride, and he was still alive. Still, he was terrified. His hands clutched the arm rests to at his sides with such strength that his knuckles began to turn white, and eventually blue. He looked straight ahead, not daring to look out the window. Sweat had began to bead down his face five minutes into the ride, but now it was more like small streams, sweat leaking from almost every gland in his body. He began shaking, so much that he almost began vibrating.

At his side, his pet Hell Hound began to whine and whimper, nudging Austin's leg as if asking him to take him back to Hell. It was probably much better. Unfortunately they were several thousand feet in the air, and nowhere near any natural ground.

Perhaps if someone talked to him it would bring his mind at ease.
Ashlynn, shoved earphones in her ears and began listening to her MP3 Player to try and distract herself. "Someone please, how much longer will this flight be?" She asked in a shaky voice as her foot bounced nervously.

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Gade counted his money. "Probably a few more hours, give or take." He stopped for a while. "Agh! I lost count!" He shouted. He ruffled the bills a bit and wet his fingers. "I think that the rich guys I stole these from wont miss them." He said as he began counting once more.
"...Why did you bring the hellhound with you?..." Helena moaned, holding her head and squeezing her eyes shut, shaking still. "It makes me miss my Freddy... It also can't be any fun for uhh... Arkus, or whatever his name was."

After meeting her new(er) half-brother, Helena was in no mood to talk to him, or interact with the new hellhound in the room. or on the plane, oh GODS WERE IN A PLANE. She started to shiver more. This space was definitely getting smaller. Everyone was starting to crowd around her, and she started to gasp. She felt as if the others were breathing all of her air, they were starting to choke her out. She gasped some more, pressing away from the others.
Gade teleported her to the free space next to him. "Claustrophobic?" He asked as he continued to count. "10K, 15K, 20K..." He stopped and looked at her. "You gonna be alright or do I need to get a bag for you to vomit in?" He asked.
Max was about to fall asleep when the intercom turned on and his mother started talking. "Hey Max can you come to the Cockpit." His mother asked over the intercom. Max got up and made his way to the Cockpit. He and his mother swapped seats quickly, like they had done many times in the past. The plane made a slight bob as Max slide into the Pilots seat and grabbed the controls. "make it quick, Im not sure if everyone would be happy with me flying us." Max said to his mother as she walked towards the pilots only bathroom in the back of the Cockpit near the door. She laughed as she opened the door to use the bathroom. "They'll be fine." She said closing the door. Max with one hand put on the headset and turned on the intercom. "Attention all passengers. At this time I, Max, will be your pilot. We will be arriving in Brazil in Ninety Minutes, so please enjoy the flight until then." Max then switched off the intercom and focused on flying the plane. Max took a deep breath "*sigh* Ok run through the checklist." Max said to himself "You've done this before… Ill be it not with a bunch of Demigod passengers, and there's always the posse.. No focus Max." Max put his focus back to flying the plane.
"NO! NONONONO OH GOD! WERE GONNA DIE! OH GODS WHYYYYYYYYYY!" The daughter of Hades screamed, pressing again the side of the plane, frantic to escape the room that was still getting smaller. "WHERES THE F***ING PARACHUTES, ABANDON SHIP! ABANDON SHIP, OH GODS WHYYYYYYYY I HATE FLYING, GET ME OUT OF THIS TINY TIN CAN OF DEATH!" She was sitting hugging her legs, hyperventilating by now. She was immobilized by the fear that coursed through her veins, and she could practically see her father laughing at her current mental breakdown, and remarking, "Nobody is fearless, dear daughter."

"SHUT UP DAD!" She shouted, then proceeded to whimper her fears to herself, her eyes squeezed shut.
Jason just sat in his seat and watched the clouds go by. He didn't want to be struck down, but felt they would make it somehow and that his dad would be seriously pissed at Zeus if he did kill them all. He was a little bored noting that noting wierd happened to them for once. He rested his head against the side ofte plane feeing the vibrations while maing water he collected dance on te other side for fun. "Helena, we'd kno you better if you'd actually try to connect wit us. We all have baggage, better to cut the crap now before it costs someone their lives. That goes for everyone else as well including your favorite poseidon kid."

Jerika had a hell of a time getting through security but eventually used enough charm and reasoning to get her weapons through security. She kept them in her bag
Gade quickly covered his ears. "Stop shouting!" He then felt bad for shouting ate her when she started whimpering. 'I don't know how to deal with this!' He thought as he awkwardly stretched an arm out and pat her to calm her down. "Don't be scared." He whispered. "I can get us out of here if need be."
Alec now stood up and sighed, walking over, picking up the whimpering girl, and carrying her back to her seat in the back. There he laid her down and covered her up with a coat. "Just... Calm down, Helena.. Your making a fool of yourself..."

"We're gonna diiiiie..." She whimpered from underneath the coat.

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