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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Jerika jerked back surprised, her hand going for a dagger, which wouldn't really do much since she doesn't know how to use them yet. "No, with as much trouble as we're in already you want to add crime to it. why?"
Jerika scowled and stood up activating the bow and pulling arrows out of the pouch on her hip. She nocked tghe arrow and let it fly, nailing his pantleg to the ground, she fired two more in rapid succesion, getting his other pantleg then knocking the dagger out of his hand. She grinned "I still got it. Didn't Ryan tell you not to mess with me, I'm seriously doubting that you want to live."
"...Oh for gods sake-" Helena said, starting to laugh now, the laughter only built a little before dying down again, "this has nothing to do with ants! It's just that," she turned around, but then as an afterthought turned to Adelina, lifting her shirt halfway up her torso to reveal a gorey looking scar on her side, "Gunshot scar." She said simply, then let her shirt fall again, before turning around once more, and lifting a hand to touch her tattoo, "I have a skull on here for every person I've gotten killed. Not that I have killed, these deaths were all accidental... Don't know what possessed me to tattoo them t me, but it just felt right to honor them in some way." With that, she turned around and sat on the edge of her bed.

"So long story short, I had a rape filled childhood, nails driven through my hands, was adopted to a nice family, then he came back, shot me, and then I brutally murdered him with a meat cleaver. Tadaaaaa, have my life's story!"

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"That's IT! I'm gonna kill that kid!" she stormed out and went outside through, the back door looking around she didn't know where Gade had gone but figured he would have to give it back sometime, she sat down in a chair near the back and played around with the bowstring as she thought of what Ryan had said to her.
Raylene looked out the window at the sight of cards flying at Jerika. She shook her head chuckling. "That kid has a death wish." She murmured popping a potato chip in her mouth. Ashlynn walked into the room and fell backwards laying sprawled out on her sister's bed. "Oi! You got a bed, use it!" "But your beds more cushy." Ashlynn protested hugging the bed with an iron grip.

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Adelina drummed the fingers of her left hand on the armrest, lost in deep contemplation. Her voice sounded distant when she spoke, question after question escaping her lips as her mind shoved the residual puzzle piece against every other bit of the puzzle in each direction possible. "So twenty-three of your scars are because you killed ants, you mean? That's the only kind of animal you have ever killed? You've never killed a mosquito, or a spider? Will you get a tattoo to remember the Cyclops that died because you injured it? Have you really only intentionally killed one being? You've never killed a mosquito?" Adelina stared at Helena as she recalled the spiders that would sometimes climb the mattress of her bed and onto her arm, and she could hear the echo of herself shrieking with trepidation as she rapidly snatched a tissue, then squished the spider without a second thought. Human slaughtered animals accidentally and purposefully every day, and Adelina found it impossible for someone to have only deliberately been the cause of the death of one being in his/her entire life.
The sudden splash of water woke Max up. "NO I DONT DESERVE I-" Max said shooting up to a sitting position, having the towel fall out of his mouth, and smacking Ace in the head. "Ow sorry." Max said as he realized who he'd hit. Max went to put his hand to his face, but just trying to move his burnt hand sent pain through his entire body. Max felt weak too weak even. Then he remembered why. He'd hit something going through that last Hydra head that he'd cut off. "J, Ace, I think I'm poisoned."

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"... No, Adelina, look, these are human skulls. These are HUMANS I got killed, not bugs! Forget about be ants!" Helena slapped her forehead and groaned in frustration. Isn't she supposed to a daughter of Athena? Obviously not, if she didn't catch what was being laid in front of her.

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Ryan went to Jerika, "Sure I'll help you learn". He looked around, "But I guess I should give Gade something productive to do first since he can't seem to sit still".

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Adelina gawked at Helena. Human deaths. That certainly was a very straight answer to her query about ants, because of course someone would respond to a question that referred to ants by acknowledging the deaths of humans without clarifying that they were of humans at all and without elucidating that she had mentioned the murder of ants because of her obsession with skull tattoos and ant slaughter, as Adelina had now discovered was the reason for her statement earlier today. However, her brain was now satisfied that it had unraveled the entire image of Helena's narrative. Adelina was rather irritated at how frustrated Helena appeared to be because of Adelina's inquiries, while Helena was the one who had very ambiguously referred to her tattoos as symbolizing deaths. But Adelina could not blame Helena for explaining so inadequately, for perhaps her mind was still partially lost as it had been before Adelina had followed her to her room. "Okay, so finally you clear that up," she said, sighing, as she rose from her chair and exited the room, closing the door behind her without waiting for a response, glad that Helena was no longer feeling melancholy. Perhaps joy came from believing others were naïve. Adelina, still absorbed in her thoughts, slowly descended the stairs.
Helena watched Adelina walk out of her bedroom, and suddenly she slouched, with her forehead in her palm, her elbow resting on her knee. She looked as if she held the weight of the world on her shoulders, and personally, she did. The recollection of her childhood, pulling those cursed memories from deep in the archives of her mind had caused plenty of emotional stress, heck she'd even shed a few tears in front of Adelina! Now she had to shove them back to he furthest corners of her mind once more, unable to deal with the horrifying images. Soon she merely laid in bed, hugging her pillow like a stuffed animal and fell asleep, tangled up in her sheets. She only hoped Adelina wouldn't tell anyone about what she'd just told her...

Alec was standing outside the door to Helena's bedroom when Adelina walked out and ended up smacking him the face with the door. "OWW, DAMNIT!" He shouted, rubbing his nose, then walking into Helena's bedroom. He saw her asleep on the bed, so he just tucked her into bed and watched her for a bit, to make sure she was okay, then turned and walked out again.

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Austin walked around the room he had chosen, hands clenching several times at his side before he sat down on the foot of the bed, staring ahead at the bare wall across from him. It was a wall of intricate patterns and designs of weird looking flowers and fruit, the colors red and blue. It was hideous.

He turned his head to the right to look at the door that led to the hallway, which led to downstairs, which where he guessed everyone else was at. He wasn't a very social person, but all he had done here was sit in his room, killing the potted plants that seemed to pop out of nowhere. After killing the thirty second flower he had found, socializing didn't seem like the worst thing in the world anymore. It wouldn't kill him, after all.

He stood up from where he sat and walked towards the door, strapping his weapon belt around him so that his two daggers dangled at his sides in a harmless manner. Once there, he grasped the handle and twisted, then walked out into the hallway. He looked left, and then looked right, as if he were crossing the street, but no one was there. So he began to walk down the steps, carefully taking them one at a time.

When he got down there - he saw no one. He sighed, and walked outside through the front door to see if maybe anyone was out there. No one.

Then turned the corner, walking around the house to raise some company from the ground. Perhaps the friendly neighborhood Casper would be better company than dead flowers. Even if they were both dead.

And then, perhaps someone he didn't see will have noticed him and maybe try and start up a conversation with him.
Cupid caught Adelina's movement at the side of his eye, "Adelina!" He went over to her, "Don't worry I won't shoot you. When are we going to leave to Brazil?"

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Ashlynn lifted her head from the fluffy cover at the sound of crunching potato chips. "Ooh, can I have some?" "No. Go get your own Ray, I'm not your nanny." "But isn't that what big sisters are used for?" Ash asked in confusion perching on the edge of the bed watching her twin. "I'm only two minutes older than you Ashlynn Kay Dearborn!" Raylene said shooing her sister out the room and slamming the door in her face. "Well that's a first!" Ashlynn called through the door grinning as she made her downstairs to the kitchen.

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Ash hopped onto the counter -since she was too short to reach the cabinets- and grabbed a bag of chips. She sat down on the corner swinging her legs back and forth over the edge of the counter. Ashlynn grinned as she spotted a radio, quickly plugging it in and turned the volume up so it filled the kitchen with music.

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After several minutes of being outside and enjoying the fresh air, Austin walked over to a tree, and knelt down at the base of the trunk. He put his hands to the earth, pressing his fingers into the dirt, and with a little bit of concentration, began to push the crust of the earth apart.

Beneath the rock and soil, several hundred feet down, the pits of Hades could be seen. Flames licked the side of the hole, tickling Austin's fingers. The souls of the dead wailed at the light, not being used to direct sunlight, as they were used to either pitch black or absolute flames. Their wails would pierce the minds of anyone that wasn't a Hades child, but obviously Austin was one.

Concentrating a little harder, there was a loud booming bark, and in an instant Austin's Hell Houd was sitting next to him, panting the way dogs always do. To Austin, he was a large, red dog with the resemblance of a Pit Bull, boasting razor sharp K-9s, razor sharp claws, and a flaming tail. To a mortal, it would just look like a black Pit Bull.

Austin stood, raising his hand over the pit that led to Hades, and clenched his fist tight. The hole closed with a thunderous boom, and the wailing of the dead stopped. It was then that Austin turned to walk back to the mansion, motioning for his Hell Hound to follow him. He did.

"Arkus, you're a good friend." Austin told the Hell Hound, and even though the beast didn't understand a single word he had said, his tail wagged to and fro happily.

They then walked into the mansion once more, back up the stairs to the hallway, and Austin decided it was a good idea to spark up a conversation with somebody. Somebody such as Adelina!

He strode over to the door of which was connected to her room, and knocked three times while Arkus sat next to him, staring up intently at the door.
Adelina concealed a smirk at the sound of Alec's indignant, pained voice and paused as she was halfway down the stairs, detecting Cupid's voice as well as she twisted herself backward to look at him. She narrowed her eyes suspiciously and stepped away from him before responding. There were few people she despised more. "When Mason and Evelynn get back," she replied simply before swiveling forward once more and continuing to decline the staircase. When would Mason and Evelynn return? Would they at all? Adelina shuddered; no, they would not let that happen. Mason had authority over the Cyclopes, and he would absolutely never allow the death of Evelynn. At least, hopefully not. However, they would have to embark on their voyage to Brazil soon; there were doubtless numerous monsters already heading for the unprotected mansion that was teeming with dangerous demigods. Faintly, she heard music booming towards her left as she descended the stairs, and a boy whom she had never seen before had escalated the staircase. Tilting her head, she peered up at where he had just disappeared to in the second floor hallway. His hair had been almost as dark as Helena's, and there were the unusual scattered freckles across his face. She had not enough time to examine him closely, but she was certain that he had been entirely unfamiliar.
Austin realized that no one was in Adelina's room. He had been listening, or trying to, to see if maybe there were any voices. He could hear them when he was in his own room, but now there were none. He sighed, and smacked his forehead in the realization that she had been descending downstairs as he was going up.

After all, he had only been in the camp for 7 months. He'd only seen Adelina a few times, and hadn't seen her much else, up to this point. He sighed, patted Arkus' head, and turned around. There, he saw Adelina's vaguely familiar face peeking just above the set of stairs, and walked towards her, shoving his hands in his pockets so no one could see him clenching them and unclenching them nervously.

Human interaction. Fun.

He walked down the stairs and waved to the girl. "Uh, hey.. Adelina." He said rather quietly, his eyes shooting around the room several times so he didn't make direct awkward eye contact.
Suddenly, a large mastiff, black and red, came out of he shadows nearby, growling at another hellhound that had appeared. This mastiff hellhound had seen this one coming- A different breed entirely! This angered him. It would attack his demigod friend! He would defend her! Just like he had with the giant lizard with heads that grew back! GRRRR!

Fred the hellhound was unhappy, hackles raised and gleaming white, sharp teeth bared.

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Max sat in the room. Not paying any attention to Ace and Jason. The poison was kicking in and he felt himself getting weaker. He tapped Aces arm."Hey I'm kinda dying here can you hurry up" Max then noticed that Manny hadn't come back yet. Max hoped nothing had happened to the friendly Manticore.

Manny was flying back to the mansion and landed on the little piece of roof outside Max's window. He let out a little noise and scratched the window wanting to come in.

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Isis the Sphinx looked at Manny in displeasure. Ashlynn blasted the radio as Happy came on. She couldn't stand the song, but it was catchy. She nodded along to the music occasionally belting out the lyrics. 'Come on, I need some good music she thought just as Sing by Ed Sheeran came on. "Yes! I've missed my favorite ginger!" Ash cheered hopping off the counter.

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Adelina hesitated in her mission to reacquire her backpack as her name was addressed by yet another voice, this one foreign. As she pivoted on her sneakers, which were still soggy and spongy from the rain that afternoon, the boy whom she had seen pass her on the staircase came into sight, standing before her. Her eyes narrowed as she peered at him, scrutinizing him, and now that she observed the boy more closely, she recognized him very faintly . . . From Camp Half-Blood. She had seen him in a game of Capture the Flag, on the opposing team, and wondered which cabin of that team he belonged to. On the conflicting team had been the cabins of Demeter, Ares, Hades, Nike, Nemesis, Hypnos, Dionysus, Tyche, Zeus, and Hecate . . . To which of these cabins did this half-blood belong? Adelina squinted suspiciously at the newcomer as he called her by her name. "How do you know my name?" she demanded, crossing her arms indignantly. She could not place the name upon this individual, as she only recalled seeing him once before, and her memory was impeccable. The freckles that were scattered across his face were peculiar; Adelina normally expected this abundance of flecks on the face of a person with ginger or blonde hair - it was not often that she viewed someone with such dark hair whose face was specked so bountifully with freckles.

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