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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

"Why? She seems nice" Ryan responded as they hurried out. He supposed her reaction to the question about where she was going was somewhat a normal one for a teenage girl.

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"BE BACK SOON!!!" She shouted out to Jerika. After she was sure they were fine she composed herself. "ugh i hate hate HATE having to pretend to be that way." Sam said as she returned to the kitchen of the house. She finished packing her bag and got ready to leave. "So Brazil first eh. Ill see you all there." She walked out the back door and disappeared into the forest.

Max began struggling in real life as The dream turned violent. Mrs. Elliott and Mr. Larlham Began to tortured him brutally. The dream had never gotten this bad. He continued trying to get away from the grasps of the teachers and began wrangling in the bed.
"Help me find whatever medicine we need to get him straight!" Ace responded as he gave Jason Noah's medicine bag.

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Raylene sighed shoving her hands in her pockets. "Fine, but Only for our birthday." Ashlynn cheered fist pumping, but stopped when she the sound of Max's struggling and walked into his room. "Uh guys what's wrong with Max?" She asked in concern.

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Adelina's palm became smudged with the viscous ointment as it massaged the cream into Helena's burn, ensuring that it faded into the skin before withdrawing her hand and screwing the cap back on the vial. Where would she put the burn medicine? It had been lent to Helena by Ryan, but as Adelina stepped towards the front door of the mansion and nudged it open to peek inside, Ryan was nowhere to be seen. In fact, her view of the front area of the downstairs seemed completely empty. She released her grip on the door, letting it fall back into its initial position, and looked curiously at Helena, narrowing her eyes, as she mentioned the murder of ants. "What exactly do you mean?" she inquired, hoping for a straight answer. Helena had seemed distant when she had said that, and her behavior had been bizarre for the past few minutes, as if she were in another world altogether. But although Adelina was inquisitive about the significance of Helena's words, she was aching to retrieve her backpack from the SUV, to reduce the chance that it would be stolen, and she took a subtle step towards the stairs of the porch, though she remained facing the girl with the jet-black hair.
"Huh?" Helena looked up, blue eyes trained on the child of Athena, then suddenly realized what she'd said. "Oh... Oh did I say that out loud? Oh, uhh, well you see my shoulder. The tattoos of skulls, those aren't jut because I'm a Hades kid, theres a significance to all 24 skulls." She made a face. The expression said she was thinking about something, but it looked like the thought pained her, as if thinking about the subject pained her. The many intricate skulls scrawled across her back and upper arm all were different, in some minute way- some had scratches, gouged into the bone. One had an entire side of it obliterated. And one larger one right near the top of her shoulder had a bloody meat cleaver lodged in the forehead. It was gorey, in an almost comical way, that skull.

"That was the only intended one..." She murmured, almost to herself...

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With strong interest, Adelina inspected the numerous tattoos of skulls portrayed on the skin of Helena's shoulder. The images were intriguing, but Helena's face appeared to be strained, as if she were uncomfortable with the topic of the marks on her skin. Adelina pondered over what Helena meant about one of the larger and bloodier skulls being the only intentional one, as though the other tattoos had been accidental. Adelina weighed her options. She could dismiss the subject right now and leave to reacquire her possessions from the car in the driveway, now slightly easier to discern through the rain, and relieve Helena from the tension that she appeared to be under; or Adelina could continue to question this matter, satisfy the inquisitiveness that she had obtained through the conversation. Filled with curiosity, she selected the latter before her decision was able to change. "The only intended one? And how exactly do your tattoos relate to ants?" The topic had brought many queries to her mind, and Helena's description was painfully vague. Though Adelina did not feel comfortable with sharing information about herself, she was often interested in knowledge about other people, and guiltily, she felt as if she should apologize for being so probing about Helena's tattoos - but she concluded that she would before leaving Helena to jog through the rain to the SUV. Thankfully, the porch featured a canopy to shelter it from sunlight and precipitation, and Adelina's attire had begun to dry from the deluge of rain she had endured during the morning. At this thought, she concluded that perhaps the absence of people in the downstairs area was due to the dampness of their clothing. Maybe the demigods retreated upstairs to change - but Jerika did not possess a room here. Please say that she did not leave the mansion. Please say someone is keeping an eye on her.
He held onto the corner of the table and started noticing his eyes getting heavier. He shook his head slightly feeling a soft tug of his hair as Evelynn worked on his wound. He mumbled an apology and his eyes shut. He opened them abruptly and felt disorientated. The walls transformed white from the dark black obsidian it was previously. The floor seemed to shimmer a golden glow surrounded by diagonal patterned tiles. He looked down and the bed matched the walls and his clothing was different. Red silk on dark undergarments, his body clean from the dirt and blood from before, and his fatigue was gone. He sat up slowly, anticipating a scolding from Evelynn. "Did... you change my clothes, Evelynn... Because that means--" He turned to see she wasn't there. Smooth rich white skin slightly veiled by a sable gossamer robe. The robe clinging to curves chiseled from the finest marble in the heavens. Light rose lips creased into a succulent smile as enticing as a drop of sweet honey. Cerulean seas crashed inside the pearls hidden behind long darkened lashes beneath sandy brows. Long strands of cream flowed around an angelic face and over onto the bed beside him. Mason sat there stunned at finally seeing her as clearly as he ever dreamed before.

"Did... I die? I could've sworn that I was fine..." Mason softly asked, eyes cast down at the silk covering his body effortlessly. He ran his fingers across the fine threads and let the reality set in.

Her lips parted and she replied to him, "Not in the slightest. I wouldn't want such a young man pulled away from his destiny just yet. How would your father feel if he knew one of his children has perished? Pompeii would happen again and then Zeus would have a fit." She passed her hand over his vibrant dark crimson hair. She bit her lip slightly, "I enjoy what you did with your hair. It's very. . . wild." A mischievous thought passed through the air.

"Uh... yea. Hair. Red now. Dunno...." He yammered. Tongue caught between the shudders and shivers she was giving him. He wasn't expecting anything good to come from all this. He didn't understand why he was feeling all this. The softness of the silk, the arousing touch of Aphrodite, the solid slab of marble under him. He knew that his senses were working, however he didn't know why all this changed. Where's Evelynn? Where's the pain I felt? If I'm not dead... With a crash his thoughts were interrupted. He heard a dull scratching sound as it got closer.

"DAMN IT WOMAN! WILL YOU LEAVE THAT BOY ALONE FOR ONCE!" A loud booming voice echoed from the hallway. The silver glint of wheels was the first thing that came into view. A large man rolled in the entrance with short curls and a peppered beard. Arms massive as trunks and an aura of diligence around him. "How many times must I say it? Let him be. I will not fight my son for your affection." He rolled over to Mason and threw his arm onto his back. A solid connection knocked the air from his lungs and his face went red as he coughed trying to regain oxygen in his lungs. "It is good to see you, son. After that volcano you made, I'm glad one of my children has the true gift of Hephaestus. HA"

Mason groaned as his not so broad shoulders stretched back to breathe. "Ay, que diablos... What volcano?" He said concerned. His chest was hurting and his heart pounding after his father's heavy pat.

"You know, the one outside of New York. The one I had helped stop." With a glare towards Aphrodite, "The one where your hair turned red. That volcano." Hephaestus informed him. He was looking into Mason's eyes as he recalled the event to him. Mason looked baffled and rubbed his bracers over the discussion.

"So you're saying that I'm a danger to everyone on Earth. Why do I have this if I could KILL my friends?" Mason asked. His hands glowed red and began to form around his fingers and palms. He gazed into it as it transitioned into a light blue. He held his gaze there and held up his hands to Hephaestus. "This is what you call a blessing. But I see destruction. It's wild. Without control it will only bring harm."

Hephaestus placed his thick hand over the blue flame. He transformed the flame into a figure resembling Evelynn. "With help, you can make anything into what you want it to be." He paused as he made the flames into a smaller figure of Helena, "With courage, you will learn that you can follow that path." He paused again as Aphrodite pulled away his hand and let the blue flame run wild and formless, "And no matter what you choose, the fire will always be free to do what it wishes just like you." She added with a sly grin.

Aphrodite rose beside Hephaestus and they began to walk through the entrance before turning stopping and the wheelchair spun around. With a stern look in his eyes, Hephaestus looked at Mason. "Now I'm not like the other Gods. You deal with your pains and wounds like a man. I'm not going to pamper you. Good luck with all that." With that the walls began to shift and grow darker. The rooms glow when from a gold to a turquoise and faded away. Mason was sitting up still. He felt all the pains coming back and his clothes still soaked in blood and dirty. He sighed deeply remembering that Evelynn was behind him fixing his head. Now I get another tongue lashing...
"..." Helena offered no explanation at first. Watching the swirling dance of the ants had her mesmerized. Her eyes were in a far off place. Images flashed in her mind; A young girl, with her hair as red as her own blood, soon to be spilled. A hammer in a cruel hand. The dark closet, tiny, tiny space. Duct tape, a whip. Pain... Horrible pain. Her hands, bleeding. Nails. Screws. Wooden blocks. Then, a young boy's face looming out of the darkness, surprised and scared. Then more appeared, each older then the first. Blinding lights flashed in front of her. She was being led to

She breathed out, not having moved an inch except for the rising and falling of her chest.

Gleam of the knife in hand, blood on a concrete floor. The eyes of the victim, lifeless and void now. The hammer, so deadly, fell out of the victim's hand, nothing but a tool now. Nothing but a tool.

The girl with black hair looked up. "He deserved what he got." She suddenly stood up and walked up the front steps, to the front door. When she stopped, with her door on the door handle, she looked at Adelina, her face void of emotion but for a knowing look.

"You think monsters are cruel... You ought to try mortals... Thanks for helping with the burn..." With that, she turned and disappeared into the house.
Jerika rolled her eyes "Gods, send me to Tartarus already." She let Ryan go and went inside setting her stuff down in the living room and sitting down after slipping off her sword. She set it down amazed that a weapon that almost claimed her life will be used to defend it. "Am I really going to go through with this??" she thought after looking at the celestial bronze sword. She Just sat back and thought clearly disturbed.

Jason shuffled through the bag tossing things out and searching before landing on a vial with a red cross symbol on it. "eh can't hurt." He nodded towards Ash, then looked perplexed. "How did you get out of my ice shoess." He handed the vial to Ace and turned his attention to Ash.
Ashlynn shrugged. "Raylene. So what's wrong with Max?"

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"Are you okay?" Ryan looked at Jerika and noticed her facial expression. It seemed like the siren was somewhat disturbed. He sat down on a couch chair as Jerika eyed her sword.

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Jerika stared at the blade, her reply hollow. "That blade almost cut me in half, for years after I had a scar on my stomach. These two daggers, one was a half inch from my heart, the other embedded in the poor girls neck. Then the bow and arrows I have, the girl was a good shot, the arrow went through my skull before I could register the sound of it flying. one of the other sirens gutted her and kept the girls weapons as spoils of war." She sighed and looked at Ryan a mixture of despair and rage in her eyes all adding to her overall lost expression. "My point is, even though these weapons would have and did kill me I'm now using them to defend the same kind of people that would skewer me in a heartbeat and even though I've repeated that I want to help despite my nature and all the pain I've experienced, I am still considered a monster. "How am I supposed to feel."

Jason shrugged, "I dunno, guessing Hyrda's got some poison,it seems he's got a crushed foot. hoping the nectar?? Whatever it is I'm hoping it helps."
Ashlynn nodded shoving her hands in her pockets. Raylene closed her eyes and walked into the room twiddling her fingers at Jason. "Hello son of Poesidon. Thank you for the lovely Ice boots and matching brazier you gave me a little while ago."

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Gade popped in behind Jason and fired a few more flaming marshmallows before poppong away to the roof and eating cookies which seemed to come from nowhere.
Jason looked at Ray and his expression changed. "Please no more walls." He dodged the marshmallows again but ended up getting one on his cheek. "Greaaaat."

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Raylene smirked as the marshmallow hit Jason's cheek. "No more walls." She agreed saluting him.

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With a shrug, Adelina stepped in the direction of the SUV, but halted as she analyzed Helena's intriguing words. She was torn between her inevitable curiosity and her desperation to secure her belongings that her treasured backpack contained. It was a battle between her two desires, one for knowledge and one for her possessions. The victor was concluded even before the duel began. Sighing, she concluded that it was almost certain that, although it would not be much more probable even if the weather was pleasant, thieves would refrain from their stealing urges anyway in such stormy, wet conditions.

As soon as Adelina had procured the meaning of Helena's words from her, she would retrieve her bag from where it rested in the SUV. My laptop. Ryan had requested that she print the address from the website she had found. It was fortunate that, during the previous night, she had taken a screenshot of the information on the scientists' web page, in case they shut it down. She was determined not to lose her laptop. It was much too important and carried too much information for Adelina to suffer the loss of it, but if she went to retrieve it now, she would lose sight of Helena, who had vanished behind the doors of the mansion. Before she could evade Adelina's sight, Adelina hurried after Helena, only to have the large, ornately decorated door thud to a stop in front of her face. Exasperated, she pushed the door open. "Wait!" she called after Helena. "What do you mean?"
"I can't promise anything." Ray replied making a lamp on the table behind Jason float.

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Jason looked back at the lamp, "Well, that's interesting, and slightly intimidating." he looked at Ray and smirked, this might get interesting.
The girl was disappearing up the stairs, and stopping Alec in the second floor hallway. She looked flustered, even panicky, and Alec was clearly trying to calm her down. "Helena, what happened, why are you going on about ants?"

"Alec, what happened when I was nine-"

"Helena, are you getting all controversial about this? After what that guy did to you, he f***ing mo-"

That was when the pair noticed Adelina and stared. Helena slapped her palm against her forehead, as Alec laughed nervously, "Hahaha... How much of that did you hear."

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"It's like every typical scene in those movies with ghosts." Ray joked making the lamp bob up and down as it shook.

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Max's continued struggling in bed. The dream world had tinted a sickly shade of green, and the Two Faculty members had become monsters. They were holding down his left hand, his burned hand in real life, and began to pound a nail into it causing Max to scream out in pain. This happened in both the dream world and the real world. Mrs. Elliott then moved to his busted foot, while Larlham continued to pound the nail into his hand. Max continued screaming as he was tortured in his dream.

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