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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Jason shrugged and went back inside since no one answered his question. He went to the living room and plopped down on the couch he was previously sleeping on, he could hear the twins’ epic battle for lucky charms in the other room and remembered he was in a prank war. He grinned and snuck around to the kitchen where he turned on the faucet and got some water to collect in midair, he winked at Gade and made his way quietly to the dining room. He tensed his fingers and froze the water still making it float in the air then broke it up into ice cube sized chunks. “this is too easy.” He thought as he walked up quickly pulling the back of their shirts out and dropping the ice in before making a quick getaway through the kitchen leaving a thin lyer of ice on the ground behind if they pursued him, all the while laughing hysterically.

Jerika had been too busy fuming about the new boy’s little prankand the multitude of ways she would get him back. She concluded that hitting him with a spell so strong he’d be a babbling idiot around her would suffice. She smiled at the thought and went inside to find the cretin. Of course remembering to keep herself aware of how close or far she was from him. The proper distance was very important for any of her spells. She stepped in and watched as Jason flew past laughing like a madman, she shot a look of surprise and confusion at him before shaking it off and headi9ng to the kitchen. One ting about these demigods is they could often be found where they ate, and it turns out this Gade wasn’t any different. She stepped towards him and smiled sweetly. Making as much eye contact as possible, this spell would merely require her presence and a couple looks filled with lust. Of course she didn’t feel it just showed it subliminally sending messages of love and commitment into his mind. She let out a short giggle seeing the spell take hold and walked towards the fruit basket, grabbing a ripe apple and biting into it before leaving with a particularly sassy walk. “10…..9….8” She mentally counted down the time before he would chase after her.
When she came close by he suddenly sneezed at her. violently. "Sorry, I must be allergic to your per-AHCHOOO!" He sneezed again. And again. And again. He sneezed so much that his body couldn't do anything but stand still and keep sneezing.
Ryan walked down the stairs and went outside. As he retrieved Noah's medicine bag from the front porch, he heard someone sneezing and looked around to see Gade sneezing at Jerika. He laughed a little then entered the mansion. "Better inform him of Jerika being a siren" He thought. Ryan put Noah's medicine bag behind the couch and made his way to Gade, "Hey Gade you just stole a siren's underwear".
"And...I can steal the one she's currently wearing." he said while holding up what appears to be more pink frilly underwear before teleporting to Cupid's pocket.
Ryan quietly said, "Well at least Cupid and Gade aren't working together". Ryan turned to Jerika, "Maybe you should...nevermind I have no advice for keeping your underwear on when he does his tricks."
Jerika recoiled at the boy’s sneeze then she saw her underwear disappear into thing air from the boys hand. She turned bright red and glared at Gade, “Will you stop that!!” she looked at Ryan unknowingly filling him with her rage. She looked at Gade again, her nails turning into talons. “I won’t say this again, keep this up and you’ll find yourself losing fingers.”
"Woah!" Ryan got surprised and quickly looked around, "Jerika please hide those. If the others see you then doing this will only make their treatment toward you worse". He turned to Gade, "As much of an awesome prankster or trickster you are, can you please just prank Cupid or one of the twins? Their reactions would probably be more funny, and they won't grow talons then threaten you if you prank them again".
Jerika clenched her fists her talons shrinking enough to avoid cutting into herself. He glared at Gade and spoke in a tone that was calm but clearly strained. “Where did you send my underwear? Pray it’s someone that isn’t as resistant as you or Max to my spells. I really need to blow off some steam.”
Jin watches Ryan, Jerika, and Gade intently, observing their behavior and learning their personalities. He takes a sip of his OJ.

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Cupid walked inside the mansion and went toward Ryan, "Hey Ryan when are we going to Brazil?" He put his hand in his pocket an- "AAAAHHH!" Cupid yelled as he pulled out the underwear from his pocket. He threw it at Jerika's face then ran to the nearest restroom and locked the door, "EW!"
Jerika caught her underwear, and rolled her eyes. “Just my luck, someone I’m not strong enough to brainwash. You guys are terrible, I’m going home if I am going to be of any help I’ll need some stuff. If you don’t trust me Ryan you’re welcome to follow.” She turned and headed to the back door.
"Does anybody have anything for a burn? Nothing? At all?" Helena looked around at then people walking around.

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Ryan decided to listen to what Adelina had said before about watching Jerika. He decided to listen to Adelina since she seemed like a genius in a way anyway. Ryan started to follow Jerika.
Cupid yelled from the restroom, "No thanks I'm still washing my hands!" It was probably his seventh time washing his hands.
As Helena ignored her questions, Adelina shrugged subtlely, rising from where she knelt on the porch hesitantly. "Um. Ryan just handed you some medicine . . ." Adelina nodded towards the vial in Helena's hand, narrowing her eyes. Helena evidently was not feeling well if she was acting like this. She did not seem to be aware of her environment at all. "If you want me to apply it to your shoulder, then sure," she offered uncertainly, then swiveled her body to peer at the SUV she could barely discern on the driveway. Darn the rain. Hopefully, the vehicle had been locked with her backpack in it, but there was a chance that it was still accessible; if it was, then it most likely had not been plundered anyway. If Helena denied her offer, and a selfish part of Adelina hoped that she would, then her plan would certainly be to check if she was capable of retrieving her backpack. But there was a selfless part of her as well, and in that area of her mind's personality, she wished that Helena would accept the dependence on someone else for once. Adelina was not accustomed to reliance on others at all, and the ability to depend on and trust others willingly, though seen as cowardly by some, was a quality that she somehow admired.
Jin finished his glass, then proceeded to toss it in the sink, carefully stepping over the fruit everywhere. He glances and the state of the kitchen and sighs. He bent down to pick an apple up of the ground, then through it in the opposite side of the sink. Might as well. He continued cleaning the kitchen.
"Did he?" She looked down. "Huh... He did." She handed the vial to Adelina, "you don't mind, do you? I can't reach back there, so... That would help." She looked at Adelina, hoping she'd help. As much as she hated to depend on anyone, she could not reach the entirety of the burn.

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With a blur after his head connected with the marble floor, Mason blinked a couple times before noticing Evelynn's hands reaching for him. He closed his left eye as she touched his head, staring with his right eye at his intriguing new caretaker, "Don't think that... uh... would make me boring? Ha. " She had been talking with Helena and he was unsure why they were being wierd about something. He smiled and lifted himself slowly out of the small puddles of blood from his wounds. His clothing had gotten soaked through. He made his way on top of the stone bed and laid on his side. He smiled, " You know, I might like this waffle thing around the shiny world. You know? Different right? Have you seen the blue dye around my bag? I could've sworn..." He mumbled the rest as he stared at the wall. Going a little loopy from the loss of blood.

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Mason's comment about being boring made her chuckle lightly. "Mayhaps. But sometimes it's nice to eat chocolate and marshmallows rather than tend half dead friends. Especially when you just got done fixing them." She chided him, putting emphasis on the first word. He at least did cooperate without issue. Retrieving the necessary tools from the boundless space of her armory, she began fixing the the work he had undone first. After the first time she felt much more confident about what she was doing. Confidence steadied her hand and the repaired stitches were better in turn than their predecessors.

"Uhh, I didn't really see one . . ." Her answer was one of confusion, as his words made little sense. She could only hope the answer was close to what he wanted so he would be content with it and not atempt to explain. They'd be here a long time if he decided to do so. With the last of the stitches replaced with a fresh one, she reappiled the liquid seal and then the cloth bandage before moving up to the back of his head. Thankfully, Mason was a resilient kid so patching him up was easier than a finicky animal, which was a plus. "Just do me a favor and try and keep your insides inside for now please. You can lose them later when Helena has some ambrosia or nectar or something." Dabbing the dark red ichor away from his wound gently, she set to work cleaning and preparing the wound. She stitched it back up and shook her head. Head wounds weren't as simple as giant splinters.
Ashlynn cursed Jason as her and Ray shook the ice cubes out of their clothes.

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Adelina took the vial of burn medicine from Helena's hand, quickly twisting her fingers around the cap to screw it. She was pleased that Helena would accept assistance from someone else, but she let her face appear expressionless as she stepped around Helena so that she was facing her back. Adelina then dabbed the mouth of the container against Helena's burned skin, gently at first, but when none of the cream escaped from the vial, more harshly. She hoped that the pressure of the opening of the vial against Helena's rash would not cause her excessive pain and retreated the glass vial from her skin, tentatively hovering her hand over the burn that hinted almost the color of crimson. Deciding that radiating nonexistent power from her fingertips would not suffice, she cautiously smeared the white paste over Helena's shoulder with her palm, as gently as she possibly could.
The twins looked at each other and nodded. Ashlynn put an illusion around Jason so who wouldn't notice anything as Raylene pulled out one of her vials of Greek Fire and walked through the wall behind Jason putting the tiniest bit on his sleeve before grabbing him by his shoulders and pulling him halfway through the wall then letting go leaving half his body sticking through one side of the wall and the other half sticking out the other side.

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Gade was disappointed that Cupid won't come out. "Well...new targets then." He went to search for the twins and found them putting someone in a wall. "That's not how you do it. You have to put him in a compromising position." He quickly teleported him out before teleporting him back in, this time only the but was sticking out. He carefully aimed and fired flaming marshmallows at said butt.
Helena flinched at the sudden pressure on her burnt skin, but didn't make a sound, only sat in silence. She stared down at the ground, looking at tiny ants as they crawled by on the concrete. "I ought to have a skull for every ant I've ever killed..." She thought out loud, not even aware she'd physically said anything.

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