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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Raylene burst out laughing and grinned at Gade. "You know, I kinda like you. You're a pretty f****** fantastic prankster." Raylene watched smugly as the unextinguishable green fire inched up Jason's sleeve.

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"Thank you, now. " The gun disappeared only to be replaced by a taser. "You want to do the honors?" He said as a cattleprod appeared on his other hand.
Raylene took the cattle prod from Gade and tazered Jason in the bum then handed it back to him for his turn.

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"I never told you. And I'm not surprised, we got here around the same time." She turned to face Gade inspecting him curiously. "Raylene Dearborn."

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Alec walked past the new boy and the Baubo twins, then stopped, and walked back over to the group, staring promptly at Jason's butt protruding from his wall.... "Why is there a human a** sticking out of my wall."

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"Nice to meet you, now the masterpiece!" He teleported a set of steel tipped boots. "We're almost done!" He put them on and reared his foot back before inleashing a swift kick.
"Jason thought he could ruin our battle of the Charms, so we stuck him the wall." Ashlynn replied picking her nails uninterestedly.

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Alec moved surprisingly fast. He reached out and grabbed the leg of the new kid, flipped him over so he was hopping on one foot, then promptly turned and started to shove him down the stairs. "Now I think that's quite enough. Now off with you." Alec let go of Gade, then returned to Raylene and Ash. "Now, if you two ladies would be dears," his voice was dripping Charmspeak," Get Jason out of the wall."

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Gade teleported the boot mid stop, causing it to fling onto the butt and land with a meaty 'smack'. He vaguely heard a scream of pain. "Well...bye." He teleported out.
Raylene resisted the urge glaring at Alec as Ash tried to grab her arm. "Sorry, but he signed up for it when he joined the prank war. So he has to get himself out, but I'll happily remove the Greek Fire that's destroyed most of his right sleeve!" Ray said in a mock perky voice as she walked through the wall muttering about Alec being a buzzkill and caught the tiny flame with the vial.

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Ace noticed Max being brought up the stairs a few minutes ago and grabbed Noah's medicine bag. He walked up the stairs and into Max's room as he mumbled, "Be thankful I don't have nothing against you Zeus boy the second".

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Jerika went through the backyards opening the back door to her house, heading up the rear steps to the hall, she trune left and went into the room at the end of the hall. There were posters all over her walls from movies to music. She grabbed some things off of her dresser, pulls out a duffel bag and starts packing. She filled the bag and then went to her closet, she pushed the empty hangers to the side and pressed a pressure plate at the back and a panel slid to the side revealing multiple demigod weapons, she slid a couple daggers into her belt, before strapping a medium sized sword to her back. It was just large enough that she would need both hands for it. She put on a necklace the had previously been a bow, and a small pouch that matched it on her waist just above her butt. Her grabbed her bag and was about to leave when she heard footsteps. "Ah s***."

Meanwhile Jason was being tortured on a grand scale, as soon as he noticed the green flames he mentally flipped out, but didn't get the chance to try and extinguish it as he found himself half in and half out of a wall, only to be shifted again, and have hot stuff smack is butt before being electrocuted. after the volts stopped making him convulse, he became aware of heat crawling up his arm scorching some of his skin as well. "Ouch ow s*** that's hot.!!!" He thought of water and decided to try his specialty. He concentrated pushing the heat of the greek flame out of his head, he clenched his fists and the temperature around him dropped radically, ice forming on the wall around him "Shatter" the ice obeyed him and the wall around him flew around in different directions. He landed on his feet taking a quick second to regain his balance before pulling off his shirt. and throwing it at Ray. "That was my favorite shirt you jerk!!" he hoped hers caught on fire but had limited time to get them back while the surprise was still fresh. He focused on Ash, and encased her feet in ice thinking of an ice berg anchoring her to the floor. He felt a little fatigued but shook it off admiring his work before bolting off towards his room to get a new shirt.
Raylene dodged the burnt shirt as Ashlynn pouted. "I didn't even do anything to you! Yet the person who did everything walks free while I'm frozen to the floor!" She exclaimed in disbelief glaring at Jason. Raylene cracked up using her telekinesis to shove an apple into her twin's mouth. "You shouldn't talk with your mouth full Ashy."

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Ryan followed Jerika and saw all the weapons. He just stayed silent and look around her house. His eyes met the weapons and he smiled a little. The hidden weapons reminded him of the time when Jeriko would pop open a shelf and show him a bunch of weapons just in case there was an emergency at the house.

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Jason barely heard and registered Ash's words but stopped anyway. "She's gotta good point." He hopped over the stairwell's railing and rolled, stopping on one knee both hands forward. "Freeze!" He froze both Ray's hands and feet, then formed finger guns with his hands for the finishing touch. "Bang bang." He froze the front of ray's shirt making a makeshift bra. "For extra lift." He ran back up the stairs pausing at the top. "You really should be nicer to your sister maybe you wouldn't get sold out then." He hurried into his room laughing, he stopped when he saw Max and Ace. "Whoa my bad, you need help?"
"Jerri! Is That You!" Sam shouted making her way to Jerika's room. When he got there she saw Ryan standing with her. She decided to play the innocent sister. "Oh Hi! Are you my adopted sisters new boyfriend!" Sam said putting on a realistic bubbly attitude "You better treat her well mister. I know Kung Fu!" She got into a king fu movie pose. She laughed as she straightened herself "Haha sorry I'm weird. I'm Sammy her adopted older sister!" She held her hand out to Ryan "pleased to meet you!" She put on a smile that looked to be genuine.

Max was suffering through the English Class nightmare. And it had gotten worse. His old Principle Mr. Larlham had just entered the room and was making his way over. "No not you!" Max out of the dream was tossing and turning trying to escape the dream

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Ace looked at Jason, "Oh just in time!" He shifted his eyes to Max, "Help would be nice". Noah's bag was already open and Ace was rummaging around looking for the right kind of medicine.

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"Oh! Greek fire, even better! Don't burn down my house please!" Alec shouted, with a faintly hostile tone. He hated being called a buzzkill, but with all these mischievous demigods running around, he couldn't take risks. Normally being a sourpuss was Helena's job:

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Ryan responded, "Aha I'm not her boyfriend". He shook her hand and added, "Pleased to meet you too". Jerika was adopted?

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"Can i Hear your name?" Sam asked Ryan "And Jerri why not get with him he looks so nice." Sam decided to tease here sister a bit before she had to leave. "Where are you going with all that stuff Jerri?"
"Ryan" he told the sister then looked at Jerika and observed how she would react to her sister's question regarding where she was going with her belongings.

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Ashlynn tried to stifle her laughter as she looked at her older sister. "What?" "You- You forgot about the bra." Ash choked out before keeling over in a fit of giggles. "Forget you." Raylene muttered storming upstairs. "Can you tell Clarisse to tell Piper I said hey, and to send me over some of Dakota's kool-aid?" Raylene turned around and scowled at Ashlynn. "Definitely not! You are a nightmare on that stuff, and I'm not babysitting you." "Can we at least have it for our birthday?" Ashlynn asked giving Ray the puppy dog eyes and pouty lip.

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Jason ducked the flaming marshmallow and watched it splatter on the wall, he would have froze something on Gade, but he was already gone. "Dang, he's fast." He walked over to Ace and sat at the edge of the bed. "How can I help you sir."

Jerika blushed, "No! Stop, go away." She was flustered and ended up grabbing Ryan's hand and hurried out. "I hate that girl."

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