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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Raylene threw the vials at each neck as Helena popped their heads off.

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"As fun as this is!" Ray yelled as the Hydra stubs continued to burn. "Some wank owes me a couple vials of Greek fire for not saving the fire in his staff!" She said pointedly to Max.

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Max watched as Ray threw the vials. He got closer to see what they had in them. He didn't notice what they were filled with until it was to late. Greek fire. The sudden explosion of Green flames sent Max flying into the wall of the house. "That's what I get for getting to close." Max thought before he passed out again. He had made quite the indent in the house, but he didn't go through it. He laid slumped by the porch.

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Ashlynn sighed as Max was knocked unconscious for the second time. She flew down on Isis and began slapping his face. This was like some kind of routine for the two of them.

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Jason generally ignored the events as he ate only nodding at the new kid then snickering as he saw an embarrassed and angry Jerika grab her underwear and storm out of the house and towards the pool. He finished eating and put his dishes away them crashed on the couch giving in to the itis. He was startled awake by everyone's yelling and loud noises coming from outside. He groggily walked to the door and opened it, he woke up fully as he saw the front yard a burning ripped up mess, he then noticed multiple heads on the ground then the odd shadow in the green flame. " Ok so there was either one hell of a party or I just slept through a monster fight. I'm guessing the latter. Everyone alright?" He looked at three group knowing the answer but figured it would be polite to ask, then he could help out wrong ad he was M.I.A during the important part.

(Sorry guys, I really wanted to be in this but things just didn't work out in my favor as usual. It was an awesome read though :D )

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Watching the Hydra scream and writhe from burning alive brought peace to Jin, finally the fighting was over. He stared at the burning carcass.

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Helena watched the monster turn to dust, taking its heads with it. She stood and watched, then reached and touched a burn from the Hydra. She sucked in a pained breath at the lightest touch against the raw skin. The dark haired girl made her way to the front porch and sat, trying to get a better look at her burnt shoulder. "Does anybody have burn medicine?"

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Adelina's memory flashed to earlier that morning - the massive bear skeleton crumbling to dust as Helena slumped against the side of the SUV. Under control, huh. With a subtle shake of her head, she released the curtains from her tightly clenched fists and sprinted from the kitchen just as she glimpsed the reckless girl clinging to one of the monster's reptilian necks, and Jerika hurrying out of the mansion, embarrassed, gripping the pair of lacy pink underwear that the boy named Gade had stolen. Adelina suppressed a sneer. My backpack. She silently scolded herself for forgetting it once again, taking a mental note to maintain control over her stomach's tendency of dominating the instincts of her body and fastening the attention of her brain on the obtainment of nourishment. Her backpack, which was now trapped inside the SUV, contained a few useful weapons, one of which was a gun that blasted fire through the muzzle. She was not as familiar with it as she was with her Stygian iron dagger.

Her mind racing, she darted to the front door of the mansion and thrust it open, but there was no Hydra in view. She cast a gaze across the mansion yard, absorbing the conditions of each of the demigods in their group. Helena was seated on the steps of the spacious porch, her head twisted as if she were attempting to look at her shoulder. Adelina noticed a large rash on it, and with Helena's request for burn medicine, Adelina immediately felt for her backpack. Ugh. But it turned out that Helena had defeated the monster after all. Perhaps she had succeeded in learning to constrain her powers. Adelina scrutinized the rest of the individuals situated in various areas of the outdoors. Max was sprawled a few feet from the porch while Ashlynn repeatedly smacked his cheeks with the palm of her hand, and the sight brought an unusual smirk to Adelina's face, though it faded almost instantaneously. Jin and Gade were situated in the middle of the lawn, Jin appearing to be staring into empty space. Adelina rushed to Helena's side; she had a knack for getting herself hurt. "Where is the SUV right now?"
"I don't know. Somewhere. Probably in the driveway." Helena looked at Adelina, then shrugged. The burn hurt like a b****, but she didn't really let that show. Other than that, she was untouched. "Wait- Where have YOU been?" She asked, suddenly realizing she hadn't seen Adelina during the fighting. Had she been inside the whole time? No... Adelina wasn't THAT oblivious.
"Wai-" was all Evelynn managed to get out before the mist dispersed. She growled and turned toward Mason, intending to scold him for his outrageous lies. "Your hair isn't bl-" For the second time in as many minutes, she cut her words off abruptly. The hair between his fingers was indeed blue. There wasn't any doubt about that. She stared at him blankly as she tried to convince herself it was a trick of the flames or something else much more logical. Then again, she considered, when were demigods logica? Especially Mason. His hair had changed to the red it currently was, after all, it just wasn't so striking as the blue strands in a bloody sea. She was about to question him, but another red caught her attention. "Damn it, Mason! Can't you stay NOT almost dead?" She moved and knelt beside him. "You've even managed to add onto the wounds . . ." She commented, pressing her fingers gently to the back of his head and drawing them away bloody. "Back on the table, now." She ordered him, readying herself for more nurse work. "I've gotta redo your stitches. And add some . . ." She chuckled amusedly to herself as she thought of Mason as a stitched together Frankenstein. At this rate, he might well look like one before they left Wakulla.
"Gods damn you Max, wake up." Ashlynn groaned slapping him harder. Raylene smirked watching Ash as she stuffed the rest of the Greek Fire vials in her pockets. They're bigger on the inside. She jogged up the porch running through the door and inside the kitchen.

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Jin holstered his weapon and went back inside. He climbed the stairs and entered his room.

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Ashlynn slapped Max one more time as hard as she could -just because she felt like it- and walked inside the mansion as if the battle never happened. Ray greeted Ash from the kitchen as she ate a bowl of Lucky Charms. "No! That's my cereal!" Ashlynn shrieked snatching the bowl out of her sister's hands.

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Ryan heard Ash in the kitchen yelling about cereal. He entered the kitchen and looked at the twins, "So...Lucky Charms right after battling a hydra? Yep, that's definitely normal."

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The sisters shrugged and said in unison. "We're twins, it's just what we do." Then they resumed fighting over the cereal.

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"Hydra? Whatever are you talking about, Ryan.." Helena called from the front porch, still twisting her neck to look at the burn on her shoulder.

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"The thing you were just fighting..." Ryan responded as he went to the couch and took out Noah's medicine bag. He went to the front porch and took out the burn medicine.

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Ashlynn paused from pelting her sister with fruit and beating her with a banana and yelled to Ryan. "Hey Ryan, do you kind going outside and getting your brother? I would get him, but he's too heavy. Also, don't be concerned about the bright red hand print on his face," She smiled cheekily to herself. "I did that."

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Jin came back downstairs and walked into the kitchen. He opened the fridge door and grab some orange juice, poured himself a glass, then returned the jug. He went to the dining room to go sit down.

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Ryan handed the burn medicine to Helena and responded to Ash, "Alright I'll bring him in". He made his way to his brother and lifted him up on his shoulder. Ryan acted like he had the strength of a normal human being as he carried Max inside the mansion.

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Ashlynn dumped the bowl of cereal on Raylene's head and ran away with the box of Lucky Charms. It honestly wasn't even about the cereal anymore. This was just an everyday sister rivalry.

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Adelina glanced over her shoulder, spotting the SUV parked in the driveway behind her. The rain was beginning to ease; it was no longer pouring, but it did not appear to be anywhere near over yet. "I don't suppose it would be unlocked, though, would it?" It would not be safe to leave it accessible to someone without a key, especially since Adelina's backpack was inside. She would be rather concerned if it had been left unlocked - in fact, quite worried that someone had gotten hold of her bag. She would be devastated if she lost it. She was grateful that Ryan was in possession of burn medicine, for it might be a hassle to once again retrieve her cherished backpack. She addressed Helena's question tentatively. "I was . . . eating lunch? Why do you ask?" Adelina tilted her head slightly, wondering why she, Jerika, and Jason had not been informed of the Hydra outside. She would have enjoyed combat with a monster; they had encountered three of Tartarus's creatures in the past day, yet Adelina had been excluded from all of their battles. However, the demigods could not remain in this mansion for long. Camp Half-Blood was protected by its barrier; there was no enchanted barrier here. The abundance of demigods at the same place was like a beacon for the monsters. The group would not last very long if they consistently attracted attention.
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Max felt himself being moved. He felt pain everywhere especially in his broken foot and his burned hand, but he also felt a strange pain on the side of his face. He didn't care and fell into a deep sleep.

Max woke up in his English class being scolded by his old Teacher Mrs. Elliott. "Why this dream again" Max though as he suffered through the dream.
Ryan lifted Max up the stairs and went into Max and Jason's room. As he put Max on the bed, Ryan remembered the mask Max wore at the party the other night when some of the demigods were fighting Manny the Manticore. He kept a mental note to ask Max where he could get a mask for himself as well just in case there was a time he needed to use his hidden abilities.

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