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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Calmly, Adelina carved a rectangular bite-sized piece of steak, then continued to slice the flesh until the steak was cut into equal fragments. There was the faint sound of thundering footsteps radiating from the front of the mansion, but it most likely was coming from Max's manticore. It was fortunate that one of the luxuries of this mansion was the thick, soundproof walls. Adelina cherished peace and silence. The sight of the juicy, succulent chunks of steak, brown and crispy at the top while growing tender and pale pink towards the center, caused her mouth to water. Greedily, she skewered a fragment of the meat with her intricately designed fork before transferring it to her mouth, its savory aroma striking the neurons at the roof of her nostrils. She ravenously devoured one after another bit of steak, disappointed that she had been one of the last to eat lunch. The other demigods had seemingly already eaten, though Ryan had left awkwardly, clutching his chest after releasing a tremendous roar. Perhaps he had a heart problem, and he would have to quit concealing it if he did. The only individuals that remained in the dining room for lunch were Jason and Jerika. Her memories of her dream last night would have to be shoved aside if she were to enjoy her meal. Once she had completely consumed her serving of steak, she noticed the mashed potatoes and steamed vegetables that had bordered it. She had begun to feel full, but the mashed potatoes were still warm and fragrant with a flavorsome scent. Adelina scooped a mound of it onto her fork and nearly gulped down the entire heap of absolutely delicious mashed potatoes before becoming much too full to finish the remainder of her lunch. Whoever cooked this was spectacular chef, and she wished that he/she would be the culinarian of their dinner as well.
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Ashlynn hovered above the group. "What did you say Max?" Instead if waiting for his response she turned to Jin. "What's the plan commander?"

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"Iris...I think that's the name. Can you get Iris to fly us both above the Hydra?" Jin turned to Max, if you can still fly, I'll need you to distract the heads. Without letting them crush your other foot.."

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"Isis!" The sphinx snapped as Ash replied, "Can do." And flew above the hydra.

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Ryan used his super speed and cleaned up his wound. He applied medicine from Noah's bag then paused. Was he hearing things or did it sound like there was fighting going on outside? He looked at his shirt in the mirror and stared at the blood. With his super speed, Ryan got another new shirt then ran down the stairs. He returned to normal human speed and turned to the people having a peaceful meal, "What's going on outside?"

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The many heads all snapped at the flying Sphinx, and anything else that moved, including Helena's hellhound, who came bounding out of the woods towards the group, jaws parted as he howled in a menacing tone.

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"Took you long enough Ryan!" Ashlynn yelled down from above the furious hydra.

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On my signal you jump to the left side of the Hydra's back, and slash through it with all you've got, I'll do the same on the right. "MAX! WHEN WE JUMP, I NEED YOU TO MAKE ALL THE HEADS LOOK UP! IF WE DO IT CORRECTLY, WE'LL SLICE ALL IT'S HEADS VIRTUALLY AT ONCE! I'll can get the torso to burn."

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The hellhound pounced on the leg of the Hydra, and the heads snapped towards it, reptilian eyes all locked on the black furry mass. Fred only had a moment, before he was crushed into yellow dust by the Hydra's foot. The pain squeals of him made way to the only one who really cared about that friendly hellhound-

"OH HELL NO! IT'LL TAKE HIM HOURS TO REFORM!" Helena growled, practically becoming rabid. "THAT'S IT, SCALES! THIS IS PERSONAL NOW!" The daughter of Hades stomped towards the Hydra, not even paying attention to any other half-blood, no matter how many jaws snapped at her, she charged the beast with sword drawn.

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"Max prepare the fire! Helena's got this" Ashlynn yelled watching the daughter of Hades.

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"No Fire Ash!" Max shouted to her "Jin had an idea on burning it." Max then dodged a head that had yellow dust coming from its mouth. "Oh! Thats why she's pissed."
Ashlynn sighed as Raylene pulled out a vials of greek fire from her pockets. "What the Hades Ray!?!?" "I was saving it for a special occasion." Raylene replied casually as Ash prepared for fire launching.

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Adelina tilted her head curiously as she rose from her chair and pushed it into the table, only glimpsing Ryan's figure for a fraction of a second before looking away. It was foolish that she had not completely overcome her humility yet, but it felt like she had been made a laughingstock after the previous night, especially after overhearing Ace's taunting words. "Outside? If you mean the rain, then, um, it's raining." Something about his expression and the startled tone in his voice informed her that he was not referring to the rain.

Nonchalantly, she abandoned her plate on the dining table for the maids to retrieve afterwards and strolled through the entrance from the dining room to the spacious kitchen, which was located at the forepart of the mansion. Quickening her pace, she strode to the window, obscured by burgundy, velvety curtains, which were embellished with ornate patterns. As she parted the curtains, the sound of commotion instantly resonated through the glass, and the majority of demigods came into sight. Their focus appeared to be set on an astronomical creature, several necks twisting and spitting, in fierce combat with numerous members of their group. She could not repress a sharp intake of breath. "A Hydra," she confirmed, loudly enough for the sound waves to reach the dining room behind her.
Ryan ran with normal speed and looked through the window. They really needed to get moving soon unless they wanted monsters to keep coming over to the mansion to visit them. "Well it looks like Helena got this under control...somewhat under control" he looked at Adelina and noticed Adelina's lack of eye contact whenever she spoke to him. It wasn't really a big deal, but that allowed Ryan to think that she still was not over what happened while she was under Cupid's spell.

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Helen walked slowly, the intensity and simple bloodlust shining in her bright blue eyes. Skeletons rose behind her, crawling from the earth with a mixture of confederate soldier uniforms and modern day camo, translucent gray skin stretched over the bare bones. The modern skeletons bore guns while the confederates had swords and rifles. The girl shouted and charged, the skeletons followed her, making horrifying clattering sounds. The dark haired girl jumped up and slashed one head off with a simple disarming maneuver, popping the heads right from the neck. She glanced up at the multitude of flying demigods and shouted, "DO I HAVE TO DO EVERYTHING MYSELF!?"

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"Not at all!" Max shouted at Helena "Here does this help!" Max immediately shot towards the legs of the monster and released the compact air ball he had been forming. The sheer pressure of the air forced all of the remaining heads of the Hydra to be forces upwards. "THERE! NOW YOU HAVE A CLEAR SHOT!" Max shouted over the wind. The energy it took to keep the air flow going was great and Max didn't know how long he could hold it. "Gotta... Keep.. It... Going" Max said through gritted teeth as he kept all the Hydra heads pointed at the sky.

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She grabbed Max as he passed again, and shoved him to the ground. "Don't run yourself into the ground. Just distract it from here!" She ran off, and started to climb up the neck- oh god it's splitting in half- and scrambling up the scaley necks. The many hydra heads lunged at her as she clambered around, but she managed to dodge away. Instead they just ended up biting each other.

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Max at first didn't understand why Helena wanted him to stop. Then he saw the necks starting to tear off. He calmed the winds and instead formed his ball again. He hopped onto the ball, mimicking something he'd seen in a cartoon, and began to spin around the Hydra launching air shots at the Hydras many heads trying to get them to focus on him instead of Helena.

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Raylene held one of the vials in her hand and prepared it to throw. "Just yell and I'll throw!" She called out perching forward on Isis' back.

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With some effort, Mason sat upright almost losing his nerve. He smiled at Evelynn, "Well, that's the thing, I don't know much about my powers. I kinda... uh... wing it." He listened to the dings and pings and shook his head. He looked down and softly spoke, "They had killed the other cyclops, Ripgauge. He may have been a more unfriendly one but they mourned him as their brother. I don't think they will forgive the children of Zeus, Poseidon, or Hades. Though, to be honest, I don't blame them." Mason paused to look at Evelynn's eyes, "Would you not feel the same way? I know I would have. I'm surprised they didn't eat us all." He pulled his legs over the edge and felt the stone floor under his feet. Atleast he had some feeling in his legs. He noticed the confused face on Evelynn and she was gazing into a mist.

The form of Helena emerged and Mason freaked and fell over behind the stone slab. He hit the floor with a sickening thud as the pain in his hip tore through his body. He felt the wet puddle forming beside him and banged his forehead on the marble floor. He grabbed at his wound and felt the top four stitches broken and jabbing into his skin. He laid on the floor and overheard the conversation but was uninterested in it. His bracers were filthy and needed to be cleaned. The leather was stained with blood but that was it after the beating he gave them. His goggles were hanging on the far edge of the stone slab. He noticed some blue strands in the reflection and reached for them and his right side of his head had gotten a few strands of blue hair around his ear. He gasped and called out to Evelynn. "MY HAIR HAS BLUE IN IT! WHO DYED IT! I'LL MURDER THEM!" He heard the shouting from someone in the background before it cut off. He stayed mesmerized watching the blue hair as he wrapped it in his fingers, ignoring his wound.
The Hades girl shouted and dive down straight for the torso, popping heads off as she went, till the entire hydra was just a mess on the ground. The necks were beginning to split again. "ANYTIME NOW! UNLEASH THE F***ING FIRESTORM!"

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