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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Adelina pursued Helena as she ascended the stairs, anxious for a response. At the sound of a contrasting voice, Adelina froze as she was halfway up the stairs, listening intently to their conversation. The voice belonged to Alec. Adelina had no difficulty eavesdropping; though it occasionally inflicted guilt, the regret immediately faded, as purposefully overhearing the conversations of others was sometimes necessary to gain knowledge - something Adelina craved most. Slowly, she proceeded upwards to the second floor, hearing them mention something that had apparently happened to Helena when she was nine? And whom were they talking about? As they spotted Adelina approaching them, she gaped at the two individuals, flustered. "I - Um. What exactly . . . are you talking about?" Her eyes narrowed with suspicion and inquisitiveness as she peered at them; the relationship between them appeared to be almost as though Alec was Helena's older brother, comforting her. They were clearly quite close, friends that knew each other remarkably well. But what they were discussing did not make sense. Adelina remained completely oblivious to how in the world ants fit in with any of this. It was like a piece of an indecipherable puzzle that had doubtlessly no sides that were capable of merging with any of the rest. What did ants have to do with skulls, or death, or some male being that had ostensibly wronged Helena?
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The pair looks at each other then both grabbed Adelina and dragged her to Helena's bedroom, which wasn't far away. The two shoved her in the room and closed the door.

"You can't tell anyone about this." The two said in unison.

"Wait, how much did you hear? Did you-"

"Alec, we have to explain." Helena sighed, then walked over to sit on her bed. "Alright, let's talk about scars."

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Ryan responded, "I suggest that you feel good. You're doing the right thing Jerika. It'll just take a while for people to trust you, but don't worry you're doing the right thing. The other demigods will eventually trust you and not want to skewer you".

Ace was shocked at Max's movements and sounds, "Jason can't you pour some water on him to wake him up or something?"

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In a swift movement, Adelina's hand lifted and the back of it struck Alec's cheekbone rapidly, shifting his head to face to the side with the pressure of the dorsum of her hand. The blow released her aggravation at his ignorance earlier today, and the way he revealed her power, which might not have mattered so much to her if only she were absolutely sure that she had not mentioned it at all to him. It occurred to her that perhaps Ryan had informed Alec of it earlier . . . But above all, the fury of being thrust without option into a room, which she recognized - Helena's room. Reluctantly, she resisted the urge to harm Helena as well, considering the fact that she was most likely incredibly weak out of her tendency to recklessly lead herself into harmful situations. Adelina despised being controlled, manipulated, as though she belonged to someone. She could have easily walked by herself; what did they think, that she was paralyzed? Clearly not. It was completely unnecessary to haul her and shove her into a room, as they had just done.

Composing herself and diverting her gaze away from Alec and instead to Helena, she obscured the fact that she was seething with anger and looked carefully at Helena, fumbling behind her for a chair and sinking into it, resting her arms coolly on the armrests. "What about scars?" she asked, masking her irritation and dismissing the welt on Alec's cheek as she nestled her chin in her palm, which was supported by her elbow as it rested on the armrest of the chair that she had settled into.
Evelynn stood next to the stone tablet, tapping her foot somewhat impatiently. Mason was certainly making patching him up difficult, to say the least. He had been fidgeting while in a trance like state and given her overall lack of experience giving medical attention to people and the area in which she had to perform it, she elected to avoid doing so until he had calmed from whatever trance he was in. When he eventually seemed to steady she arched an eyebrow at him in question. "Are you done now? Or should I just push my fingers into your head for you at this point?" She couldn't hide her slight agitation. While she wasn't necessarily mad at Mason, she disliked filling a role she wasn't particularly great at and rathered finish it post haste.

Realizing she had been rather short with him when it wasn't really his fault, she apologized. "Sorry . . . I'm just not sure what to do other than put more stitches, and knowing you, you'll have them popped in all of thirty minutes." She added in a more playful voice. With a small sigh of resignation, she leaned back over and started gently working on his wound again, cleaning and stitching it before sealing it in a way that would hopefully prevent it from breaking open again quite so easily. Having finished, she leaned against the slab of stone once more, gazing blankly at the flickering blue of the flames. "Are you okay?" She asked with a tentative voice, not wanting to pry. "You didn't look entirely at peace." She added the second part on as a quick note as to why she was asking such a question as she was unsure he knew much about what had been going on during his time 'away'. An idea hit her from seemingly know where, and she blinked several times, wondering why she failed to consider it until now. "I've got a lot of clothes if you want something less red and sticky." She wasn't sure she had a set of clothes in the precise size he needed, but several years of 'acquiring' clothes from most every store she visited meant she had gathered a large repertoire of optional clothing. Her armory possessed a dedicated closet area for more normal attire. What was contained within was enough to make normal girls her age die of jealousy.
"OWWW!" The boy squealed, holding his face and reeling back, holding his face. "Sweet Gods of Olympus, why would you do that!"

"Scars, because they pretty well explain my life. Take my hand for instance." Helena held up her hands. Five similar scars on both hands made pentagons on the back of her hands. She held them up for Adelina to examine, then let hem fall. "What I'm about to tell you, is pretty f***ed up. To begin my story, lets visit when I was three. The origin of my car phobia. My mother died in a car crash, and nobody wanted me, so I went off into the adoption system. When I was five, I ended up in a foster home, with five other children, and a man. The children were all his, four boys and the eldest a girl. She was around fifteen. Well, the boys treated me nicely at least. I honestly thought it was a great place."

She left silence fall. All that could be heard were Alec's pained whimpers as he held his face and muttered, "Whyyyy?"

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"Look at how wrong I was.

One day, a month after I was brought into the house, I was bored. Really bored. All the boys were at school, and the eldest girl I couldn't find, despite the fact that she didn't go to school that day. So I decided to go find her.

What I found changed everything for me. I had heard noise coming from the garage, sounded like muffled screams and things falling over. I thought it was normal, she made made sounds like that all the time in the middle of the night. I didn't think much of it until I opened the garage door.

There she was standing, half naked with her shorts and underwear at her ankles, her hands up in a defensive position. She was screaming and backing away from my foster dad, clearly frightened. Foster dad had a hammer. Before I even knew what was going on, he lunged... The hammer smashed into her head with a sickening thunk, and I knew she was dead immediately." Helena paused there again, rubbing her eyes, as if trying to keep herself from crying. "It turns out that for years that poor girl was sexually abused and physically abused to. And when foster dad set his eyes on me with that bloody hammer in hand, his dead daughter in front of him, he... Cracked a smile. The most wicked I'd ever seen-" Helena stared down at her hands, open in her lap, her eyes void of emotion, "he said, 'Heya, Helena... Wanna play a game with me. That night changed my life."

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Adelina perched motionlessly in the chair she had sat in, her mind racing as she processed the details of Helena's memoir, freeing her forearm from the burden of her chin as she moved her hand to clutch the armrests. Though she had taken pleasure in Alec's shrill complaints, her undivided attention was now completely concentrated upon Helena. She felt herself fill with a mixture of compassion for Helena and animosity towards the man who had done this to her and the girl whom he had abused, as well as a sensation that made Adelina feel as though she would vomit. She refrained from the impulse to grasp her throat, which felt like it would close down due to the repulsive feeling inside it. She wanted Helena to continue the narrative as much as she ached for her to stop, to tell Adelina that it was alright and none of this actually occurred, that the man who had taken her for his foster child was affectionate and kindhearted rather than abusive. "W- wha- and . . ." Adelina managed to croak, her eyes wide as she held her breath, unable to believe that Helena was possibly the victim of this type of abuse. She figured that Helena had presumably defeated this man with her treacherous abilities - yes, that was more comforting.
"... He did the same to me that he'd done to his own daughter for three months. And the thing was, I thought it was completely normal. Daddy's always play these game with their kids, it had to be normal. It had to be. I didn't like what he did, but I never complained. I never did... Until the first day of school. That was where I learned what my foster dad did was wrong... That next night I was playing in he garage, looking for something, I can't remember what it was now, but, foster dad walks in, stumbling around, far past the good kind of drunk, and asks that same question: "hey Helena lets play a game." I told him no, that it was wrong and it hurt me. I didn't like it. That's what set him off. He grabbed me, and shoved me over, grabbing the hammer off the wall, at this point Im afraid for my life, but he doesn't try to whack me with it; instead he grabs a board, and some nails. That confuses me, so I start to walk over to him like a dumba** and then he lunges, and pins me on my stomach, by laying on top on me. I'm screaming, but that garage is practically sound-proof. Almost like it was intentional.

He takes my hand, and slams it against the wood board with the box of nails right by it, he's saying, "Im de adult! You listen to me!" And I'm begging him to stop, please let me go, but he doesn't care, he drives five nails through my hand into that wooden board. " She held up her left hand for Adelina to see, "but he's not happy with that. I need more punishment. He grabs some more nails, and does he same with my other hand." She held up her other hand, the identical five scars like the other hand. "I'm crying, it hurts so much, and Im asking why he's doing this, but he offers no answer, just grabs me, drags me up the stairs crying and throws me in the closet, tells me to shut and slams the door. The half hour I spent in there felt like a lifetime, until suddenly, one of the young boys in the house hears my crying and opens the door. He takes me in, then the others appear from their bedrooms.

They called the police. The man was arrested. His four remaining kids went into the adoption system, and me as well. After that, I never trusted anyone..." Helen stared down at the floor, rubbing her eyes. "And I shoved those memories as far back as I could manage, and they didn't resurface until I was nine years old. I had been adopted by Gordon Imuuno. He was... The best. He listened to me, he respected to me, he loved me like his own daughter. And I loved him like a dad. But.. On my ninth birthday, those memories haunted me again."

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Cupid just strolled around the mansion unsure of what to do next. Will Mason and Evelynn ever be back? They should all just start traveling to Brazil and try contacting them and meeting them there. He went into his room and lied down on his bed.
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Gade suddenly appeared above Cupid and landed neatly on him before popping away(writing 'teleporting' is exhausting) to the kitchen.
Cupid sat up and looked around, "That's it! I want to get out of here!" He started stomping around the mansion looking for Ryan. If he could not find Ryan, then he would look for Adelina since she knew where they were supposed to go.
Raylene walked downstairs quickly behind a furious Cupid, but instead of crashing into him like she should of at that speed. She phased through his body not paying Romeo a second glance and walked into the kitchen heading straight for the fridge.

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"RYAN! RYAN! Great Zeus, RYAN WHERE ARE YOU?" Cupid yelled. He looked around and decided to search for Adelina instead. He felt a weird feeling as a demigod passed through him with her power, "Eh...woah". Cupid started going back up the stairs to find the child of Athena. 
Ace rolled up an extra blanket and stuffed it into Max's mouth. He faced Jason and the other people in the room, "Keep talking because apparently I have everything under control. Where's the rope?"
Adelina gawked at Helena for the entire time as she expressed her memoir, sympathy and rage burning in her chest, threatening to explode, for a volcano to erupt inside her. How was it possible for a human being to be so barbarous, so sadistic. She desperately did not want to believe the story, but she knew by the forlorn look in her eyes that it was genuine, and Adelina had perceived that Helena was not at all a plausible liar. Silently, she cursed the ruthless, heartless man, hoping that perhaps one day he would die alone in a hole, or be tortured with a whip for years, or constantly be haunted by his worst fear. Helena had only been five. "They haunted you?" she inquired in Helena's direction, attempting desperately to compose herself. Helena had only been five. Five, and yet she was continuously abused by this wretchedly brutal, vicious male who had murdered his own daughter. It seemed almost as if he were more merciless of a monster than the beasts of Greek mythology. Adelina was uncertain of why she suddenly felt so utterly defensive of Helena . . but what this person - no, he was not a person, he was a freak, a monster - had done was absolutely atrocious. She mentally thanked the gods that Helena had seemingly been blessed by a loving, caring stepdad afterwards to at least somewhat compensate for the injustice that she had suffered.
Raylene opened the refrigerator and began grabbing snacks to put in her secret stash and in her mini fridge. "Thank you Clarisse for bribing the Stolls." She hummed merrily making her way back upstairs with her pockets stuffed. Although you wouldn't notice with the special pants. They're like good ol' Hephy's toolbelt.

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Cupid opened the door and popped his head into the room where Adelina, Helena, and Alec were, "So Adelina where are we going and when are we leaving? Also, did you happen to see Ryan?...eh nevermind about the Ryan question". He looked at each of their facial expressions. Did Cupid interrupt a dramatic conversation?
At which point Alec promptly stopped whimpering, ran over to Cupid and shoved him out the door, and said this; "look, I know I said I'd given up being all love mischevious, but I see a pairing, I cannot get over. Come on, I know you hate these two, lets do this, wheeee" Alec grabbed Cupid by the arm and dragged him down the hallway.

After making sure they were gone, Helena continued with her story. "One night, on my ninth birthday, he came back. I was having trouble falling asleep, as usual, and I went to the kitchen to get a drink of water. I found that the window was broken, glass everywhere. The other thing I found was even more terrifying. Him. My one and only torturer.

"Took me years to find you, you little b****," he said, with a gun in his hand. He was staring at me, with an insanity the likes I've never seen. He was ready to kill me, and he took complete joy in the thought. I can't exactly remember what happened, I just remember the end; sitting on top of that man, bashing a meat cleaver into his face, screaming and crying for him to die, die, just die, leave me alone! When Gordon finally came out, he found me with that man's blood splattered on my face and on my hands, and the meat cleaver was lodged in his forehead, his facial features completely obliterated. I had, brutally murdered that man, with a meat cleaver! When Gordon took me away from the body, I was crying, crying so hard I was shivering, I was so scared I'd get in trouble, but Gordon reassured me I would be fine, it was just self defense... I never forget anything..." Helena ended the story there, much too upset to continue, rubbing her eyes and whimpering. She was done. No more would be said.

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Cupid smacked Alec across his face and wiggled his arm out of Alec's grip, "DO NOT touch me". He turned and started walking away as he mumbled, "How the heck are we even related?" Cupid shook his head, "Gonna look for Zeus boy instead".
"OWWW, SALT ON THE WOUND-" Alec squeaked, holding his face once more, grumbling, "what, is it international Hit-Alec day? This is what I get for trying to help Helena..." He grumbled and walked off.

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After flinching at the lashing he got from his caregiver, Mason looked back at her and gave a faint smile. " It's alright. Guess Aphrodite wanted to chat and Father gave me some good words of wisdom. Though he didn't think it was in his nature to fix me." He smiled and his eyes squinted as he did so. He brushed his fingers through his hair and felt the stitches behind the his head. He was glad he had someone here with him. He looked at her as she mentioned some new clothing. He patted the bloody pieces of clothing he was wearing and kinda grinned, " That would be appreciated. Though um.... I need a bath before I change. Messy and all that. " He looked around and noticed there wasn't any privacy when he thought of bathing. He went flush with embarrasment for a second and he looked over at Evelynn, " Um... would you like a bath... or something? I uh.... will find something for it or something.... uh... join and uh... maybe not... or... " He yammered. He wasn't sure how to handle this situation.

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Adelina's attention on Helena was only barely distracted by Cupid's voice as she took a mere moment to make a mental note reminding herself to lock her bedroom door at all times, as well as assassinate Cupid. The remainder of the story brought her tranquility as she listened to Helena go into elaborate detail about the gory slaughter of the abominable, tyrannical man, though she was unsettled by the ceaseless tears that continuously streaked down Helena's cheek. "He freaking deserved it," Adelina reassured her as she observed Helena's anguish and misery. It was rather troubling to see someone as resilient as Helena in sobs, and Adelina felt like she should somehow console her. She was suddenly overcome with the temptation to embrace the miserable girl in her arms, but instead, she leaned back in the chair she was in, pondering. It seemed quite clear that Helena would not say more, but the piece of the puzzle whose sides were unable to unite with any other piece had seemed to develop even more misfit segments and gaps. "But how in the world does all of this have to do with ants?" she pressed, knowing that Helena would be uncomfortable with speaking further, and Adelina was incredibly intent on retrieving her backpack and her belongings, but she would not leave with this outcast piece in the puzzle remaining as an outcast.
Jason, shrugged he really didn't know how to work with medical supplies, his mom would always just say "Put some water on it." this thought gave him and idea and he walked over to the lamp picking it up off the ice pedestal and turning the ice to water. He set the lamp down and went over to Max. The water still ice cold splashed in his face while Jason shouted "Detention!!!!"

Jerika looked at ryan making eye contact and smiled seeing that he meant it. She pulled him into a hug and sighed in relief. "thanks, But....I need alot of practice with these things. The bow I got down, it's ridiculous, but I usually try to avoid close quarters, so the sword and daggers I'll need help with. Would you mind helping me learn?"

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