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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Ace responded, "Um I'm kind of bad with medicine stuff. What exactly am I supposed to do?"

Cupid was pretty impatient. They had to wait?! WAIT?! He wondered how the group could contact Mason and Evelynn to check how much longer they would have to wait until they could leave.

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Evelynn laughed as Mason propositioned joining him in the bath. She was slightly tempted to agree, though a niggling in the back of her mind kept her from doing so. Given their current location and Mason's extremem resistance, even possible immunity, to fire and heat in general, she wasn't sure that baths here might involve a liquid significantly more dangerous than simple water. Rubbing her hands on the legs of her pants, she said, "I think that it would be better to keep any risque activities to a time that more people are around to, ahh, enjoy them.", a mischevious gleam in her eye. She watched his reaction, expecting it to be rather amusing considering how awkward he was around girls. His reactions always made her think of some young kid just now starting to get interested in girls. Giving into her whims, she plopped her hand on his head and ruffled his hair, careful of his stitches. Speaking of stitches . . . "Try not to mess up any of your stitches again, hm? I know you like me fondling the back of your head, but I'm not a fan of having my hands stained with the blood of innocents. I don't suppose you could just 'forge some more flesh and call it a day, hm?" Her her tone was playful and light throughout her words, though she half expected him to answer the last question with an 'Oh yeah, forgot about that'. The others were likely growing anxious at their continued absense, and an anxious Helena was in no one's best interest.

A crooked smile crept across her face as she straightened off of the stone table and turned to face him. Her hand passed through empty space, causing it to ripple and distort as she reached within her armory. As she pulled her hand back, she drew out a variety of clothing items she thought would fit him and set them off to the side, safe from the sticky ichor he had managed to spread so thoroughly. "You can take what you like and just leave the rest. I'll get them once were done with our baths." Though she had declined bathing with him, she knew quite well that she needed one and would enjoy nothing more than to properly soak within the warm waters of a luxurious bath, the scent of oranges lingering in the whisps of steam that rose from the surface. With a dreamy sigh she directed her attention back to Mason. "If you need me, just give a call. It should get through." She nodded to him, giving him enought time to respond before heading out of the room. The normal exit remained unused as she simply walked into armory. Unlike usual, she didn't immeadiately come out. It was rare for her to stay within, but it was possible. She .looked out across the field of red spider lilies, the large span of a crystaline moat, fed by the beautiful lake with the balcony that over looked it. The sun glinted off the pale stones and ivory statutes as the cattle fin her visions materialized in it's full glory. "Home . . ." She mumbled and began the trudge forward.
Alec looked in at Max. Immediately he began to panic, rushing in, and hovering around Max, trying to figure out what was going on, then turned to Ryan and shouted, "What is wrong with him!"

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Raylene walked back into Max's room out of curiosity and heard Ace's question. "What the Hades man? You kicked everyone out like you had everything under control, yet you don't know what you're doing." Ray wasn't angry or anything, she was just surprised.

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Ace yelled, "I DIDN'T KICK ANYONE OUT! GODS where is this kid's brother?! He should be doing this not me!" He looked at Ash's twin, "Do you even know what to do?" Ace was never really the person to go to if someone needed any type of medical assistance. All he could do was silence the person by stickinga blanket in his or her mouth.

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"Woah tiger, chill your beans. And no, I don't dapple in poison. Well cures atleast.... But is there anybody here you want me to get that can help?" She asked running a hand through her hair.

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Ace said, "Anyone who knows what the heck to do. I know Ryan knows where Noah's bag is, but I don't know whoelse knows how to cure people".

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Alec squeaked and looked around then ran out, grabbing something from a closet. He ran back to the room, digging through it, "what's he been poisoned with? Was it the Hydra, did the Hydra get him? Ohhhh gods."

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Max snapped back into reality. He'd zoned out for a long time and he couldn't see well, but he could still feel the air moving around each person and object. "Ace" Max wheezed out "bottom of the bag. Tiny bottle. There's brail on it. It says poison presi... Presip... Poison sweater. I have to take it. I'll have to sweat it out." Max hoped Ace had heard him. He heard a slight scratching and he felt Manny's presence." And... Someone... Let... Manny... In."

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Raylene smacked Alec in the face. "Hey, don't start that panicking crap. You're not helping anyone flailing around the room like a demigod on Dakota's kool-aid." Raylene said seriously.

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Ace looked through a bag. He was able to pick up the tiny bottle and gave it to Max. Manny's figure caught Ace's eye and he opened the window. Did Alec just squeak? Ace looked at Alec, "How in the world did your voice reach that pitch?"
Max took the bottle a swallows the contents. "I'll be passed out until the poisons all out of my system. Seeing Manny hop in and almost jump onto Max's broken foot. Max stopped him by tapping the other side if the bed. Manny understood and hopped in and partially laid on Max to help him sweat out the poison faster. Max then passed out.

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Raylene clapped her hand together sighing. "Well, now we he's alright!" She grinned petting Manny and slapping Alec a second time before strolling out of the room.

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"OW, why does everybody keep hitting me?! I'm only trying to help, GODS!" The son of Aphrodite shouted, holding his face, then trudged out of the room, to his bedroom and closing the door. His frustrated grumbling could be heard for a long time afterwards, then it died down, slowly.

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Ashlynn was officially worn out from her popstar session and walked out of the kitchen eating a bowl of rainbow sherbert. She stopped at the sight of Adelina and a new guy talking at the bottom of the stairs. "Ello my dear mates." She greeted in a British accent hopping over.

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Ryan picked up Jerika's stuff with one arm and lifted Jerika over his shoulder with the other(all acting as if it was done with regular human strength), "It's best to save up your energy before you learn". He walked to Alec's mansion. Ryan put Jerika's stuff down and put her on the couch.

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"Oh... uhm... I uh don't think... uhhh... " Mason stumbled on the words he was thinking of saying. He began turning red and looked down at the floor to hide it from Evelynn. It wasn't that he wanted to do things with her... it was just he only had one bath. He couldn't think of anything else. They were both filthy and he just shook his head and a stupid smile crossed his face as she played with his hair. "Well, alright. Don't think making flesh is part of my specialties." He struggled up and stretched his arms out and the remaining parts until his stitches almost gave way. He listened to the pings and dings from below at the base of the volcano. It was comforting and he kinda smiled to a slight degree. She had begun opening a portal to her armory and had sighed very.... softy. He was unsure of what she was thinking about but he didn't feel the need to press her for the information.

He nodded and grabbed the abundance of clothing that she had inside her armory. 'Jeeeez, I wonder what other things she holds in there... maybe ... oooh yes a tank maybe... or or a computer that I can disassemble...' In the middle of his thoughts, Evelynn had entered the portal and he lost sight of her. He looked at the entrance of the portal and just shrugged and noted to find out how it worked later on. He held his hands up and they began glowing a dark red. The embers began lifting from his palms as the flames began to come to life. The red flames surrounded his hands and engulfed his forearms, lighting the small shreds of his short sleeves. He brought up his hands closer to examine the flames. They revolved around his hands in an entrancing motion as the flames danced and played. The orange hues atop the yellow tints over his fingers made the pretense of being harmless. Mason thought deep inside himself and brought more energy into his hands and the red orange serpent dancing around his arms began to transform. The indigo crept over the tips and began to drench the layers of the previous flame. The cerulean lightened as the indigo dragged itself to the base and the heat began emanating itself. The heat from the fire was growing as the closer the flames turned into a violet blue the clothes on his body began catching fire. He held it closer to his body and he closed his eyes sensing the heat sources around him. He could see the heat encompassing his body and he saw the heat of the magma below dancing with the flames he held in rhythm. He opened his eyes and saw the ashes on the floor and his body was lit in the flames. The room surrounding him was glowing in the cerulean gleam and he smiled wide. 'Beautiful....' he mouthed out as he walked towards the bath. The water sizzled and evaporated as he set his foot in. The water didn't touch his body so he slowly calmed his flames and withdrew them. The indigo tips licked at the water one last time before sizzling away. He swam in the waist high water and felt the cool touch of the water around him.

He enjoyed being able to feel the cold embrace of water. Ever since the fire, he never would get colds or fevers. He felt the ice once and he knew that it was supposed to be freezing but he never felt it now. He felt the few degrees difference from his body but that was it. The same with fire, he knew it was hot and immensely painful but never felt it go higher than a couple degrees to discern the difference. He missed the feeling of being cold and the sweat he would have while working intensely. But he shrugged the thoughts off as he cleaned the crust of blood off his body. He wasn't sure where the soap or shampoo was so he just rinsed his body off and grabbed the soft pumice scrub on the edge of the basin. He scrubbed the surrounding areas of his wounds and winced when he clipped one of the stitches. He frowned at the upcoming lashing he was going to get, again. Even though he was probably the oldest of the group, he never felt like they saw him like that. He was always hiding from them and going through great lengths to hide from the bigger kids there that could do most of the damage. He just enjoyed his solitude. And his machines and forge. 'Now that I have this, I kinda don't need a forge.' He muttered. He was kinda happy at the moment regardless of the things happening around him. He finished the thought and left the water. His body dripped as he walked over to the stone bed. He ran his hands over his body and dried himself off. 'Oooooooooh. Nice. Ha.' He chuckled and hurried through the clothing before Evelynn returned and saw his.... body.

He found a plain grey shirt that was quite loose over his body, a pair of carpenter pants with a hole in the right leg, and some boots that had some blood stains on them that were a bit tight. He wished there was a mirror and figured Evelynn would have one, he called out into the portal. "Evelynn! Hey. I need a mirror. Or sand. Or glass. Or waffles." He said as he felt his stomach protest it's emptiness. He felt his abdomen and he frowned deeply. He didn't have that waffle he was saving since he ate it yesterday in Alec's house. He was hoping she would have food somewhere stashed in there. "Don't mind me though. I'm not starving... you could uhhh finish your shower... um... I don't think she hears me..." He tried hard looking in the black portal but saw nothing and strained his eyes.
Jerika scowled at Gade about to fly up and pin him again with arrows and possibly knock the dagger out of his hand before he could take it with him. Next thing she knew Ryan had her over his shoulder and had her stuff as well, when he set her down she was beet red and hyperventilating. “Don’t, do that again…please?” She said looking at him. She reached and grabbed her stuff putting it back on. ‘I’ll stay here, but could you get my dagger back from Gade.

Jason was glad Max woke up, but in the blur of activity afterwards he watched as his friend passed out. He turned and walked away going out the back door, he looked up and saw Nautilus circling above. He sat down on a chair next the water of the pool, swishing it back and forth.
Ryan noticed Jerika hyperventilating and turning red, "I'm sorry...did I scare you?" He looked down and rubbed the back of his neck.
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Jerika nodded scooting away, but only slightly. "So, how about the dagger thing? Can you get it from Gade, and then we can practice."
The sweet aroma of the flowers filled her with memories. In mortal terms, she would be called a hoarder, and a thief, and kleptomaniac, a crazy cat lady . . . But with everything, rather than just cats. The armory contained everything that was 'her', at least since the time she first had access to it. She even bottled up her memories and kept them here, such as the time she first reached within its halls. She had been so excited and enamored she lost the moment, and her hand. The portal had closed as her excitement overwhelmed her control and she was without her hand for several days. A laugh erupted from her as she remembered grossing out a few of the less resilient campers with the sight of her stump. It was rather odd, since she could still move and feel everything with her currently missing hand. She gazed up at the sky and saw the cloud, formed into the shape of a hand, grabbing for something. She smiled, and hurried on into her castle, the one she had painstakingly molded over the past two years.

She stepped through the thick oak doors and was immediately where she wished to be, standing at the edge of her bathing room, as large as a castle on its own. The water was already heated perfectly, pieces of orange peel and sakura petals floating on the still surface with no prompting. Things never changed or faded here, they were always just as she left them. The water kept its temperature, the peel and flowers, their freshness, and even the puddle from last time (which she had been too lazy to clean up), was present. As she gazed at the surface of the water she realized just how bad she needed a bath and how extremely dirty she felt. At that though, she wasted no time, preparing quickly and slipping into the water with a wistful sigh. Much of the tension she had been feeling recently ebbed away as she soaked up the warmth, scrubbing hard to rid herself of all manner of dirt, blood, and grime.

After a time, she had moved onto her hair, freeing strands from caked blood carefully and slowly, when she heard Mason call out. She hoped he would take longer, but she supposed it was to be expected. He could simply annihilate anything on him with intense heat. It wouldn't be the same type of bath, but it would be a form of clean at least. She stood up, water rushing to rejoin its brethren in the massive tub. She walked through a single stained glass door and into her personal bedroom. "Why does he want a mirror . . ." She wondered out loud. "Do guys even use them? What sort? Hand? Full? Pocket? Fun house . . .? Forgot I had that in here." She pushed each to the side as she listed them and looked them over for a moment, giggling lightly at her distorted reflection. Deciding on the full she simply pushed it out, the mirror sliding from nowhere into Wakulla at the location she had disappeared. "One mirror, down. Now some sand." She left through the same door she had entered, though it was now a dull black metal. Through it now, instead of the bath, was a room filled with miscellaneous knick-knacks of every size and shape. She moved to a small table and peered over its contents. "Ah! Close enough." She picked up a sand dollar she found last time she visited the beach and tossed it over her shoulder. It landed with a small thud on the floor in front of the mirror in Wakulla. "And finally, waffles." She took a different set of doors this time, pushing them open with no need for a knob or handle. She entered into a giant dining hall, divided into sections based on how each object was cooked and further divided into sections by country of origin. She walked to the table in the center and took a deep breath, almost drooling at the flood of delicious scents hit her. Her stomach in demand. "Later, later." She said, patting it. The waffles were easy to locate, she ate them rather often so kept them close by, despite not necessarily belonging there. She stacked three piles of three waffles each onto an over-sized plate and that onto a tray that held several different syrups as well as butter, milk, and OJ. She made sure to be careful with this one, sliding it through the air so it rested safely on the floor beside the mirror. With a smirk, she tossed one more waffle out, aiming for his head.

With that taken care of, she dusted her hands off and descended the stairs, back into the bath where she finished cleaning up. With a note in the back of her mind to drain the water once she was in a better location, she moved on and went about brushing her hair. After she finished she paused for a moment and then brightened. "Been a while since I've done braids." The daughter of Ares had developed a habit of talking to herself while within her armory. She enjoyed the solitude, but sometimes it felt oppressive when she considered how noisy and busy things usually were. Rather than the typical one or two braid styles in the back, she decided to instead braid a small lock of hair on the side of her head instead and simply leave the rest down for the time being. Eventually, she'd grow tired of it and put it up again. With that done, she proceeded into a separate room, a closet unlike any other. Here she picked out a simple pair of dark blue jeans and a dark green shirt that would match her Corvette. Pulling them on, she headed out of the castle entirely, again, only one door between her and the field of lilies. The sports car sat in the distance and she blew a kiss to it, promising to drive it soon. She left her armory, everything pausing when she was not present, and entered back into Wakulla. She glanced around to see what Mason was up to since it had been a while since she delivered his requested items.
Gade looked around the airport, he noticed a few rich people going to Brazil. "Uhh...hold up, I'll be right back." He seperated from them.
Ashlynn looked around at the airport bumping her shoulder excitedly against Raylene's. "Our first Airplane ride. Hope we don't die!" She chirped happily. She may or may not have eaten a bunch of candy on the way here. Which wasn't a good combination with Ashlynn.

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