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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

"Maaaaaxxx..." The daughter of Hades said in an eerie voice, her head popping up from behind some seats, a murderous smile plastered to her face. "Gods, I'm gonna f***ing murder you... GET OVER HERE, ZAPPY BOY, COME TASTE MY STYGIAN IRON!" She was unclasping her bracelet, which was already taking the form of her wicked blade.
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"Oh S***." Max said watching Helena unclasp her blade. Max immediately turned and ran out into the terminal. "Where there will be people, gotta get to people." Max thought as he ran. He turned into the terminal and was shocked. Nobody was there. Nobody was around. "Where the hell is everyone?" Max wonder completely forgetting Helena.

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The daughter of Hades vaulted over luggage and other various things and dashed out of the plane, sword in the air, screaming Max's name with murderous intent. "COME ON ZEUS BOY, COME MEET YOUR DEATH!"
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The twins dashed after the Hell Bent Hades daughter but stopped and stared in shock at the airport. "W-what?" Ash gasped wide-eyed.

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Helena suddenly stopped, and looked around. It was true. Nobody was around. Not even a piece of luggage. "... You're right..." She looked around more.

"HEY GUYS!" Alec, who had climbed off the plane, ran over with a small furry creature in his hands; a little dog. "I found this chihuahua on the landing strip, it's so weird. What are we gonna do with it?"

The thing looked rabid, it's fur unkempt and mangy. It was shaking, like all chihuahuas normally do, but it was more of an enraged shaking.

Helena merely stared at the little thing.
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Ashlynn stumbled back from Alec. "Alec, put the dog down and let's get out of here. "She said quietly trying to stay calm as her sister shot her a confused look. "It's just a chihuahua..."

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Gade teleported behind Max. "Eat this you foo'." He then slapped Max. "Now I feel much better." He dusted himself off a bit before looking at the chihuahua. "Looks kinda weird.."
Rubbing the back of his head from Gade's slap max heard Alec say something. "Alec that... Thing looks like it wants to eat you." Max said relaxing "Wait... Why would a random dog be here of all places?" Max said walking towards Alec. "Does it have a collar? If so we could find it's owner." Max stopped. Something about this seemed familiar, but he couldn't figure it out. "Something doesn't feel right" Max said to himself taking another look around the abandoned airport.

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"Max get away from the d**n dog! It's a Chimera!" Ashlynn screamed. As if it's name was a cue the chihuahua began to shift.

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It was after the second flip that Austin felt his lunch begin to come back up. He grabbed an emergency trash bag from the seat in front of him, and held onto it just under his mouth as he frantically grasped for Arkus. Bile rose up and out, burning his throat as it did. It was rather miserable, but it finally stopped after they leveled out.

Once they landed, Austin began to reach for his seatbelt to unbuckle when he realized just how much he was shaking. He could barely grab a hold of the strap, let alone muster the strength to press the button. After a couple minutes he managed to get it undone.

He sat for a moment, catching his breath and throwing the emergency trash bag into a trashcan near him before standing - very slowly - and very wary of his surroundings. It took another moment for his dizziness and fatigue to disappear, and once it did he made his way to the exit of the plane and walked out.

Once his feet hit the ground he smiled wide, his mouth spreading from ear to ear. "It feels ... so great ... to be back on ground level." He muttered, and glanced over at Arkus, who was still trembling a bit. Even Hellhounds have their fears.

Austin clicked his tongue twice before placing his hands on the ground to create a pathway to Hades for the primordial hell pet. Once the chasm opened, Arkus all but dove for the hole in the ground. Once in and gone, Austin closed the hole and said a prayer for a safe trip the rest of the way for him and his friends. And hopefully planes wouldn't be involved.

He heard Max. There truly was no one around. He furrowed a brow, and placed his hands on his two daggers out of habit.

"Where are they?" He wondered aloud, looking about in search of some sort of sign of other people.

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"Yeah, calm down Ash, it's a-"

Right at that moment, the chihuahua began to grow.

"Huh!" Alec threw the dog down, it was now the size of a buffalo- no, maybe a whale. That thing was huge. It sprouted three more heads, and a snake for a tail. A rattlesnake.

"Chimera.." Helena muttered, stepping back from the huge beast.

Alec stepped away from the huge beast, fumbling for his knife, before the monster lashed out at him, sending him off flying.

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Max fell backwards when he heard Ash. "D***** that's why. It's like with Percy." Max kicked himself off a set of benches and got to his feet. He reached for his necklace and pulled it off transforming it into his staff. "And I thought Helena would be the worst of my problems." He said getting ready to fight the beast.

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"If the famous Percy Jackson couldn't defeat it, how do we stand a chance?" Raylene mutteres bringing out her twin sai and prepping them at her sides as Ashlynn jogged back from the monster joining her sister with her lengthened scythe. "Plans anybody?" Ash called out nervously.

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Helena was already working overtime in her head.

Any weaknesses? I can't think of any! Gods this is not the time to be blanking, why did I never pay attention in monsters class!?

The Chimera opened it's lion's mouth and wicked flames poured out, straight at Helena and Max.

"Max!" She shouted, diving and knocking him down, out of the way. The Chimera's snake tail turned on the stunned Alec and Baubo twins, hissing.
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"Ahh!" Max said as he was shoved to the ground by Helena. "Nice save. You ok" Max said righting himself and offering a hand to Helena.

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Ashlynn stanced herself for a strike. "I am most definitely NOT going down in an airport bub. I've spent way too much time reading about the most intense battles with you hereos have had in the most amazing places just to have you ruin my moment by battling us in an airport with no one present. That's just not f****ing fair."

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"Also, please tell your mother Echidna -mother of all monsters- that she'd make a mean anteater." Raylene added just to piss the creature off.

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"Oh Hades no!" Gade shouted as he teleported a bit to the side and started throwing his cards. "Ace of Spades...Ace of Spades...Ace of Spades...Yes!" Gade cheered as he threw the Ace of Spades at the Chimera, if one looked closely they would see the phantom outline of a spear overlapping the card. The card lodged itself onto it's side.
The Chimera's snake head hissed more, and lunged at the two girls, poison dripping from it's fangs. Alec was just barely getting up after being thrown, he sat up, rubbing his head.

Helena sat up and hauled herself to her feet, with the help of Max. The Chimera seemed awfully confused with all of the demigods around. It didn't know who to concentrate on.

"We should distract all of the heads. Make sure they can't attack while someone goes in to strike." She said, looking at Max.

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The twins dodged in separate directions as Ray continued to taunt the snake head.

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Alec looked up, and shouted. The head of the snake crashed down on top of him, then fangs gouging marks in the cement. "OH GODS!" Alec looked around, looking for his escape route. The giant snake hissed, sending spittle flying onto his face and everywhere else. "Ugh, gross!" He wailed, wiping it off his face.
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Gade threw some more card at the Chimera. He then teleported it to the ground and it strugled to free itself. "Do something quick guys!" He said. "This won't hold him for long" He said as he continued to throw cards at it. He got a lucky shot in and hit it's eye.
Jason, had unfroze himself and Jerika and took his sweet time getting out not wanting to throw up Jerika sat him down retrieving a couple bottles of water she stuck two in her pockets and handed one to Jason. "Drink up." He nodded and unscrewed the cap taking a drink and feeling better. "Thanks." He stood up and looked out the window seeing the others fighting something at first he thought they were beating on Max except Max didn't have a snake headed tail. He ran out with Jerika in tow activating his sword and shield. “What the hell is this?!?!” He ran over to the others and by then the beasty was half in and half out of the ground. He heard Gade say to do something so he looked at and promptly froze the snake tail. He hurried over and chopped it off putting his shield up as some unpleasant liquids oozed from the stump. “How exactly did this thing get here?” Jerika caught up to the group and had and arrow nocked she looked to the others wondering how the hell they were going to beat this thing, even with it’s tail gone. “What’s the plan?”
Gade watched in horror as the Chimera ripped itself off the ground and turned to him. "Oh sn-" He said until he was interrupted by a claw to the face. He was sent flying and as soon as he landed, became unconscious.
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