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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Raylene jogged ahead of the group grinning as she climbed onto the medal slope in between the escalators cheering happily as she slid down it. Ashlynn jogged over to the escalators and yelled down at her sister who was already halfway to the bottom. "You are insane! I hope you fall off and hit your head! Maybe that'll knock some sense into you!" "Wow Ash, you sound like mom." Raylene teased as she hopped off the edge of the eslcalator. Ash frowned at her sisters comment furrowing her eyebrows and biting her lip. "I do not." "Oh, but you do."
Alec got red in the face, cleared his throat, "Yep, lets get on the bus, lets go...." The boy climbed onto the bus and immediately headed straight for the back, the last two slips of paper clutched in his hand. A sick twist of fate had put him and Max in the same f***ing room, oh how Aphrodite had to be LAUGHING right now.

'Oh look at my cute little homosexual boy, stuck sharing a hotel room with the boy he likes, ohohohohoho, poor thing, this makes SUCH good television!'

Shut up, mom.

Shut up.

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“Alec is picking roomates came to a screeching halt you know like how people do when they see something they no like but hey you two are mature…ish I’m sure you can work it out.” He hopped into the bus and found an empty seat near the middle and plopped down. “Now for another ride.”

Jerika scowled, “Very trusting.” She rolled her eyes and got on the bus before she said something that got her into trouble.

(night all I got work tomorrow)
"You Two?" Max said to Jason confused "What!" Max then realized what Jason meant "Oh S***." Max walked into the bus and took a seat in the front of he bus.

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Alec looked at Max, and watched realization creep across his face. The son of Aphrodite laughed nervously, held up the two slips of paper with their names on it, smiling nervously. ".... Hi roomie..." He said, quietly.

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Ash made her way down the escalator and ran into the bus taking a seat towards the front. She put her bag in the seat next to her and leaned back tiredly. "This ride isn't going to be super long right?" Raylene hopped on next sitting across from her sister but a seat back. She wrote something quickly on a piece of paper and handed it to Ash before sitting down. She plugged her earphones into her tablet and pulled out a bag of Doritos from her pocket to snack on. "WHAT?" Ash shrieked as she read the paper. "ARE YOU SERIOUS?"
The driver drives fast and starts drifting as if Ace was driving. The bus shifts and throws some people against the wall, "Hotel yes? Okay HOTEL!" The driver drives a little further and parks in front of the hotel, "Here ya are!"
Alec quickly gets up and passes out room keys, not looking at Max as he hands him his key, then grabs his bag, thanks the driver and gives him a hundred dollar bill because he doesn't have exact cash, and steps off the bus.

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Ryan takes the room key and gets out of the bus, "Thanks Alec". Ace carries Cupid out and puts his and Cupid's room keys in his pocket since Cupid had a chance of losing it while hanging over Ace's shoulder.

The agents changed their skins and walked into the hotel as if they were visitors. "Stay on them Beta! Alpha is headed your way" The control room guy said.
Max got up holding his head. He'd banged his head on the window a few times. He got off the bus and ran after Alec "dude if were rooming together you gotta wait." He said catching up to him

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Ryan looked at Ace, "Hey I'll go to our room first. You okay with Cupid?" Ace nodded and continued walking.

"Signal! Stay on target!...Alpha has arrived! Beta move into target and Alpha disperse among the rest of them" The guy continued to direct and tap into the hotel's surveillance cameras.
Ashlynn rubbed her arm and glared at the bus driver as she walked out. She had hit her arm hard against the side of the bus and was likely to get a mean bruise in the morning. She grabbed her bag and stumbled out almost falling over as her sister ran past her into the hotel. "Be careful Ray! I mean, I'm excited too, but you're gonna hurt somebody!"
A few members of the Beta group pass their target and the others stay behind their target as he makes his way to his shared room. Suddenly all at the same time, the Betas that passed him turned around and shot him with a silent gun which had a bullet that instantly knocked the target down. The Betas behind the target quickly caught him before he hit the ground. Beta covered the incident and carried him out to an alternate exit.

Ace opened the door to Cupid's room and threw him onto the bed, "Have fun sleeping". He turned around and left the room.
"I'm standing next to the bus, I believe you need to wait..." Alec muttered, then walked after Max. Sh******t what was he going to do. He could barely look at Max without getting red in the face, now he had to share a room with him? Not good. He kept his head down and stared at the ground as he walked into the Raddison.

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"I think I have a slight concussion right now, so my thought process and vision aren't there best." He said following Alec while holding his head. "What floor are we on anyways."

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"Ummmm..." Alec looked down at his key, then said, "Floor 5, room 3097.... There's like ten plus floors here.... I think... I don't know, Dad did the booking." He said, rubbing his head, then glancing at Max, and away again.

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"Alec you've gotta be pulling my leg." Max said looking around the inside of the hotel. "This place is way to small to hold that many rooms." He saw Alec walking towards the stairs and followed him. He looked at the key. Max grabbed the key and looked at it. "Alec the 30 is part of the phone number. we're in room 97 Dummy." He said laughing. He handed Alec the key.
"Heeeeey, Dyslexic much." He said, a small smile cracking his face. Most demigods were dyslexic as their brains were wired for Ancient Greek, "What are you now dyslexic?" He said, shoving Max playfully.

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Raylene stood in the middle of the lobby and looked around impatiently. Finally she spotted who she was looking for next to the Front Desk. "Clarisse!" A short girl with long wavy black hair turned around abruptly and smiled waving excitedly. "Raylene! I've been waiting forever! Where's Ashlynn?" Ashlynn ran into the lobby and hugged Clarisse. "I've missed you so much Erin!" While Ray wasn't paying attention she leaned in near Clarisse and stuck her hand out. "Did you bring Dakota's kool-aid for our birthday?" Erin smiled and handed her a box. "I got extra for you." Ashlynn looked at the small box in her hand. "Let me guess, it's bigger on the inside..." "Duh!" The three girls picked up their stuff and walked to the elevator. "So what room are you guys staying in?" "Umm, room 76."
"Why am I missing something?" He said looking at Alec. He looked around to make sure no one was around in the staircase "Listen I'm not mad at you for what you said... And I'm sorry I snapped at you." He smiled at Alec "Ten Bucks says your mother set this up"

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"Nah, my mother only tweaks things. She'd rather sit back and watch the soap opera as it unfolds." Alec said, with a quiet, shy laugh as he rubbed his head.

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"I meant the room assignments" Max said as they reached the fifth floor. "I mean out of everyone here, why would we be paired up, especially with what just happened." Max opened the door for Alec

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