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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

The Betas threw Ryan into their vehicle and drove off toward the HQ. "Tweezers!" Someone handed a scientist tweezers and he took the bullet out of Ryan's neck. "Cobalt formula...the beam one" Another person tossed a gadget to the scientist and he aimed the beam at the bullet whole in Ryan's neck. The whole instantly closed up and healed the knocked out demigod.

The Alpha group stayed behind and watched the other demigods.

Ace decided to walk around the lobby before he went to his room and stayed with the one he hated most. He looked around and his stomach grumbled "Maybe I should just stay in the lobby and wait for the others to come down? I think they said they were going to eat somewhere anyway" Ace thought to himself.
The twins walked downstairs talking animatedly with their friend. They stopped when they saw Ace. "Hey Ares spawn, has anyone else come down?" Raylene asked Ace poking him the arm. Ashlynn rolled her eyes at her sisters behaviour while Erin just smiled bumping hips with Raylene to tell her to cut it out. "Now Ray, you don't need to try and impress me. I already know practically everything about you..."
"No not yet...they're coming down right?" Ace asked then looked at their friend, "Who is that?" Was another demigod group at the exact same hotel as them as well?
"They're supposed to be, and hopefully the hurry up cuz I'm starving." Erin cut off Raylene before she could answer holding her fist out to Ace. "I'm Erin AKA Clarisse to everyone from camp. I'm here with a couple of other demigods that escaped from the scientists. We were told to meet up here."
"Oh you! Ha I haven't seen you in a while. Nice to see you again then...Erin" Ace said then looked around, "Are we going to eat fancy food, tacos, chicken, seafood? I'm getting hungry".
"Aw come on, no fist bump?" Erin complained gesturing to her hand still curled up into a fist. "How about we just go get some food now since you're so hungry Ace?" Ashlynn suggested to try and stop his complaining.
"We'll wait" Ace fist bumped her and sat down on a couch. Meanwhile, Cupid's hand twitched and he opened his eyes, "Dry..." He looked around and noticed that he was in the hotel room, "What kind of sickness is this? Hm..maybe nectar and ambrosia can heal this?" Putting his hand to his neck, Cupid slowly sat up and looked around.
Erin cheered fist bumping Ace back before sitting down on the couch next to him. The twins sat down in the couch next to them. "So what have you guys been up to while we were avoiding getting captured by scientists?" Erin asked with mock interest looking at them like a kid during storytime.
"Taking down HQs...stuff like that" Ace looked at the twins with hopes that they could explain stuff to Erin instead of having him speak on and on. Cupid stood up and made his way to the restroom. "GODS I'M PALE! Probably just need liquid though?" Cupid said as he saw his reflection. Cupid walked out of the room and into the hallway.
Erin smirked at Ace's look and turned to face him. "Oh no, you're not getting away that easily. So what happened before the twins joined the group Ace?" She asked curiously resting her head in the palm of her hand as she watched him expectantly.
"Capture the flag game back at camp, ran away with group, went to friend's mansion to stay there" Ace did not want to talk to to his hunger. He blinked his eyes and looked around, "Anyone? ANYONE? I feel like I want to go to their rooms and bring them all down here. Don't you guys feel hungry? I know I am".
Ashlynn rolled her eyes. "The others are obviously doing something if they're not down here, and you're the one who wanted to wait." Erin hopped up from her seat and began walking aimlessly around the lobby out of boredom.
Cupid managed to make his way out of the hallway and reach the lobby. He used the wall to help him stand up, "So what's next group? Fighting monsters, tricking scientists, oh what about eating soup? Sounds good doesn't it?" Ace looked over at Cupid, "Yes, yes it does sound good...very good".
Jack Managed to crack a smile, although he was a little irritated that he couldn't just be alone for a second. He told Adriana his room number and walked back inside, he figured it was best not to prod at was bothering her. After He entered the elevator and the door closed he turned to his side and punched the elevators side. It may have seemed stupid to anyone if they had seen it but it helped. Because it left a dent he fixed with his powers. He finished cleaning it up just as the doors opened and a tourist family walked in the elevator rudely , not letting jack out. He gave them a smug look and continued on going down the hallway to his room. When he opened the door he tip- toed to his bed careful not to wake up Helena or her fiendish hellhound. He plopped down on his pillow and the second he hit it he fell asleep like a baby. Marmore cuddled up at his feet and they both drifted away to sleep.

(@savagePEST )
Erin walked over looking at Cupid then back to the other three. "Who's the zombie?"
Helena looked up from the pile of food, up at Jack, then wiped ketchup off of her face with a napkin. "Huh?"

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As Jack woke up he turned to his wrist , remembering he didn't have a watch and that he had been meaning to make a new one. He frowned at why he had lost his watch and turned to the clock. It was around 10 o'clock AM and he was pretty content with his sleep. Jack didn't know how much sleep helena had needed though, so he turned on the hotel room TV on mute and watched Adventure Time waiting for her to get up.

"You know, TV is kind of counterproductive if you don't have sound." The daughter of Hades said, staring at the boy from where she stood by the food.

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Jack turned to the Hades girl, and smiled saying, "Yeah I just didn't want to wake you up, did you get a good sleep? Because I sure did!" Jack reached over to his luggage to pick his things that he needed to get ready.
"The famous Cupid...You don't remember me?" Cupid asked. Ace quickly responded, "Because you're so pale!" Cupid responded, "And you're too...brown haired". "Yeah? So are the Zeus kids"Ace said as Cupid went over and hit his shoulder, "Not too loud".
Erin frowned in confusion, before her eyes lit up with recognization. "Oh, you're that little worm who went around camp shooting campers with your freaking arrows. How could I forget about you..." She muttered ruffling her hair in irritation.
"The others didn't come by yet?" Cupid looked around. Ace shook his head, "Nah not yet...maybe in a few though. In a few THOUGH gotta eat some food DOE early June YO eat with a spoon H-....homie" Cupid just gave Ace a look then sat down to wait for the others that were still somewhere near their rooms.
Ashlynn looked at Ace weirded out. "Ace, did you perhaps develop some weird obsession with rapping along the trip that we didn't notice?" She asked concerned as Erin sat down back in her seat, but scooted as far away from Ace as possible.
"I'M HUNGRY I NEED FOOD!" Ace yelled. "Zeus Ace! Relax!" Cupid yelled back. "At least a taco or something? ANYTHING?!" Ace looked around then thought for a moment, "What could be taking the others so long?"

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