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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Ashlynn sighed in relief rubbing the back of her neck. "Great, then it's not just me that feels like this. Ace was making me feel like I was being paranoid or something."
Ace replied, "uh...oh going to our room". He continued, "That weird feeling must be your hungry stomachs!"

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"No, I don't remember Ryan ever walking in." Alec added, rubbing his head. "He didn't walk in with you?" Helena threw at him, shocked.

"Yeah, now that I think about it, did he even get on the bus with us?

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Ace looked at Helena and Alec, "I carried Cupid to his room and Ryan said he would go ahead and go to our room".

Cupid started getting quite hungry himself.

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Jack saw Helena talking to some other people that looked about the same age as her , He assumed that they were the other demigods. They looked troubled and Jack hesitated approaching them , Helena had ignored him earlier and he didn't want that to happen again. Jack desperately hoped that he would fit in with the others, He hadn't done so well at camp but this was like a second chance. Jack walked up to the group, recognizing a few faces and said ," Hey I'm Jack , my old group got disbanded so I guess I'll be joining yours. Jack let out a smile and Mamore looked around happily chirping a bit.

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Cupid said, "Hello Jack Mac Pack Slack Smack Rack Attack Back Lack Hack Nack Yak Wack Shack". Ace, "Hey Jack how does some food sound right about now?"

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"Ace, give up on the f***ing food! WE HAVE more pressing matters to attend to, other then your stomach! Such as, Ryan, Max's brother, has disappeared!"

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"Some food sounds great right about now, I haven't eaten in like 8 hours! " , the mention of food reminded jack how hungry he actually was. Helenas interjection made him frown. "Oh well thats not good at all ". Jack really hoped he could get some food before some epic adventure to save this guy.
"Jack!" He called, making his way over to the group. The son of Hephaestus was the only one he actually knew.
"Food sounds good. But Tacos?! Ace were in Brazil! Expand your palate." Max said to the kid. "Anyways if Ryan's vanished. We should assume he's been captured." Max heard another new person call out. "Are we gonna get anymore new people?"

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The Shade vanished silently as Joakim stopped a few feet away, wondering if he should wait to be invited to speak or if he should simply join in.
"Hey Joakim! " , Jack was surprised to hear him call out like that as he was normally a quiet guy. "Im glad to see you made it out too!".
"More new people! GOD, I'm just getting used to these others! Hades b**** don't do large crowds..." Helena started glancing around in a slightly panicked, then began to slip away from the group, breathing hard.

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Joakim's own anxiety had started to kick in, and seeing the panicked daughter of… Hades, he guessed, hadn't helped his mood, especially as they could see Shades.
"I'm just gonna stand over here... Byyyye, guys...." The Daughter of Hades said from across the room, sitting in a chair alone.

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Cupid went over to Helena, "Oh come on it's not fun to stand alone!" He looked around, "Dear daughter of Hades may I interest you in a free shot of one of my arrows? IF and only IF you take this awkward stage out of this whole group merging thing".

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Helena stared at Cupid, blatantly not interested, and put a single finger on his forehead. "Go away Cupid." She shoved him back carefully.

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Cupid spun around and approached Helena again, "Ah come on love!" He took a few steps toward Joakim, "Or maybe you would be interested in firing one of my arrows?" Cupid looked back at Helena, "Aye I bet Adelina would take this chance....and she's smart".

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"Don't. F***ING. Call me. LOVE, Cupid, or the last thing you will see is a hellhound's jaws," She grabbed his chin and shoved her face into his, her nose a mere inch from his, an eye twitching. Her nails dug into his chin, "Got me?"
Cupid furrowed his brows, "Let go of me...Love..Or I WILL shoot you". He responded in a serious facial expression.

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