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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Joakim tapped his foot against the floor, head turning back and forth between the Cupid guy and the daughter of Hades.
Cupid laughed, "Funny" Then his face went back into a serious expression, "Wait what were we supposed to be doing right now again?" Cupid made a mental note to shoot Helena one day.

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Forcing the Shade back down, he shifted his gaze to the ceiling, struggling to keep the pesky ghost under control. It wasn't going to end well for him if it was noticed.
The Daughter of Hades turned to walk away, adjusting her leather jacket then stopped cold. Slowly she turned and looked around, her eyes sweeping the room, looking around for something.
His grasp slipped for a split second, the Shade wrenching itself free.

"Not cool. Not. Cool." Joakim hissed, dragging the Shade back. It dissipated into thin tendrils of smoky mist, although it was still relatively visible.
The dark-haired girl looked around, and immediately spotted the Shade. Her eyebrows flew up, and her jaw dropped slightly, as she was preparing to ask a question, or say someting, or just in general say, 'What the f*** is that?',but she didn't she merely stared.
He sucked in a breath.

Oh. Oops. The Shade said. Joakim snarled internally. He could almost hear the smirk in the vile creature's voice.
Raylene heard Helena ask Joakim a question and looked behind her curiously seeing nothing. "Uh Helena, you feeling all right?" She asked worriedly.
"Yes." He answered simply, wondering absentmindedly if he could mentally torture the smug Shade.

I also tend to take control over his mind on occasion and cause him to go on murdering sprees. The Shade projected his talking.
The Hades child stared a little more, then smirked. "Well, I had to deal with one of those things before. I'm fairly sure it'll go away, if not, I can probably shake him off..." She shrugged.

Alec looked at Raylene, then leaned in and muttered, "It's best you not ask questions..."
Hey. The Shade protested. Joakim's keeping me because he's greedy, and selfish, and wants power. He's going to go nutters if I disappear.

"Right." He couldn't help but admit that it was kinda true, in a sense.

Raylene nodded giving the Aphrodite boy a thumbs up. "Got it.." Se muttered giving the two one last weirded out look before turning back towards the others.
"Well thats great. Just keep your crazy murder self away from me, 'kay? I don't want to have to kill anyone." She said, then sat down in a chair, picking at her nails.
"Right." He repeated himself, nodding. Failing to mention his mental powers, besides the Shade.

He's not crazy. It's just me. Speaking of which…
Jason watched the exchanges, first between Helena and Cupid and then between Helena and the new kid Joakim. He also noted the other new addition Jack, "So are we gonna hurry up and eat 'cus we're all worthless on an empty stomach. Oh and hello to you Jack and Joakim welcome to our maddeningly dysfunctional family."
"Excellent. That is the perfect way to describe us. Well done, Jason. Well done." Helena muttered, tiredly, golf clapping.

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Jack didn't really let the shade bother him. We all had our faults , we were weird that's why we're being hunted he thought. He knelt down to his pet Griffen and started to grease it up pouring some oil in its mouth on occasion.

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Jason mock bowed a grin on his face, "Why thank you Helena." He rose up and stretched impulsively "Well, I suppose we should get on t finding food the sooner we eat the sooner we find Ryan, if he's really been captured he is A: In need of our help, and B: Just plain sad for needing our help. Leh go."
Ace looked around, "Let's go to the food food let's go get away. He say what I was gonna say. Have a drank, clank the sound of Budlight bad snitches tellin him about the thug life". Cupid looked at Ace, "To the sound of that Starships song..okay Ace..okay". Cupid started to walk out of the hotel.
Jack got up from cleaning his pet and walked out of the Raddison. He wanted food and nothing could stop him from getting some.

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Violet remained in her room, trying to wrap her head around the past few days. It just wasn't possible. Gods, monsters, demigods, it was all insane. It was the kind of thing that was supposed to remain a story. The stuff that we laughed at the ancient people for believing. But it was real. She decided to go out of her room and get to know the rest of these demigods, or "half-bloods", as they called themselves. She had some questions for them.
Erin shook her head at Ace snickering. "You are such a weirdo Ace. Do you have some secret dream to be a rapper or something?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.
Ace responded as he started walking out of the hotel, "Maybe...maybe not. Come on vamanos everybody let's go. Come on let's get to it...I know that we can do it! Where are we going?" He clapped three times, "Restaurant next door! Where are we going?" The child of Ares clapped thrice once again, "RESTAURANT NEXT DOOR!" Cupid quickly walked back into the hotel and grabbed Ace's arm as he started to pull him outside, "I think I know your weakness now. No food equals crazy and throwback-ish Ace".

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