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Fantasy Call of The Gods

Aina would chuckle. "I'm exploring the Underworld." Aina would sigh. "Hawaii was getting kind of repetitive, with the other Hawaiian Gods." He'd say with sarcasm.

Kanin rolled his eyes and turn around walking towards the door, he looked back at the earth god "the underworld is really boring" he walked and evaporated into thin air leaving the scent of ocean lingering in the air. he reappeared standing in the city "oops i forgot i flooded the city" he raised his spear and willed the water to flood back into the ocean "hm that's better"

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"Hmph." He'd Fall through the marble floors. Reappearing in the city. He would smell the scent of salt water. "Oh, I smell you." He would mumble. @FrostXShadow
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"that's very offensive Aina" he grumbled and sat on the edge of a building "so who side are you on Earth god because the war is coming" he said as he turned to his human form his blue hair turning pitch black.

@ZambolFTW ((open for interaction))
(Alright dudes I'm back yay! Sorry I never got notifications for this so I apologize and I was also busy)

Lythrin held his eyes closed hearing the terrified souls on the surface which Kanin caused with his tidal waves. He also hears Silith saying she brought him worshipers. Everything was going smoothly and all the gods were too busy with their lives to focus at the approaching war. He snickers. "Excellent my dear. Thank you. If you wish to be useful why not cause a little more havoc with my demons." With the snap of his fingers, demons arise from the earth near Silith. "Now go."

Lythrin notices the gift Kanin dropped on his throne. He was very pleased because not only did it take Kanin a few minutes but he also managed to get Kropolias lover. Which was an even bigger reward. Lythrin walks over to the god of Archers and Music placing a foot on the body before lifting him up from the scruff of the clothing and sinking his fangs into his neck to steal his soul. He makes the archer wail in pain for it was like the entire part of his body was in horrible pain, being cut or ripped open. He was detaching his soul until he stops halfway to place a hand on the Archer's face. "No....I have better plans for you. Although your soul will do, you will be a perfect sacrifice to open the gates of the Underworld and set me free." Lythrin cackles as cold, and darkness enters the Archer's body corrupting the man. "Plead your loyalty to me Archer."

@Daniel reaving @MuffinRPs
Silith smiled as she looked to the

Demons that arose then sighed. These will not do. She said as she made them go back and started To summon her own demons

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Then with a smirk she sent her six Demons off to slaughter and destroy with pleasure



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"I'm not choosing a side." He would say while transforming into his human form. "I'd Rather not fight." He would chuckle while fixing his hair. @FrostXShadow
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Dearwolfy said:
(Alright dudes I'm back yay! Sorry I never got notifications for this so I apologize and I was also busy)
Lythrin held his eyes closed hearing the terrified souls on the surface which Kanin caused with his tidal waves. He also hears Silith saying she brought him worshipers. Everything was going smoothly and all the gods were too busy with their lives to focus at the approaching war. He snickers. "Excellent my dear. Thank you. If you wish to be useful why not cause a little more havoc with my demons." With the snap of his fingers, demons arise from the earth near Silith. "Now go."

Lythrin notices the gift Kanin dropped on his throne. He was very pleased because not only did it take Kanin a few minutes but he also managed to get Kropolias lover. Which was an even bigger reward. Lythrin walks over to the god of Archers and Music placing a foot on the body before lifting him up from the scruff of the clothing and sinking his fangs into his neck to steal his soul. He makes the archer wail in pain for it was like the entire part of his body was in horrible pain, being cut or ripped open. He was detaching his soul until he stops halfway to place a hand on the Archer's face. "No....I have better plans for you. Although your soul will do, you will be a perfect sacrifice to open the gates of the Underworld and set me free." Lythrin cackles as cold, and darkness enters the Archer's body corrupting the man. "Plead your loyalty to me Archer."

@Daniel reaving @MuffinRPs
Acorious felt tears prick at the corners of his eyes as Lythrin took half of his soul. He tried not to look weak but how could he when he was very short and not muscular, "Why should I? It's not like I'm on the God side anyway. I'm probably the most neutral of the lot." He tried to cross his arms but he was so weak that they just flopped back to his sides. The God was tired and thirsty. He just wanted to go home. The darkness could engulf him in a matter of seconds but something inside of him, something not physical, was as strong.
MuffinRPs said:
Acorious felt tears prick at the corners of his eyes as Lythrin took half of his soul. He tried not to look weak but how could he when he was very short and not muscular, "Why should I? It's not like I'm on the God side anyway. I'm probably the most neutral of the lot." He tried to cross his arms but he was so weak that they just flopped back to his sides. The God was tired and thirsty. He just wanted to go home. The darkness could engulf him in a matter of seconds but something inside of him, something not physical, was as strong.
The darkness swallows the god holding him into a raccoon until he gives in and bows to Lythrin. Horrible images flooding and brain washing the archer. "Give me your loyalty and this can all go away." The screams echoing in Beau's mind.
"well that's to bad we could have used another one of the four on our side" he sighed "well if you excuse me i have business to attend to" he vanished into thin air and reappeared leaning on Lythrin's throne "So much darkness i remember when you were just a god of death Lythy" he mused looking at the Chaos god"

@Dearwolfy @ZambolFTW
Aina would shrug and disappear into the earth leaving gravel around place he was last seen. He reappeared in a abandoned mine, walking toward his throne room. As he walked into the throne room golems of different sizes and materials bowed. He walked across the throne room sitting on the stone throne.
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FrostXShadow said:
"well that's to bad we could have used another one of the four on our side" he sighed "well if you excuse me i have business to attend to" he vanished into thin air and reappeared leaning on Lythrin's throne "So much darkness i remember when you were just a god of death Lythy" he mused looking at the Chaos god"
@Dearwolfy @ZambolFTW
Lythrin crossed his arms concentrating and watching the raccoon of darkness in front of him waiting for Beau to be fully brain washed. He shifts his eyes towards Kanin. "I still am. I could be feared and cause chaos if only I wasn't sealed down here by that Kropolias god and the others." He growls. "Eating this god's soul would allow me to be fully rejuvenated but at the same time he is of use to me against the one who keeps returning my demons. He is someone precious to him, what do you think would happen when his lover betrays him or possibly kill him? It would be a perfect death for Kropolias." He smirks.

"You should gather everyone else and start the ritual. Let's sacrifice another God so that the portal to the underworld may open and I can be free. I usually count on my Lieutenant Rue but seeing as she's busy at the moment perhaps you can do me the honors of rounding every one of my followers up and prepare?"
Kanin eyes widen "K-Kroplias is here" Kropolias one of the few gods that scared him "So im guessing this Puny god must somehow be connected to him" he sighs and narrows his eyes "i will bring you a new god but i leave the task of rounding up your followers to you Lythrin. i may be helping you but lets get one thing straight" he took a few more steps towards him " im only here to help because the humans should praise me don't think you can boss me around, i think you forget which one of us is older" he huffed and disappeared into the air before the Chaos god had a chance to respond.

Dearwolfy said:
Lythrin crossed his arms concentrating and watching the raccoon of darkness in front of him waiting for Beau to be fully brain washed. He shifts his eyes towards Kanin. "I still am. I could be feared and cause chaos if only I wasn't sealed down here by that Kropolias god and the others." He growls. "Eating this god's soul would allow me to be fully rejuvenated but at the same time he is of use to me against the one who keeps returning my demons. He is someone precious to him, what do you think would happen when his lover betrays him or possibly kill him? It would be a perfect death for Kropolias." He smirks.
"You should gather everyone else and start the ritual. Let's sacrifice another God so that the portal to the underworld may open and I can be free. I usually count on my Lieutenant Rue but seeing as she's busy at the moment perhaps you can do me the honors of rounding every one of my followers up and prepare?"
Tears trickle down the Archer's face. He normally didn't cry but when he mentioned the love of his life he managed to stifle out a "N-No." He prayed for someone, anyone to save him, "S-Stop..p-please," he didn't like begging but these were dire circumstances, "Sammy!" He tried to yell but it was no use.
Lythrin scoffs at Kanin. Weather here was older or not did not matter. When it came to battle of powers, Lythrin had the upper hand. He could let his anger take over and kill the disobedient brat but he was a great ally at this point. His eyes glowing calling every one of his followers.

"Silith. I need you to call all of my followers and bring them to the ritual sight in the forest."

@Daniel reaving
Kropolias heard someone faintly scream his name, his head shot up and his eyes darted around "what was that" he asked himself as he looked around but he saw no one he knew "strange" he said before continuing his staff practice.

Kanin reappeared in the room holding a boy by his shirt "here is a god you can use" he threw the boy to the ground "he is an animal god" he said pointing at the unconscious boy. "whats next, what is this stupid ritual you keep talking about" he said boredly

The Archer God began to feel light-headed. He prayed one last time saying that Lythrin had captured him and he was scared. He also said for someone to find Sammy/Kropalis and to say that Beau/Acorious loved him and he was sorry. He opened his eyes widely and spoke clearly, "I give you my loyalty, Lythrin. I will not fail you,"

@Dearwolfy @FrostXShadow
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((sorry ive been reading PJO all day))

Kroplias felt a familiar tug, the kind he felt when someone was praying to him. Hi eyes widen when he realized who it was "Acorious" he turned and punched the wall behind him putting some of his power into it, the wall cracked and crumbled. his gray eyes turning gold as he walked out side and took on his god form "Lythrin im going to kill you" he melted into his own shadow and reappeared somewhere in the underworld, he walked down a random corridor killing whatever got in his way.

@MuffinRPs @Dearwolfy
Lythrin grins letting go of the Archer. "Excellent, we will now begin the beginning of our new era." He turns to find one of the weak gods and grins walking over to the scared god. "You shall suffice. Do not worry. Your soul will be for a good cause." His grin widens from ear to ear as he eats the soul of the god. Once he finishes, Lythrin pops his neck as a mass of power overtakes him and he transforms into a human form. His eyes glowing red as he smirks. "Let the fun begin." He snaps his fingers and all the Lythrin followers above stood in a circle with a Pentagon drawn on the ground. The moon shinning below. Blue flames igniting the drawn Pentagon as the ground shakes. Rue watches with horror yer this is what she wanted just to get her family back. No turning back now.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/1114865_Ib_Game_Garry.png.64b4b536ca15989c3f6713e67bafe3a7.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="146698" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/1114865_Ib_Game_Garry.png.64b4b536ca15989c3f6713e67bafe3a7.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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"where is he!" Kropolias shouted as he stormed through the Underworld "where is he!" Kropolias picked up a demon and flung him across the room"LYTHRIN" he shouted his golden eyes turning black with rage

Kanin stood looking at Lythrin's new form "hm interesting" he smirked "so what happens now"

@Dearwolfy @MuffinRPs
Silith nodded at her lovers words before she appeared on the roof of a building and smiled as she started to glow brightly, then she called out in an echoing sort of song like tone. A signal only Lythrins followers could hear, the signal to meet. It went out across the world to every singly follower of lythrin, a signal they couldn't ignore. Then she appeared by her lovers side then she froze at what was happening and stood silent by his side and watched waiting for him to notice her and say something to her

@Dearwolfy @FrostXShadow @Anyone I missed ;-; I forgot who is all with him
Acorious smirked at Lythrin before seeing Kropalis enter the room. He bit his lip and looked down. Why was he here? He gave his loyalty to Lythrin so he wouldn't be drawn into the chaos. He walked over to him, took hold of his hands and looked to the floor, "I'm sorry Kropalis,"
"what do you mean your sorry" he looked at the archer god with a dumbfounded look "what happened" his face changed emotions from confused ro serious as he looked at Acorious
Tears dripped down the archer God's cheeks, "I-I-I d-didn't mean- I-I didn't want-I just didn't think I had another choice. I didn't know where you were, if I was gonna see you again, if I was gonna die, if you were gonna save me...I gave Lord Lythrin my loyalty. B-But I thought I had no choice. I still have this feeling in my chest; this feeling that I know you have too. I-I still love you. I still want to be with you." Kropalis was gonna hate him and he knew it. Why would the shadow God love him anyway? He was just...him. He wasn't special. He sniffled and avoided eye contact with the taller boy.


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