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Fantasy Call of The Gods


Lord of Snow
In the old days gods used to Rule the controlling the elements and the properties of earth but as the world evolved and humans became smarter they stopped worshiping the gods and focused on their own humanity and growth, Since the gods were forgotten and but a distant memory the took the forms of mortals and lived along side them taking on human qualities. They did this for almost 300 years but a dark dark force has began to poor over the earth. The dark forces name is Lythrin, Lythrin is a corrupted god that that refused to live among the mortals and deemed the other gods weak and feeble. He began do devour the souls of innocent Mortals and the souls of minor gods. Now the gods who have walked among the humans for so long now have to remember how to use their powers and band together to defeat Lythrin and his dark forces.....Will you join the fight or sit idly by and watch as the earth is destroyed.
Sammy stood in a Karate dojo practicing his Bo staff skills, the staff never stopped spinning as he twirled it around his back. He threw the staff in the air and did a back hand spring before catching it and putting it to his side. he walked and sat the weapon on a shelf and walked to his stuff, taking a towel and wiping the sweat off his face. he picked up his jacket and slipped it on the grabbed his book bag and slung it over his shoulder and walked out of the building. he was instantly hit with a cold breeze and he shivered "god i hate winter" he said as he turned and walked down the street completely unaware that darkness was making its way to the city

Rin's eyes were large and doe like as she leaned back in her car seat driving slowly, a cigarette dangled from her lip and smoke trailed out the window, she watched the trees pass by slowly and people as they moved about the busy streets in their winter clothing. Rowan exhaled smoke and continued to drive to the supermarket, she glanced out the passenger window as she passed a young man who she instantly got a vibe from, glancing at Sammy their eyes met for a brief moment before she rolled on past him and pulled to a stop at the red traffic lights. A smirk sneaked into her lips.

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as sammy walked down the street he turned his head and saw a girl who was driving looking at him, a slight shiver went through his body "hm its been awhile" he said to himself as he continued to walk "and i thought the rest had left the city or died off" he said with a shrug as he walked. he turned the corner and went into a large store, he walked to the staff room and proceeded to change cloths putting on a white button up and a tie. he grabbed a vest that said welcome to Sack N Save and has his name on it and slipped it on, he went to a vacant cash register and put in his id code into the computer. he turned on a light that signalded to the customers that they could come to his line.
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As the lights changed the 23 year turned the same corner and pulled into the car park outside the shop, the English woman climbed out, dropping the cig on the cold damp floor in the process. She crushed it under her knee high chunk heeled boots and swung the car door closed. She walked slowly across the car park and into the large snack shop, picking up a basket by the door she looked around before going into the isle's to browse the condiments. She had come specifically for milk, bread and eggs but it didn't hurt to look around and maybe grab some stuff while at it.

"your total is 15.54" sammy said with a sigh as he finished bagging the man's items, the man gave him exact change and took his stuff "Have a wonderful day and thank you for shopping at Sack N Save" he said putting fake enthusiam in the sentence. he rolled his eyes as the man walked away he cursed in another language that was to old for a anyont to know but it translated to "Gods mortal life is so boring why can't something fun happen" he sighed and finished scanning and bagging the next person's stuff "your total is 137.66" "oh wait i have some cupons" the lady stated as she fished in her purse pulling out a scrap book full of cupons "david to isle 6" he called over the intercom and a boy around his age came running "have fun david im going on stocking duty" he said pointing to the lady who was pulling out cupons. he grabbed a cart full of stuff and began to stock random isles
Beau Jackson walked down the street with his bow and quiver on his back and guitar in his hands. People normally presumed he was an athletic kid with a great life but that really wasn't true. He was adopted at 12 by a middle-class couple. His 'Dad' left them when he was 15, 3 years ago, and Isabelle, his adopted mother, had been...different ever since. Beau took his anger out with archery and sadness with music. His guitar and bow were his most prized possessions.

He was heading to the forest where he would practise his archery and play something. The forest, however, was right next to Sack n Save meaning people would see him and it wasn't the most legal thing in the world.

He set his guitar down near a rock and took his bow from his shoulder. He wasn't strong or a role model but he was brave and smart. That's what he needed when it came to archery. The target he'd drew on the tree from years was still there meaning he always had a shot. He drew his first arrow from his white quiver and lined it up to the silver bow before pulling back the string. The arrow went flying forwards gaining him a bullseye. He smirked and retrieved the arrow from the oak. He placed it back in his quiver and took another one before repeating the process several more times.
after finishing stocking he turned the corner and saw the girl from ealier "So goddess are you following me around?" he asked crossing his arms and looking at the women, she was older than him but it didnt matter "is there anything i can help you with i know the store like the back of my hand" he offered the woman

FrostXShadow said:
after finishing stocking he turned the corner and saw the girl from ealier "So goddess are you following me around?" he asked crossing his arms and looking at the women, she was older than him but it didnt matter "is there anything i can help you with i know the store like the back of my hand" he offered the woman
"No," the goddess of desire purred in her thick English accent, "I'm just browsing, and what makes you believe I'm following?" She asked tilting her head at him, "This is no more that luck or whatever you want to call it." Her heels clicked on the cold floor as she stepped closer, "you're young." She already knew his sexual preference, favourite food and drink...anything really that was driven my desire, she smiled it was a slow cool smile, "you desire to lead a more...fulfilling life as a mortal." Laughing slightly she offered her hand, "Rowan Carter, most people call me Rin. And almost nobody calls me Lilith." That was a joke although a dry and boring one. Not that she was really trying to make him laugh.

"The goddess of desire are you not" he smirked and shook her hand "Sammy Davenport everyone calls me sammy no one calls me Kropolias..anymore in our godly times i was the god of fear and shadows" he scowled at his own title not really liking his powers or title, "and i don't even like being a mortal...oh how i miss my throne and temples" he said with a sigh

FrostXShadow said:
"The goddess of desire are you not" he smirked and shook her hand "Sammy Davenport everyone calls me sammy no one calls me Kropolias..anymore in our godly times i was the god of fear and shadows" he scowled at his own title not really liking his powers or title, "and i don't even like being a mortal...oh how i miss my throne and temples" he said with a sigh
Dropping her hand by her side she watched him, "so you did the whole throne stuff when we were in our original state?" she glanced around to ensure no one was watching. That title in her mind was better than her own, for Rin it was likely no one would truly love her they would only desire her, she cracked a smile, "your current life doesn't have to be boring." She sated before glancing away at the bread next to them. She hesitated deciding on a loaf before plucking it off the shelf.

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"oh yea i did the throne the crown having the mortals place food at my temples the whole works" he smirked "and i miss it i miss being able to have a battle with other gods, don't get me wrong there are some strong Mortals here but i have yet to find one" he sighed "besides me i don't think there are many gods and goddesses that still use there powers or still remeber what its like to be a god" he held his hand out and his shadow that was previously on the floor was now standin next to him "Now we hide our powers" he dropped his hand and his shadow returned to its normal state on the ground.

FrostXShadow said:
"oh yea i did the throne the crown having the mortals place food at my temples the whole works" he smirked "and i miss it i miss being able to have a battle with other gods, don't get me wrong there are some strong Mortals here but i have yet to find one" he sighed "besides me i don't think there are many gods and goddesses that still use there powers or still remeber what its like to be a god" he held his hand out and his shadow that was previously on the floor was now standin next to him "Now we hide our powers" he dropped his hand and his shadow returned to its normal state on the ground.
"Powers are what separates us." She stated and tilted her head, she smiled softly, "Some of us can use our powers without people even realising but then again mine aren't really visual, are they?" She wasn't really shocked or astounded by what he just showed her, she'd seen many impressive things in her life time.

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"ive always been one for a dramatic show of powers its kind of my thing" he said with a shrug "true your powers aren't visual and some of us use our powers to get through our day to day lives" he thought for a second "what exactly are your powers Lilith its been awhile since ive been around another god, they tend to stay away from the god of Fear and shadows"

FrostXShadow said:
"ive always been one for a dramatic show of powers its kind of my thing" he said with a shrug "true your powers aren't visual and some of us use our powers to get through our day to day lives" he thought for a second "what exactly are your powers Lilith its been awhile since ive been around another god, they tend to stay away from the god of Fear and shadows"
"Obviously I have power over desire...but I also control mineable others courage along with combat since they're two of the same thing in a sence." She shrugged softly and glanced around, "so combat is my only visual power."

"combat eh" he smirked alittle formed "do you know any other gods?" he asked hopefully making sure no humans were around to hear their conversation, he slipped into an old language that only gods would know "I have not seen any other gods in a long time"

FrostXShadow said:
"combat eh" he smirked alittle formed "do you know any other gods?" he asked hopefully making sure no humans were around to hear their conversation, he slipped into an old language that only gods would know "I have not seen any other gods in a long time"
"Have I seen any gods?" She smirked slightly and rolled her eyes, "honey, I'm the Goddess of desire. If it's a God you desire then I will be glad to oblige," then she warned him "however it has been a few months since I've seen one." Her grin flashed pearl white teeth and she sighed, "here," taking her phone out she handed it to him, "give me your number, I'll call or text you the next time I meet a gay God." Rowan smiled, "you don't have to if tug don't want however.

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"that's weird" he reverted back to English "Minor gods have been disappearing without a trace for months now maybe more than that....you don't think..." he didn't finish the sentence and he didn't say the name he knew all to well that names had extreme power especially for someone like him "it's not possible right"? he asked the goddess

FrostXShadow said:
"that's weird" he reverted back to English "Minor gods have been disappearing without a trace for months now maybe more than that....you don't think..." he didn't finish the sentence and he didn't say the name he knew all to well that names had extreme power especially for someone like him "it's not possible right"? he asked the goddess
Her expression suddenly switched as she took her phone back. It grew serious, "people that are known to side with him have been spotted in the area, I'm hanging about to see if I can catch one of them."

"so you think he is returning" his face grew slightly darker "well that's just great if he is here you do know what that means right" he lowered his voice because of a human walking by "We will be in an all out war against him and his forces a war that could possibly end the human race"

I'd start walk out of the hospital. "I'm going on my lunch break. Page me if you need me" Rebecca said to Lily. I'd walk to the parking lot getting my keys out of my bag. "I want Taco Bell for lunch" Rebecca said to herself. I'd look at my GPS and see that there is traffic going to Taco Bell. "Hmm I guess I'll go to Sack 'n' Save". Rebecca finally found her keys at the bottom of her bag. She got into the car and started to drive to Sack 'n' Save. I'd pull into the parking lot and get out of the car. "Yeaa Sack 'n' Save for lunch" she said sarcastically. "Hmm I'm thinking a deli sandwich". I walked into the store looking around for the deli section. I saw a huge sign that said deli in the back of the store. I walked to the back of the store and felt a tingle. "Could there really be gods here?" Rebecca thought in her head. "Hmm turkey or ham?" I said as I picked up two sandwiches. "I'll just get both, one for now and the other for dinner." Rebecca looked for the chip aisle and ended up next to two people. "Excuse me, do you two work here?" @FrostXShadow @JustCallMeAimee
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FrostXShadow said:
"so you think he is returning" his face grew slightly darker "well that's just great if he is here you do know what that means right" he lowered his voice because of a human walking by "We will be in an all out war against him and his forces a war that could possibly end the human race"

"Yes. I know, we all know." She glanced around, "I should go, dive hesitate to contact me Ifyourrace find anything." Rin nodded and stepped around him moving to leave the isle.

When a woman approached them she stopped and turned her head to look at her, "no, he does I don't." She did not smile this time as the dark talk seemed to have changed her personality suddenly.

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Sammy sighed and a shiver ran through his body he turned and saw a woman "yes i do work here" he said with a knowing smirk "is there anything you need"
Hrist... or Leone, was walking around the streets of the mortals. She felt strange when walking around these humans? "Bah... walking around these mortals is more trouble than it's worth." She thought rather angrily. "No matter, i'll just guide them to their proper path in the after-life soon enough..."

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