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Fantasy Burning Skies


Dusty Wanderer
Feel free to talk plot, ideas, characters, etc. or just have a chat.
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Is that guideline going to change? Or is that just generally what you want us to put in?
You can write your charry profile however you like, I just figured that I'd cover all the bases with the skeleton I wrote up. All that matters to me is whether the charry fits the rp, so all I really need are whatever details seem relevant.
Hm, well I might depending on whether I forgot to include anything, but I think it's pretty set as it is.
Alright, I was going to make a character, then realized that I don't know what kind of character to have. I'll just wait for some characters to be made then make someone that will fill in any gap.
Well, your charry could be a dragon slayer, or a refugee of some group, or a dragon thrall and... Oh that's right, I haven't decided what to call the ones turning into dragons yet. Let's call them... thralls I guess. Even if they're not thralled to a dragon, they'll still be called that by other people. Anyways, I should probably include race in the character sheet (human or thrall). Also, when in doubt, just write independent. Not everyone has to belong to some group or other.
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Alright, so I just finished writing my charry profile. Could we assume that your charry was on her own at the time of her hunt and used to be one of Ains' recruits?
Enkerzed said:
Alright, so I just finished writing my charry profile. Could we assume that your charry was on her own at the time of her hunt and used to be one of Ains' recruits?
Hmmm, sure but Vera wouldn't be a big fan of his personality so she could've either left before than or we can have a bit of confrontation when he finds out she was burned ^^
Is okay, I understand. So ehhhhh, I just had a look at your charry and... well, there's a few problems. First is race, it's gotta be humans or thralls. No exceptions.

Second is the appearance. The armour and weapon, I might let slide, but the shield is pretty far out there. I know the rp's got a heavy Dark Souls vibe, but I wanna make this clear right now to avoid any further confusion, we'll be tending more towards realism here. So imagine an actual medieval age setting as it was irl and then the dragons appear. That's what we're going for here.

Third and last, no shield is going to protect anyone from a dragon's flames. It's not so much a plume of fire as it is an all consuming conflagration, say for example something like this:


Good luck protecting yourself against that with a shield. I mean this is how humans lost against the dragons. The only chance of surviving against something like that is to find cover, though if you're ever in a situation like that at all, you're pretty much screwed anyway.

I'm sorry if I seem a bit nitpicky, I am laissez-fare about charries in general, but when it comes to the setting, I don't wanna get the wrong idea across. As I wrote in the interest check, no human is going to have a chance against a dragon in open battle. Period.

A dragon slayer isn't a dragon slayer because they're skilled in battle, but because they know that the only way (or at least the best way) to kill a dragon is up close and in their sleep with one lethal strike, namely an arrow through the eye and piercing the brain, or a spear or sword through their vulnerable underbelly and into the heart. Going for the throat could work too, but it's not a guaranteed instant kill (which is probably where your charry erred for the most part, @StoneWolf18).

All in all, it's down to knowledge and experience, not battle prowess. That's only going to be useful for dealing with thralls and other hostile humans (say, cultists and bandits).
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And here I'm going to try again. I'm still going to keep a spear, however. But in theory, wouldn't wrapping yourself in cloth or the like, covering any and all exposed skin save for the eyes, protect you from getting a burn? It's the cloth burning, not you. But, of course, it only really work once and then you'd be running around naked. Not the most ideal thing to be doing in some situations.
Beowulf said:
And here I'm going to try again. I'm still going to keep a spear, however. But in theory, wouldn't wrapping yourself in cloth or the like, covering any and all exposed skin save for the eyes, protect you from getting a burn? It's the cloth burning, not you. But, of course, it only really work once and then you'd be running around naked. Not the most ideal thing to be doing in some situations.
Yet, if that cloth was dry and thin, I'd burn instantly depending on how much and how hot the flames are. Leaving you scorched all over.
In medias res, eh? Ok, we do this. @Beowulf, your charry will be part of the group. @StoneWolf18, I'm thinking maybe the dragon your charry killed is the same one Ains is hunting now. He would've been moving a lot slower with a whole group to manage, so it wouldn't be odd for him to be a few days behind. Also, another thing I've yet to consider is how long a dragon sleeps.

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