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Fantasy Breath of Fire: Giantslayer

Darkiplier said:
Oh, by the way, is there some sort of a trophy or sign that a giant has been killed in...er... Groundwater I believe ? Or is there some sort of monument dedicated to the champion that was killed by the giant ?
Bone said, and I quote, "Khulok the Messenger took the life of Henric champion of Iojurn while in dragon form. His death reminded humanity that their new monstrous allies were not invincible."
The slain champion doesn't have a monument, but he was buried alongside his patron dragon inside Iojurn's tomb.

Only three giants have been slain, but fights where both sides are badly injured and later heal up (giantkin & champions have incredible healing abilities) have been numerous. I'll be expanding more on that in the next scene, The Gathering.
I needed something to write about in the second paragraph... Guess I'll wait until the next post.
Sharuum said:
:333 Any news to report? I'm not trying to be impatient but gosh I'm excited to see what you post.
She's not but I am.

Where is this post you're speaking of, hmm? Can I see it? Is it tangible? Can it bend?
Bone2pick said:
I'll get something up soon for yah.

[QUOTE="Aldur Forgehammer]Where is this post you're speaking of, hmm? Can I see it? Is it tangible? Can it bend?

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I promise I'm working on it!

The Gathering

The next day the champions were summoned by the adolescent volunteers of the welcoming party. The youths led their honored guests to a large militia bunker on the outskirts of Groundwater. A steel grate covered a sinking stairwell. It was swung aside and each man and woman decorated with golden cords was ushered down.

The champions funneled out of the stairwell and into a combat training gym. Candlelit chandeliers illuminated most of the room, but they were supported by two gaping fireplaces that flanked the north and south walls. Racks of spears, maces, and hand axes stood against the edges the room, and a large copper table was out in front of the northern fireplace.

Seated at one end of the table was a genteel woman with grey streaked hair. Her warm smile had soft wrinkles around its edges. She looked genuinely pleased to see the variety and vitality of the newly arrived champions. At the other end of the table, standing, was a tanned man in his early forties. He had a tightly groomed salt and pepper beard and moustache, and a charcoal grey bandana pulled down over one, presumably, missing eye. The gold cords of a champion were proudly displayed over both of his muscled shoulders.

The sight, no—the mere presence—of this one-eyed champion aroused many of the dormant wyrm spirits in the room. The ghosts knew the entity's name and titles: it was Bhazavur, the Silver Sire, the Fang of Judgement.
I actually already had the whole thing, except for this part, saved on NotePad.... Just in case.

Darkiplier said:
"It was nice to meet you." Dominic then turned away, pulled the cloak over him, and disappeared into the darker areas, camouflaging with the rocks around him.
Bone2pick said:
A steel grate covered a sinking stairwell.
You know what I think of when I see the word 'grate' ?


@Sharuum I'm sorry about the typo. I went back and corrected it, if you could do the same with your quote. It now reads: The biggest lesson I've learned—we've learned," Escott pointed back at his sister, "is that a war needs at least two armies.
Btw, this line has implications:

"Not everyone answered the call, but I expected as much."

Giants aren't the only possible antagonists, there are also rogue dragons.
Bone2pick said:
Btw, this line has implications:
"Not everyone answered the call, but I expected as much."

Giants aren't the only possible antagonists, there are also rogue dragons.
:0 Omg
Dominics next post comes last... Gotta watch now. Watch and get inspired.

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