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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

"Thanks," Lynne said before looking over at the photo. "Yeah, I guess I never thought about it like that." She looked down at her sketchbook, "I guess that's why I like taking the pictures. You never know who will see them, or what they'll think. Same goes with sketching and writing too I suppose." She let out a small sigh, letting her mind wander for a moment before snapping back into reality. "I'm sorry if I'm bothering you." She said to Brandon, hoping he actually wanted to talk to her and wasn't just trying to get her to shut up.


Dustin watched the guy dancing in awe, he could dance like that, yes. But not nearly that good. He was upset with himself for not being able to do that type of dance as well as the other student. "Yeah." She sighed, simply. Before wondering how long it'd take for the teacher to make them return to work.

@AnarchyReins @McMajestic
Just as he finished his dance the teacher tapped Danni's shoulder. "I'd get back to work if I were you, Danniella," she scolded, and Danni tilted her head down, turning back to Dustin.

"Sorry," she mumbled, resting a hand on his shoulder and entertaining their free hands together.

"Alright class, start over!" The teacher called out. Danni actually remembered the first half that time, but it was the second half she had forgotten about. @Alixx
When the teacher said to start over, he said to the teacher, "Hey Ms. Bonasso I am going to take the rest of class of okay."

All she said was, "Okay fine, but you have to teach the middle schoolers during lunch."

Dj just smiled and laugh, "Okay Ms. Bonasso though don't yell at me if the class doesn't get anything done. All of the girls just like to ask me if I can dance with them. So just a fair warning."

Mrs Bonasso just laughed as Dj picked up his phone, and left the classroom while listening to his music.

@McMajestic @Alixx
Brandon was looking down at his paper, but looked back up and shook his head at her words. “Not at all. It’s nice to talk to people that don’t hate you,” he laughed, before looking up at the blackboard. “I sometimes regret not taking photography classes. I took a semester of photography, but then I doubled up on more writing and social classes.” He looked back at the girl. “What’re your plans on after school? Fashion photography? Magazine photography?” He trailed off before making a face. “Please don’t tell me you want to be paparazzi. I grew up hating them.” He momentarily forgot that since Lynne wasn’t in his grade, our around it, so she had no idea why he was talking about paparazzi. Maybe she wouldn’t ask. Who knew?

@Alixx (I have to poof for a little bit but I'll be back)
"Why would I hate you?" Lynne laughed. "If anything you should hate me for being rude earlier. But honestly, I really don't know what I'm going to do." Lynne sighed. "I change my mind a lot," She tried to laugh, but thinking about it made her a little depressed. Sometimes she hated the way she would change her mind so much. "I like taking pictures of landscapes, so I guess I could do something for a magazine.." She trailed off. She had no idea what her future was going to be like, and it scared her a little bit. "I'm guessing you're an up and coming author, right? And why do you hate paparazzi?" She asked, turning to him with a smile and raising her eyebrows.

@redwood (Okay)

Dustin watched as the boy walked out. "Wanna go again?" He asked Danni, still looking at the door.

Danni nodded, although she still didn't feel the same energy she had before. "Sure." She focused on not stepping on Dustin, and managed to get through the counts only doing it a few times. When they finished the first three eight counts the teacher called it for the day, since there wasn't much time left, and Danni went to lean against the wall, wiping the sweat off her forehead. @Alixx
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"Well, I'm usually the poster child of being a dick to people. I have three siblings, I'm really competitive, and people don't sit well with that, I guess. And we all have our rude moments, don't worry about it." He nodded when Lynne spoke; he always knew what he wanted to do, and he guessed he was lucky. "You'll do great in whatever you do, I'm sure. You gotta show me your work sometime." He shrugged and looked down at his desk when Lynne brought up about him being an author. "Nah, I sort of want to be a screenwriter. That's what my dad does." He looked back up, groaning. "Well, my mom's a director, right? So I was homeschooled and spent a lot of time on my mom's sets; we could never go out for mundane things, like grocery shopping, without hoards of people taking our picture. Maybe that's why I hate it when people take my photo, now that I think of it."
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Dustin sighed as the teacher called it a day. He grabbed his water bottle and took a drink, before sitting down against the wall and closing his eyes.


"Oh." Lynne said, looking down. "I"m sorry, that must have been rough. I can't even imagine what that's like..." She looked back up at Brandon. "But hey, screenwriter? That still sounds fun." She managed a smile, and began twirling her pencil for a moment. The she put her pencil down and picked up her camera. She just held it, rolling it around it her hands for a minute.

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Danni sat down next to Dustin, taking the water from him and drinking out of it. She hoped it seemed cute instead of rude. "So, are you going to the bonfire this Friday?" she asked. She wasn't planning on going herself unless she had some friends who would be willing to go with her, so hopefully Dustin would be up for it. @Alixx
(How she got here to now.)


She watched as her adoptive mother pact her things and as her 'step' Siblings clung to her clothes begging her not to leave. She bent down. "Ellie, Nicole, Jackson. I have to. I will come see and call if I can." She said softly. Her siblings made her promise she would. She smiled ad her mother passed her the bags. "Bye for now, Helenia." She said hugging the woman. She took her bags and waved goodbye to her siblings. Sliding into the hired car. Falling asleep as they got moving.


Mira stood in front of the large school. Still drozy from the car rides. She walked to the schools doors and opened them slowly. "Hello?" She asked quietly as she walked aroujnd looking for someone to help her.​
Dj walked to the front of the school listening to his music. When he got to the front he into the office to see if his schedule got changed. He then took out his headphones and sat down in the seat.

Dustin smiled and opened his eyes. "Are you asking me on a date?" He looked at her with his eyebrows raised. Secretly he kinda hoped she was, but if not he could play it off as a joke easily. He watched as she took a drink from his water bottle, and thought it was kinda cute. He couldn't really tell if that was what she was going for, or just being rude. But he didn't really mind.

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Danni felt her face flush. "No. Well maybe- Yeah, wait, kind of. I don't know. I just... I want somebody to go with. Is this weird?" She asked, getting to her feet. She was ready to book it out of there. @Alixx
Crap. Dustin thought. That's not how I planned this would go. He laughed a little, trying to hide his disappointment. "Not at all, I wasn't really planning on going. But I mean, if you go with me.. I'd be more than happy to go." He said. He could feel his face start to blush a little.

"Great," Danni slid back down, letting herself relax. "I should warn you now I usually sustain some sort of injury when you mix me with parties, so you'll have to stay close." Stupid! Danni's faced turned brighter. She couldn't believe she had just said that. @Alixx
Making her way to the office she saw Dj as she walked in. Pulling her bags closer to her. She sat a few seats away. waiting patiently. Unsure of quite what to do. She remembered her adoptive mothers words and calmed a little. @AnarchyReins
Dj noticed the girl sit down a few seats away. Dj just smiled, and said, "Is this your first year here?" He asked this as he smiled and tilted his head to the side. DJ also noticed thta she was cute, and he blushed a little bit.

Dustin stood up and offered his hand to Danni. "I'm gonna go change, what class do you have next?" He asked, before silently offering her the rest off his water.

"Yes, it is." She said loud enough for him to hear. She pulled out her notebook and read over her lastest writings. Humming a little "and you are?" She asked quietly. @AnarchyReins
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Danni smiled, Taking his hand and getting to her feet, holding on a little longer than she had to. "I actually have lunch next. I think there's three different time slots for it." She said. "I was planning on going out with Lynn, but I don't know if she has the same lunch as me so I might be all alone." @Alixx
I'm Damon, but call me Dj. I am a freshman this year too. Though this isn't my first year." Dj smiled, and stuck his hand out to Mira. "If you wouldn't mind me asking, What is your name?" Dj asked as he looked genuinely into her eyes.
"Well, since I have Lunch next too, maybe I could sit with you two? If that's okay.." Dustin asked. He noticed she held his hand a little longer than most people would and he smiled a little bit. He looked down at their hands then back up at Danni's face, only moving his eyes.

"It's not as bad as you'd think. But getting enrolled into school was one of the weirdest things I've ever done," he let out a dry laugh. "I remember my dad in his office. He had a bunch of late nights...it kind of screwed with him having a family, but I guess it worked." He watched her hands, tapping away with his pencil against his notebook. "Show me something of yours. You've already seen my child," he said, referring to his scribbles.
Smiling her false smile she always used, she turned to him. "My name is Serane Nymira, but I go by Mira." She said gently taking his hand. Looking at his face.

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