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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

Brandon shrugged. "I'm not entirely sure. Nik and Ian are probably going to be with their girlfriends, anyway, so it's not really like we'd all hang out. I sort of get left out when they're all together." At her bacon comment, he wrinkled his nose comically. "I never liked bacon, personally. It never tasted edible to me. But then again, my mom once got a bouquet of sunflowers and I cried so hard I almost threw up, so you really can't go by what I say. Or do," he said seriously. He had the worst, most irrational fear of sunflowers ever, and it was always something his siblings made fun of him for, but he was happy to make jokes about it.

"It's no big deal." Dustin insisted, smiling. He scratched the back of his head, trying to hide his embarrassment. As they approached the door he let go of Danni's hand and walked in front of her, holding the door open, and waiting as she walked past. He was surprised she even held his hand that long. He figured she'd pull away like earlier, but he didn't blame her. They did just meet and he had a tendency to rush things sometimes when he gets in the moment.


"Oh, I'm sorry" Lynne told Brandon. "Well now you won't be alone since I'm here." She smiled and brushed her hair away from her face with her hand. "Although I can't believe you don't like bacon..." She shook her head playfully. When he mentioned the sunflowers she laughed a little, she didn't mean to come off as rude, she just thought it was cute. "How much farther is the cafe..?" She asked him. She had only seen it once, and that was on her was into town on the train. This was one of her first times off campus since she got here.

Danni smiled, ruffling his hair as she walked past him. "Thanks," she said, grabbing his hand again to pull him inside, before dropping it. He probably didn't want to hold her hand and that was why he came up with an excuse to let go of it. "And if you insist, I guess I'll let you," she added, glancing around at all the decorations. She loved places that were interesting to look at. @Alixx
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"Go ahead, laugh at other people's fears, it's not like it was a traumatizing moment in their childhood!" Brandon shot back good naturedly before replying, "I told you, at the corner." He pointed at a building that was coming up quickly; it had a few tables outside, some occupied, with an apartment on top. "I realize that my amazing good looks may have distracted you, making you momentarily forget where we're going, and for that, I forgive you." At the door, he held it open, again, quickly surveying the crowd. "I'm paying. No buts," he declared.

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"Hey!" Dustin exclaimed as she messed up his hair. "This perfection takes an hour in the morning." He joked. When Danni let go of his hand he sighed quietly. He wished she didn't let go, but didn't want to push or drive her away. He watched as she looked around. She's really... beautiful. He thought, letting her enjoy the view. "What would you like?" He asked, as they walked up to the cashier.


Lynne smiled and laughed at Brandon's remarks. "Only if you insist I suppose." She replied, defeated. Usually she would protest but he was full of surprises, or she just couldn't figure him out. Either way, she didn't think he was the type to give up easily."Thanks again," She said as she walked past him. "This place is actually kind of cool..." She let her voice trail off. "I figured it'd be more like a Starbucks type thing, but this... is unique." She smiled as they got in line.

"Surprise me, I'll eat anything from this place." Danni grinned, and found herself almost leaning into Dustin, letting her shoulder press against his. She frowned at herself. It was almost subconscious, the way she attached on like a parasite. She hoped she wasn't freaking Dustin out. @Alixx
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Brandon nodded. "When my friends brought me out here, I thought they were going to drag me to a Starbucks, too. But this is actually really nice - the owner's my friend's uncle, so even more perks. Perks galore." The place definitely had a homey feel, with table owners covering their tables with laptops, backpacks, plates, phones. "I love it here. The guys'll go partying and I'll hang out here." When it was their turn to order, Brandon quickly ordered something, obviously something he'd always get, because the woman behind the counter made a remark about Brandon not having any originality for getting the same thing. Again.

Without thinking Dustin moved his arm around Danni's waist. Once he realized what he was doing he went stiff for a moment, before relaxing and pulling her a little closer. He hoped she was okay with this as he ordered. "Just surprise us." He said as the cashier put in a random order and handed them a number. "Lead the way?" He asked Danni as he took the number.


Lynne watched as Brandon ordered. When he was done she simply added, "Just make that two." She looked over at Brandon hoping that was okay, since she had no idea what to get, and she wan't really picky when it came to food or drinks. She followed his lead since he seemed to know exactly what he was doing. She couldn't get over the fact that he was unique like the cafe too.

Danni relaxed for a moment. This is too fast. This is your old school all over again. She sighed, stepping away from Dustin and leading them off to a table, taking a seat at a booth and smiling at him weakly, hoping he wasn't too upset with her. @Alixx

(It killed me to write that lol)
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Brandon led them to a booth near the front, by the windows overlooking the sidewalk and outdoor portion. He took the seat facing the door. He cocked his head, before asking, "You're thinking about something - what is it?" He asked, obliviously unaware that Lynne was thinking about him. He hadn't put much thought into her, but he knew that she was definitely pretty and she seemed to be a genuinely nice person with a head on her shoulders. He immediately knew he'd like her, and he wasn't wrong.

(I honestly half laughed half died inside when I read that... lol)

Dustin sat across from Danni and gave her a half smile as he ran his hand through his hair. Damn. I totally just blew this. He thought. He wanted to punch himself in the face. How could I be so stupid?? "So how's your day going?" He attempted at making a conversation with her.


"Oh- nothing." Lynne said quietly looking around. "What's on your mind? She asked him back, smiling.

"I'm sorry!" She blurted out, before slapping her hands over her mouth. She didn't know where to go from there, or why she had even went there in the first place. She had no idea what to do with it but she had to think of something quick. Danni chewed on the inside of her cheek, staring down at her lap. @Alixx
"I'm thinking that I was right when we started talking. You seem like a pretty decent person. I'm a horrible judge of character, so don't take me too seriously." Brandon sat back, taking a sip of his drink. "But something tells me I'm right when I say that."

Dustin was suprised when Danni apologized. "Hey..." He said, putting his hand on her arm. "You have no reason to be sorry, okay?" He smiled weakly at her, letting his hand fall back down to his lap. "I wonder how long the food's gonna take, I could eat a horse." He joked as he sat back in his seat. Slow down. He told himself. Don't scare her off.


"Oh I do?" Lynne smiled at this. She tried to be a good person, but this was the first time someone said something about it, even if it was just 'decent'. She liked the way Brandon carried himself. He was so open and she liked that. "Thanks I suppose," She looked up, in Brandon's eyes. "you're not so bad yourself." She laughed a little, letting her fingertip trace the top of the cup. "You really aren't as bad as you make yourself out to be." She looked down at the cup, not knowing if that was the right thing to say. She didn't want to upset him.

Brandon emitted a humorless chuckle, nodding. "I usually don't get that one often. People in my grade usually don't like me that much. I hate to say it, but I prefer putting myself first. I don't mix well with people competitively, and that's how I see school. Competition. I want to get into a school in California, and you can't quite do that if you're not ready to fight for it. I'm an arguer, I love getting the last word." He shook his head, breaking his eye contact to look at the ceiling, blowing out a breath. "My mom always said I should work in politics, like a speechwriter because apparently I like the whole competition and arguing situations." Brandon looked back at Lynne, before groaning. "Now I sound like a truly horrible person. Sometimes I gotta learn to shut up."

Danni tried to smile, but it felt wrong. "I'm not sure. They usually don't take too long. " Just as she finished saying that the food showed up along with their drinks. She took small bites, slower than she normally would. "So how do you like it? " she asked.
Lynne laughed a little. "To some people you might." She looked at him then back at her drink. "There are a lot of people worse than that though..." She took a sip of her drink, letting it set in her mouth a moment before swallowing. "I prefer to look on the positive side." She said, setting the drink down and looking out the window. "The way I see it, you're actually pretty nice. You seem to care about your family, you're funny, easy to talk to, and a gentlemen." She smiled at the last word and looked back at him. "Or have a read you wrong?"


Dustin smiled, taking another bite. "It's pretty good." He said after swallowing his food. "How do you like it?"

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"Its really good." She took another bite, trying to let herself relax. She felt comfortable around Dustin but her thoughts were holding her back. You don't even know this guy. She huffed at herself before looking up at him. "So, what made you decide to come here? " She asked, figuring this was the perfect opportunity to learn about him.
Brandon gave a crooked smile, letting his eyes wander around the small shop. "I like positive thinkers. They definitely tend to keep you grounded. And I think you read me right. And I think I can safely say I read you as a type of person who puts your friends first. I think you look for the best in people, regardless of who they are. Plus, you're a good listener. You put up with me long enough to confirm that. So, did I read you right? Because I think you're definitely a genuine person that I'm happy I started talking to." With the last sentence, he followed her gaze to the outdoors, lazily watching people walk by.

Dustin shrugged. He hadn't thought about it much. "My father thought it'd be a good idea. I guess he saw my potential, or passion. Passion is a little less likely though." He sighed. "My dad doesn't really care about the reason behind why you're doing something, only how it can benefit him. I guess he'll think I'll make it big and get rich." He laughed at his last sentence, then went back to being serious. "What about you?"He asked, before taking another bite.


Lynne smiled. "Yeah, I think you did." She took another sip of her drink. "So, tell me something about yourself." She stated plainly. She didn't know really what to ask, but she wanted to get to know Brandon more. Plus she liked the sound of his voice, and this was a great way to get his to keep talking.

Danni contemplated the amount of detail she wanted to go into to tell Dustin. She remembered telling all her secrets so easily last time, and now she couldn't even go back to that high school. But Dustin seemed nice. She didn't think he'd ever use it against her, at least, she hoped not. "Well, my..." Danni took a breath, forgetting about the food. "My Nanny died and I got really depressed, I guess, because she basically raised me, so my parents sent me over here to be... happier?" Danni said, though it came out more as a question. She loved music, but it didn't replace the void she felt from the person who had raised her.
Brandon let out a low whistle, taking a moment to think. "Well, you know I'm terrified of sunflowers. Check. That's my normal go-to..." He bit his lip, before he finally said, "I wanted to be a high school history teacher. I probably would've been going to college as a history major if I didn't get accepted here. When I was getting homeschooled, I used to actually get happy when I had to write a paper for that subject. I'm the only one of my siblings going to an art school, so I decided I should do something with it. I may go to school to be a speechwriter, but I have a few months before I need to actually figure my life out." He nodded towards her. "Tell me something about you know."

Mira watched as other students came in and out. Taking amongst each other. She turned and snapped a few shots of smiling students. Adding them to her collection. She made sure the students weren't going to be embarrassed in the photos. Humming she popped her ear buds in and pulled out her laptop. Tranporting her story over to the open document. Then, Uplosding the photos as well.
Dustin was surprised. He didn't think anything would be wrong with her life. To him she seemed sorta perfect to him. "I'm sorry..." He said said, he wasn't the best at these kinds of things. He checked the time, "We better get going or we'll be late." He said taking one last bite of his food.


"Really?" Lynne smiled. "I didn't figure you for the teacher type." She tried to joke. She took another drink from her cup as she thought. She sat her cup down and looked out the window. "I never knew my father." She started. She wasn't sure how much she wanted to tell him, but she decided to put her cards on the table. "My momma died when I was young too. So I never really got to know either of my parents." She tugged at her sleeves and crossed her legs without looking at Brandon. "My mom loved me though." She smiled and let her mind wander for a moment before getting serious again. "A drunk driver crashed into her car one night and killed them both. So my mom's aunt and uncle raised me. They didn't mind at all which was great, I guess." She stared at her drink. "They couldn't have kids so they raised me as practically their own." She said looking up at him. I probably just bored him to death... She thought to herself. Crap. Why did I say all that?? She looked back down at her cup. Beating herself up inside.

"Yeah, we should." Danni pushed her plate away and stood up, trying to keep herself from thinking about it all. Once she said it out loud it brought back all the bad thoughts she had before. The school was supposed to get her mind off those things, not remind her of them. "My next class is music theory, think you could walk me there?" She asked, hoping her smile didn't look too forced. @Alixx

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