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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

Lynne couldn't tell if he was being serious or not. "Oh, just the usual. I guess." She shrugged, trying to smile. She didn't want to think about things going wrong right now. She just wanted to be happy with him, even if she knew it might not last... It felt so amazing, just walking with him. "Cheating, lying, stealing," She laughed before adding one more. "ignoring..." She let her voice trail off as she looked around, trying to find something to get her mind off this painful topic. She had to many memories of just being pushed away, being unwanted.

“Cheating, lying, stealing. I think I can handle that,” Brandon said, before frowning when he heard the slight discomfort in her voice when she was talking about being ignored. Almost like a natural reaction, he squeezed Lynne’s hand. “I don’t want to ruin anything, but if you want to talk about it, I always have an open ear.” Nearing the school, he sighed. “Well, quite frankly, there’s not much you can do to get me to kick you. Well, I wouldn’t personally kick you, I’d probably pay for my sister to fly down from our house to kick you for me, then pay for her return flight.”


Lynne smiled a little bit when Brandon squeezed her hand, sometimes all she needed was someone to show that they actually cared. "Oh?" She laughed when he mentioned his sister. "What would I have to do to deserve that?" She joked, gently rubbing his hand with her thumb. She didn't really know if that was going to far, but it felt right to her. So she kept the slow pace going for a minute.

The slightly older boy shrugged; if anything, his criteria was similar to Lynne’s. He obviously didn’t mind feeling the girl’s thumb over his hand; it seemed, to him, a very easy and natural thing to do. “Cheating, lying, stealing,” he said with a mischievous tone, knowing full well he was just repeating her words. “You know what, you can do all those things. I haven’t seen Valentine in a long time, and who knows, maybe Isaac will fly up with her,” he joked, bringing up his younger siblings. “But you won’t get kicked for talking and actually being a person. I know guys who completely hate when their girlfriends” he threw that word casually, “show any personality at all. If she talks about her feelings, he shuts her down. If she brings up a friendly argument, like a debate, he crushes her. I just - I’m not that guy. And I don’t want you to think I am, either.”


"Good to know." Lynne smiled at him. She thought it was nice how Brandon tried to reassure her. "But that's awful how guys do that... Yeah there's a limit to how far a girl should go, so she's not to the point of being mean, but she should still be allowed to have feelings. Same for the guy as well." She was happy he thought this way, it was just another thing she really liked about him. As they got to the school doors she decided to try and be cute by opening the door for him this time. "After you." She laughed, as she held the door.

Brandon couldn’t help but give a mock bow when Lynne held the door open for him. “Well, do I feel special.” He straightened from the position before adding, “I couldn’t stand the guy, honest.” When they made their way through the lobby, he sighed dramatically. “A few more periods left in the day and I already want to go back to my dorm and literally bury myself under three blankets and yell at my roommate for his squeaky bed.”


Lynne laughed. "I could do the same, honestly." She said as they began to walk. She slipped her hand into Brandon's gently before adding, "The going back to my dorm part at least." She smiled at the thought, although she didn't want this to end. "But, I don't have to worry about my roommate's squeaky bed.."

Brandon frowned. “Well, be well aware if you ever find me crashed out in a dorm hallway somewhere. The guy’s a tosser and turner - I can never sleep,” he said somewhat sourly, turning the corner into the hall where the next of their classes were located. “My class’s at the end of the hall, so I guess I’ll say goodbye at your class?” He offered, hoping that she let him walk her there, even though he was going that way anyway.

Mira nodded as she took the picture from Danni. "I didn't mean to be akward. Its just you where both looking happy, SO I added it to my collection of happy moments. Even though a lot are of other and the rest of the Sun." Mira said. Smiling as she turned to Danni. "Are you sure? You could stay here and get to class. I am sure I could find it." Mira offered. She picked up Dustin's Uneasiness. She gave him a weak smile of assurance as he walked away. She felt bad for stopping the two from talking. @McMajestic @Alixx
"I'm sure. " Danni started towards the entrance. "This is a pretty big campus so it's not as easy as you would think. " She led the way to the dorms. @LilyannaGaming
McMajestic said:
"I'm sure. " Danni started towards the entrance. "This is a pretty big campus so it's not as easy as you would think. " She led the way to the dorms. @LilyannaGaming
Following Danii she walked silently as she kept up with a little to much ease. She couldn't help it. Being on the street even for a few months caused her to be faster and more obserbent than most. She hummed in her head as she looked at Danni.
"So what's your dorm number? " Danni asked, holding the door open for Mira to the dorms. For as tall as the building was, the school's devoured the dorms if you weren't directly behind them. Danni had spent over thirty minutes looking for the building her first day.
"5" she said glancing at the paper DJ had given her. She was glad it had her dorm number on it. She followed Danni quietly. Staring at the ground. @McMajestic
"First floor. You're actually right next to me," Danni said, leading her to the dorm. "It's not the best view but at least your window is facing that really good Chinese restaurant. Smells amazing around dinner time." Danni paused in front of the door with a golden number five on it. "I'm six, so if you need anything let me know. I don't think you'll have a roommate. Not a lot of people on the first floor do." Danni shrugged. "I got to get to class, so are you just dropping your stuff off, or are you sticking around for awhile?" @LilyannaGaming
"I think im going to stick around for a while. See you later?" She asked. She tried to be as friendly as possible, but she felt her guarded personality start to kick into high gear. It was odd, but welcoming. She turned to the duffel bags as she pulled a picture of her adotive family. Taken by yours truly. She set it aside. @McMajestic
"Alright, I'll see you later, Mira." Danni waved before heading back to class. It was uneventful minus the homework they had to turn in. This was more of a freshmen class so she felt at home. Nobody was looking down at her for tripping because they were all tripping too. It was loud and chaotic, and something crazy was always happening. Band was her favorite class, but Music Theory was a close second. When sixth period rolled around though, her entire demeanor changed. She thought about skipping the meeting Mr. Brooks wanted to have, but knew she couldn't. It would only raise more questions and she couldn't avoid it forever. @JokerValentine
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Mr. Brooks sat in his classroom, reading at one of the desks. He had just finished grading a quiz for one of the younger classes, and they had not done too well. The average score was in the 50's, which was not quite well for his students. Yet, the teacher was now reading his newest book: a book on birdwatching. Anything and everything were satisfactory for Mr. Brooks. His peace was disturbed, alas, when he realized Danni was to have a meeting. "Shit," he said, getting up to put his book away as quick as he could.

Danni stepped into the classroom, looking around and noticing Mr. Brooks by his bookshelf. She set her messenger bag on the floor by her desk, and sat on top of the desk, letting her legs swing idly. "So, what did you want to see me about?" She questioned, playing dumb. @JokerValentine

"Okay." Lynne laughed a little. "Sure, I'd like that." She smiled. She was happy that he asked to basically walk her to her class. As they approached her class she started to slow down.

The aged teacher did not buy it, not one bit. "Your writings showcase a darker side to you, one that is not so much dark as it is depressing. Is something wrong?" he inquired, getting up to shut the door to his classroom. "I can't help you if you say nothing. Nothing will change unless you want it to."

"I'm fine," Danni spoke, but even as the words came out of her mouth she could hear the obvious lie. She looked down at her shoes, staring at the custom-made fabric. Her parents had bought them for her as a going-away gift. We love you, Danni. We're just too busy to deal with you. "Actually, I'm not. Not at all." Danni whispered, her hands clenching into fists as just two weeks ago when her parents had been trying to explain why they were sending her off popped into her head. She'd been trying to forget what they said, but she couldn't. @JokerValentine
The teacher was perplexed. No doubt, the girl had had some issues, possibly relating to family? "The way I was taught, Danni, is that there are two ways to everything: the easy way and the right way. You can contain yourself, say nothing about your anger and emotion. Yet, everyone can do that. A mark of courage, however, is the ability to not be feared by what makes you down," Mr. brooks preached. It was quite clear that she did not want to talk about it, possibly for risk of embarrassment. "I can't make you say anything, but I can't help you if you can't tell me."

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Danni thought for a moment. She wasn't exactly sure what to say or how to say it. Where did she start? She sighed, closing her eyes and thinking back to the first word she had learned in french. Fraise. It meant strawberry. "My nanny died over the summer. She was basically my mother for fifteen years because my real one was never home and neither was my dad." Danni explained weakly, blinking back tears as she stared at the floor, refusing to look up at her teacher. "She left me all alone."
This was perhaps getting to far. Brooks nearly came to emotion himself, yet he maintained his solemn composure. He gave the girl a pat on the back, the only thing he really could do. "Your parents love you very much, Danni. You can spend years resenting them for leaving you alone, but know that wherever they are, they are proud of you."

"I don't resent them," Danni mumbled. "I just know they don't like problems, and right now I'm a problem, so they sent me away. Maybe I'd do the same thing." She shrugged, pulling her legs up to sit criss-cross on the desk. She rubbed her wrists, looking up to Mr. Brooks. "I've thought about dying. I'd never hurt myself, but sometimes I wonder what it'd be like if I just stopped breathing. It'd be easier, I suppose, but not right... right?" @JokerValentine

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