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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

Brandon, who'd been smiling easily, quickly sobered when he'd heard Lynne's story. The only thing he could think of was to reach out and place his hand on her forearm in an act of sympathy before retracting it, resting his hands in front of him. "I'm so sorry," he said softly. He grew up with his family intact, so he couldn't imagine what it would be like to not have his family. "I'm sure your mom would be extremely proud of you, and of your work. I'm sure your aunt and uncle are proud of you."

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Dustin smiled. "Sure." He was relieved when she asked him. He stood up, not offering her his hand this time. He didn't want to make her uncomfortable. He walked with her as they got to the door and he opened it, and waited as she walked by.


Lynne smiled a little when he touched her, and said sorry. "Thank you." She said, trying to brush it off. "So, how about we get back to class?" She said, checking her phone. She was relieved he didn't look upset when she told him her story, she didn't want to ruin what they had going.

Danni stepped out, walking back towards the school. "So what's your favorite class?" She asked, keeping herself close by him. She hoped he didn't mind. @Alixx
When Lynne made the comment of getting back to school, Brandon cursed under his breath and checked his own phone, his resting face - which happened to be a perpetual brood which made him look like he was in a constant state of annoyance - reappeared. "Yeah, we better get going. My teachers won't care if I'm late, but I think yours will. Freshies are hated by choice upperclassmen and their teachers, apparently." He stood, gathering his things - basically, stuffing his phone into his bag, slinging his backpack over his shoulder, and grabbing his cup.

Dustin smiled "Dance class." He said, stuffing his hands into his pockets. "You?" He asked Danni. He wanted to hold her hand, he wanted to hug her, he wanted to tell her how he felt and just let it all out... But he didn't want to lose her. He could wait...


Lynne grabbed her bag and slipped her phone into her back pocket, as she picked up her cup with her other hand. "Okay." She said simply. "We should do this again though. It was... fun." She said to Brandon, smiling. "Unless of course you don't want to..." He voice trailed off quietly as she looked away.

Danni thought for a moment. "I guess I like my band class the best. I just get to drum for fifty minutes. It's pretty awesome." She smiled, letting their hands brush past one another. It's barely been four hours. She thought. "So do you have a lot to do after school, or can you just hang out after your audition?" She asked, not wanting the conversation to end. They were getting closer to her class. She slowed down ever so slightly, wanting to spend as much time as possible with Dustin.
Mira packed her stuff slowly. Getting uo she clutched her duffel bags straps. she walked out of the lunch room. She passed a few students in the hall joking about something they turned to add her into their conversation, but she ran off. As she flew doan the hall way trying to avoid others at all costs. She ended up buming into a girl (Danni.) She rolled as she fell. catching her self. she retrived her bags and backed away slowly. 'I'm sorry." she said quietly. @McMajestic
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Danni stumbled, and hit the ground hard, she sat up weakly, forcing a smile to her face. "Oh it's not your fault. You don't need to be sorry." Danni said. This is the third time today. Danni thought bitterly, but kept her smile up. After all, she wasn't paying much attention to anyone expect Dustin so it could have easily been her who bumped into the girl. @LilyannaGaming
"We definitely need to do this soon. Of course I would want to," he waved her worry off. "Plus, we only have, what, three more periods to the day? It'll go by quick." He snapped his fingers, just thinking of something. "Give me your phone so I can put my number in it. It'll be easier to arrange a get-together that way, unless you prefer trying to wait at our lockers in between classes for chances to talk?"

Dustin thought for a moment. I do have a lot of homework... "Sure, we can hangout after." He said to Danni with a smile. He just wanted to see her more, even if it was just as friends. "If that's okay with you of course." He added, looking over at her.He didn't want to push her again. He noticed they we're getting close to her class. Damn. He thought. I want her to stay...


Lynne laughed a little bit before getting out her phone. "How about both..?" She asked him hesitantly as she handed him her phone. She hadn't noticed it to much before now. But she actually liked Brandon. Not just as a friend... But maybe more..? She didn't really know yet, but she didn't want this to end. "Surprisingly I actually like hanging out with you." She tried to smile in a flirty way, but she felt like it was just a normal one...

Mira managed a weak smile as she kept backing up slowly. "I'm s-s-sorry. I shouldn't have been running." She said. Looking a little weary. She reached for a few photos that had fallen out of one of her duffel bags. She realized it was Danni and the boy in the cafeteria. Her cheeks flamed with embaressment. She made a reach to rab it. @McMajestic @Alixx
Danni brushed herself off and picked the bag up for the girl. "It's fine. Really." She turned to Dustin. "Of course it's okay." She added, before looking back to the girl. "Are you new too?" She asked her. "I'm Danni by the way." @LilyannaGaming @Alixx
Dustin noticed the girl and saw some of her photo's fall to the ground. "I'm sorry." He told the girl, as he reach down and picked a few up. "Watch your feet!" He yelled at some student who nearly stepped on one of the pictures. He picked up the last one and handed it to her. "Sorry," He smiled. "I'm Dustin."

@McMajestic @LilyannaGaming

(BRB Sorry! Dinner.)
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Brandon quickly tapped away at her phone before handing it back. "The feeling's mutual, believe it or not," he said with an easy tone. His face had a slight smirk on it, another automatic facial expression when he didn't look like he was angry at the world. Of course, Brandon had had girlfriends, but he was hopelessly lost when it came to flirting, or receiving it, for that matter. The women in his family had always joked that Blacksaint men were hopeless when it came to matters of relationships, and it was almost completely true. Brandon did, however, notice Lynne's smile, and without him fully realizing it, he returned it. He was starting to warm up to this girl, and maybe even like her.

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Smiling, but keeping her distance she turned to Danni. Taking her second duffel she again backed up. "I am. My-y name is Serane Nymira. I go by Mira." She said. She took the photos from Dustin. Hoping nobody saw the one of them behind her. Just beside her foot. It was the one of the two. She nodded nimbly @McMajestic @Alixx
Danni grinned. "Well are you finding everything okay? You seem a little... timid." Danni said, trying to find a word that wouldn't sound offensive. "Not that that's a bad thing." She added, hoping she hadn't upset Mira. @LilyannaGaming
"You have a nice smile." Lynne told Brandon with a small laugh, as they began to walk. "What's your next class?" She asked him, hoping it was some-what close to hers. She slipped her phone into her pocket again and looked around at the cafe once more as they started to head out.


"Your pictures look nice, from what I saw." Dustin added, smiling at her. "Do you need any help, finding your way around?" He asked Mira. He looked down at Danni's hand for a moment and almost slipped his into hers. But stopped himself. Should I...? He asked himself, and quickly dismissed it. Maybe she just want's to be friends... He thought, and quickly looked away. Now Dustin was in more off a depressed mood, but tried to keep it to himself. He realized he was almost frowning, before putting on a weak smile for the girl.

@McMajestic @LilyannaGaming
"For now, I am looking for the dorms." She said backing up. Stepping on the picture in the process she tried to keep conversation up so they wouldn't look down on the photo she had taken of the two when they where talking in the cafeteria. She was worried she would have to answer questions or deal with their opinions. Putting in her false smile. @McMajestic @Alixx
When he heard Lynne's comment about his smile, he adverted his eyes to the sidewalk, letting his smile form into a somewhat sheepish one. Brandon looked up again when she asked about his next class. "Political science and economics. I was thrilled when I heard that they offered that - what kind of speechwriter would I be if I didn't know jack about them?" He asked, chuckling slightly. "Why? What do you have next?"

"I can take you there," Danni said. "We'll be in the same building and I don't mind being a little late for class." She readjusted her messenger back across her body and noticed a piece of paper sticking out from under Mira's foot "Oh you forgot one," she said, quickly slipping the photo out from under her foot She noticed that it was of her and Dustin, and smiled. "Photographer, huh? Not the weirdest picture I've seen of myself in the last two weeks." She handed the photo to Mira. @LilyannaGaming @Alixx
Dustin looked away. I guess I was right. He thought, but he didn't want to give up just yet. "Okay, well I guess I'll be seeing you two. I'd offer to come with, but this seems more like a girl thing." He tried to laugh and make it a joke but it didn't really sound like one. He smiled faintly again at the girls and began to walk off in the other direction to his class. He waved his hand. "'Cya ladies." He called back.

@McMajestic @LilyannaGaming

Lynne looked away when she saw his smile start to fade. "Oh just wondering." She laughed. "I have Science Foundations next, mind if I walk with you?" She asked, hoping he said yes. She started walking slightly closer to Brandon, hoping he didn't notice to much. She let her hand gently brush the back of his once as they walked.

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"Nah, I don't mind. They're both in the same hall - you'd be stuck with me regardless." When Brandon felt Lynne's hand brush against his, he lowered his eyes from her face to their hands; he didn't move. "I'm going to say this now, you have full authority to violently kick me and run away and never talk to me ever again. Verbal insurance," he warned, looking straight ahead, before taking Lynne's hand in his, totally prepared for her to flip out.


Lynne was completely surprised when Brandon took her hand. She didn't think he'd do this so soon. At first she just kept walking, then after a moment she smiled and intertwined her fingers with his. "I don't think you deserve that just yet." She joked playfully pushing him with her side. For some reason she couldn't stop smiling. It's just another boy. She tried to remind herself, but it didn't work.

What are you doing? What are you doing? Was probably the only thing running through Brandon's mind. Out of the girlfriends he had, he usually had the Blacksaint curse; total incompetence when it came to relationships. He usually knew all the girls for months - years, even - before he ever did anything. When Lynne pushed him with her side, he rolled his eyes, emitting a laugh. "What do I have to do to deserve that? I ask now so I have all my bases covered for the future."


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