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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

Lynne stopped moving around the camera and looked up at him. "You sure? I'm still a freshmen after all, so my work isn't that fantastic." She smiled at him, turning the old thing on. And scrolling through some of her pictures, occasionally deleting a few.

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Danni followed his eyes and quickly yanked away. "Oh! Uh yeah, that would be.... Great." She looked down at her feet, scolding herself. She couldn't get attached so fast. She'd only get hurt in the end.
Dustin was surprised when Danni pulled away. What did I do wrong..? He thought. "Oh, alright." He said, snapping himself out of his thoughts. He ran his hand through his hair, the pulled out his phone to check the time. Ask for her number. The thought was faint but apparently his mouth picked it up. "So, could I get your number?" He asked without thinking about it. Dammit.

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Nice to meet you." Dj said as he looked at her face and smiled, but blushed a little to. "So do you have your schedule yet?" Dj asked as he stood up and walked towards the office computer.
"No just arrived here." She said keeping her smile constant. She stood up as well. Gently placing her notebook in one of the two duffel bags she owned. She placed them both on her shoulder no problem as she to walked to the desk.
Well instead of waiting for the office to get it here you go." Dj said this as he tapped a few buttons and her schedule was printed out. Dj handed the piece of paper to Mira. "Well it looks like we have lunch next." Dj just walked out the doors and towards the cafeteria not even waiting for Mira.
"Sure, " Danni took his phone and put her number in it, before handing it back to him. "text me so I have yours so I can tell you what dorm I'm in for your audition after school. " She hoped she didn't sound too clingy. She remembered how much her old friends hated that. @Alixx
"Okay," Dustin smiled and texted her while they stood there. "There you go. Well we better change if we're gonna get to lunch on time. Want me to wait for you?" He tried to sound casual but he felt like he was practically writing "I Like You" with sharpie on his own forehead. He ran his hand through his hair once more, resisting the urge to put his hand over his brow.

"And I was a freshman once, too," Brandon said. "Sometimes you need someone older to look over your stuff. Not that I'm incredibly older than you, I'm, what, only two years older than you?" He leaned over to take a look at her work. "Those are really good - you don't have to delete as many as you're deleting," he said, sitting back again, looking at the clock. "Hopefully I haven't wasted your entire period, since this is your class and all."

"If you'd rather go you can. I don't mind if you leave, but if you don't have a problem with staying that's cool. " she tried to sound casual, but she could hear the tone shift in her voice. The people across the room could probably tell she was practically begging.
Sighing she pulled her bag closer as she walked after DJ. Sighing as she followed him to the cafeteria. As she entered she split off from him finding a empty table by itself. Sitting silently she began writing in her notebook.
Lynne looked over at him and tilted her head a little. "Thanks, again..." She said with a slight smile. She knew that something was different about this guy than most of the other people she's met. She couldn't really put her finger on it, but she liked it. "You didn't waste my time."She said, turning off her camera. "I actually enjoyed talking to you. Your name's Brandon, right? Hopefully I didn't distract you to much from your writing. Do you by chance have next lunch?" She checked the clock again as she started getting her things together quietly.


Dustin smiled at Danni's response. "I guess I'll surprise you." He said and headed into the locker rooms to change without another word.

Danni washed the sweat off her face and changed as fast as she could, spraying herself down with a cupcake perfume, then working herself up into a panic wondering if Dustin liked the smell of cupcakes. She quickly walked out of the locker room, her army jacket tied around her waist. She was dragging her messenger bag. It felt heavier somehow, probably from the workout. She began looking around for Dustin. @Alixx
Brandon was stuffing his things into his backpack, pulling it onto his desk. Considering he didn't belong in the class, he wouldn't get in trouble for packing up early. "You didn't interrupt anything, trust me." He looked at Lynne for a moment before responding. "Yeah, Brandon. But I answer to Lyle, Isaac, and Valentine too." Immediately after saying that, he made a face. "They're my brothers and sister, which you wouldn't've known, so that joke wasn't particularly funny. Anyway, yeah, I have lunch next but I usually go off campus. Senior perks, I guess. But I can hang around here for a change."

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Lynne smiled at his joke. She thought it was kind of cute the he thought about that. "Oh, you don't have to, if you don't want to." She said, worried he felt like he didn't have a choice. "I'm having lunch with a couple friends today, I kinda owe her... But if you wanna join, I wouldn't mind at all and I'm sure they won't" I hope. She thought, before returning her full attention to Brandon. She pulled down her sleeves once more.


Dustin stood outside the classroom by the door, hoping to surprise Danni. He slipped one headphone into his ear and began scrolling down his list of songs while he waited.

Danni noticed Dustin first, and smiled to herself as an idea popped into her head. She snuck up behind him, careful to stay stealthy, and got close to his ear. "Boo!" She yelled into the ear lacking the headphone. @Alixx
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Brandon shrugged. "I'll tag along. I'm pretty good at figuring out if people don't want be around. I can always bail and meet up with my friends." He noticed her pulling down at her sleeves; it was the second time she'd done it. Brandon looked back up at her, and opened his mouth to say something. He shut it, standing up, pulling his bag on one shoulder. "You can always bail with me, we got a few minutes," he joked, waiting for her to get her things and leave with him.
Dustin literally jump at the noise. He leaned against the wall and grabbed at his chest dramically, laughing loud enough for people in the halls to stare. "You could've killed me!" He joked, giving Danni a playful push. He offered her his hand "Shall we be off?" He asked once he finally stopped laughing.


Lynne was a little surprised at what he said. She opened her mouth to refuse, but quickly shut it and stood up. She picked up her things and looked at him. "You were serious, right?" She smiled. "I'm always up for a little adventure." She winked playfully.

Danni's smile faltered, and she hesitated for a moment. Don't get so attached. You've only known Dustin four three hours. It was good enough for her, but not for her heart that was still recovering from being ripped apart. She took a breath, taking his hand and swinging their arms lazily. "We shall." She smiled again, trying to hide her obvious falter.
Brandon shrugged, a somewhat mischievous look on his face. He took a step or two backwards before stopping. "Dead serious," he promised, pulling his bag onto both of his shoulders. "And, since you're with a senior, you won't get into any trouble. Be happy my parents decided to start my schooling a year sooner. If they hadn't, I'd be a junior and you'd be stuck eating with your friend." He made his way to the doorway of the now-empty classroom; the teacher had left for his duty, which was supervising the halls, which meant he left the two to their conniving.

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Dustin noticed something different about Danni for a moment, but ignored it. He was happy to be holding her hand, even if it was just playfully. He smiled to himself. "So, do you have any idea where we're going?" He laughed as their arms swung at the pace of their walk. For the first time since he got to this school, he felt like everything was gonna be okay. Like it was actually worth coming here.


"I guess it's just my lucky day." Lynne laughed, following Brandon. "My friends aren't that bad," She added. "it's just nice to do new things..." She started to regret going with the senior.. After all they had just met, and she owed Danni.. She shrugged it off, I can always make it up to her another time. She thought, as they exited the classroom. "So, where are we headed to?" She asked him, following his lead. The more she walked with him the more comfortable she got. She was happy she said yes.

"Of course," Danni led him towards the front of the school. "You led in dance, and I'll lead for lunch." She laughed to herself, taking them both to the restaurant across the street from the school. A lot of kids went there for lunch, but she normally hadn't because she had no one to go with. Now, though, she had Dustin, who was still holding her hand. She thought about letting go, but then thought better of it. She felt comfortable holding his hand. She liked it, and she was going to try as hard as she could to keep her bad thoughts from taking the warmth she felt away.
"Oh god. I'm going to sound like such a stereotypical writer, but you know that cafe on the corner? The one that makes the really good lattes?" He let Lynne take a moment to remember the specific place he was talking about. "Well, they're not too bad when it comes to sandwhiches, either. My friends and I always come down here before lacrosse for them. Pretty sure the morning coffee and the team keeps the place in business." Brandon let out a laugh, before adding, "It's quiet - there's a lunch crowd but it's normally isn't as big as the place across the street." When they got to the school's main doors, he opened it and waited for her to go by. "They make salads and stuff too if you're a vegetarian..." He said, trailing off.

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Dustin laughed along with Danni, for some reason this just felt right to him. "Mind if I treat you to lunch?" He asked as they walked up to the restaurant. He ran his hand through his hair again and smiled at her, hoping he wasn't coming off to strong.


Lynne laughed as she walked with Brandon. "Thanks..." She said as he held the door for her. She didn't think he'd be such a gentlemen. "I'm to in love with bacon to be a vegetarian." She joked, and tugged at her sleeves once more. "Are any of your friends going to join us?" She asked as walked.

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"I don't wanna blow through your cash. It's not too much trouble for me." Danni shrugged off the offer. After all, she had a trust fund that was worth double what the entire campus cost. It wouldn't feel right to her to take money from someone who might need it. Danni looked up at him, hoping she hadn't offended him in any way.

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