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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

"I have dance next. You?" Danni asked, she knew he was only joking about him beating someone up, but she wouldn't mind someone knocking out that Dylan kid who had ruined her music. She hadn't slept all weekend and for what? Trashed work.
"Really?" He asked. "I have the same." He hadn't noticed her in his class before. Maybe it was because they hadn't even talked until today. He ran his hand through his hair again. @McMajestic
Brandon eyed the girl who’d jumped, noting that she was only taking a battered camera. He figured she was going to a photography class, which made him decide that he was going to one of the photography classes to work on his writing project. He took one of photography classes, and the freshmen photography teacher liked him well enough, since he’d sometimes write stories on index cards about some of the portraits hanging up in the room. He filed in behind the freshman. The teacher simply nodded at him, never minding the quiet senior who usually sat at the desk in the back furiously scribbling things out in his notebooks.

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"Maybe you can be my partner. I don't know anyone else in the class. Actually, I don't know anyone else at this school- well, besides Lynn." Danni added, smiling weakly. At her old school she had had plenty of friends, but none of them had talked to her since she came Bouvardia. They must have not been as real as she thought she was. She could still remember all the tears she shed the first couple days.
As Lynne walked into class, she noticed the same boy that slammed his locker sitting in the back of class. He looked older, so she figured he was a junior or senior. Judging by how her teacher regarded him, she leaned more towards senior. She got to class right before the bell rang so most of the seats were taken. She decided to sit in the back, next to the boy. But she stayed quiet. Minding her own business.


"Sure, I'd like that." Dustin smiled. "I don't know many people here either. Actually you're one of the first people who would actually talk to me. Most of the other kids are pretty stuck up." He sighed remembering the first day of school and how miserable and lonely he was. He was happy that he met Danni, now he wouldn't be so alone.

"Great." Danni went into the locker room to change into dance clothes before coming out onto the hardwood floor and sitting, waiting for Dustin. She stretched, knowing they were going to start learning a routine today. She'd never been that good at dance, but she was hoping that she might be able to learn something.
After Dustin changed in the locker rooms he come out and joined Danni in stretching. He loved dancing, it was always more fun with a partner. "You excited?" He asked as he sat down.
Brandon couldn’t help but blink in surprise when the girl sat next to him; he rarely paid any attention to the kids in the classes he sat in on, mostly because they weren’t in his grade, so he was slightly surprised to see her paying attention to him. Shrugging it off, he pulled out his notebook. In it, there were scribbles, arrows, long lines crossed out, all written in an almost illegible handwriting that consisted of half-capital letters, half-lowercase letters, half-manuscript, half-script. He had a few index cards with him, a few of them already having writing on them, all telling stories of the photographs hanging around the class.

"Yeah," Danni smiled nervously. "I'll apologize now for the humiliating amount of times I'm probably going to end up stomping on your foot." She said, worried he wouldn't want to be her friend if she physically broke something of his.

"Alright class, partner up. We're going to waltz today." The teacher called. Danni stayed closed to Dustin, hoping he had some idea of what a 'waltz' was. @Alixx
Lynne pulled out her pencil and began sketching as she waited for the class to start. She glanced over at the boy's papers and couldn't help but notice how mess they were. Without meaning to she let out a tiny laugh to herself and immediatly regretted it. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. She thought as she looked back down at her sketchbook quickly, praying he didn't notice.


Dustin smiled. "We have our good days and our bad." He told Danni as he stood up. He bowed, trying to hold back a laugh as he offered his hand out to Danni. "May I have this dance..?" He asked her. He knew how to do this, his aunt taught him before her wedding so they could dance it together. So why not have a little fun with it?

Danni giggled and mocked curtseyed, taking his hand. "You certainly may," She said, hoping he could lead her enough that she wouldn't send them sprawled onto the floor into a tangled mess. The teacher clapped her hands together, and began showing the class what they were going to do. She went through 24 counts before telling the class to try it. Danni couldn't even remember what the first count was. @Alixx
Brandon immediately looked up, looking at the girl, slightly annoyed. He came to these classes for the ability to be, in a way, alone. “Dare I wonder what’s so funny about my notebook?” He asked, not meaning to sound rude. His brown eyes flicked down to her sketchbook, noting that he sketches were pretty good. He took a minute to wonder if she was an art kid with photography as an elective, or a photography kid that liked to sketch.

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Dj went to the dance class to see what they were doing. Even though he had this class he just wanted to see the other guys talents. Even though he had arrived late the teacher didn't care. Dj always took this class every year. Well that and Graffiti art. When Dj arrived to class he noticed a girl about his age, so he waved at her and sat down by the wall.

Danni smiled and waved at the boy. "Hey, do you need a partner? We can switch off?" She suggested. @AnarchyReins
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Dj blushed at the girls smile. "No I'm fine I will just dance by myself in a few minutes." Dj said this as he smiled back and put in his headphones. Dj then shuffled through his playlists till he found the song he wanted to dance to.
Dustin was relieved when the boy said no. He noticed him blushing slightly and for some reason got mad. But he hid it, he was being stupid and he knew it. "Shall we start?" He asked, returning his full attention to Danni.

@McMajestic @AnarchyReins
She noticed an odd look pass over Dustin's face, but ignored it, figuring it was caused by the way she was squeezing his hand. She couldn't help it. She was nervous, her palms were sweaty, and she had a terrifying image of her falling and accidentally breaking Dustin's leg somehow. "Lead the way," she said, squeezing his hand a little tighter. @Alixx
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Damn. Lynne thought. "I'm sorry.." She began, "It's just, it's like your a professional writer or something." She knew she sounded stupid, but she couldn't seem to find the right words. "You know, messy handwritten draft of a book type thing?" She could tell the boy was at least a little annoyed. She pulled at her sleeves and crossed her legs. This was a bit of a nervous habit of hers. "My name's Carolyn, but you can call me Lynne." She said, trying to smile. She put down her pencil and held out her hand to shake his.

Dustin laughed to himself as he felt Danni squeeze his hand tighter. "Just relax and follow me lead, okay?" Before she could even answer he began the first few steps of the dance. At first he was afraid he had forgotten it, but as soon as the music started he was on a roll. He loved the structure of the dance. He smiled reassuringly at Danni, "C'mon you're doing great."

Brandon let out a small laugh, letting himself give a small smirk. “My art’s writing, so I guess I should have some sort of messy book draft.” When Lynne went to shake his hand, he returned it; he was left-handed, so he was able to keep his pencil in his hand. “My mom’s name is Lynne,” he said. “But she spells it with an e. I guess you just spell it without one?” He asked conversationally, trying to steer away from the I’m Brandon, and I have no friends because I usually get angry and scare people away! persona he’d already introduced her to. “Brandon.”

Danni smiled, following along until she missed a beat and stepped on his foot. "Oh Geez.... sorry." She was ready to run all the way back to her dorm and lock herself inside forever. And then it happened again. She could have cried. For the second time that day. "I'm such a screw-up. I'm sorry," she mumbled, beginning to lose the energy she had held before. @Alixx
Dj finally thought of some moves to put together. So he went to the other side of the room, and started dancing to the song on his phone. HE started to get really into it. He had almost completely forgotten the other people in the class.


Lynne began to laugh, "Right." She felt so stupid for saying that. "Well, I spell it with an e too." She said smiling. "I think it makes it seem a little more poetic, don't you think?" She laughed a little more. "My art is photography," She added " But as you might have noticed, sketching is a hobby of mine." She picked up her Pencil again and began to twirl it in her hand.


Dustin barely noticed Danni stepping on his foot, so he was suprised when he saw the look on her face. "I think you may have broke my foot.." He joked trying to settle her nerves, then he saw the boy begin dancing and smiled. "Look." He said, turning Danni around and pointing at him. @AnarchyReins @McMajestic
Danni turned and watched, "Wow," she breathed out. She'd never seen anybody dance like that before. "That's amazing. He's like a professional." She said, completely entranced. It was a good way to get her mind off messing up the waltz @Alixx @AnarchyReins
“Whenever I hear that name, I always think of little bells. It’s a musical name,” he shrugged, before adding when Lynne spoke about her art, “I noticed that your sketches are pretty good. I was trying to figure out if you were an art kid.” He sat back in his chair. “And in case why you’re wondering why a senior in writing classes is hanging around in a freshman photography class, it’s because I like to get some alone time to write. Plus, it’s pretty fun to write stories about some of the people.” He nodded over to a photo of a couple sitting on a bench. “You get to make an entire history and personality for them. Are they fighting? Did the guy just propose? Are they married with two kids? The possibilites are endless and I like that.”


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