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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

"You have to develop a character," Danni answered. Everyone thought she was finished- but not even close. "The character has to be super thorough, with an extensive background, motive, goal, setback, their entire plotline has to be thought out and complex." She explained with ease. She had already started on her character.
Lynne got out another sheet of paper and started writing about a random character that popped into her head. "So when is it due? She asked her teacher, not looking up from the page. By the time she was done she had written a full page, that she probably wouldn't even use.

Dustin sat in the back of his writing class, bored out of his mind. This wasn't really his thing- writing. He only liked to write music, but he still listened. Mainly two girls did most of the talking, they seemed really into it, so he didn't mind.

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@Alixx @McMajestic

"The project will take a while. I would like it by next Monday. Does that sound fair?" asked the teacher as he gazed around the room for a poll. That was probably the best option, considering the class reeked of energy today. Everybody loves Mondays.
"Yes, Sir!" Danni replied eagerly, shrugging off her embarrassment from earlier and taking out all the pages she'd already written on her character.
"Okay..." Lynne said. Despite her hesitation about the lengthy project.

"Is it mandatory?" Dustin said, raising his hand. It was the first thing he had said in class all day.
Danni looked back at the boy. "Of course it's mandatory. It's an assignment." She answered firmly. "And it's super fun. How could you not want to develop like an alter ego or something? Like you could be potentially making the next batman. How awesome is that?"
@McMajestic @Alixx

"No, this is not mandatory. I would not offer a prize if it were. Submissions are due next Monday, so I suggest getting to work on them. Last year's winner, sure enough, was Joker Valentine, by Jack Valentine. It's a good thing he graduated, as he wasn't exactly the best student. his character, though, quite well done," said the teacher in a ramble. Perhaps all of his students would do well on this. If anything, this was a competition.
Dustin smirked, and gave the girl an award winning smile. "Maybe we're not all as passionate about writing as you two authors." He twirled his pen through his fingers as he studied her.

Lynne began making corrections to her paper, changing little things she thought were to "over-the-top".
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Danni gulped, sinking down in her seat and turning back to the front. She hated the way she spoke without proper thought sometimes, the way she invested herself so much she didn't stop to pay attention to everything. She felt like a complete and utter moron. She checked the time. There was still too long in the class. She just wanted the bell to ring so she could leave all her embarrassment behind.
@McMajestic @Alixx

"Let's get started," said Mr. Brooks as he stepped away. "I want to explore character, how we develop, how we interpret, and how we each have character bias. This is a partner exercise, just to get the juices flowing. Everyone up!" commended the teacher as he motioned people to rise up. "Partner up, and this is what will happen. One of you will come up with a famous person, and will act out, sort of like charades. But, the other person must guess it. When you partner guesses it, you and your partner must sit down."
Lynne stood up and put her pencil down. Then immediately turned to Danni. "Partners?"

Before Dustin could find a partner they were all taken, so he just sat on his desk and watched the two girls from before.
"Of course," Danni smiled, and noticed the guy who had successfully helped with her humiliation was all alone. She almost asked him to join them, until she remembered the smirk he sent her when she had been proven wrong. "You go first," Danni said to Lynn, ignoring the way the guy looked at them.
Lynne pointed to a picture their teacher had of his family and stayed silent, waiting for a guess from Danni.

Dustin pulled out his pen again and began twirling it through his fingers once more. As he watched the two girls he began to regret his earlier actions, but stayed silent as he watched. Trying not to stare, he'd glance at other partners.
"Mr. Brooks?" Danni asked, the question coming off weak. Danni caught a glint out of the corner of her eye and glanced back at the boy, noticing the way he twirled his pencil. She began to feel bad for not asking him to join them, and bit her lip in thought. "Do you think we should ask that guy if he wants to be in our group?" Danni asked Lynn.
Lynne laughed at Danni's attempt. "Okay first off, it's a name of a song by the artist. It's pretty easy, but I guess since I know the answer it is to me." She smiled. "But anyways, I don't mind. He seems kinda lonely, but wasn't he the kid who was kinda rude earlier?"

Dustin looked back over at the girls and noticed one of them glancing over at him. He decided not to be a woos and go apologize. As he got up he knocked off some papers from him desk and his stomach flipped. Great. He thought to himself. Let me just embarrass myself while trying to be smooth. He began picking up what papers that had fallen.
Danni looked over at the boy. "There's an artist named Mr. Brooks?" Danni joked, attempting to keep herself from getting up, unfortunately, she couldn't stop herself. "Hold on," Danni walked over to the fallen papers to help the boy pick them up, glancing at them as she did so.
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Mr. Brooks watched in amusement as the groups came together. Quite interesting. From his desk, he could see it all. "Dustin, please join Danni and company," he said passively as he sat on a desk in a leisurely state.

@McMajestic @Alixx
"Okay." He replied to the teacher, relieved that it wasn't as difficult as he thought it'd be. "Uh- thank you." He said to the girl as she came over and helped him pick up his mess of lyric and music papers. He was surprised she'd help him after the way he acted. "And I'm sorry about earlier. I was a bit of a jerk."

Lynne stood by her desk and watched them. She was about to go help too, until she realized most of the work was already done. Mid-thought the bell had rang. Ending first period.
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"It's okay. I probably deserved it. That's what I get for speaking without listening first." Danni took a look at the music. "This is cool. I write my own music too," she said, handing all the pages back. The first period bell rang, but she wasn't in any rush.
Kylie must not have realized how loud she was, once some random guy came into the room and started dancing, instantly just from the way he was dancing to the rhythm to the rap, she stood up and kept going but a little louder, she placed her headphones on her shoulders turning the volume up.

Lynne gathered her papers and notebook and stuffed them into her backpack. "Cya later Danni." She called over to her friend, and waved to the boy. She slung he backpack onto her shoulder and walked out of class.

"Thanks," Dustin replied, accepting the papers. "I thought you were into this whole, writing thing..?" He asked sliding them into his binder, and picking up his backpack. "Or are you like, a jack of all trades?" He asked her, smiling.
First period had come to a close already? How many were left, eight? Mr. Brooks sighed. He liked this class. Now, hw had nothing to do for a bit. "Your homework tonight: Pick a character from any famous book and write a page or so about how the author brings him or her to life," he said as he crossed his arms by the exit.

@Alixx @McMajestic
"Bye," she called before turning back to the boy. "Writing's my hobby but music is my passion. I've been playing the drums and my ukulele since forever and I'm currently working on an album I wanted to start recording . Unfortunately, I don't have a singer. " Danni said, getting to her feet and walking with Dustin.

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