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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

Danni waved to Mr. Brooks as they left the classroom before turning to Dustin. "I'm not very good. Sometimes on my good days, I can carry a tune, besides its not fun doing the things you love alone. Just one maybe two more people would be awesome. " Danni said, smiling just at the thought of her own band.
"It's your lucky day." Dustin laughed. "I'm a bit of a singer myself, maybe we can work together sometime?" He asked, turning to Danni.
Danni's grin widened. "Sounds great, but you'll have to audition first. How about you come by my dorm after classes? You can sing in the common room so I know you don't have stage fright either." She said, already eager to hear his voice. She probably would have been jumping up and down if not for the hallway full of people who would probably judge her for doing so. She twirled per pencil through her fingers instead, hoping to let some of her energy out. "So what's your second period?"
Dustin smiled at the thought of performing again. He loved the way it made him feel. "Sounds great," He said, running his hands through his hair. "Comprehensive musicianship" He laughed at the complicated name, the class itself wasn't even that hard. At least to him. "You?"

Lynne was thrilled to walk into her art class, already pulling out her sketchbook before even entering the room. She sat in the front, as always, and began flipping through her previous drawings.
"It's music writing," Danni answered. "They should be in the same hallway." She added, continuing to walk with him. She didn't have any friends besides Lynn, who'd she just met, and Dustin, if he would let her label him as that. She wasn't too eager to leave him since she'd be all alone once again, but she stopped in front of her class, glancing in at the upper classmen. It was originally a junior class, but her counselor made an exception. They all scared her. Her smile washed away, and she debating skipping it.

"Good luck." Dustin waved to Danni. "Talk after class?" He asked her as he walked across the hall to his class. He turned around to wait for her answer.
"Yeah, that sounds good," Danni mumbled, before walking into her class. She felt immediate dread as someone threw a crumpled up music sheet over her head and out the door. A guy shoved her flat on the ground to chase after it. She whimpered but got to her feet as everyone laughed at her. She was supposed to like her music classes- not be afraid of them. She glanced back at Dustin, wondering if he'd seen her embarrass herself again, before rushing to her seat and sitting down, keeping her head low in case someone decided to throw a music stand next.
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"Danni, please shut the door to the class. Everyone is late" Mr. Brooks asked passive-aggressively. Some kids began to clutter the room, although not much. It was probably closer to 15 individuals at this point. It was time to shift focus, change the train of thought to music writing, although he had not even taken a musical instrument. "have you all your assignments from yesterday?"

@McMajestic @Alixx
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Danni pulled hers out. It definitely wasn't as neat as the writing, but it had just as much effort put into it. She smoothed out the crumpled corners, glancing around at the juniors and seniors that crowded her. Some loomed over her shoulder, staring at her work, one snickered quietly. "Look at how hard the freshmen work," he whispered when Mr. Brooks wasn't looking at them.

"At least I actually did my work." Danni snapped in hopes of defending herself.

"Hey, I have my work done, too." Another one said, grabbing her papers and setting them on his desk before she could do anything. She felt immediate dread set in.

"Give them back." She whispered.

"This is a solid B. No way." They all laughed. She sunk deeper into her seat.
The nature of the students began to make him uncomfortable. That was not proper, for students at this great school, to be acting in such a terrible manner. "Dylan, you just earned a strike for that. Don't let it happen again. At least she did her homework," Mr. Brooks said in an annoyed tone. It was so sad to see students show such disrespect to one another. That was not the legacy of this school. The teacher made his rounds, starting with Dylan. "Do you remember the assignment at all?" he asked with suspicion.

Danni smirked as Dylan stuttered, quickly glancing at my homework to figure out what it was. "There's been a whole weekend between you assigning it and us having to turn it in." He argued. Danni chuckled, taking her homework back and smoothing out the wrinkles. She flipped through it, making sure the pages were still in order, but her smirk faded when she saw teacher's pet scrawled over the third page, taking the entire page up. She quickly hid it, not wanting Mr. Brooks to see it and find more reason to defend her. @JokerValentine
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Mr. Brooks was growing quite impatient. With a scowl on his face, he looked around the room. "Pop quiz, everyone: did any of you actually remember your homework?" Several hands shot up. In fact, all of them except Dylan and one other kid. "Dylan and Kyle," the teacher began, "go out into the hall and do your work. The rest of the class will be discussing their song ideas," he said dismissively as he pointed to the door. Perhaps this was how to settle this tense class. "All of you had several good ideas. Would anybody be brave enough to share?"

Danni timidly raised her hand. "Mine's based on death and how it follows you kind of like a ghost after you've been exposed to it." The class went silent. Nobody knew why she was actually at the academy so must have been a slap in the face to some of them. All last week she was just a weak freshmen too eager to answer, and now she was the same freshmen, only with a secret.
Mr. Brooks was quite intrigued. A story about death, how alarming that is to many. "Why did you choose that specific topic exactly? Surely you must have a reason," he asked, puzzled by her choice on topic. "If you don't mind. Truly, there must be a reason for your topic choice. There is a reason for everything, Danni."

Danni hadn't expected Mr. Brooks to pry, and she didn't want to talk about it in front of an entire class who could potentially use it against her in the future. "No reason." She lied easily. "It goes with the story I wrote for creative writing. " Hopefully that would get him to stop prying.
The teacher took notice of her darting nature. She did not want to talk about her influences, so it seemed. "Hm. Anyone else willing to share? We still have plenty of time left to talk composition," he said as he examined the room for yet another brave soul, willing to volunteer himself or herself to keep the discussion alive.

A few people talked about their ideas, either regarding love of some sort, or things about being rich. Danni rolled her eyes at how disconnected everyone was from their music. It's not like anyone was forcing them to take the class. When the bell finally ring she was eager to leave, hoping Mr. Brooks wouldn't hold her back. @JokerValentine
Dustin waited in the hall, outside Danni's class door. As he saw her, he smiled "Hey, how was it?" He asked as she walked up. He had thought about what he was going to sing during the entire class period, but nothing really jumped out to him.

Lynne carried her sketchbook in her hand as she walked down the hall, trying not to bump into anyone. As she was walking she noticed Dustin and Danni talking. She was about to say hi, but decided not to.

"Horrible." Danni muttered, not bothering to wait till she was outside of Mr. Brooks earshot to answer. She noticed Lynn and waved, hoping to catch her attention. "I'll probably end up transferring out at this rate." @Alixx @JokerValentine
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Mr. Brooks heard that quite well. "Danni, you seem a bit off today. Could you stop by my room at sixth period? That is when I am free. We should probably talk, if you would like," he said intrusively.
Dustin raised his eyebrow. "Should I be worried?" He jokingly whispered to Danni so the teacher couldn't hear. He saw Lynne waving back and waved to her and smiled.

Lynne noticed Danni waving at her and she waved back before continuing down the hall to her next class. When Dustin waved at her she started laughing she hadn't said one word to the boy, yet somehow they seemed to already be friends.
Brandon was at his locker, scrolling through his phone, a scowl plastered on his face. After giving out a sigh, he shoved it in his pocket before reaching out for his other books. Gathering his things, he slammed his locker shut, ignoring the startled freshman whose locker was next to his. He made his way down the hall; he had a free period, and right now, he was in the mood to find a teacher willing to let him hide away in their classroom and let him get some work done, since his house was too loud to get anything done.

"Yes sir," Danni called before turning back to Dustin, beginning to walk towards her next class. "Only if you think a bunch of upperclassmen harassing me is worth being worried about." She shrugged, looking through the sheet music they had written all over. Some of the words were unreadable. She sighed. That was the second time in one day that her lyrics had been ruined.
Lynne had jumped when another student slammed his locked right next to hers. Dang. She thought. Pity the kid who pisses him off. After putting away most of her things (Except her sketchbook and old cannon camera) She walked to her next photography class. It was her favorite. She got to capture a perfect moment in time.


Dustin walked beside Danni. "Do I need to beat someone up for you?" He asked. Half joke, half being completely serious. After realizing how stupid he sounded he quickly added, "So anyway's what's your next class?"

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