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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

This put the teacher in a tough position. The words she had said were very emotional. Yet, with these things said, there was only one choice now. "Those things you have said... I can't ignore those. You do realize that I can't pretend you didn't tell me you have had thoughts of suicide. I must report this," Mr. Brooks said as he crossed his arms, "But all I can say- you are loved. You have friends all over the place. You have bullies, true, but they are half-hearted attempts."

Danni went numb. "What?" She snapped. She got to her feet. "No, you can't. I'm not suicidal. I wouldn't do it. Please, please, don't report that. You can't!" She exclaimed, feeling her whole body begin to shake. There's nothing wrong with me. There's nothing wrong with me. She had to keep telling herself that. It was the only way to believe it. @JokerValentine
"You literally just said you thought about being dead. If I don't tell anybody, and something terrible happens, it'll affect everyone. If I keep this a secret..." Mr. brooks began, unsure of what to do. Either road he took, this would not end well. "I can maybe refer you to the school psychologist. I need a break," the teacher said, moving towards the exit.

Danni huffed, grabbing her bag. "I hate you! I hate this school! I hate my parents! I hate everything!" She shrieked, before storming out the door, blowing right past Mr. Brooks and heading towards the entrance. She had to get out of there. She needed to. She paused just at the glass doors that would lead her to freedom, deciding to text Dustin. Are you willing to skip class? Meet me at the front of the girl's dorms. She pocketed her phone, pushing the door open, and pausing. Was she even willing to skip class? Of course she was. She couldn't deal with this anymore. She walked out. @Alixx

Brooks felt defeated. She had not responded well, yet rules were rules. If something were to happen, it would be bad for everyone. Yet, would it do any good to do so? Screw the rules, he thought, convinced that his relationship with Danni was ruined. It was no use going after her. She was long gone by now.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/0bb43aa107df5ae0bfa1435b7639a1db.jpg.d1c5d2c341f0f4e50a7ab7151d04c391.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109693" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/0bb43aa107df5ae0bfa1435b7639a1db.jpg.d1c5d2c341f0f4e50a7ab7151d04c391.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (

what he is wearing right now)

Shane Emil Reeze:

Shane could be found walking through the hallways with a yawn. He had been up late trying to come up with a new dance routine while also trying to come up with some type of song for any event coming up which he had no idea if they did or not. He slouched on the locker but slapped his face once before heading to whatever class he needed to go, which was hard since he had no idea, why was every door the same? That made his head hurt whenever he was tire. He hummed to himself as he kept on walking, not really caring if he bumped into anyone, maybe that will take his sleepiness away which he hoped actually happened. @Anyone



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Mari watched the boy in amusement as he smacked himself, wondering where he was wandering to. She walked up to him, bumping into him purposefully. "You awake?" She asked mockingly, keeping her pace up with him. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
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Shane Emil Reeze:

Shane looked over at the girl who looked like she was mocking hin but shrugged. "Only got 3 hours of sleep." He responded. When he worked on something, he wouldn't stop on it until he had it down. "What about you? What got you into talking to a sleepy stranger like me?" He asked as he passed his hand through his blonde hair. @McMajestic
Shane Emil Reeze:

Shane shrugged his shoulder while looking at her. "It's a common thing, I do it every week or so." He actually did, he always liked to have all the dances done before the morning started. "Sometimes I don't sleep but who cares? I don't." He went into his pocket and took out a piece of candy, unwrapping it and placing it on his mouth. He liked eating candy and he didn't care if someone said it was a bad thing. @McMajestic
Mari watched as he pulled a piece of candy out of his pocket and ate it. She smirked, looking forward towards the end of the hallway, but frowned when she noticed they were in the literature hallway. "Do you know where you're going? " She asked. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Shane Emil Reeze:

Shane blinked over and over again. Where the hell was he suppose to go? He had no freaking idea. "Nope, I got no idea." He admitted with his head slung down in shame. He hated getting lost, especially when he had been at the school for a while now. "God dammit, why the hell couldn't it had been just a music studio." He though to himself. @McMajestic
Shane Emil Reeze:

Shane shrugged at that. He wasn't sure where he was gonna go and that kinda bothered him. "Go back, retrace my steps and head toward the dancing studio." He answered. If he couldn't find his next class, that was what he could do and it was not like they could blame him, it was almost the end of the school day. @McMajestic
"Oh, a dancer huh? I knew there had to be a valid reason for your hotness. " Mari paused, looking back. "I took dance sophomore year. It was fun. I was pretty good, too, but its not really my thing. I'm more of The theater type." She explained, not caring if he was interested or not. She just wanted to say something that someone would hear since most of her friends talked over her. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Shane Emil Reeze:

Shane smiled at that. "Well I could teach you after school? I been dancing since the age of 6 so I can teach you a thing or two." He told her while stretching while walking. "Theater eh? Maybe I could be that prince that's end with the princess aka you." He joked with her. He wasn't one for flirting but speaking what he always though was the one of the thing his brother taught him. @McMajestic
Mari snorted. "puhlease. I'm no princess. I'm more like the wicked stepmother who kills someone and gets away with it. But I'll gladly take a prince. " Mari winked. "So I guess the dance lessons sound fun."
Shane Emil Reeze:

Shane smirked at that before chuckling. "Well I'm up for the taking." He told her. "Just tell me when you want them and I will clear my schedule to show you." He really didn't have a schedule but he always said that just to sound professional. @McMajestic
"Well how about around nine? That way I can have you're undivided attention till curfew, and maybe after. " Mari grinned, walking towards the direction they originally came from, expecting him to follow.
Shane Emil Reeze:

Emil followed after her while smirking. The girl or should he say woman was amusing and he liked people like that. "Sounds like a plan thee Evil Maiden." He didn't know her name so he just had to give her a nickname instead. @McMajestic
"Evil Maiden huh? I like that, Prince Charming." Mari said, giving Shane a nickname for her to call him. She leaned against the wall at the end of the hallway. "So what should we do until you figure out where to go? " @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Shane Emil Reeze:

Emil shrugged at that. Normally he would has been dancing through the hallways but they would call him crazy for that so he didn't mention that. "I don't know, what does Evil maiden like to do?" He questioned as he leaned on the wall beside her. "I'm a dancer and a songwriter so if ya ever need some fucked up bs song, I have many of them." He told her with a smirk, he loved writing songs but no one ever read them, always staying for himself. @McMajestic
"Maybe you should sing something for me. Give me chills with your fascinating BS lyrics. Maybe I'll even shed a Tear, " Mari joked, appreciating how close he was willing to get to her. She preferred people without boundaries, without rules. Hopefully he didn't have too many to live up to. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
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Shane Emil Reeze:

Emil wanted to laugh at that but just shook his head and smirked. "Isn't my fascinating voice enough? Oh my my, isn't Evil maiden picky." He joked with her while letting out a laugh. @McMajestic
"Well I am a high class Bitch so picky is kind of my thing, " she snickered, ignoring the contradiction in her words. She wasn't even close to high class. In fact, she was lower than low. "So sing for me, Prince Charming." She looked up at him through her lashes, blinking them in a mocking seductive manner. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII

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