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Fandom Boku no Hero: Peace Sign Academia OOC

Oh my God, are you alright? Sorry about the mad mood here... I just really hate having to repeat myself. I really hope everything is alright
understandable, and i’m alright yeah. just shaken up. it’s just surreal when you hear about stuff like this all the time and then it actually happens in your city
Done with my post! I had no time to proof-read. You've been warned.

Also, Masaru is idle, so you're all free to bother him however you want!
I don't know if he'd choose to kill her or himself.
Xel Xel
I would like to apologize for my ealier misconduct. While my overall stance remains, I was angry and tired, not thinking clearly and ended up addressing your concerns and reasoning in an inappropriate fashion, maybe even a hurtful one. As GM that was a subpar and disgraceful way of treating you who only wished to support a fellow roleplayer's desires and your own views, and for that, I do wish to apologize. I don't think we can see eye to eye on this matter, but now that's I am calmer I will try to accept that you view things in that other light.

For the sake of this RP, however, the rule will be established as my interpretation. Feel free to view it differently, but within this roleplay, as you yourself stated, do accept those words of mine as rule.

I am still working on the guide for approval, which will among other things, address this matter . Thank you for understanding.
Shiri: 1-100, How much do you hate me?
Akashi: everything.
Shiri: that's not a point on the scale.
Akashi: there isn't a point that can describe how much I hate you.

  • ⠠⠕⠉⠞⠁⠧⠊⠁⠀⠠⠓⠁⠝⠙⠁
    Combat Room -> Infirmary

    The deep-voiced individual wasn’t letting them go, wanting to prove, or rather maintain the impression of him being somebody cultured, maybe even a gentleman. It was hard from what Octavia perceived him to be; a rather rude student who only wants to be polite in order to impress others, or maybe stand out a bit in the crowd. But can I blame him for that? He tries his best, that’s for sure, so maybe I shouldn’t be so harsh on the boy. She puffed her cheeks. “You should at least tell us your name if you really want to go.” Her remark was aimed at the new-met boy, but she wasn’t facing him, like she usually does, as to signal a slight disappointment from his demeanor."Oh, and Makoto-kun has to agree." She swiftly turned to Toujou. “I guess that Alexander has more interesting things to do now, so waiting for him would be counterproductive to say the least. Who knows, maybe we’ll meet him along the way.” And he should pray to be found. If he disappears, he’ll break their promise, and that’s something that shouldn’t be taken lightly. “Oh, I’ve also wanted to check on November-san. I want her to justify that outburst of hers.” After saying that, Octavia started walking, and soon left the building. The outside air was something incomparably extraordinary right now. The combat room was crammed and stuffy, but here a person could finally take a breath of fresh air, and that's what Octavia did.Handa could hear the quiet bird-songs and the even gentler whistling of the leaves in the wind. She took that all in, without making a move. I bet that the surroundings are green. Isn't that supossed to be the color of spring? "Makoto-kun?" She asked to seemingly nobody, hoping that her friend is indeed behind her. "Could you describe the school grounds? I want to know how they look like. With colors please."

PSA Combat Room - Infirmary
9:34 AM

Tou suddenly felt the grip of the larger boy loosen and he looked up to see his eyes. He wasn't particularly afraid, but he could definitely sense the malice within those eyes, it also didn't help that his words also gave off that impression. He turned to Octavia meekly after he spoke to her, and he heard her rebuttal. She's really brave..... She doesn't know what he looks like, but none the less she's standing up for herself, and me...... He thought as he heard her reasoning for wanting to see Dea before beginning to walk off. Since she was the closest to a friend than Alexander or this guy, he followed behind her. "O-oh, I'm sorry sir but I think H-Handa-chan wants for us to be alo....." Before he could finish his sentence his face got red and he immediately turned to follow behind her. As he approached her, she asked for a description of the area around them in the courtyard. It took a few seconds for him to respond, as he was looking around to look at the scene in front of him so he can properly describe it to her. "W-well, the cherry blossoms are in full bloom. It's beautifully pink with cherry blossom leaves flowing in the wind, with some birds resting on the branches of the trees. I saw something similar to this when I entered middle school, but I didn't really have someone to see it with me until I reunited with an old friend...." After he said all of that he took a deep breath, out of nervousness and to get fresh air.

When he spoke again his voice was a bit more clear than previously from the stuffy room. "About what you said earlier... About your justification for her outburst. I-I sort of understand where she's coming from, but that's not why I want to go. I know what it's like to overuse your quirk, quite a lot actually. It hurts a lot, so I just want to make sure she'll be okay and see if it's not that major." He said looking down, walking up to Octavia's left side. He then took in what he just said and it made him feel really embarrassed, not really over nothing except that he told her that his quirk does hurt him and he doesn't want her to worry about him. "A-also do you j-just want to follow my voice, or d-do you want me to g-guide you......" He said with the words barely coming out of his mouth.

9:38 AM
Trombone Trombone Rage Rage
Guys I can only ship Shadow Furry and Squid Medusa so much.

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