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Fandom Boku no Hero: Peace Sign Academia OOC

Well, that's on Idea then since I never once advocated for power armor. As far as I've seen the closest you get to power armor is Power Loader's mech. I've never seen anything in BNHA to suggest you could build an iron man suit. My argument from the get-go is that there's no law or rule preventing a hero from wearing armor and using equipment. If you want to put on some cool armor, have a jetpack, use a gun, those are all acceptable. Being a batman style hero is perfectly acceptable in BNHA. Being an Iron Man style hero would also be acceptable if the technology permitted. My entire argument with Idea is based around the idea that society outlaws the usage of armor and gadgets, which they simply don't. Not whether power armor specifically is possible given tch limitations. As I said, BNHA has the same tech we do in real life (slightly more advanced in ways). But just as we can't make an iron man suit, neither can they. But that isn't because of society's laws, and that's been my key point the entire time.
Not once did I say the reason you couldn't do it was necessarily by law- there are several more reasons like being able to afford it, and the fact it actually hinders your job to wear armor mostof the time. But I also did say that unless it is directly related to your quirk a lot of technology is likely to be outlawed for usage by the majority of heroes or at the very least require a separate licence that heroes just don't bother acquiring unless they need it.

BnHA is a big, self-contained universe. Information in it is not restricted by what is directly spoken or exposed. There is implied information too. When a paritcular piece of information is both suggested by other examples (says, laws existsing regulating hero costumes coming from public pressure) and necessary for logic of the entire system working with what we've been presented (say the fact snipe is the only hero to ever use a gun except for the police which likely receive training with guns and other police trainig instead of hero training) that information is implied to be cannon.
Not once did I say the reason you couldn't do it was necessarily by law- there are several more reasons like being able to afford it, and the fact it actually hinders your job to wear armor mostof the time. But I also did say that unless it is directly related to your quirk a lot of technology is likely to be outlawed for usage by the majority of heroes or at the very least require a separate licence that heroes just don't bother acquiring unless they need it.

BnHA is a big, self-contained universe. Information in it is not restricted by what is directly spoken or exposed. There is implied information too. When a paritcular piece of information is both suggested by other examples (says, laws existsing regulating hero costumes coming from public pressure) and necessary for logic of the entire system working with what we've been presented (say the fact snipe is the only hero to ever use a gun except for the police which likely receive training with guns and other police trainig instead of hero training) that information is implied to be cannon.

You know what they say about assuming things. I don't base things on "implications". Because just as you can sit there and go these things are implied I can use equally sound logic to say they're not. Neither is true. Neither is substantiated. That's why you only go on what we actually KNOW. I haven't seen even the tiniest shred of evidence to support your claims. I haven't seen even the most microscopic implication of these things anywhere. And the fact that you base Midnight's example as an example of them restricting armor or weapons (despite us seeing heroes with armor and weapons) is just comparing apples to oranges.

And that's my point. There ISN'T anything to imply these things are restricted. Yet you claim there is. We know, for a fact, that heroes can use guns and armor. We know this because they do. Now how easy such things are to use is left in the air with NOTHING to suggest one way or the other. They could be restricted, or it could simply be most heroes don't use them because they can't work well with them. Most heroes don't use guns not because they're restricted, but because their quirks don't work well with guns and the risk of harming/killing someone and being punished for it isn't worth it if you don't have a quirk that supports it.

So my issue on this subject is you, for lack of a better phrase, pulling things out of your ass and trying to claim them as canon because they're "implied", despite them not being so. If you want these rules for the RP, that's fine, it's your roleplay. But nowhere in BNHA itself do they even remotely suggest these limitations are in place, so when you try to use BNHA itself to justify your beliefs it's disingenuous. Just say you, personally, don't want these things and leave it at that.

At the end of the day BNHA isn't very big on world building and 99% of key information isn't available, at all, in any capacity. So all we can do is base things on how they actually are, not how we believe they are.
1: Saying "in a world where those things are impossible" when talking about Boku No Hero Academia is a bit... The entire point of BNHA is super heroes become real. Do you believe that if super heroes became real in real life nobody would like Iron Man or Batman style heroes? Because they would. They very much would. But even if they didn't, oh well. Being marketable is up to the hero themselves, if they wanna wear an unmarketable outfit that's their choice.
Boku no hero is not a "would be" , or rather, not just that. It's a universe with it's role rules, with it's own organic society that is portrayed. It's not that nobody would like iron man or batman style heroes in our reality it's that we're very clearly shown that nobody does in thta universe. and/or that that is not even allowed to exist.

2: Support agencies that sell to heroes. And this is where I get to you missing a key point. They don't use those things because they don't need/want to. The biggest importance here is making use of your quirk. Why would Endeavor run around with jetboots? Why would All Might use a gun? Without the ability to support these items they're not very beneficial. At the end of the day heroes use what they need to do to do their job, and for most heroes things like jetpacks or guns aren't useful since they can't make use of them properly. It isn't law, it's their own inability to use them.
As I previosuly stated multiple times , technology would be one fitting the hero's quirk, it's usage would be dependent on it being, as I've said "directly related to the hero's quirk". But are you telling me a melee hero could not use a gun, for example? There are TONS of cases where the heroes clearly could use other equipment other than the one matching their quirk. So there are reasons why they can't use it. If it's not law, then it's the way of thinking of society.

4: When did I say Iida's armor was metal? Most armor isn't metal because it's heavy and you can get more protection with less weight using other materials. There's nothing to suggest they're fashion accessories. They're armor, they protect. Just because they aren't invulnerable to damage doesn't change that. You seem to think armor MUST be metal and MUST be impenetrable or something. Just because the armor can be damaged doesn't mean it isn't armor.
5: Midnight's law is the ONLY example. That's the point. There isn't even a tiny hint that heroes can't use gadgets/armor. In fact quite the opposite, we know for an absolute fact they can SINCE THEY DO. You try to make excuses, but Snipe's quirk being homing doesn't detract from my argument, it supports it. Power Loader being the support course teacher doesn't detract from my point, it supports it. We know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that heroes can use gadgets and armor. We have several named examples of pro heroes using such things in support of their quirks. So to sit there and say they can't when we know first hand they can, and do, is just straight up lying.
Yes, it's armor, but unless it's useful and metal your point is mute because it doesn't support the idea that ACTUAL armor would be allowed. And I don't know if you ever heard of "show don't tell"? It's a fundamental rule in writing. Basically, a good writer will not list every example of every piece of existing world building right away. Even if a rule is never said, it can still be shown and still be there. And yes, heroes do use those thigns WHEN THEIR QUIRKS ARE DIRETCLY RELATED. Not in any other circumstances. There are no batman or iron man heroes and there is a reason for it. And it's not that the mangaka forgot, oh no, cause we even have an iron man parody in the spin-off.

6: Yes and? Life isn't fair. In instances where it's about fairness they don't let the students use their costumes. But how are you suppose to raise a generation of heroes if you don't prepare them for actual hero work? When out in the field "fairness" doesn't matter. That's why in the show/manga such restrictions don't exist. When training to be a hero they're trained to actually be a hero, this means using what they need in order to do a job. If PSA doesn't take that approach that's fine, but we haven't been arguing from PSA's perspective. You said SOCIETY, and on that you're simply wrong. So once the students graduate and become proper full heroes they can use whatever costume they want, PSA's rules only extent to PSA after all.
hey, did you the partr where I said, right at the beggining that that was referring to the OOC?!
You know what they say about assuming things. I don't base things on "implications". Because just as you can sit there and go these things are implied I can use equally sound logic to say they're not. Neither is true. Neither is substantiated. That's why you only go on what we actually KNOW. I haven't seen even the tiniest shred of evidence to support your claims. I haven't seen even the most microscopic implication of these things anywhere. And the fact that you base Midnight's example as an example of them restricting armor or weapons (despite us seeing heroes with armor and weapons) is just comparing apples to oranges.

And that's my point. There ISN'T anything to imply these things are restricted. Yet you claim there is. We know, for a fact, that heroes can use guns and armor. We know this because they do. Now how easy such things are to use is left in the air with NOTHING to suggest one way or the other. They could be restricted, or it could simply be most heroes don't use them because they can't work well with them. Most heroes don't use guns not because they're restricted, but because their quirks don't work well with guns and the risk of harming/killing someone and being punished for it isn't worth it if you don't have a quirk that supports it.

So my issue on this subject is you, for lack of a better phrase, pulling things out of your ass and trying to claim them as canon because they're "implied", despite them not being so. If you want these rules for the RP, that's fine, it's your roleplay. But nowhere in BNHA itself do they even remotely suggest these limitations are in place, so when you try to use BNHA itself to justify your beliefs it's disingenuous. Just say you, personally, don't want these things and leave it at that.

At the end of the day BNHA isn't very big on world building and 99% of key information isn't available, at all, in any capacity. So all we can do is base things on how they actually are, not how we believe they are.
I don't think that way. I am not pulling things out of my ass- I am looking at the ifnromation we are given and stating other information that is directly and strongly implied by it. We are doing a BnHA roleplay. You can't use ONLY the rules that are directly stated. Why? Because the spirit of the series is needed. So, yeah, maybe I dont have 100% proof of these ideas but so long as they are suggested by the series itself, then having said rules in place is important to keep things in the same atmosphere and world
and again, if you have a problem with me doing this and saying this- you are free to get out. Cause I've discussed this issue multiple times. The only reason I even adressed you again was to prevent the spread of misinformation. If you have a problem with me looking through things to their logic conclusion and using that as fact, then no one is gonna hold you here.
I don't think that way. I am not pulling things out of my ass- I am looking at the ifnromation we are given and stating other information that is directly and strongly implied by it. We are doing a BnHA roleplay. You can't use ONLY the rules that are directly stated. Why? Because the spirit of the series is needed. So, yeah, maybe I dont have 100% proof of these ideas but so long as they are suggested by the series itself, then having said rules in place is important to keep things in the same atmosphere and world

The problem is your "looking" is entirely subjective and without even the tiniest shred of evidence. So because you haven't seen an Iron Man clone it means it's not possible to have a hero that uses things unrelated to their quirk? No, that's simply your personal and subjective view that you try to push on BNHA directly by saying it's "strongly implied". Even though it simply never is. Absence of something is not implication of something. Plenty of things didn't exist in BNHA until they were introduced. Your argument would be valid if they made mention of the limitation of support equipment. Or something, ANYTHING, to imply this. But they never did.

So, again, THAT is my issue here. Instead of simply saying "this is what I want for my roleplay" you try to appeal to authority by claiming your subjective views are implied by cannon, even though they simply aren't. If you don't want Batman style heroes. If you don't want heroes using gear unrelated to their quirk. That's fine. Just don't pretend this comes from BNHA instead of you, because it doesn't. There's literally nothing to imply such heroes can't exist in BNHA, so at the end of the day it's solely because you, personally, don't want them. So just leave it at that.
mass terrorist attack/shooting in my area rn, was scared out of my mind but reading ur posts really help y’all, even if it’s just arguing about armor lol

anyways thanks guys much appreciated
The problem is your "looking" is entirely subjective and without even the tiniest shred of evidence. So because you haven't seen an Iron Man clone it means it's not possible to have a hero that uses things unrelated to their quirk? No, that's simply your personal and subjective view that you try to push on BNHA directly by saying it's "strongly implied". Even though it simply never is. Absence of something is not implication of something. Plenty of things didn't exist in BNHA until they were introduced. Your argument would be valid if they made mention of the limitation of support equipment. Or something, ANYTHING, to imply this. But they never did.

So, again, THAT is my issue here. Instead of simply saying "this is what I want for my roleplay" you try to appeal to authority by claiming your subjective views are implied by cannon, even though they simply aren't. If you don't want Batman style heroes. If you don't want heroes using gear unrelated to their quirk. That's fine. Just don't pretend this comes from BNHA instead of you, because it doesn't. There's literally nothing to imply such heroes can't exist in BNHA, so at the end of the day it's solely because you, personally, don't want them. So just leave it at that.

Dude one of two are true here- either your standard for implied begin at "it is outright said" or are, again, ignoring everything I said and pointed out until this point. I GAVE YOU A MILLION F*CKING PIECES OF EVIDENCE. yes, none of them outright stated what I said, but they all pointed in that direction. It's a basic rule of every form of human contact that thing sare sometimes implied, not stated. If you are just gonna keep ignoring that fact, then I can't see how anyone could reason with you....

Anyway, this really will be the end of discussion. We can't reach an agreement and further posts on this topic- I don't care which side or from whom they come from- will be deleted. I tried being reasonable as long as possible, I hate doing that thing where the GM just says "shut up and do as I say", but my hand's been forced here.
mass terrorist attack/shooting in my area rn, was scared out of my mind but reading ur posts really help y’all, even if it’s just arguing about armor lol

anyways thanks guys much appreciated
Oh my God, are you alright? Sorry about the mad mood here... I just really hate having to repeat myself. I really hope everything is alright

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