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Fandom Boku no Hero: Peace Sign Academia OOC

Well, if she is obedient and easy to follow others, then Riba could possibly use her. Though what matters is how useful her quirk would be to the bone girl.
Well, there are extra bones. In fact that could be a jointed special move- Akacha merges with Riba and some dinossaur bones or something and Riba gets to use them
Duriander Tragiasa
Some bitches' bitch.
Present Day
Peace Sign Academia
Combat Room
"What the hell is your issue, loser? Why are you being so nosy? It's Lián. L-i-á-n." Lián said to the boy to her side. Duriander was hoping that the boy would help calm Lián-sama down, but it only pissed her off more. "First of all, I think it's rude that you'd just butt in, and then totally not remember my name. What are you, an asshole?" If this was the first "Friend" that Duriander made at this new school, his grandparents would be disappointed, maybe even his parents would be disappointed. "Not even going to mention that you think that monster is my brother, I'd kill myself if I was ever related to him."
'So the big muscly guy isn't her brother?' Duriander thought to himself. 'Either he's got great self-control, or... She has some sort of disgustingly powerful quirk.'
The realization dawned on Duriander like the sun on a vampire, brightly, powerfully, and painfully. Duriander's quirk switched itself back on, but he started to feel nauseous, so he immediately switched it back off. 'What kind of quirk could she have? It must be strength, if she withstood the muscly guy pushing down on her head. What kind of strength quirk would be powerful enough to let her do that?' Duriander's thoughts were interrupted when the muscly guy went back to try to talk to Lián.
"Well, if I had dealt with Lian for about a year and half or so, then my approach and words would've been greatly different 'Good Sir.' But Laddy, I have dealt with her since we were roughly 11-12 years old... She has watched me grow up and I've watched her grow up." The buff muscly guy said to the boy that tried to interject. Duriander was hoping that he'd try to do something, and help him prove whether or not Lián-sama had some ridiculous quirk, but he was pretty sure words weren't going to do anything.
'What is he even talking about?' Duriander thought to himself, as he wondered if missed some big part of the muscly guy's speech. He was sure he was talking about Lián at the end, but he was still pretty sure he missed around half the speech, but he did't have time to think after the speech because the guy walked to him and Lián so quickly Duriander thought he teleported for a second, then squatted down and looked the two in the eyes. Duriander immediately looked away.
"Listen up lad... Watch out for her, she'll cause a lot of trouble no matter where she goes. I dunno why she hates me for some reason, but she is loyal... To a point where she'll have your back through a lot of crap. Plus she gives pet names to guys she has... Well, let's just say gives her a strange feeling in her stomach so you already better than most males that she has meet in life." The guy said to him.
'This guy's breath stinks.' Duriander thought to himself at the start of the speech. His face started getting a bit red towards the end, but it quickly went back to normal. 'Strange feeling? With her, it seems even feeling friendly would feel strange.' Duriander thought, before correcting himself. 'That's not the way to think about someone, even if they are mean.' He thought to himself.
"I've got nothing to say to you, but watch out for this little runt. I can tell just by looking at him for a second time that he's like a lost little puppy, so he's your responsibility, and he'll probably be talking to a lot people including Riba and myself, so don't start fighting her for no reason." The guy said to Lián before he stretched a bit, making crack sounds so loud Duriander could feel them in his feet. "Hating me, respecting me, cheering for me or liking me matters very little, but think about your futures." He said.
Duriander was a bit offended by the "little runt" and "lost little puppy" parts, but he wasn't going to say anything about it. "I don't even know who you are." He said to the big muscly guy in a sudden, but small, surge of bravery. Before he could get his answer, the guy walked away and immediately started bothering two other people, with Lián trying to add something in while he was doing so. Duriander didn't even notice that the principal had been giving a speech, and only knew they were dismissed because of what Lián said.
"Thank God. Finally, I've been wanting to get out of that room since they started fighting. Let's walk now." She said as she stood up and grabbed Duriander's arm.
"Where are we going?" He asked, before he realized something. 'She's actually not that strong.' He thought. 'If her quirk isn't strength, then what could it be?'
Before anybody asks, yes, when quoting Lián, I use the color of her soul for her text.
Ever get stuck trying to determine if you want to make a character from a foreign country but start to have second thoughts due to not knowing the language?

Nope. Toki's semi-foreign. After all Alestri isn't a very Japanese name. Language is only an issue if you want to make them move recently. If you have them related to a foreign country but have spent a good amount of time in Japan then you can simply ignore the language barrier for the most part.
Probably some kind of rich dog
Dea would probably be a pampered cat.
Dea would be a peacock, no doubt
I'm going to go with cat. More innocent and kinda mischievous, overtly confident, but still unsure of some things in life, like a kitten now.

Then becomes more and more chaotic good over the years, does whatever she wants, and bats EVERYONE's vases to the floor. In fact her purpose in life at that point is to confidently bat EVERY VASE TO THE FLOOR.
There's nothing wrong with armor. Even full on power armor would be fine. At the end of the day the only person deciding your hero outfit is you. If you want a big suit of armor and have the means to make it, there's nothing in BNHA that'd prevent you from doing it. Hell, the Support Course's entire purpose is making gadgets for hero work. You'd basically just be the Tony Stark of heroes.
She might, hence the special move thing. It's probably not something she can do at the moment, but with a bit of QEP and some joint training, they might reach that ability
I can see it now! They'd look like some kind of 6 armed(I'm counting Akacha's legs that could probably be changed with bone manipulation), two headed monster :D
There's nothing wrong with armor. Even full on power armor would be fine. At the end of the day the only person deciding your hero outfit is you. If you want a big suit of armor and have the means to make it, there's nothing in BNHA that'd prevent you from doing it. Hell, the Support Course's entire purpose is making gadgets for hero work. You'd basically just be the Tony Stark of heroes.
There's a lot to say to that, and it is highly incorrect in the society of boku no hero academia. I would detail more, but I don't relaly have the time right now...

Edit: besides, I've already talked about it extensively with Tanya
There's a lot to say to that, and it is highly incorrect in the society of boku no hero academia. I would detail more, but I don't relaly have the time right now...

We've seen plenty of heroes in full armor, Iida and his family all wear full armor. They have never said anything about heroes not being allowed to wear armor. That isn't a rule anywhere. We've seen instances where the school limits usage of their costumes I.E. during the tourny arc. But Pro heroes can wear whatever costume they want. I mean hell, Midnight ran around basically nude when she first showed up. Costume restrictions are few and far between in BNHA.

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