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Fandom Boku no Hero: Peace Sign Academia OOC

We've seen plenty of heroes in full armor, Iida and his family all wear full armor. They have never said anything about heroes not being allowed to wear armor. That isn't a rule anywhere. We've seen instances where the school limits usage of their costumes I.E. during the tourny arc. But Pro heroes can wear whatever costume they want. I mean hell, Midnight ran around basically nude when she first showed up. Costume restrictions are few and far between in BNHA.
Again, incorrect. There are several logical restrictions of costumes and you even mentioned one of them. Besides, not only is there by law, but there is also by the sense of what being a hero is, and there are issues with the possibilites of said armor even existing.

I also dare you point out just 1 time when the Iida family's armor helped in the slightest in terms of protection, in fact. Those things are basically glorified paper mache.

Again, i don't have time to be arguing about this now, but here is a short summary of reasons why a power armor IC and OOC is a bad idea:

1. As a hero you are not certified to use everything- you are allowed to use your quirk but beyond that you don't get special licencing. Now, you could obtain this licencing, but it doesn't come by default. We know guns exist, and other weapons but they aren't used. This implies unless a hero needs a gun, they are not permitted one.

2. A hero is about a style unique to them in this world. That makes them markeatable , an essential aspect of their bread and butter. Inspiring hope is also an important task of beign a hero. both of these are hindered when the power you display is one made from machinery, things that could be used by anyone.

3. The technology of boku no hero is BELOW OUR OWN. Their technological progress basically stopped with the exception of a few gifted people.

4. There are regulations to costumes as we see in midnight not being allowed to actually go naked, but being forced to cover her skin. The armor worn by the majority of heroes is also usually innefective. Again, there are several implied laws.

5. Now getting to the OOC, such advanced technology would be a hugely unfair advantage AND break the point of the support course and the QEP/money systems.
Again, incorrect. There are several logical restrictions of costumes and you even mentioned one of them. Besides, not only is there by law, but there is also by the sense of what being a hero is, and there are issues with the possibilites of said armor even existing.

I also dare you point out just 1 time when the Iida family's armor helped in the slightest in terms of protection, in fact. Those things are basically glorified paper mache.

Again, i don't have time to be arguing about this now, but here is a short summary of reasons why a power armor IC and OOC is a bad idea:

1. As a hero you are not certified to use everything- you are allowed to use your quirk but beyond that you don't get special licencing. Now, you could obtain this licencing, but it doesn't come by default. We know guns exist, and other weapons but they aren't used. This implies unless a hero needs a gun, they are not permitted one.

2. A hero is about a style unique to them in this world. That makes them markeatable , an essential aspect of their bread and butter. Inspiring hope is also an important task of beign a hero. both of these are hindered when the power you display is one made from machinery, things that could be used by anyone.

3. The technology of boku no hero is BELOW OUR OWN. Their technological progress basically stopped with the exception of a few gifted people.

4. There are regulations to costumes as we see in midnight not being allowed to actually go naked, but being forced to cover her skin. The armor worn by the majority of heroes is also usually innefective. Again, there are several implied laws.

5. Now getting to the OOC, such advanced technology would be a hugely unfair advantage AND break the point of the support course and the QEP/money systems.

Whether an armor works or not doesn't change the fact that they wear armor. Soldiers in real life wear armor but they're basically paper mache to armor piercing bullets. Doesn't mean they aren't wearing armor though.

1: The support course specifically makes non-quirk gadgets to facilitate heroes. Nowhere is it even remotely suggested you require a separate license to make use of these. I mean Hatsume's entire appearance in the sports festival was just to advertise her gear to pro heroes. I highly doubt they all had separate licenses, unless said licenses are easy to get.

2: Iron Man is an exceptionally famous and popular super hero. As is Batman. Flying around in power armor is just as marketable as running around in spandex with your underwear on the outside.

3: Tell that to Hatsume flying around with jetpacks, hover boots, and grapple hooks. Beyond the obvious though I don't think I've seen any technology in real life that isn't present in BNHA. They have smartphones, computers, the internet, tv, cars, guns, in what way is their technology behind ours?

4: Not being able to run around nude is the only law we know of regarding hero costumes and it was made SPECIFICALLY because of Midnight. We've seen plenty of other heroes running around with armor and/or gadgets, such as Air Jet's jetpack, Thirteens space suit, Power Loader's mech suit, Team Tenya's suits of armor. There's already plenty of examples of heroes wearing armor and using gadgets outside of their quirks.

5: The only "advanced technology" would be some Iron Man suit. Having a suit of armor wouldn't be anymore unfair than Bakugo having his costume enhance and empower his explosive damage, or Yuga's costume allowing him to direct his laser from multiple points on his body. Costumes are suppose to enhance your quirk and make you stronger. The only heroes that don't do this are heroes who don't need to or can't enhance their quirk.
2: Iron Man is an exceptionally famous and popular super hero. As is Batman. Flying around in power armor is just as marketable as running around in spandex with your underwear on the outside.
in a world where those things are impossible, yeah.

And look... I am not having this discussion AGAIN. If you came for power armors, leave. BnHA is not the universe for that.

1: The support course specifically makes non-quirk gadgets to facilitate heroes. Nowhere is it even remotely suggested you require a separate license to make use of these. I mean Hatsume's entire appearance in the sports festival was just to advertise her gear to pro heroes. I highly doubt they all had separate licenses, unless said licenses are easy to get.
No she was advertising her skills to SUPPORT AGENCIES. And yes, it is suggested, in the fact that severla heroes could REALLY used equipment like guns or jets and they don't have them. Only Snipe with the honing quirk has a damm gun. Air Jet is the only one with that jet.

3: Tell that to Hatsume flying around with jetpacks, hover boots, and grapple hooks. Beyond the obvious though I don't think I've seen any technology in real life that isn't present in BNHA. They have smartphones, computers, the internet, tv, cars, guns, in what way is their technology behind ours?
with the exception of a few gifted people.

4: Not being able to run around nude is the only law we know of regarding hero costumes and it was made SPECIFICALLY because of Midnight. We've seen plenty of other heroes running around with armor and/or gadgets, such as Air Jet's jetpack, Thirteens space suit, Power Loader's mech suit, Team Tenya's suits of armor. There's already plenty of examples of heroes wearing armor and using gadgets outside of their quirks.
Power Loader's "suit" is not a suit, that's his quirk. Even if it was a suit, he is a support teacher

IIda's armor are clearly not actually metal. They are more of fashion accessories tha protection.

Midnight's law is an EXAMPLE of somehting that exists and is very prevalent.

5: The only "advanced technology" would be some Iron Man suit. Having a suit of armor wouldn't be anymore unfair than Bakugo having his costume enhance and empower his explosive damage, or Yuga's costume allowing him to direct his laser from multiple points on his body. Costumes are suppose to enhance your quirk and make you stronger. The only heroes that don't do this are heroes who don't need to or can't enhance their quirk.
yes it would because it would be a bias from the system that supports students.
look, this is the fourth time I am ahving this discussion and it is GETTING ON MY NERVES. I will therefore be using my authority as GM here before there are long-term consequences. This "power-suit" thing is not gonna happen. Forget it. end of discussion.
Hey, he's an anime character. Who says he wasn't born like that?
View attachment 356283

Fair point, still though. Once Mitzu finds out about how low Daisuke's ranking was, he'll mostly likely piss himself laughing.

well first i embrace that all i can write is regular life and smut like casual scum.

then i write regular life and smut like casual scum

I can't even do slice of life right, plus I refuse to dip my foot in the wicked cesspool we call Lemon fanfics. The only type of writing I do well is parody and satire which is weird; but whatever. All this coming from somebody who's life goal is too become a LN or mangaka. Glorious
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in a world where those things are impossible, yeah.

And look... I am not having this discussion AGAIN. If you came for power armors, leave. BnHA is not the universe for that.

No she was advertising her skills to SUPPORT AGENCIES. And yes, it is suggested, in the fact that severla heroes could REALLY used equipment like guns or jets and they don't have them. Only Snipe with the honing quirk has a damm gun. Air Jet is the only one with that jet.

Power Loader's "suit" is not a suit, that's his quirk. Even if it was a suit, he is a support teacher

IIda's armor are clearly not actually metal. They are more of fashion accessories tha protection.

Midnight's law is an EXAMPLE of somehting that exists and is very prevalent.

yes it would because it would be a bias from the system that supports students.

I think you're missing a very key point here.

1: Saying "in a world where those things are impossible" when talking about Boku No Hero Academia is a bit... The entire point of BNHA is super heroes become real. Do you believe that if super heroes became real in real life nobody would like Iron Man or Batman style heroes? Because they would. They very much would. But even if they didn't, oh well. Being marketable is up to the hero themselves, if they wanna wear an unmarketable outfit that's their choice.

2: Support agencies that sell to heroes. And this is where I get to you missing a key point. They don't use those things because they don't need/want to. The biggest importance here is making use of your quirk. Why would Endeavor run around with jetboots? Why would All Might use a gun? Without the ability to support these items they're not very beneficial. At the end of the day heroes use what they need to do to do their job, and for most heroes things like jetpacks or guns aren't useful since they can't make use of them properly. It isn't law, it's their own inability to use them.

3: Power Loader's quirk is his fingers being tipped with metallic claws. The mech suit is his costume.

4: When did I say Iida's armor was metal? Most armor isn't metal because it's heavy and you can get more protection with less weight using other materials. There's nothing to suggest they're fashion accessories. They're armor, they protect. Just because they aren't invulnerable to damage doesn't change that. You seem to think armor MUST be metal and MUST be impenetrable or something. Just because the armor can be damaged doesn't mean it isn't armor.

5: Midnight's law is the ONLY example. That's the point. There isn't even a tiny hint that heroes can't use gadgets/armor. In fact quite the opposite, we know for an absolute fact they can SINCE THEY DO. You try to make excuses, but Snipe's quirk being homing doesn't detract from my argument, it supports it. Power Loader being the support course teacher doesn't detract from my point, it supports it. We know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that heroes can use gadgets and armor. We have several named examples of pro heroes using such things in support of their quirks. So to sit there and say they can't when we know first hand they can, and do, is just straight up lying.

6: Yes and? Life isn't fair. In instances where it's about fairness they don't let the students use their costumes. But how are you suppose to raise a generation of heroes if you don't prepare them for actual hero work? When out in the field "fairness" doesn't matter. That's why in the show/manga such restrictions don't exist. When training to be a hero they're trained to actually be a hero, this means using what they need in order to do a job. If PSA doesn't take that approach that's fine, but we haven't been arguing from PSA's perspective. You said SOCIETY, and on that you're simply wrong. So once the students graduate and become proper full heroes they can use whatever costume they want, PSA's rules only extent to PSA after all.
They have smartphones, computers, the internet, tv, cars, guns, in what way is their technology behind ours?
Reminder that we had those before we had state of the art weapon systems.

Furthermore, I have belief that armor encumbers in a BNHA universe more than it helps. As soldiers, we are given armor to protect us against regular bullets and shrapnel, and I can attest to the fact that helmets help deflect as much as a ceramic bowl can. Bulletproof plates weigh about 3kg, 7-8 pounds for the americans, or so and are a HASSLE to carry around, but at least it protects us. In a BNHAverse, you have what, an ACID-SPITTING BABE, ALL MIGHT, GRAVITY GIRL. Armor by any means would be more than a nuisance than it would be help. The only things that armor would protect against would be small arms fire, which is already lacking in this universe, which I doubt has even moved from AK-47s to 74s and are probably still distributing 1911s as law enforcement weapons. You need Snipe's Quirk to do any kind of damage in this universe with guns, just putting it out there. You're always in a melting pot of whateverthefuck the genes will give people, and using guns would, logically, devolve over time unless you had a Quirk that actually went with it.

And as such, armor would also receive less attention. Power armor, maybe, but remember that Iron Man's suit is literally powered by a mini nuclear reactor.
Quick correction, dummy plates meant for training are about 3kg. Actual plates weigh less, about 2 kg/ ~5lbs? But they still restrict you somewhat.
Reminder that we had those before we had state of the art weapon systems.

Furthermore, I have belief that armor encumbers in a BNHA universe more than it helps. As soldiers, we are given armor to protect us against regular bullets and shrapnel, and I can attest to the fact that helmets help deflect as much as a ceramic bowl can. Bulletproof plates weigh about 3kg, 7-8 pounds for the americans, or so and are a HASSLE to carry around, but at least it protects us. In a BNHAverse, you have what, an ACID-SPITTING BABE, ALL MIGHT, GRAVITY GIRL. Armor by any means would be more than a nuisance than it would be help. The only things that armor would protect against would be small arms fire, which is already lacking in this universe, which I doubt has even moved from AK-47s to 74s and are probably still distributing 1911s as law enforcement weapons. You need Snipe's Quirk to do any kind of damage in this universe with guns, just putting it out there. You're always in a melting pot of whateverthefuck the genes will give people, and using guns would, logically, devolve over time unless you had a Quirk that actually went with it.

And as such, armor would also receive less attention. Power armor, maybe, but remember that Iron Man's suit is literally powered by a mini nuclear reactor.

That's why it's done on a per-hero basis. If you don't have a quirk that'd support armor, then using it would be kinda silly. That's the entire point of super heroes. They're all unique, they all represent themselves as they so choose. If a hero wants to wear armor, they wear armor. I imagine Tenya's armor is mostly to protect them from being slapped in the face as they run at high speeds more than to protect against actual attacks.

But ultimately, it's down to the specific hero what they want to do. Which is why some of them wear armor, some of them use gadgets, and some of them just use their quirk. Every hero is different and unique.
LN or mangaka.
Then you dont even need good engrish to get anything done. LN are called LIGHT novels because the language and reading is light, making it easy to understand and follow, and even easier to make a manga/anime out of, interspersed with nice art of waifus.

And manga even better still because all you need to write is dialogue.
I think you're missing a very key point here.

1: Saying "in a world where those things are impossible" when talking about Boku No Hero Academia is a bit... The entire point of BNHA is super heroes become real. Do you believe that if super heroes became real in real life nobody would like Iron Man or Batman style heroes? Because they would. They very much would. But even if they didn't, oh well. Being marketable is up to the hero themselves, if they wanna wear an unmarketable outfit that's their choice.

2: Support agencies that sell to heroes. And this is where I get to you missing a key point. They don't use those things because they don't need/want to. The biggest importance here is making use of your quirk. Why would Endeavor run around with jetboots? Why would All Might use a gun? Without the ability to support these items they're not very beneficial. At the end of the day heroes use what they need to do to do their job, and for most heroes things like jetpacks or guns aren't useful since they can't make use of them properly. It isn't law, it's their own inability to use them.

3: Power Loader's quirk is his fingers being tipped with metallic claws. The mech suit is his costume.

4: When did I say Iida's armor was metal? Most armor isn't metal because it's heavy and you can get more protection with less weight using other materials. There's nothing to suggest they're fashion accessories. They're armor, they protect. Just because they aren't invulnerable to damage doesn't change that. You seem to think armor MUST be metal and MUST be impenetrable or something. Just because the armor can be damaged doesn't mean it isn't armor.

5: Midnight's law is the ONLY example. That's the point. There isn't even a tiny hint that heroes can't use gadgets/armor. In fact quite the opposite, we know for an absolute fact they can SINCE THEY DO. You try to make excuses, but Snipe's quirk being homing doesn't detract from my argument, it supports it. Power Loader being the support course teacher doesn't detract from my point, it supports it. We know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that heroes can use gadgets and armor. We have several named examples of pro heroes using such things in support of their quirks. So to sit there and say they can't when we know first hand they can, and do, is just straight up lying.

6: Yes and? Life isn't fair. In instances where it's about fairness they don't let the students use their costumes. But how are you suppose to raise a generation of heroes if you don't prepare them for actual hero work? When out in the field "fairness" doesn't matter. That's why in the show/manga such restrictions don't exist. When training to be a hero they're trained to actually be a hero, this means using what they need in order to do a job. If PSA doesn't take that approach that's fine, but we haven't been arguing from PSA's perspective. You said SOCIETY, and on that you're simply wrong. So once the students graduate and become proper full heroes they can use whatever costume they want, PSA's rules only extent to PSA after all.
Oh no.
Then you dont even need good engrish to get anything done. LN are called LIGHT novels because the language and reading is light, making it easy to understand and follow, and even easier to make a manga/anime out of, interspersed with nice art of waifus.

And manga even better still because all you need to write is dialogue.
I still feel....obsolete I suppose would be the right word. I just don't think my writing skills are good to write a good LN/Manga; as far as dialogue goes, I feel even MORE unqualified.

It probably feels like I'm just complaining for attention, but it's legitimately frustrating not being as good as you want to be.
That's why it's done on a per-hero basis. If you don't have a quirk that'd support armor, then using it would be kinda silly. That's the entire point of super heroes. They're all unique, they all represent themselves as they so choose. If a hero wants to wear armor, they wear armor. I imagine Tenya's armor is mostly to protect them from being slapped in the face as they run at high speeds more than to protect against actual attacks.

But ultimately, it's down to the specific hero what they want to do. Which is why some of them wear armor, some of them use gadgets, and some of them just use their quirk. Every hero is different and unique.
Understandable, but Idea has already mentioned more than thrice now that power armor is off limits, and I also understand that due to it being an easily exploitable feature. Small-arms fire defense capability, being able to fit a sizeable arsenal, AND packs good physical strength, all at the hands of a 'weak' character. While yes, the character is subject to things like 'oooh, im weak without my armor oh no'.

As for regular armor, well, i mean if you wanna dress up like

Im all for it, if their quirk was to, i dunno, enhance metal?
Understandable, but Idea has already mentioned more than thrice now that power armor is off limits, and I also understand that due to it being an easily exploitable feature. Small-arms fire defense capability, being able to fit a sizeable arsenal, AND packs good physical strength, all at the hands of a 'weak' character. While yes, the character is subject to things like 'oooh, im weak without my armor oh no'.

As for regular armor, well, i mean if you wanna dress up like

Im all for it, if their quirk was to, i dunno, enhance metal?

Well, that's on Idea then since I never once advocated for power armor. As far as I've seen the closest you get to power armor is Power Loader's mech. I've never seen anything in BNHA to suggest you could build an iron man suit. My argument from the get-go is that there's no law or rule preventing a hero from wearing armor and using equipment. If you want to put on some cool armor, have a jetpack, use a gun, those are all acceptable. Being a batman style hero is perfectly acceptable in BNHA. Being an Iron Man style hero would also be acceptable if the technology permitted. My entire argument with Idea is based around the idea that society outlaws the usage of armor and gadgets, which they simply don't. Not whether power armor specifically is possible given tch limitations. As I said, BNHA has the same tech we do in real life (slightly more advanced in ways). But just as we can't make an iron man suit, neither can they. But that isn't because of society's laws, and that's been my key point the entire time.
I still feel....obsolete I suppose would be the right word. I just don't think my writing skills are good to write a good LN/Manga; as far as dialogue goes, I feel even MORE unqualified.

It probably feels like I'm just complaining for attention, but it's legitimately frustrating not being as good as you want to be.

I never read LNs for good writing or good dialogue, since they seem to be geared for a manga/anime reboot. My dialogue writing often has nuances and small things that people often toss in when they speak, just for a sense of realism, but that is unnecessary in an LN. Most popular LNs are fantastical in nature, and ones set in a realistic world like Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya is not a Stephen King novel either.
Damn, you pulled that up fast.

Anyways, reason I said 'Oh no' was because you've dilberately extended a topic that you were asked to drop. I understand where you're coming from, and how you're just trying to prove a point, but the person you're talking to has said that this is pissing them off.

It's not exactly a good thing to repetitively push people's buttons, especially if they're already upset with the topic. Whether you have a good point or not, you're pushing a button that shouldn't be pressed.
Damn, you pulled that up fast.

Anyways, reason I said 'Oh no' was because you've dilberately extended a topic that you were asked to drop. I understand where you're coming from, and how you're just trying to prove a point, but the person you're talking to has said that this is pissing them off.

It's not exactly a good thing to repetitively push people's buttons, especially if they're already upset with the topic. Whether you have a good point or not, you're pushing a button that shouldn't be pressed.

I was typing up that post while he posted that. So /shrug.

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