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Fandom Boku no Hero: Peace Sign Academia OOC

A mixture of fear and anger stirred in Yuckeroni's chest before moving through the rest of her body. She gripped the window as a roar of people behind her fled the building to escape the menaces....all but her. The shock of seeing her number one hero shot away with ease wouldn't let her budge, not even when the female villain turned to her.

The woman highjacked the camera in the building, seeing Yuckeroni clearly. "Hello, beautiful." She pointed forward to her accomplice who nodded, knowing what was stirring in his girlfriends head. With one clap, a giant blast of sound zoomed forward, right towards Yuckeroni and through the building. Soon, the entire front of the building was down in rubble, including Yuckeroni who's entire bottom half was covered in glass and pipes. That's when the sound of breaking glass came to her ears, the woman standing over her and squatting to meet eye to eye. "Well, well. Looks like we won a prize....I remember you. You're the girl All Might saved, my eyes see all. So tell me, what do you know?" Yuckeroni grew pale with fear, she tried to squirm under the rubble only for a gun to press against her head. "No, no. Spill it before I spill your brains.

Maybe it was the fear she felt from the gun, maybe it was her loyalty to All Might, or maybe it was the anger she felt deep inside from these jerks "RUINING MY DATE!" Yuckeroni grabbed a pipe near her hand before smashing the woman's lens eyes. That's when she realized the flaw of her quirk "AHH! I CAN'T SEE!" The quirk only worked as long as her eyes were intact. Yuckeroni realized what she had done and looked shocked, she had just attacked a woman!

"YOU HURT HER!" The giant man was about to charge when Mocking Bird stopped him in his tracks. "I'll deal with this." The man started to walk towards the rubble, Yuckeroni dropping her weapon before bolting to the back. Even she knew that this wasn't something she could fight and maybe she could find the backdoor.

The man walked through the rubble, the silence coming back to the world. He went all the way to the kitchen, scanning the area for the girl in question before the slight sound of her trembling breath caught his ear. "Ha. You really thought you could just bash in my friends face and get away with it?" Yuckeroni grabbed a frying pan before busting out of the cabinet and attempting to hit him over the head with it. However, Mocking Bird grabbed the pan, throwing her against a oven. "Quirkless people, always trying to be the heroes when in reality, you're nothing. You're the last remanants of a soon dead part of human evolution. So make like the rest of your worthless people and plead for your hero!" He then gave a high pitch whistle that shot forward like a bullet. Yuckeroni jumped to the left, covering her head while turning into a ball. The oven suffered a dent, launching the boiling water that stood on top. It hit the man's eyes, causing him to yell in pain.

Yuckeroni's eyes widened as she soon realized her plan of action. "You're wrong! Unlike you, I don't rely on my quirk to show my strength." The sound and smell of crackling fire soon filled the air along with the dropping of cans and plastic. "So why don't you act like a villain-" The villain's eyes finally adjusted to see all the stoves turned on along with oil covering the floor. "And burn in hell!" Yuckeroni threw the match before shutting the door as a giant boom came from the other side. She slowly slid down the door to catch her breath, the full pain going through her body. It was over....until...."I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" Oh right.

The last thug towered over her, looking down on her while recoiling his fist. Well, this is how she died? At the hands of a boom box head? She kinda accepted her fate, tears falling from her eyes as her life flashed before her eyes. Then one last thought came to mind "All Might." "I AM HERE!" All Might came down from the sky, with one giant opened hand chop, the villain went down with a loud thud. Yuckeroni was picked up in the arms of All Might who took her away, the pain finally making the girl to pass out.

When she woke up, she was home on the coach with her bandages all around her body. Was her date all a dream? She thought that until All Might came in, wearing his tattered clothes while running over. "Oh my god! Are you alright?" Yuckeroni nodded "I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm more worried about you!" Yuckeroni was lying, she was in great pain and would probably feel that in the morning but for now, she couldn't let All Might see it. "I'm a hero, it's my job to save you! I'm spending the night, if you don't mind, just to make sure you're alright. That and I need to recover, that fight took a lot out of me, it took a lot to keep my form while carrying you back." This made Yuckeroni wonder, did he hear her call? Did he force his body just for her? "Well, if we can't be out...why not continue our date?" Crap, she called it a date! Maybe All Might didn't notice. "Alright, so what do you want to do?" Yuckeroni thought about it for sometime before snapping her fingers and running to another room. Soon, she came back with a bottle of whiskey and jenga. "Let's play!"

(Sorry for the wait! And the fact it wasn't as romantic as I promised. The next chapter will be full of shenagins and possibly more ;)

Let's see how our protagonist get after a few drinks. Anyway, God fanfiction to come as well :D)
Dude I'm a fuckin' master at drunken jenga.
This chapter gets a 10/10 from me. Good fight. Yuckeroni just straight up killed a guy and All Might didn't even say anything about that :v Savage
Dude I'm a fuckin' master at drunken jenga.
This chapter gets a 10/10 from me. Good fight. Yuckeroni just straight up killed a guy and All Might didn't even say anything about that :v Savage
i agree, a good 10/10. i love being a badass and spending time with all might ;*

also hey everyone!! i slept so long god

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